Seventy-sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THF UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Sit-In Case: Unanswered Questions 4mqmllmwqM-'*0- - - -rm , er Opinions Are Free. Truh Wll ~ evtil 420 MAY'NARD ST., ANN ARBOR, Mfiut. NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: LEONARD PRATT Despite Renewed Bombing Peace Offensive Continues ALTHOUGH AMERICAN bombs are once. again falling on North Viet Nam, it is clear that the U.S. "peace offensive" is not yet over. A final effort is being made to secure peace negotiations through the United, Nations Security Council. Although the success of this new venture is still in doubt, the Johnson administration has apparently not abandoned all hopes for a peace conference. The wisdom of resuming the air strikes at this time is questionable, since the bombing has not really been militarily effective in the past and probably will not be now. Many non-aligned diplomats will undoubtedly be further alienated by the attacks. However, North Viet Nam has stepped up its infiltration to the south, and perhaps the bombings can be used to help prevent a change in the military equilibrium in favor of Hanoi. THE SINCERITY of the "peace offen- sive" seems clear, since many contacts were made with the Hanoi government, both direct and through third parties. None of these contacts managed to net any positive results. Furthermore, according to the British (who have not been noted for their en- thusiasm over our Viet Nam policy), the Ho Chi Minh regime has attached new, unacceptable preconditions for the start of peace talks. A letter sent by Ho to a number of gov- ernments, including the British, states that the National Liberation Front must be recognized as the "sole representa- tive" of the South Vietnamese people. THE NLF, while it may have solid sup- port among many groups in South Viet Nam, especially among the peas- ants, has no right, either political or moral, to demand such a condition. Even the U.S., whose motives in the war have been subject to grave doubts in the past, now emphasizes that its primary aim is to ensure the self-determination of the South Vietnamese people, free from ter- rorism and military coercion. In addition, much of the NLF support has been bought at the point of a gun. Reports from Saigon indicate that many of its backers are now wavering in their loyalty. The Viet Cong has resorted to conscription of 15-year-old boys as well as increasingly harsh terroristic tactics in an effort to maintain their control over a portion of the country. WHAT ARE THE PROSPECTS for be- ginning talks through the United Na- tions? Unfortunately, the Security Coun- cil debate may turn into a propaganda exercise, with the U.S. on one side and the Soviet Union, anxious to demonstrate its support for an ally, on the other. Nevertheless, the U.S. must seek to garner additional support for its posi- tion within the UN. Perhaps only the pressure of all the world's major powers. -even Russia, which would probably pre- fer an end to hostilities in order to con- centrate on domestic economic progress -would be sufficient to bring Hanoi to the conference table. Many months may pass, accompanied by heavy U.S. casualties on the battle- fields, before a cease-fire can be secured. But a persistent effort within the UN and through non-aligned nations with missions to Hanoi looks like the only pos- sible road to a solution of what is prob- ably the most frustrating international crisis faced by the U.S. in the past decade. -CLARENCE FANTO By CHARLOTTE WOLTER THE APPEAL case of the 29 draft board sit-ins who were sen- tenced Tuesday in Circuit Court, as outlined in the pre-trial nem- orandum of law by defense at- torney Ernest Goodman, is an at- tempt to extend the protection of the First Amendment governing free expression only slightly be- yond the limits now established by the Supreme Court. However this slight extension, as it would apply to trespass cases could have a significant effect on the nature of protest in this coun- try. It is the first part of Goodman's case, concerning the protest as a form of speech, that is the most significant in this respect. He argues first that a sit-in is a form of speech. AS A PRECEDENT he cites sev- eral examples in which non-ver- bal activity such as pickets Thornhill vs. Alabama, 1940) and sit-ins inthe South against racial discrimination, where trespass laws were violated and the con- victions invalidated by the Su- preme Court. Goodman argues further, that in. cases where "labels" were at- tachedsto certain actions which rendered them in violation of state laws, the Supreme Court has ruled that, in the interests of "uninhib- ited, robust and wide open"d bate, thesetactions were legal un- der the protection of the First Amendment. The case used to illustrate this point was one in which the New York Times had unintentionally libeled a public official named Sullivan. Although the Times had violated the state law prohibiting libel, the Supreme Court reversed the conviction on the grounds that criticism of public officials in the name of the First Amendment must be as free as possible. The specific statement by the Court was: In deciding the question now we are compelled by neither precedent nor policies to give any more weight to epithet "li- bel" than we have to other "mere labels" of state law. Goodman says, concerning this case, "By analogy, the character- ization of the defendants' pro- test as a trespass does not au- tomatically remove it from First Amendment protection. OBJECTIONS to this line of reasoning have pointed out that the sit-ins in the South were vio- lations of an illegal state law which thwarted federal laws pro- hibiting discrimination. The draft board sit-in, on the other hand, violated a state law which was not illegal, which did not conflict with federal laws. Nevertheless, Goodman's state- ment specifically cites the New York Times case in which a con- viction was invalidated although the state law was, indeed, legal. This reasoning raises several important questions which any court rendering a decision in the demonstrators' case will have to consider. First, as the Supreme court decision in New York Times bompany vs. Sullivan points out, there is a problem of definition of violations such as "libel" and "trespass, "(over and above the specific definitions in state laws) with respect to the intent of the actionand, even, the ends to- ward which it was committed. Also, there is a problem of how lenient the court can be in its definition and application of state laws when actions are committed specifically in the name of free speech. In other words, should this constitutional right be given special consideration. ASSUMING, however, that the Supreme Court is willing to ex- tend First Amendment protec- tion to this form of protest, ser- ious objections could still be rais- ed concerning the possible out- come of such a move, especially with regard to the protection of private property. Goodman acknowledges in his brief that: "There may be, of course, a competing interest when con- sidering the scope of protection of the First Amendment to forms of speech, ie. the inter- est of the government in con- ducting its business in an or- derly fashion and the right of the owner to control his private property." Goodman notes, however, that there have been several cases in which the courts have balanced these two interests when they came into conflict. One of the conditions set by court decisions is the "appropriateness of the Civil Protest in the light of the specif- ic end being sought and the alter- natives available." Goodman ar- gues that the draft board was the appropriate object of protest be- cause of its role in furthering the war, and that other alternatives had been used extensively (teach- ins. meetings, pickets) without ef- fect. Another factor cited was the injury, if any, that had occurred as a result of the protest. Goodman says that in this case none had occurred because the operation of the draftbboard was not halted. It was only necessary to arrest them for trespass when the office closed and the owner wished to assume complete control of his property. THE DEFENSE brief maintains that when these two interests come into conflict, the right to free speech should prevail. Again the case of New York Times Com- pany vs. Sullivan can be cited as a precedent in which "criticism of public officials, even though it may be false and defamatory, is protected, by the First Amend- ment as ap ed through the Four- teenth Amendment." Two other cases (Shelley vs. Kramer and Barrow vs. Jackson) illustrate a third point of Good- man's argument. In these cases the Supreme Court held that the state cannot enforce the rights of private contract when these rights are used to deny citizens other constitutional rights. He concludes that the nature of the protestors' case prohibits the state from us- ing the trespass statute as it sup- presses their right to protest. One could ask at this point: Does this mean that every draft board in the country can be over- run with sit-ins? Obviously not. The Supreme Court has been ex- plicit in its rulings on peaceful protest and specific intent with regard to violations. It has stat- ed that this activity is protected by the First Amendment, "unless actual malice is proved." ANOTHER consideration, with respect to the New York Times case, is that .a newspaper is a recognized social institution with unquestioned legitimacy and im- portance. A free press is obvious- ly necessary for the preservation of free speech. But what of an organization, protesting one par- ticular issue, which may not even have widespread support? Recognition of the sit-in as a legal activity could possibly be construed as giving legitimacy, equal to that of the press, to groups and actions which may not be important for the main- tenance of free speech. Princi- ples of recognition of the minor- ity and giving a voice to dissent would counter this, however, with- out at the same time giving legi- timacy and importance to insig- nificant groups. In addition, pro- test concerning the war in Viet Nam is hardly insignificant. One last consideration is that the case in asking that the con- viction for trespassing be over- turned, contradicts the principle of nonviolent civil disobedience, in which one breaks a minor law for the purpose of furthering a higher morality and is willing to accept the consequences. Goodman contends that he is asking that each case of civil dis- obedience be considered on its own merits. The primary purpose of such actions are to publicize a certain point of view and the violation of a law is only an in- cidental consequence. The laws most commonly broken by civil disobedience activities are minor statutes relating to keeping the peace. THEREFORE, there are several debatable issues involved in this case, and profound questions con- cerning the implications of a court decision. If the conviction of the protestors is upheld by a higher court, the present status of sit- in demonstrations would prob- ably remain essentially unchang- ed. If the conviction is reversed, the court involved will have to place stipulations and interpreta- tions on many aspects of the case to protectinterests other than free speech. In all probability, such decisions will have to be made by the body with the high- est judicial authority, the Su- preme Court. ------------ ,rw- r . '4 )v,J F;d * * A OF h U . I M: " '" ' rK 4 wu A7 I A Crack in Civil Liberties jf aw Thlbu8y4' £dS01AJm*P4 AT FIRST GLANCE it's ironic-Ameri- cans being punished for exercising their civil liberties protesting a "war to keep a nation free." But after this irony has sunk in, it reveals yet another crack in the United State's vaunted tradition of civil liberties. Our political freedoms, supposedly in- sured to all citizens as inalienable rights, too often turn out to be only those which can be wrested from the centers of poli- tical power, wrested in spite of a gov- ernment's attempts to quell the efforts. The Ann Arbor protestors, of course, provide the most recent example. Com- mitting an act which displeased the Se- lective Service power princes, many were subsequently reclassified. The irony and hypocrisy is obvious in that the Selec- tive Service is the apparatus that pro- vides the manpower for a war claimed to protect a country's freedom. GEN. HERSHEY showed, by his state- rnent that the transgressors must be punished with a sound paternal spank- ing, a good sized ignorance of the free- doms he (or to be more truthful, his or- ganization) has a stake in protecting. But disregarding the symbolic signifi- cance, the incident still illustrates that our freedoms too often are given lip service while ignored in practice. Even more absurd in its irony -'and more disheartening--is the treatment of civil rights workers in the South in the past few years. The governors -complain of the federal government's disregard for state's rights on one hand, while they aid or allow flagrant violation of rights workers' civil liberties, civil rights and right of freedom from violence. Luckily, the South is not characteristic of the United States as a whole. Editorial Staff ROBERT JOHNSTON, Editor LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM Managing Editor JUDITH FIELDS............. Personnel Director LAUREN BAHR......... Associate Managing Editor JUDITH WARREN......AssistaAnt Managing Editor :AIL BLUMBERG ............. Magazine Editor TOM WEINBERG ................Sports Editor LLOYD GRAFF......... Associate sports Editor PETER SARASOHN.......Contributing Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Robert Carney, Clarence Fanto, Mark Killingsworth, John Meredith, Leonard Pratt, Harvey Wasserman, Bruce Wasserstein, Oharlotte. Wolter, DAY EDITORS: Babette Cohn, Michael Hefter, Merle Other illustrations abound in Ameri- can history. The most famous ones of this century involve Americans' morbid fear of Communism. McCarthy is a spec- tacular example-poisoning a tradition of freedom while hunting for "freedom killers." Another brilliant precedent fol- lowed the First World War-the war to make the world safe for democracy. This armagedon failed to make the United States entirely safe for democracy, as witness A. Mitchell Palmer's redwitch- hunt at the start of the twenties. THESE EXAMPLES are by no means an across-the-board indictment of the American political system-it remains by and large the most enlightened one on this earth. But it does show that its pre- cious core of liberties must be protected from attack from within, even as the at- tackers often claim to be preventing de- struction from without. -MARSHALL LASSER WhyRefuse Arlington Burial? THE PENTAGON'S announcement last week that Robert Thompson, a decor- ated veteran, could not be buried in Ar- lington National Cemetery illustrates the pettiness of "thinking" which is taking place at Foggy Bottom these days. Why was Thompson denied this honor? According to the official explanation, he was ineligible because of a five-year pris- on term served for alleged Communist activities. The explanation did not mention that a World War II prisoner of war, a Nazi, is buried in Arlington. He died while a POW near Washington. According to a federal law, POW's who die must be bur- ied at the nearest federal cemetery, which turned out to be Arlington. Thus, an in- dividual who served his country well dur- ing time of war is denied burial there while a Nazi POW is placed there without fanfare. If these are the standards used by the Pentagon to decide who shall gain entry to the hallowed burial ground, perhaps wry chrnl 3nPoon nnovinv hnLn to Arhna..- 'Peace efforts will continue even though the bombings are resumed.' ---.i Goals Greater Than M litary Capacity THE RESUMPTION of bombing in North Viet Nam is not a surprise, indeed, it has been in- evitable since the diplomatic con- tent of the peace offensive was set. For on neither side has there been any overt effort to find the terms of a truce which reflect correctly the actual military sit- uation. On both sides there has been some suggestion of softening the demands a little. But the basic objective of our adversaries re- remains the ascendancy of the Viet Cong in South Viet Nam- and our basic objective, as artic- ulated repeatedly by Secretary of State Dean Rusk, is the liquida- tion of the Viet Cong and the as- cendancy of Gen. Ky and his successors in Saigon. The whole worldwide attempt to end the fighting by negotiations is stalled on this disparity. The essential fact about the conflict of aims is that each side has a political objective which is beyond its military capacity. Insofar as Hanoi and more cer- tainly Peking are demanding the withdrawal of the United States forces before there is a political settlement in Indochina, they are demanding more than they have the military power to achieve. The U.S. is able to stand fast and hold on. ON THE OTHER HAND, insofar as we are tied to Secretary Rusk's objectives, to defeat and elimi- nate the Viet Cong, to keep the 2800 villages permanently secured against the Viet Cong and to create a government in Saigon that, without being an American colonial government, is the ruler of the whole of South Viet Nam -insofar as these are our pur- poses in Viet Nam-we are fight- ing a war which is far beyond our or anyone else's military and poli- tical capacity. The search for peace, to which the President rededicated himself as he announced the end of the bombing pause, will succeed or fail as we and they bring war aims into balance with military capa- city. This will certainly not be done Today Tomorrow By WALTER LIPPMANN simultaneously by both sides. But if one sides makes the first move, it will be difficult for the other not to follow suit. Thus, if Hanoi says clearly, what it has hinted at vaguely, that the American forces need not withdraw before negotiations bring about an agreed settlement, it would be difficult, indeed im- possible in the long run, for the administration to deny that the Viet Cong must, in fact, be a principal party to a negotiated truce. IT IS ALSO within our power to break the deadlock which has- caused the peace offensive to fail. And as we are the stronger pow- er, the more invulnerable, it is both our duty and to our interest to take the initiative. No one, I suppose, imagines any longer that the deadlock can be. broken by lbombing, by a little bombing or by a lot of bombing. And there are few, observers of the war who think that the dead- lock can be broken by doubling or tripling our forces. The way to break the deadlock is to adopt a military strategy which, because it has a limited objective, can be made to prevail by limited means. Thus, when and if we move to a holding strategy, we shall have revised and reduced our war aims to something more modest, but more credible than Rusk's unattainable pursuit of the independence of the whole of South Viet Nam under Gen. Ky and his successors in Saigon. I regard both the bombing pause and the resumption of the bomb- ing as irrelevant to the real prob- lei, which is how to make a truce which is consistent with the mil- itary realities. Some will say that by more and bigger bombing and by ar big build-up of' troops we shall be Able to change the mili- tary realities in our favor. EXPERIENCE and the history of this wretched war are against that hope. For the forces against us can be increased indefinitely, and the notion of a decisive mill- tary superiority over the land powers of Asia is a dangerous fan- tasy. (c), 1966, The Washington Post Co. oi Schutze:Huminiscences Letters: Is the Military Enough in Viet Nam? To the Editor: THANKS TO Randy Frost for answering the arguments I ex- pressed to him, by way of his "appendixed" editorial in Tues- day's Daily. May I ask one question, how- ever? If he agrees that the way to stop Communist governments from forming in underdeveloped countries is to remove the sourc- es of political-economic instabil- claims of the minority?-or that of the minority which could win only because it had fighting for it the mightiest nation on earth?) I WOULD appreciate an answer to this question, either by pub- lished or private communication, since your entire Sunday editorial depended upon it. -Paul Bernstein, '66 N KENNETH ROBERTS' North- west Passage, narrator Lang- don Towne describes the merri- ment he produced by treating a gathering of friends to hot but- tered rum and original caricatures of the Harvard College Overseers in his undergraduate abode one afternoon. "To persons slightly in liquor," Langdon observed self conscious- ly," "matters of little humor can seem irresistibly droll; and this was the case now. As the figures developed, my audience howled and slapped themselves, rolling on the floor with uncontrollable mirth; and I, too, felt I was pro- ducing a masterpiece of comical- ity." REGENTS ARE eminences grises to be dealt with only in direly serious editorial comment or des- perately active public demonstra- tion. And drinking is a funereal business attended to meticulously at organized group assemblies by convulsively twisty social asso- ciates. Casual comradeship has become a matter of political loyalty. Sexual adventure has evolved into some sort of grim ideological battlefield. One no longer falls in love: one keeps a sharp look- out for potential mates of similar socio-economic and religious his- tory with parallel aspiration and suitable achievement motivation. Morality herself has grown to be hood. "Science" is the student's rifle; "culture" is his hand gre- nade and "religion" his bayonet. The savage barbarian host to be confronted is that dark faceless army we refer to terribly as "the other school," attacking from either the right or the left. LANGDON TOWNE'S buttered rum rascality has faded into social obsolescence to be replaced by today's no-doz-twenty-four-hour- on-the-toes-stay-alert-and-watch- out clinical corporate realism. The scholar knows the importance of forebearance, self containment, and dedication -to the cause. He faithfully maintains an eye to future goals and sternly ignores r