TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8,1 966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Is A A'-4'0 M"Ift"Im TLlEMICU(.AVfl~l 11 PAGE T5 fHREE1 9 Iy Johnson Emphasize S oviet Satellite FHA LOANS: Interest Raised on Mortgage Rates: Effective Immediately Resoh 4 Seizes Ke alyOf Viet Cong Position Previously Held by Communists For Eleven Years SAIGON (AP)-US. and South, Vietnamese forces took control I' last night of key points of a coastal valley that had been a prized Communist possession for 11 years. But they failed to find two battle-hardened Communist regiments the allies have hunted for more than a week. Joint Effort A joint U.S. 1st Cavalry, Air- mobile, Division force and Marines teamed up with the South Viet- namese to move into An Lao Valley 300 miles northeast of Sai- gon as an extension of a, squeeze operation that ended, with a Cav- alry-Marine linkup 18 miles north of Bong Son during the weekend. Ground action elsewhere in South Viet Nam continued light. North Viet Nam claimed its gunners brought down a U.S. plane and captured its pilot in a central province yesterday, the first an- niversary of the launching of U.S. air strikes against the North. No New Attacks In Saigon, U.S. officials totaled up the score of air strikes Sun- day but made no mention of any new attacks against the Com- munist North. Hanoi also claimed a U.S. re- connaisance drone was shot down on the outskirts of the North Viet- namese capital. Peking's New China News Agency saidranhigh- altitude U.S. military drone was shot down by a Red air unit over southwest China. The U.S. military command in Saigon announced that U.S. mili- tary personnel in Viet Nam now number 210,000. It said another 60,000 are with the U.S. 7th Fleet offshore. The operation in An Lao Valley is the result of the Marines' Oper- ation Double Eagle, which began with massive amphibious landings Jan. 28, north of Bong Son, and the Cavalry Division's Operation Masher which moved in from the south. South Korean troops held positions to the east and South Vietnamese to the southwest. a in Conference Viet Leader Pledges No Surrender Johnson Points Out Sho. ts End -- v t(WASHINGTON (5-The march Lna 9 Broadcasts .toward tighter money caught up with the housing market as the From Moon Achieve government raised the interest rate yesterday to 51 per cent on mortgages insured by the Federal MOSCOW (P)-Pioneer Luna 9 Housing Administration. a globe-shaped instrument pack- Although the boost from 5%/ age, will send no more pictures per cent was less than expected from the moon, a Soviet an- and fell short of the rate sought nouncement said yesterday. by some real estate men and mortgage bankers, it means that After three days of history's home buyers must now pay a total first radio and picture reporting from the surface of the moon,; Luna 9 has used almost all its electric power, the announcementO said. i orid Neu1 of 6 per cent on FHA mortgages including the i/' per cent charged by the government for loan in- surance. The increase is effective im- mediately. The National Association of Home Builders said yesterday's ac- tion will add $2.25 to the monthly payment on a 30-year, $15,000 mortgage, making the payments $91.41 instead of $89.16. Some builders and bankers s Roundup Need for S. Program of HONOLULU () Johnson was told the prime minister Nam that Saigon qw Viet Nam Reform - President yesterday by of South Viet will not sur- doubt that the increase is large enough to attract funds to the FHA-insured mortgage market. Some real state men and mortgage bankers had sought an increase to 5% per cent. FHA rates in recent years have ranged from 42 per cent in 1950 to 5% per cent from Sept. 23, 1959, to Feb. 2, 1961. Shows Trend The trend toward tighter money was highlighted by the Federal Reserve Board's December decision to increase the discount rate- the interest charged banks which borrow from the Federal Reserve -from 4 to 4%V per cent. As yields on alternative types of investments have risen, lenders have reduced their volume of FHA lending which now accounts for about 20 per cent of the home mortgage field. The new rate will not apply to FHA's multifamily and new land insurance programs or to the nearly four million outstanding loans which will continue to bear interest at the rate agreed upon when they were made. 1 F Surprise Session A surprise, extra transmission; sesion Sunday night came because the satellite still had enough r By The Associated Press -Associated Press SOUTH VIET NAM'S PREMIER, Nguyen Cao Ky, left, and head of state, Kguyen .Van Thieu, stand at attention with President Johnson during the playing of national anthems in a ceremony at Honolulu's airport. UNANIMOUS VOTE: ColdWar Veterans Aided byHouse Bl WASHINGTON (M)-The House passed yesterday a bill to set up' a permanent program of educa- tional and housing benefits for military veterans and offer the bonus to those who served in the cold war era since Korea. The vote was unanmious, 381 to 0, although the House had failed to act on a similar bill passed by the Senate several years ago. The fighting in Viet Nam put steam behind the drive this time. The Senate last year passed a somewhat costlier bill than the House but is expected to go along with he House version. President Johnson also is expected to-:accept it although his administration originally asked that the program be limited to veterans who served in combat areas. Both bills would aid veterans who served since July 31, 1955- the declared termination date for establishing eligibility under the Korean GI program. The major difference between the two measures is that the House bill provides $10 aamonth less in educational payments to each veteran. While the House bill would set the program on a per- manent basis, the Senate program would expire July 1, 1967, the current termination date of the compulsory draft law. Brief Debate The measure was brought to the House floor under a procedure requiring a two-thirds majority for passage. This allowed only 40 minutes for debate and prevented any amendments. The tactic was used by spon- sors of the bill to head off efforts to increase the cost of the pro- g ram. In the brief House debate, some members said they think the bene- fits provided are not liberal1 enough. Estimated Cost The first-year cost of3the House bill is estimated at $335 million,, with the amount expected to level; off at about $500 million a year in about five years. The adminis-I tration plan for limiting aid to combat veterans would have cost an estimated $150 million a year. The educational benefits would be measured by the length of ac- tive duty-one month of schooling for each month of service, up to a total of 36 months. The Senate bill has the same 36-month limit' but is based on 11/ days of school aid for each day of service-thus 1 months for each month of service. Six-Month Duty More than six months of duty is required under the bills-ex-3 cept for a person separated with a service-connected disability- thus ruling out anyone who vol-; unteered for six months training and then entered the Reserves. There would be no reimbursement of those who are eligible but havel already paid for their own edu- cation.1 render or compromise with the Communists and wants to in- crease military strength because, he said, that's the only language the Communists understand. At the first formal meeting of their top level strategy council, Johnson and Prime Minister Nguyen Gao Ky outlined their po- sitions-generally in similar lan- guage but with differences of emphasis. Two-Pronged Program Johnson said he wants to see a two-pronged program in South Viet Nam-to pursue the war mil- itarily while moving vigorously to achieve social ahd political re- forms in South Viet Nam. Johnson concluded by saying: "Gentlemen, let me make clear our resolve and determination to see this thing through. We will nt tire, we will not flag." Accounts of the secret meeting, held under leaden skies at the hilltop command post of Ameri- can forces in the Pacific, were given to newsmen by spokesmen for Johnson and Ky. Pledges Fight The South Vietnamese prime minister pledged that his country would continue the fight against Communism as long ashnecessary and willingly accept sacrifices and death. "We pledge our determination," he said, "not to surrender or to compromise with the Communists, whether in the North or the South." While this seemed to cast a shadow over Saigon's role in any peace negotiations, Ky said his government would cooperate in the search for an honorable and just peace. Although the war itself was a certain topic for discussion, U.S. ' authorities stressed that the main objective of the talks was to mesh plans to rebuild South Viet Nam's economy in the midst of a war for survival. Acknowledge Differences Johnson and Ky acknowledged that there may be differences from time to time between the two gov- ernments. The Vietnamese leader told Johnson that Americandadvisors sometimes display impatience with Saigon officials. And he said he and his colleagues sometimes are impatient with the Americans. "In any common enterprise,"1 commented Johnson, "friends us- ually will differ." Nguyen Van Thieu, the South Vietnamese head of state, said in his opening remarks that he and Ky were glad to be meeting with Johnson at a time when, as he put it, many decisions are pend- ing. Ky's spokesman, Nguyen Ngoc Linh, was asked if these includ- ed military decision. He said yes. However, when asked whether the question of blockading the port city of Haiphong or intensi- fied bombing of North Viet Nam were discussed at the opening ses- sion, White House press secretary Bill D. Moyers said no. Ky pledged his government would set up its efforts to remedy political and social "defects" at home to court the hearts of the people. assignment. j Historic First With the unmanned satellite's batteries slowing dying on the moon. the Russians could claim this historic firsts: -The first soft landing on the lunar surface, permitting a deli- cate package of scientific instru- ments to survive a touchdown on the moon intact. -The first radio broadcast from a heavenly body to earth. -The first pictures of the moon taken on the moon's surface and transmitted back to earth. -The first panoramid view from a spot on the moon's surface as it might look to a man stand- ing. on the moon and turning his gaze in a complete circle. Key Step The success of Luna 9 was con- sidered a key step toward landing a man on the moon. The Russians have indicated they next may try landing an animal on the moon. Soviet scientist Ivanchenko said cushioning devices softened the shock of the landing. One possible cushioning device was thought to be a balloon arrangement under the capsule. But no such device was visible in the artist's con- ception ofrLuna 9 shown in the Soviet press. The Russians have not released a photo of Luna it- self. The panoramic view was put to- gether with nine still pictures transmitted from the moon Satur- day. The Russians released them for the first time yesterday. Lunar Surface Seen As with earlier moon pictures transmitted Friday, the irregular lunar surface, rocks and holes were clearly seen. power left, the announcement requiring doctors and hospitals to said. This appeared to rule out report instances of child abuse speculation that the unexpected turned up 228 alleged cases - 15 broadcast meant Luna 9 was un- fatal-in its first six months, a dertaking some spectacular new state official said yesterday. The law, in effect since last July, exempts those who report such maltreatment from possible lawsuits by parents claiming dam- age to their reputations. Director Cyril H. Winking of the State Department of Children and Family Services said in an interview that most doctors and hospitals previously kept quiet, for fear of becoming involved in cost- ly legal action. Of the child fatalities reported since July, seven were held to be accidental. One parent was con- victed of manslaughter. Seven cases are pending. * * * NEW YORK-Democrat Orin Lehman and Republican Theodore Kupferman wound up an intense, but almost issueless compaign yes- terday for Mayor John V. Lind- say's former congressional seat. Neither had emerged a strong favorite for today's election in Manhattan's "Silk Stocking" Dis- trict, home of many wealthy. peo- ple. The district is 3-2 Democrat- ic, but has elected Republicans for more than 30 years. PARIS - President Charles de Gaulle and Chancellor Ludwig Erhard of West Germany confer- red yesterday and German sourc- es said afterward European poli- tical cooperation had received a "new impetus." De Gaulle seemed to echo this judgment when he said in a lun- cheon toast to Erhard that Euro- pean economic unity could have its political extension. He added. however, that European realities must be considered. LONDON-Prime Minister Har- old Wilson said last night Brit- ain's workers and trade unions must abandon restrictive practices so their country can compete in the modern world. It was the strongest statement directed publicly at British work- ers by a Labor government in the 16 months it has been in power. 'Student oriented shopping UflIV(RSIIY TOWERS " Now renting for Aug. S. UNIVERSITY AVE. & FOREST AVE. 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FRIDAY, Feb. 11: Valentine Party at international Center. Open to all. 8:00 P.M. SUNDAY, Feb. 13: "Buddhism and Neutralism;" a film on Burma, a Southeast Asian nation now closed to westerners. Union, Rm. 3B. 2:00 P.M. SUNDAY, Feb. 13: "The United States and China Since 1945," Lecture by Dr. Albert Feuerwerker, Director of the Center for Cinese Studies. Presbyterian Center, 1432 Washtenaw, 7:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY, Feb. 16: "International Fashion Parade," Styles of dress throughout the world, modeled by men and women for many lands. All invited. League, Vandenburg Room, 8:00 P.M. -Associated Press A SMALL VIETNAMESE CHILD peers from his hiding place as U.S. soldiers look toward the area where sounds of fighting originate. The troops are taking a break during "Operation Masher" near Bong Son. An equal opportunity and F/M employer U T Campus Financial Wizards ... do all their banking at Ann Arbor Bank. They appreciate the economy and convenience of Ann Arbor Bank's Specialcheck checking accounts .. . you. pay just 1Oc for each check you write . . . there's no service charges either! Campus financial wizards also appreciate the fact that Ann Arbor Bank has 3 campus offices . . . and soon to be four'. . to serve their complete banking needs. If you're not a CFW (Campus Financial Wizard) see Ann Arbor Bank soon. I 100J W'01 7 X ,IPAZZ,/l.1h