SUMMER PROGRAM: LIMITED APPEAL See-Editorial Page 4i6r :43 a it CALMER High-50 Low-35 Decreasing cloudiness, southwesterly winds Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. IXXVI, No. 115 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1966 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES What's New At 764-1817 IQC-Assembly Vote 42-8 for Hotline In a marathon session ending early this morning, SGC voted to raise the budget of its Student Housing Association $500 to defray additional expesses of its voter registration drive. The SHA will now operate on a semester budget of $1000, $750 of which will be used to print, mail and follow up 13,000 letters to University graduate students, encouraging them to register for city elections. The letter contends that if 2000 or more students register and vote then "the current power structure in Ann Arbor will have to listen to the housing needs of students." Included also is a provision for public interviews with City Council candidates and a correspondence with students on the results of these talks. University officials have reiterated that male students must successfully complete 30 hours of course work during the period from September 1, 1965 to August 31, 1966 to remain eligible for 2-S deferments. Draft 'boards in Birmingham and Battle Creek have recently written University students taking 14 hours to determine if they will meet the requirement University counselors now engaged in pre-registration are recommending that all ien take 15 hours of course work each semester. However University Selective Service Counselor Thomas Clark explained that students attending summer school may take a lighter load during the fall and winter terms without risking loss of their 2-S deferments. Clark explained that a student could take 6 hours of summer course work and 12 hours during the fall and winter terms. He suggested that students planning this type of schedule contact his office. The University will then notify the local draft board to avert any possible misunderstanding. * The State Board of Education is continuing meetings on the future of the University's Flint branch with a Flint citizens com- mittee, despite doubt over the success of the talks. Charles Orlebeke, who represents Gov. George'Romney on the board expressed doubt that anything canrbe accomplished "by rushing into meetings during the next two or three weeks." Board member Leon Fill said the Board "had no business negotiating with this committee; we should negotiate with the Flint Board of Education." The citizens group was appointed by Flint legislators to encourage continued operation of the University branch in de- fiance of a state board recommendation that the branch be converted into a four-year state college with an autonomous governing board. * * * * Ronald Miller, '68, one of the anti-Viet Nam protestors who were arrested last October for their sit in, was sentenced yesterday to 14 days in jail. Miller was one of the seven protestors who pleaded guilty before Washtenaw County Circuit Judge James R. Breakey Jr. Miller will serve his sentence on the weekends. The graduate school may establish a new degree between the masters level and the doctorate. According to Dean Steven Spurr, the degree would be awarded to students who have completed all work towards a Ph.D. except for the doctroal thesis. "This is already a clearly defined point in the doctoral pro- gram," Spurr said. "Many students never get beyond this point and a new degree here would recognize their completion of a course of study beyond the masters level. Student opinion on the proposed degree is currently being sounded out through Graduate Student Council. Spurr said that nothing formal has yet been done, but that if reaction is gen- erally favorable, he expects to discuss the proposed plan at an April conference of the Committee for Institutional Co-operation, an organization of Big Ten schools and the University of Chicago. Long Distance Michigan State University President John A. Hannah said yesterday the report that MSU is planning to establish a law school and has selected a dean to head it up is not true. Two weeks ago the state Senate passed a resolution asking the University of Michigan and Wayne State University to open a branch law school in Lansing for the benefit of lawmakers and state employes. "Our position," said Hannah, "is that if there is going to be a law school here it should be part of our institution." But he said such a venture had a low priority at MSU, which is in the midst of establishing a two-year medical school. ASKS REPRIMAND: Inter HANOI VISITOR: Apihek IEff ort 4 By CHARLOTTE A. WOLTER Herbert Aptheker, historian and Communist theorist, warned last night that "any peace in Viet Nam can only represent surrender unless it includes independence." He spoke before a crowd of 750 persons at Rackham Auditorium. "If the government of North Viet Nam agreed to anything less than independence, the people would not abide by it," he claim- ed. Late last night, the state Sen- ate failed to pass a motion which would have called on Wayne State University to bar Aptheker from speaking there today. The mo- tion, introduced by Sen. Raymond Dzendzel (D-Detroit) failed to pass on a tie vote, Aptheker, who has recently re- turned from an unauthorized trip to North Viet Nam, criticized the methods used by the United States' In the conduct of the war, say- ing, "when German armies used such tactics, we'alled them atroc-; ities." He drew several parallels during his speech between the U.S. and Germany under Hitler. Optimistic on Peace However, speaking of the re- cent series of peace moves and his own consultation with North Viet- namese leaders, Aptheker was much more optimistic about chances for ending the war. "Agreements have been offered by the U.S. that go beyond the Geneva Agreements," he said. "The National Liberation Front and the North Vietnamese rec- ognize that they are significant concessions." Aptheker added that the first point of President Johnson's Four- teen Points were essentially in agreement with the views of the. NLF. "If the first of Johnson's points is sincere, then nothing more need be done'," he said. End Aggression He stressed that he thought the NLF and the North Vietna- mese only Wished to end aggres- sion on their own soil, not to de- feat the United States. "The NLF is a broad national coalition representing the overall will of the people," he said. Despite his doubts about the willingness of the United States to accept a Communist govern- ment if it were freely elected, and what he felt to be the dangers of hard-line anti-Communism which "destroyed Germany and destroyed Japan," Aptheker said, "My journey convinces me that peace is on the way in Viet Nam." "This war is atrocious, intense- ly immoral and against the best interests of this country. We must do what Britain did in Ghana, what France did in Algeria," he concluded. "We must stop the fighting and, then, get out, if we want to make America the bright- - -. House Assembly er Asks 'Honest on Peace Issue est beacon of decency, equality and peace." Protest at Wayne Meanwhile, a far right-wing vig- ilante group is reported-to be mo- bilizing at Wayne State Univer- sity to disrupt a meeting featur- ing Aptheker. Don Lobsinger, head of the group known as Breakthrough, said he and other members of the organization will go to the meet- ings with the intention of "dis- rupting them." Breakthrough has been distrib- uting a leaflet on the Wayne State campus calling for a "hall full of angry and indignant Americans to give Comrade Aptheker a recep- tion a traitor deserves." Demonstrate at Lecture The leaflet campaign is to cul- minate in a demonstration on the campus this morning. Aptheker is slated to speak there this after- noon. Dr. J. Don Marsh, associate dean of students at Wayne State, told of phone calls to university officials protesting the scheduled Aptheker appearance. Wayne policy is to impose no censorship on speakers as long as they are sponsored by recognized student groupswho apply correct- ly to bring, the speaker on cam- pus and as long as the speakers do not urge or advocate viola- tions of the state or federal laws. Marsh said he hopes those at- tending Aptheker's talk at Wayne will conduct themselves properly, but if they do not "the university will take some action." isPEAKING BEFORE 750 students at Rackham Aud. Herbert Aptheker criticized the United States' cond Viet Nam war. He compared the U.S. to Germany unde IFC ELECTIONS: New President Seeks Adaptati To Intensified Academic Stres, Merger SGC Must SRecognie Organization Schedule Election Of IHA Officers For February 21 By ROBERT BENDELOW Inter-Quadrangle Council and Assembly Association merged into Inter House' Assembly last night. The vote of the houses of the two organizations was: 42 for the merger, 8 against it, with 5 houses not voting. The merger has to be approved by Student Government Council. It is expected that SGC will ap- prove it at its next meeting. Speculation prior to the ratifi- cation meeting had been that the plan might have been defeated by the women's houses. last night, After the meeting, Georgia Ber- ucet of the land, '67, president of Assembly rctHitleh. commented: "I think that the r Hitler. houses made a very wise decision tonight and that they created an organization with a very wide po- tential. IHA now only has to fulfill its possibilities." She added that she saw the merger as "inevitable" ifthe dorms were . to have an o n effectivegovernment, especially in iewof the increase in co-ed dorms, David Moomy, '67, president of South Quadrangle, was named by the presidents assembly as chair- man pro-tempore of IHA. The election of the first set of officers, ernity submit the president and executive vice- ram and that president will be held at the next ablishment of meeting, Feb. 21. Petitions for the rograms. He two offices are being accepted. ilsory reading Following that, petitions for the am for all remaining ten positions open on class partici- the executive board wil be con- service pro- sidered, and the positions filled on March 7. o attempt to Lee Hornberger, '66, IQC presi- ek on campus dent, told the Daily that, "The y orientated house presidents have given this include IFC new organization a tremendous it fraternity- vote of confidence. If this en- banquet, . a thusiasm'and confidence is eon- ervice project tinued into the future, IA will be FC sponsored able to serve the houses in a wide rogram. variety of areas." , Van House's Hornberger saw a pressing job ansion of the for IHA. He said, "Its first major ms begun last endeavor will almost certaily be creased corn- in an area which both QC and nts of incom- Assembly have been in before- ater publicity room and board rate increases. IHA will need the active support of all the house presidents and imination - residence hall members." lank in Van rIsA, as outlined in Its constitu- "the elemina- tion, will have a government di- riers of race, vided into two parts, the smaller nal origin or subordinate to the larger. It is hip selection." composed of the following: osals in the -A presidents council that will s include in- be composed of 55 members. Nor- r of scholar- mally, the president of a house is ensifying aca- the houses representative on the for them. He council. However in cases where e large scho- the size of the house is much an incoming larger or smaller than normal on academic representation has been increased eed, the only or decreased. Couzens and Stock- hat the recip- well will each have two people affiliated. He on the presidents council, and Ox- for increased ford housing will be given three nities for fi- members, one from each of the member fra- three types of housing. In addi- rom IFC. See INTER, Page 8 By LAURENCE MEDOW Richard E. Van House, '67, new- ly elected president of Interfra- ternity Council, emphasized last night that fraternities must adapt to the intensified academic atmos- phere at the University. To this end, he proposed the formation of an academic and cultural relations committee with- in the administrative wing of IFC. In other election results an- nounced last night, Douglas Dunn, '67E, won the executive vice-presi- dency while Fred Feldkamp, '68, received the post of administrative vice-president. Other Concerns In accepting his election as president, Van House cited three other major areas which his ad- ministration intends to concen- trate on: -Unity. The fraternity system must move in the direction of solidification and take the view that one fraternity's problems is the problem of fraternities in general. -Services for people outside the system. Van House proposes com- munity service projects, scholar- ships for incoming freshmen, a campus lecture series and a Greek week which would include a writ- er-in-residence. System Expansion -Expansion. Without system expansion and the establishment of new chapters, the fraternity system cannot hope to go far be- yond the present total of 2900 affiliated men. The system must attract new chapters or be drown- ed in a sea of numbers as enroll- ment grows. Van House succeeds Richard A. Hoppe, '66, as IFC president. In his final report to fraternity presi- dents last night Hoppe discussed other problems facing the frater- nity system. "House presidents must take a system perspective beyond immed- iate, short-term benefits for their individual houses, better alumni relations must be developed and fraternities must make a greater contribution to the academic com- munity if they are to survive," Hoppe said. Fraternities must also improve their conduct, Hoppe con- tinued. "Socialfunctions pledge programs, and help weeks contra- dict the ideals with which fraterni- ties sell themselves," he asid. Written Program Van House advocates a require- ment that each frat a written pledge prog IFC work for the esto educational pledge p also suggests a compu improvement progre pledges, and pledge pation in comunity jects. Van House will als reestablish Greek We on an intellectuall basis. Events would Sing, the traditions sorority presidents Greek community se and possibly an IF writer-in-residence p In the area of rush platform calls for exp summer rush prograr summer as well as in munication with pare ing freshmen and gre of fraternities. Eliminate Discri Another basic p1; House's platform is. tion of artificial bar color, religion, natio ancestry in members Van House's prop area of 4cholarships creasing the numbe ships offered and intE demic competition f suggests offering on larsliip annually to freshman based c achievement and n requirement being th ient's father wasE also cited a need: publicity of opportu nancial aid within ternities as well as fr Saltons tall Outlines GOP Plans By MARK LEVIN TV Editorial Lashes Daily Ad f { {}i t By CLARENCE FANTO An editorial broadcast Wednes- day night by a Detroit television station called on the University to "reprimand" The Daily for pub- lishing an anonymous advertise- ment of "scurrilous" character., The advertisement, which ap- )eared in Sunday's Daily, asked female students to sacrifice their academic averages to allow more males to enter the upper half of their class. The ad stated that "recognition of intellectual devel- opment should not be dependent upon a gradepoint ... and military deferment should not be deter- w6 ~ ~~~. mndbAn*qsannine'" prepared by the Educational Test- ing Service of Princeton, N.J., the same group which gives the Col- lege Board Entrance Examina- tions. Students have the option of taking the test if they do not at- tain the required class standing. The advertisement in The Daily was placed by five male freshmen who identified themselves in the letters-to-the-editor column last Tuesday. "To set the record straight, five boys, working independently, mo- tivated by a love of excitement and a belief that warped standards prevail in the Selective Service nroeedure. collected $168 from lications said last night "the ad appears to have been someone's idea of humor. The humor was perhaps misguided, but I'm certain no one need fear the students will take the proposal seriously." Cooperrider reported that while the ad did not violate any specific rule, the Board and The Daily business staff are considering in- stituting a policy requiring identi- fication of such announcements as paid advertisements. Vice-President for Student Af- fairs Richard L. Cutler last night termed the incident "laughable" although he urged that all adver- tisements in The Daily be identi- f { {}i t l f J f Republicans must capture new offices in this fall's congressional election, not only for the sake of at thriving two-party system, but for the welfare of the nation in general, Sen. Leverett W. Salton- stall (R-Mass) said yesterday. Saltonstall, who will not seek, re-election to the Senate when his present term expires next Janu- ary, addressed a large crowd at the Lincoln Day Republican Dinner in the Michigan Union Ballroom. Saltonstall, ranking Republican' member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, began his speech by giving him firm support to the Johnson administration's policies in Viet Nam. "The road in Viet Warn is not an easy one, nor is it likely to be short," Saltonstall said, "but we must make it together as a united people." Hits Poverty Program Saltonstall continued striking hard 'at the "War on Poverty." He called for a differentiation be- tween what is essential and what is merely desirable-and what is merely politically expedient. Re- publicans want to move forward in the "butter field," ;Saltonstall said, but not a supersonic speed. Saltonstall expressed great op- timism about Republican chances for substantial victories this fall. He warned his audience "that be- cause of President Johnson, a -The teremendous waste in governmental operations, especial- ly in the administration of the "War on Poverty" appropriations. "We care about people," Salton- stall affirmed, "and it is precisely because we do care about them and their progress that we have differed so strongly with the un- sound proposals of the Democratic administration." Pass Viet Nam Appropriations In an interview with The Daily relations committee. "I hardly feel this is in the best interests of our country," he concluded. In response to a question re- garding the reclassification of University students who partici- pated in anti-Viet Nam demon- strations, Saltonstall praised Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, director of the Selective Service Commission, as "undoubtedly the most competent a n d experienced administrator possible." Turning to politics in his home state, Saltonstall expressed opti- mism over the chances of Attorney General Edward Brooke in his bid for a Senate seat. SGC Passes Mtotion Giving Panhel Control of Records By LUCY KENNEDY Student Government Council passed a motion last night allow- ing Panhellenic Association to set up a committee to prevent dis- crimination in membership selec- tion. In other business, SGC defeated a motion for a Community Rela- tions Board and postponed dis- cussion of giving 18-year-olds the vote in state elections. sorority information. The Community Relations Board, proposed by Neal Hollenshead, '67, and Jack Winder, '66, was de- feated as a superfluous and am- biguous committee. The board was to have worked toward the crea- tion of a city-University-Commu- nity Relations Forum which would have promoted communications and cooperation among groups dealing with student problems of mutual concern to both the city and the University. to the idea of student participa- tion in the selection of the next president had been "generally favorable," and that next week SGC hopes to decide what ap- proach to take to the problem. Cunningham said that his talk with President Hatcher was a demonstration of "our student in- terest,* student competence, and a philosophical statement of what we can contribute as students." Cunningham also announced that some sort of a statement SEN. LEVERETT SALTONSTALL preceding his speech, Saltonstall nva-natt +a ho.q-A f -A