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February 09, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-02-09

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See Editorial Page


Sir ua


Cloudy and mild;
scattered showers likely

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
Dzendzel Asks Creation of ew MSU Law
By SHIRLEY ROSICK space at night and probably be school offered different estimates. existence, but that the trend is hours, but can he take more? $150,000 to begin a law school, ulty must be attracted by the
started next year with an initial Joiner said that it would take not to create new ones. "The current feeling is that Neville said that he could not good surrounding of an intellec-
Sen. Raymond Dzendzel (D grant of $150,000. He said that if at least two to three years to be- He said that the American Bar legal education should be pursued commit himself to saying that tually alive community and the
Detroit) has suggested that a new he can convince his Senate col- gin a successful school and that Association and the Association of on a full-time basis if possible. MSU would be willing to find more ability to contribute to society
law school be built at Michigan leagues and the members of the it would be an expensive and time- American Law Schools would That's why we try to offer ade- funds from other areas for the through legal research and writ-
State University. Originally, in a House, the $150,000 could be di- consuming process. From opera- probably not be willing to accredit quate scholarships and loans to school. ing as well as by the promise of
resolution he coauthored, Dzendzel rectly added to the $53.3 million tions now beginning at Arizona a night law school. He again em- our students." Reacting to the idea that the good students and a satisfactory
asked that a branch of either the appropriation for MSU for 1966-67 State University and the Sacra- phasized that a good library is Howard R. Neville, Provost of proposed law school should be a income.
University's or Wayne State's law suggested by Gov. George Romney. mento Campus of the University necessary before operations can MSU was surprised to hear that night school, Neville said, "If they Joiner said that he had inform-
schools be established in Lansing. Dzendzel said he plans to meet of California, Joiner said that he begin and said a law school could Dzendzel had been considering ask us to establish a law school, ed the senators who proposed the
Dzendzel envisions the school with representatives of MSU this would "guess" that appropriate definitely not be accredited if it establishing a law school there. it ought to be of the same quality law school resolution that the
as a night school, maintained to week to discuss the idea of a law buildings would cost a few million, did not have a library. He appeared to greet the pro- appropriate to any university. It University law school wants to "do
permit legislators and citizens of school. Asked if he thought the a library with 30-40 thousand Joiner saw problems in opening posal favorably, however, saying would be a mistake to have night everything it can to help" in the'
the communities surrounding Lan- school's administrators would be volumes at least two to three a night law school for citizens that "We must meet the needs of classes only, though there is noth- way of legal education for the
sing to work towards law degrees amenable to establishing a law hundred thousand, and faculty with full-time occupations. "We the state, if this is an appropriate ing wrong with an occasional night degislators.
or to pick up "refresher courses." school, Dzendzel said he was and other personnel several hun- expect our students to do three need. If the men of the Legislature class. Such a school ought to be Joiner indicated that the Uni-
Dzendzel said that he felt since "sure we can twist their arm." dred thousand dollars. hours of outside work for every feel a need to devote attention to appropriate to the general uni- versity's law school could do very
Though Dzendzel felt that $150,- Joiner also looked skeptically at class hour. A two-hour course this area, we will be willing to versity setting." little if the legislators were inter-
most of MSU's classroom buildings 000 would be sufficient to begin establishing a night law school. would imply eight hours of work. talk with them about the idea." This statement echoed the ested in receiving law credits, but
are used only during the day, the law school operations, Associate He admitted that there were some Perhaps a person who holds a full- When told that the Legislature words of Joiner, who maintained that it could probably offer non-
proposed law school could use that Dean Charles W. Joiner of the law fine night law schools already in time job can afford to spend eight might be willing to appropriate that a competent law school fac- credit courses. He said another

solution might be offering courses
by the Institute of Continuing
Legal Education, which provides
programs with visiting lecturers
and special texts for lawyers
around the state.
Joiner said that the Institute
might 'devise specially designed
programs relevant to the work of
Speculations that the Senate's
law school resolution was pro-
posed in jest, as something similar
to resolutions that all legislators
be made members of the bar which
the Legislature sometimes jokingly
proposes, were squelched by
He strongly maintained that he
"has never proposed anything in

Peace Group,
To Lobby in
Women for Peace
To March in Capitol,
Talk to Congressmen
Women for Peace, a national
organization dedicated to "a way
of settling world problems other
than killing," has planned a one-
day anti-war campaign in Wash-
ington for this morning.
The women will start off with a
march on the Capitol and will
spend the rest of the day talking
with their congressmen and sen-
ators lobbying for their objective!
of intensive efforts to bring a ne-
gotiated settlement to the Viet
am war, according to Mrs. John
Sondquist, Ann Arbor member.
Their general goal of promoting
diplomatic solutions to world prob-
r lems applies to Viet Nam in that
they believe no military solution
can be found for the conflict. A
strong force behind their efforts
is that many of the members have
sons presently involved in the war.
Though today's campaign will
be led mostly by members from the
East coast, especially New York
City, Women for Peace is national
in scope.
It was founded several years
ago by women concerned over fall-
out and its consequences on future
generations. At that time they
pushed for 'the signing of a test
ban treaty.
The group does not have a strict
formal structure: there are no
officers, no dues, no official mem-
bership. The number of supporters
is best measured by the subscrip-
tions to their newsletter, which in
Ann Arbor numbers 500.
Their major tool is lobbying as
exemplified in today's efforts.
They also throw their support be-
hind specific congressional leaders
they feel are making special ef-
forts to establish peace, obtain
peace, like Sens. Morse and Ful-
The Ann Arbor group did not
send any representatives today,
choosing in their stead East coast
members as proxies to meet with
Michigan congressmen. Two area
members were sent at the begin-
ning of last month to lobby for the
* Mis. Sondquist ' expressed her
belief that there are steps outside
of fighting that the United States
has yet to take. First, "we have to
say publicly that we are willing
to negotiate with the Nationfal
Liberation Front:" also, "we're
two and a half years late in bring-
ing it to the U.N.," as Sen. Ful-
bright has pointed out.
Views of I
"Students don't get the type
of counseling they want," de-
clared Paul Bernstein, '66, mem-
ber of the literary college student
steering committee.
With this in mind, a joint com-
mittee sponsored by UAC and
the literary. college steering com-

What's New
At 764-1817,
The executive council of the University Activities Center has
passed a motion that "fully supports Student Government Coun-
cil in its efforts to gain a student voice in the selection of the
next President of the University."
* * * *
Herbert Aptheker, director of the American Institute of Marx-
ist Study in New York will be speaking at Rackham, 8 p.m. Thurs-
day instead of on Saturday, as previously announced.
Long Distance
The federal Department of Housing and Urban Development
has closed new applications for low cost loans to colleges for
construction of new housing units.
A huge volume of requests, prompted the suspension for the
remainder of the year, and a $4 million limit has been imposed on
each campus with outstanding applications. The limitation gives
priority to dining facilities and limts appropriations for service
The restrictions were said to be principally due to the tre-
mendous increase in enrollment at colleges and an increase in
the new housing interest rate. Total loans outstanding in the pro-
program amount to $678 million, and the figure is expected to top
$800 million before the requests currently being processed are
Roger Stevens, chairman of the President's National Council
on the Arts met with artistic directors William Ball of the Ameri-
can Conservatory Theatre and Ellis Raab of the Association of
Producing Artists in Washington, D.C., last night. He discussed
the possibility of allocating federal grants-in-aid to these com-
panies. All funds allocated by the government must be matched
equally by the beneficiaries. Announcements of who will receive
grants next year will be released later this month. The council
is meeting this weekend to make final decisions.
There may be a new rash of demonstrations in store for the
University of California at Berkeley.
The Viet Nam Day Committee, a student group which has been
sponsoring protests against the government's Viet Nam policy,
last week violated a university regulation by holding two protest
demonstrations within the same week. As a result, three student
leaders face trial today before university administrators, with the
possibility of expulsion.
Daily Californian City Editor John Stern said yesterday in a
telephone interview that there was a possibility that the expulsion
of the students might lead to wide-spread campus demonstra-
tions. He said he personally doubted that the students would be
expelled, but did not discount the possibility.
The VDC demonstrations took place last Monday and
Wednesday, one of them occurring at the home of a congressman
who is in support of the government's Viet Nam policy.
The Faculty Committee for Student Affairs of Michigan State
University said in its report yesterday that it is searching for a
definition of academic freedom which will allow for a maximum
of freedom and a necessary minimum of order, according to
Prof. Alfred Meyer of the Academic Council.
The full report will be released to The Daily tomorrow. The
report also outlined the investigation procedure and noted that the
American Association for University Professors has advocated
such an investigation.

House Voting
On Merger

Ballots To Determine'
Joining of IQC andl
Assembly Association
Voting on the proposed constitu-
tion for th merger of Inter Quad-
rangle Council with Assembly
Association by residence h a 11
houses continues as the Thursday
ratification day meeting ap-
In the men's dorms, 12 houses
have approved the merger con-
stitution, while one house has re-
jected it. Lee Hornberger, presi-
dent of IQC said that it appears
that the men's houses will ratify
the proposed constitution by the
required two-thirds majority.
Six more houses would have to
vote for the merger constitution
for it to be accepted by the men's
. Women's Housing
In women's housing, four houses,
all in Alice Lloyd, have voted to
reject the merger plan. One
women's house, Stockwell, report-
edly has approved the plan.
Should six more women's houses
vote against the plan, the merger
would be defeated.
A two-thirds vote of men's and
women's houses, separately, is
needed for ratification. If either
group votes against the measure,
it is defeated.
The house presidents of the
houses voting against the merger
constitution voiced support for a
group of students working to de-
feat the constitution written by
a joint IQC-Assembly committee.
Support Merger Idea
They affirmed, however, their
support of the idea of the merger,
but said they were simply voting
against the plan for the merged
body as presented to them for their
The houses can only accept or
reject the one constitution given
to them. The presidents will voice
the house votes in the meeting
tomorrow. The merger would form
a new co-ed dorm government,
Inter House Assembly.
Last Meeting
In its last meeting, IQC set as
Feb. 21 the date of election for
new officers, if the merger does
not come through. Some dissident'
men's house presidents had ob-
jected to the absence of an elec-
tion date as called for in the IQC
Therefore they declared the of-
fice of president of IQC vacant
and set Monday as the day for an
election to fill it. If the merger is
passed, that meeting will not be.
"For example," Bernstein not-
ed, "a history major specializing
in Southeast Asia will probably be
familiar enough with the Far
Eastern Studies department to
help a student interested in, say,
Japanese studies."
Furthermore, if today's seminar
is well-attended ,the committee
may be able to enlarge next term,

OSA Board
Students Blast 'U' for
Ignoring Their Views
On Housing Projects
The pilot student advisorycom-
mittee to the Office of Student
Affairs may be on the rocks, com-
mittee members said yesterday.
Set up this fall as a precedent
for student participation after
considerable agitation over the
housing situation in Ann Arbor,
the Student Housing Advisory
Committee was intended to give
the students a meaningful say in
the type of housing the University,
However, according to commit-
tee member Russell Linden, '67,
the committee has degenerated in-
to a "powerless farce." Linden
claimed that the administration
did not seriously consider the
recommendations of the students.
Pierpont's Refusal
He pointed to Vice-President.for
Business and Finance Wilbur K.
Pierpont's refusal to attend any
recent meeting of the committee
as indicative of the negative atti-
tude of the administration.
Linden also claimed that Pier-
pont obstructed the students access
to information on housing, and
ignored their advice in making
Pierpont refused to comment on
Linden's accusations last night.
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs Richard Cutler, however,
claimed that the administration is
not working in bad faith and does
seriously consider the students'
Trusted Assistant
He said that he did not attend
any of the advisory committee's
meetings because he trusted his
assistant, Director of Student
Community R e 1 a t i o n s William
Steude, to deal with the students.
Cutler said that he believed that
Pierpont's reasons for not coming
to meetings was probably similar.
Another committee m e m b e r,
Stewart Gordon, '66, claimed that
Pierpont's representative at the
meetings did not give the students
the complete reasoning behind the
administration's housing policies.
Reacting to Gordon's he rge
Cutler said that he thought that
full explanations of policy were
being given to students and that
he would come to the committee's
next meeting.
Kupf erman
Beats Lehman
NEW YORK (P) - Theodore
Kupferman, a liberal Republi-
can, won a special congressional
election last night to fill GOP
Mayor John V. Lindsay's seat in
Manhattan's "Silk Stocking" Dis-
The 45-year-old city council-
man and attorney, who cam-
paigned on the promise he would
be another Lindsay, claimed vic-
tory over Democrat Orin Lehman,
46, in a nip-and-tuck battle. He
won by less than 1000 votes of
about 96,000 cast.
Kupferman told cheering cam-
paign workers: "I won because
the independents came out and


PREPARING FOR THE bucket drive of the Ann Arbor Tutorial and Cultural Relations Project are
(from left) Dick Sleet, director, Rudy Kalafus, Judy Kovan, Peg Levine and Cazzie Russell. The drive
begins at noon today to provide funds the project needs for its operation expenses such as the financ-
ing of field trips, and to promote active interest in the group's work.
Bucket Drive To Support
Ex'spanded Tutorial Plan

g Seminar To Give ti
LSA Concentration Co

By LUCY KENNEDY iences they haven't had such as!
trips to museums and historic sites.
The Ann Arbor Tutorial and Field Trips
Cultural Relations Project is spon- These field trips are an impor-
soring a bucket drive tomorrow at tant aspect of the program but are
noon to collect funds needed for difficult to maintain due to trans-
general operating expenses and portation problems. Tutor Peg Le-
expansion projects, said Dick Sleet, vine said that in a project such
director of the- project. nasa field trip planned to Green-
The group deals principally with field Village the ideal situation
"culturally separated" youngsters would be to charter a bus, but the
who do not attain their academic group cannot afford it. Presently
potential due to contact only with they rely on student volunteers to
a low socio-economic environment, drive for field trips and to trans-
port tutors and tutees.
Through no fault of their own The project also maintains a
the culturally deprived children salaried director and an office
are verbally oriented. These stu- secretary on University funds.
dents' homes contain few books, They are a recognized student
magazines or reading material, but organization and as such receive
almost invariably have a television some funds from SGC and supplies
set. from the University.
Thus a child who grows up in The tutorial project now uses
this environment has little cor- Ann Arbor churches for their tu-
petance in manpulating the more toring sessions, but they are con-
abstract symbols encountered in sidering setting up a center at the
a reading course or in school. Jones School in cooperation with
the public schools. They need a
The problem is self perpetuat- location for a library as well as a
ing. The child falters and falls center for group activities. At
farther and farther behind as the present the project concentrates
reading becomes more difficult. on the individual relationship be-
After he leaves school he raises tween teacher and student, but
his own family in the same envi- they hope to develop the children's
! UnnmI ft. d ''rthe c ce be grisa

counter in their "culturally sepa-
rated" environment.
Funds are also needed for new
tutoring projects being set up in
Sumpter, Mich., and Willow Run.
These projects will be separate
from the Ann Arbor project, but
will also draw on University stu-
dents. They will require transpor-
tation for tutorial project person-
nel and tutoring students.
Began Four Years Ago
The project was started four
years ago with about 35 tutors.
Sleet, the present director, began
it after looking for someone to
tutor his younger brother. The
number of tutors increased stead-
ily in the next three years, but
there was a heavy turn-over.
An advisory board has been add-
ed and has succeeded in stabilizing
the project. There now are ad-
visors (usually graduate students
or faculty members) from the psy-
chology department for every six
tutors. The project now involves
about 250 tutors, each teaching
one student.
This advisory board first in-
volved the psychology department
in the project and they now are
studying the project under a gov-
ernment grant.

be on hand to answer queries on
all aspects of their respective de-
The larger departments, such
as economics, political science,
history, English, pre-med, pre-
law, and psychology will have two
or three representatives each,
while the Romance languages,
botany, American studies, and

others in the same predicament."
The participating upperclass-
men were instructed to brush up
on departmental requirements,,
and those of the University in
general. They were also asked tol
caution students that all opinions
were strictly their own.
Although preclassification be-
gan Monday. Titven said the com-

jronetuanuune yu~ uciiugroup relationships as well.
again. The only way to change ,
this, Sleet said, is to change his Recreational Center



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