Seventy-Sixtba Year EDtTED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD TN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Letters: City Can't Babysit for Students Where Opinions Are Pree. 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, Mic. Truth Will Prevail NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. 'SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: CLARENCE FANTO Finding A Method Vi DiVine Anarehy THE OUTGOING girl seniors cried enough to offer not only in-depth cov- and the outgoing boys kept a stiff erage on breaking issues, but also space upper lip, and the 76th editorial and for a wide variety of topics to be cov- sports staffs of The Michigan Daily ered in a wide variety of ways, by a took their positions today, bright-eyed wide variety of people. Syndicated car- and ready to spend the most beautiful toons and columnists offer comment day of the year inside the Daily build- on the general state of the world. Sen- ing. or editors offer their pieces of bril- Why? One new senior has a hangover liance in regular columns on anything aiid couldn't tell you for sure. The oth- they feel justified in writing about, and ers are sober but probably couldn't village humorists do their best to be do much better. But I am here to at- funny. tempt to explain the editorial page, its This year we hope to expand inter- purpose, its hopes, its policies. est in the page by re-introducing a The purpose of. the editorial page is series of articles written 'by faculty first to provide individual views on the members who have struck the fancy of complex issues which face us both our staffers. We also hope, going on the within the University and on the world theory that a picture is worth a thou- scene. The Daily is unequalled for sand words and that people would depth and breadth of coverage on cam- rather look at pictures than read, to pus issues, and It is the purpose of the use a few editorial cartoons dealing editorial page to provide explanation with campus issues and personalities. and opinion by Daily staffers on those issues. PART OF THE PAGE will be devoted The left-side of the page is generally increasingly to a more microcosmic devoted to comment on breaking news, view of the various little bits and pieces usually written by staffers who are that combine to form the big world we covering the respective topics as re- all hear about so often. porters,: An editorial page must be interesting HE EDITORIALS are signed by theand varied. If you don't want to readi it THEESbecause it's dull, then we have failed. Individual writers. There is no edi- If you don't want to read it because torial "policy" as such, except anarchy you disagree with it, then you have -anybody can say what he wants. failed, miserably. If you don't like what Opinions expressed are those of the in- ourwriters have to say, then write a dividual writers, not The Daily. letter. Or better still, come join the The right-side of the page also is staff. The free market of ideological devoted to "breaking ,news" coverage, exchange is always looking for new but is orientated to a longer, featurish competitors. type coverage, which allows for more background and a long-range view. --HARVEY WASSERMAN The right-side of the page is large Acting Editorial Director To the Editor: IT IS FIRST appropriate to com- pliment the Michigan Daily on an adequate and proper portrayal of my political philosophy and summation of the issues in the City Council election race. Except for the first couple of paragraphs, which were garbled in the Feb- ruary 4th Daily issue, the lead article was quite accurate. Gen- erally speaking, the job of re- porting in this instance was ac- ceptable. With regard to your editorial on the following day, however, it would be impossible to make the same statement. As a minimal ef- fort toward proper representation, it seems necessary at this time to make some additional comments on what was otherwise a rather extreme bit of editorialization. It is incorrect to say that the proper role for City Council is a total neglect or rejection of all elements of student life. Just as it is im- proper to treat the student body group in some less than equal fashion, it would also be improper to place them on some type of special pedestal as far as their relationship to Ann Arbor city government. The deduction that there is to be "legislation safeguarding build- ing quality" is, of course, erron- eous, but the building code that is applied to other buildings in Ann Arbor should equally apply to buildings which are partially rent- ed to student groups. The students should gain no special place as far as distinctive safeguards in this area. I do not believe that it is the job of City Council to ac- tively handle grievances against landlords or merchants. Mer- chants who abuse their relation- ship with students will obviously lose the patronage that they so actively seek. Landlords have spe- cial agreements with the Univer- sity which do not cross through City Council manipulations. That I would "place total re- sponsibility for safeguarding stu- dent interest in the hands of the University" is a rather notable over simplification. Such services as the Fire Department and Police Department are financially made available as the result of a mutual City-University support. ANY HOUSING that is sub- standard in Ann Arbor should be penalized by whatever proper means are available whenever it falls below the basic housing code for that type of structure. I don't think we need new legislation in this area; we simply need to en- force the regulations already in effect. The fact that a given house is occupied by a student should place it on no special list any more than it should be occupied by a secretary, resident physician, or school teacher. Students simply should not enjoy any special privileges in this area either. The picture of building develop- ers gluing "together 30 stories of shabby housing" is once again a rather grotesque display of flight from facts. I am personally un- aware of any 30 stories of housing being glued together in this area. The suggestion that students are thus being forced to live in new slums of 30 stories of glue is quite apart from the local scene. I have been far more impressed with the buildings oftarchitects and de- velopers in this area than I have with certain of the community activities of many student groups that have made themselves quite vocal over recent years. With regard to student traffic congestion, the University and City have worked in the past and I am sure will work in the future through the Police Department to insure an orderly traffic system. This is as it should be. With re- gard to driving permits and auto- mobile permits, this is up to the University and I think they should exercise this particular area with some degree of discretion. Regardless of how bitter a pill it may be for the exuberant ideal- ist to swallow, I think it should be a rather obvious fact that these aspects of Ann Arbor city plan- ning and development should pri- marily be left in the hands of more or less permanent residents who not only must ultimately foot the bill for such projected think- ing, but also live with the con- sequences. The belief that a size- ably primarily transient group should preoccupy itself with a major portion of this burden is unrealistic when we finally reach the area of responsibility for such action. LASTLY, and perhaps most im- portant, in my interview with the Daily I tried to repeatedly em- phasize that the primary agent or the responsibility of student welfare and housing is the Univer- sity and this is not the primary area of responsibility for City Council. The residents of Ann Arbor are not responsible to pro- vide bed and board for those persons who choose the University of Michigan for their higher areas of education. The City of Ann Arbor does not preoccupy itself with providing my bed and board. Now if the students wish the City Council to be preoccupied in this area, and perhaps give special privileges to the student body which are not enjoyed by the other segments of the city popu- lation, then it should be only proper that those who burden the financialcost of such an operation should also have the opportunity of controlling what is done with such facilities. Now, if there are students that demand that the City Council providethem withr aplace to eat and sleep and preoccupy itself with this area of endeavor as a primary duty, then it is only right that the City Council should also tell students when they should be in off the streets and possibly, if necessary, tuck them in at night and read them a bedtime story. I just simply cannot believe that this is the wish of any sizeable segment of a student body popu- lation. On the positive side, if the pres- ent City Council would spend less time in legislating into the per- sonal affairs of its citizens and spend more time looking' after the business affairs of the city, then, just possibly, a rational and pro- ductive zoning law could be given to the City of Ann Arbor. This zoning law would promote high rise apartments in the inner city area and these, of course, could be available to the student body group which desired such dwel- lings. Liberal Council members at present, however, are pushing for a zoning law that would have exactly the opposite result and would tend to promote marginal, substandard and ultimately slum dwellings in the inner city area. With a little less Utopian type planning and a little bit more free enterprise in this area, I think both the community and students would benefit. THE MICHIGAN DAILY has long been noted as an active organ for the projection of left-wing philosophy. It is impossible for me to remember a single conservative editorial viewpoint but, then again, I haven't read them all and it is possible that over the past two or three decades, one may have been written. It is 'very tragic that placing the editorial policy of the Michigan Daily alongside the edi- torial policy of the Worker, one would be hard pressed to tell a significant and consistent dif- ference. I therefore consider it one of the crowning achievements of my campaign to have gained the negative endorsement of the Michigan Daily. The day I receive a positive en- dorsement,- will bej a day marked by a rapid re-examination of al stated principles to find out where I must have gone off the track. It seems that the editorial policy of the Michigan Daily is a joke, and every joke seems to become the editorial policy. Most fortunately, however, I do not believe the Michigan Daily represents the in- ner conviction of the vast major- ity of students here at the Univer- sity of Michigan. This is a tribute to the students of the University' of Michigan but I nevertheless, think it is of a marginal disgrace that a student newspaper does not more closely reflect the main'- stream of thought. Any newspaper that would carry the full page statement urging the girl students to withhold their knowledge on exam situations in an effort to protect those asexual. hypo-virile creatures in our midst -any newspaper that would take this stand is obviously in a dif- ferent camp from my candidacy. -Lawrence P. MacDonald. M.D. * 'Free Press' To the Editor: IN HIS LETTER of Feb. 12, 1966, Mr. Steven Schwartz, GROUP member of Student Government Council, showed a shocking con- tempt for freedom of the press. OFFSET should not be censured by SGC or denied the privileges that other student organizations obtain from SGC simply because it utilized its editorial right of en- dorsing a candidate for SGC that Mr. Schwartz did not happen to agree with. It is common knowledge on Council that because of his ex- perience. enthusiasm, maturity and prudence, Bob Bodkin is the most qualified potential candidate for SGC president in this winter term's election Mr. Schwartz's comments notwithstanding, Bob is held in the highest esteem by all members of SGC. Hopefully, theother GROUP members will not reach the same depths that Mr. Schwartz has done in order to pick up a few more measely votes. -Lee Hornberger, '66 President, Inter-Quadrangle Council Ban Senators? To the Editor: WE HEARD today that the State Senate has just asked the presidents of the universities of Michigan to ban communist speakers on their campuses. Wepraise this idea and suggest further that state senators be banned as well. -James A. Martin, Grad -Charles A. Adainek, '66 N TODAY AND TOMORROW: Honolulu- Looking for Total War Friday's Regents Meeting: Making Progress By WALTER LIPPMANN THE DECLARATION from Hon- olulu consists of a web of ringing generalities about the hopes, the good intentions, the high-minded purposes of the Johnson administration and the Ky government. What it all means concretely and in practice has to be inferred. If the inferences that are drawn are wrong, as I devoutly hope they are, the fault lies with the calcu- lated opaqueness of the document. I read it as a refusal by the President to put limits on our war aims and on our military commitments in Viet Nam. The declaration is tantamount to the rejection of a negotiated peace be- tween Gen. Nguyen Cao Ky and his adversaries in the Viet Cong and in North Viet Nam. We are committed to win the war and to defeat and liquidate the enemy forces and then to re- construct the country as it is re- gained for the Saigon government. THE INDISPENSABLE condi- tion of a negotiated peace-that there be negotiation with the enemy in the field-was loudly re- jected in a press conference at Honolulu by Gen. Ky without any noticeable reservations by the President. The big objective which the words of the document declare is a total victory for Gen. Ky. To accomplish this enormous objec- tive, very large forces will be needed. The declaration must, therefore, be read as a commit- ment of American forces limited not by considerations of policy, but only by our ability to break the logistical bottlenecks which hold down the number of troops we can land and support. If these are not the political and military decisions on which the Honolulu conference agreed, no IF THE REGENTS are really concerned about the welfare of this University, their best decision would be to continue functioning as they did at their meet- ing Friday. In a surprising reversal of form the Regents gave two substantive indications that they are responsive to student de- mands and willing to dig in and publicly debate key University issues. The big surprise was the Regents' de- cision to establish a student committee of 10 members to "suggest future Univer- sity needs and names of candidates," for the presidency. Equally encouraging was a verbal battle between Vice-President for Business and Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont and Regent Carl Brablec over the issue of recogniz- ing university employes' unions. THE DECISION on student participation is significant in two ways. According to Logan Wilson, president of the Ameri- can Council on Education, no major u'ni- versity has ever allowed its student body a significant role in the selection of a president. Hence Friday's decision clearly estab. lishes that the University can be respon- sive to student opinion. In addition, when one recalls that a mere three weeks ago the Regents grace- lessly ignored the desires of 13,000 stu- dents on the bookstore issue, the decision is especially encouraging. It would, of course, be unwise to be overly optimistic about the impact the student committee will have since the presidential decision is made by the Re- gents. But if Graduate Student Council and Student Government Council select competent people, who in turn make wise use of their position, the student voice will be difficult to ignore. A1- 3till*Butt Acting Editorial Staff MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH, Editor BRUCE WASSERSTEIN, Executive Editor I.' ,.A '*'Tt'1P iA '.VP ,. A IA ".Ff AN THE OTHER SURPRISE at the meeting was Regent Brablec's support for the recognition of labor unions as official bar- gaining units for university employes. The interchange between Brablec and Vice-President Pierpont on this issue was a sharp contrast to the sickeningly polite atmosphere that normally pervades pub- lic Regents' meetings. The University is currently contesting State Public Act 379, which would force recognition of unions as bargaining agents, claiming that it would infringe upon University autonomy. Vice-President Pierpont cited payroll checkoff of union dues and union repre- sentatives given the right to help em- ployes with complaints on working con- ditions as examples of the University's positive policy toward unions. "Yes," replied Brablec, "but what we do not have is the democratic principle of collective bargaining .. .the law (Act 379) is no more of a threat to University au- tonomy than the Social Security Act or universal military service act." AS FOR THE SUBSTANTIVE issues in- volved here, reason would seem to be on the side of Regent Brablec and Regent Irene Murphy who shares his views. Regardless of who is right the conflict between Vice-President Pierpont and Re- gent Brablec illustrated that frank and open debate of crucial university issues is possible and advantageous. Hopefully other members of the Board of Regents will follow suit and begin to raise questions on the multitude of mat- ters that have gone unexamined far too long. U.S., USSR Draw Closer By SUSAN SCHNEPP AMERICAN democracy and Rus- sian Communism are general- ly thought, at least in the Unit- ed States, to stand at the oppo- site ends of the world's socio-poli- tical spectrum ,and to embody what is unequivocably "good" and unequivocably "bad" in the world. But recent events in both coun- tries suggest that one should stand back and re-examine these "truths" which have been taken for granted for so long. A few days ago two Soviet. writers were brought before the Supreme Court of the Russian Re- public on criminal charges of slan- dering Soviet Communism in lit- erary manuscripts smuggled to the West for publication. According to the government newspaper, Iz- vestia, Yuli Daniel and Andrei Sinyavsky published, under pseu- donyms, cynical portraits of hu- man deprivation under the ban- ner of Communist society. They are now being tried for violating Article 70 of the Rus- sian Republic's Criminal Code which provides for a prison sen- tence for "agitation or propagan- da conducted for the purpose of undermining and weakening So- viet power . . . the dissemination with the sane intent of slander- ous material besmirching the So- viet state and social system." This type of literary trial is without precedent in recent Rus- sian history, where the issue is the specific political effect of what a man has written. Soviet youth have not remained silent on the trial. It was report- ed that about 30 young people, many of them students of Mr., Sinyavsky while ,he taught at the Institute of World Literature, pac- ed the sidewalk outside the court- house and openly expressed their sympathies for the professor. Nor is this the first time that Soviet youths have made them- selves heard concerning current events and life in the Soviet Un- ion. An organization of young in- tellectuals called SMOG (the ini- tials stand for the Russian words for "audacity, thought, image and intensity") is' reported to have staged demonstrations in Moscow calling for freedom of speech, as in April 1965, where the demon- strators were arrested, but later released. They also demonstrated last December for an open trial for Daniel and Sinyavsky. Turning to the U.S., we find that three men who recently re- turned from a private trip to Viet Nam have been widely criticized by government officials and private groups for their trip and subse- quent reports on it. Staughton Lynd, a Yale history professor and .one of three who made the trip, has just had his passport re- voked. Herbert Aptheker, another of the three, in just the past few days met with violent opposition from private organizations and even the state Legislature for his appearance at Wayne State Uni- versity. Here again the issue is the political effect of what a man has said or done. It is not necessary to detail here the activities of student groups who are concerned about the political and social life in America and have done more than sit idly by and watch. In the U.S., too, demonstrators are arrested, and, as in the recent draft board case, now face military service without a jury decision or legal counsel. It seems that a pattern is be- ginning to emerge. Whether it is the Russian Supreme Court or the Michigan Legislature matters lit- tle because their objectives are the same-to censor individuals who criticize their government's policy and activities. Freedom of speech is another issue, and in both countries the law appears to react to demonstrations in much the same way. After the World Wars and dur- ing the McCarthy era of the 1950's many Americans were publically time should be lost in making clear to our people what, in fact, the commitments are. As it happened, on the day the Honolulu declaration was issued, Gen. James Gavin was testifying before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. As a result of his testimony, the central issue in the whole great controversy can now be seen. It is whether we are fighting a limited or an un- limited war in Viet Nam. THE GAVIN POSITION, as it emerged from the questioning by the senators, is that our strategic planning and our diplomatic ob- jectives should be tailored to the fact that we cannot-because of our other responsibilities around the world-commit an unlimited force to. the war in South Viet Nam. Gen. Gavin made it clear enough that we cannot withdraw until after there is a political settle- ment and that we should not es- calate much beyond the force al- ready committed. If this is the limitation on the kind of war we can fight, it follows that our strategic purpose will to be to hold fast in the areas we already occupy and which are within reach of our sea power. THIS IS NOT a strategical plan for winning the war. It is a stra- tegical plan for not losing the war dishonorably and unnecessar- ily. Those of us who support this strategical principle are convinced that a war on the Asian mainland cannot be won by a white Western power. For 20 years this belief has been tested on the battlefields of Indochina, and there is no reason to think that we are in sight of the objectives once again reiterat- ed in the Honolulu declaration. The most serious criticism that has been made of the proposed holding strategy is that the Amer- ican forces are not able to hold and make secure enclaves in South Viet Nam. No doubt it would be difficult to do so. But to admit that the military forces of the United States are not powerful enough to do this is a radical and spectacular admission that American military power is very feeble indeed on the Asian mainland. IF WHAT we decided to hold were an island, it could be pro- tected as effectively as Formosa or even the islands of Quemoy and Matsu. If our Gibraltar were on a peninsula like Korea, or on an isthmus like the Kra, the strong- hold could be made secure. The serious defect of the en- clave strategy is that it attempts to hold territory which is not an island, a peninsula or an isthmus, but is rather on the continent of Asia. It would, therefore, be subject to inftiltration and to siege. But the total opponents of the holding strategy are left with the alterna- tive of fighting an unlimited land war on the continent. These are difficult matters, and nobody involved in the argument has any claim to infallibility. For myself, I agree with Gen. Gavin that we should adopt the strategy of a strictly limited war. ' WHILE IT IS TRUE, as the Washington Post said on Wednes- day, "that there is no easy, pain- less, costless alternative" to our present course in Southeast Asia, there may be, and it is our duty to search for, a wiser one. (c), 1966, The washington Post Co. 4 4 * Schutze:NewSchool Aptheker Why Bother? IT IS NO SECRET that Friday's clash was viewed with embarrassment by an administration that prefers to leave its dirty linen unwashed. The administra- tion apparently believes that conflict at a public Regents' meeting is injurious to the University's image. It is difficult to understand how the reigning powers of this university can ac- tually worry about bad publicity over a public debate, when the very matter being debated has successfully alienated the or- , ni sai n n _mn +ra ao lrr in"fn By DAN SPITZER PRIOR TO LISTENING to Her- bert Aptheker speak, I believed that what I was probably about to hear would probably coincide with my opinion on the Viet Nam con- flict. What I heard instead were a conglomeration of perversions, "rationalizations," and circum- ventions. a sham? I believe that our press is biased and deceitful, but never to that unrealistic extreme. When asked a question concern- ing free speech in the Soviet Un- ion, Aptheker circumvented the question and used his considerable. powers of rationalization in point- ing out instead, U.S. weaknesses. He sounded much like Governor Wallace "rationalizing" and jus- tifying segregation by drawing at- tention to comparatively trivial incidents in the North. North Carolina was absurd to refuse to let Aptheker speak. Any- one with some minute degree of A CALIFORNIA GROUP which calls itself United Divorce Re- form, Inc., is currently carrying' on a nationwide campaign urging the establishment of a Depart- ment of Family Relations under each state government. Part of their proposal calls for prerequi- site courses in Pre-Marital Train- ing to be taken by all public high school juniors. Imagine, if you can, a typical class session. "Today," Pre-Marital Training Coach Phyllis A. Nullement be- gins, "we will take up the gen-, eral principles of Bathroom Shar- ing and their relation to Break- fast Table Conviviality. How many of us know the first principle of Bathroom Sharing? Yes, Freddy?" "Never discuss politics while your mommy won't be getting any. Class, what can Freddy's mommy do now that her husband doesn't have a head anymore? Yes, Wen- dy?" "She can come to the high school and take a course in post- marital training, Miss Nullement." "Yes she can, Wendy. And isn't it marvelous, students, that so many of our little personal diffi- culties can be cleared up with the proper public instruction? "To return to our own prob- lems, however, we are fast ap- proaching the final examination and a few of you have neglected to get married yet. I must re- mind you that you will not be pro- moted to the Senior class until this has been taken care of. Any One might say, what did you expect from a Communist? I had previously thought of Aptheker as a Marxist and I do draw a great distinction between Marxists and "Mao-Stalin perversionists." I