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February 02, 1966 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1966-02-02

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North Dakota Hockey:
A Study in Masochism
Inside what North Dakota fans call "The Igloo" it is impossible
to tell whether the spectators and combatants are really blue or
whether it is just the mercury vapor lights that give that impression.
The first alternative seems quite possible since the rink tem-
perature for both games in Grand Forks was 20 below zero at the
opening faceoff, and it was probably just a bit cooler by the end
of the game. It should be noted that this temperature was not
taken anywhere near the ice surface, so it might have been even
a few degrees colder where the players were. In talking to one of
the rink maintenance men (whose teeth were chattering) I was.
assured that "T-t-this was the c-c-coldest temperature inside
t-t-t-this year," but I was afraid to ask wllat the all-time record
The word "inside" has to be used loosely since "Pneu-
monia Gulch" is merely a corrugated steel quonset hut with
steel beams, surrounded with splintery wooden bleachers that
would put P. K. Wrigley to shame. "Inside" is generally five
degrees warmer than outdoors.
Michigan State coach Amo Bessone has been one of the chief
detractors of the rink.saying that it should be condemned and that
it is undoubtedly one of the worst rinks of any kind in the world.
The weather is taken as given and North Dakota fans and the
hockey cheerleaders (five hardy females on polished white figure
skates) simply try not to think about it. The fans (there were only
2000 at each game since it was exam week) usually follew a "game
plan" something like this:
1. Don't ever walk to the rink unless it is completely impossible
to get some kind, any kind, of a ride.
2. Make a pit stop on the way at Happy Harry's (that's a real
store) to pick up something warming; preferably "Everclear" (which
is a clear, tasteless 190 proof local intoxicant selling at eight dollars
a fifth).
3. As a general guideline, don't remind your date about
how cold it is-simply chat about nice warm things (like your
entire intestinal tract after a sip of Everclear).
- While the masochistic spectators were stamping their feet in-
side to the approximate rhythm of a Sioux war chant (in order to
restore some feeling there) outside 10-15 year olds were cracking
heads in a nearby rink with only skimpy hockey pads to protect
them from the bitter cold. Toes, as it turns out, are the major
problem in Grand Forks. You just can't keep your tootsies moving
fast enough, or get enough socks piled on them to keep them from
numbing. Although you might surreptitiously conceal a sip on a
flask with the arm of your coonskin coat and then think that you
can feel your toes, you're probably mistaken. In fact, I had a con-
versation with someone who had sipped Everclear for much of the
game, and he maintained that he couldn't feel anything.
I was fortunate to sit in an enclosed press box where
someone had thoughtfully provided five huge electric heaters
that made the temperature so stifling inside that we had to
open the door occasionally. When the portals were opened, huge
clouds of steam would roll out into the envious crowd.
There appears to be little prospect for improvement in the rink
in brand Forks, for although they are building a new one in the
city itself, it will be 'used exclusively by the local youngsters in the
junior leagues. Thus North Dakota will continue to have a tremen-
dous home ice advantage, having loyal fans and being used to the
cold, but in addition they field a solid hockey team that took two
tight games from the Wolverines.
From my experience there, I would say that the Nodak
fight song should be something about, "We're loyal to the
green and white until we're bombed or blue."
-Jim Tindall
Gophers Whip Wildcats;
DePaul Raps Hoosiers

Michigan State Coach John
Benington popped into the Illinois
locker room, bounced over to Har-
ry Combes, and flashed the big-
gest, toothiest smile of the Big
Ten season.
Combes tugged on his screaming
red socks as if to calm them,
then turned his own happy face
toward his sometime adversaryl
and accepted Benington's con-
gratulations gleefully.
Both coaches had reason to
rejoice, because for the moment,
and for the first time in two
years, the big bad Wolverines had
been caged. For the first time
since February of 1963 Michigan
will have to do the chasing, with
Combes' Illini and Benington'sI
Spartans in the favorable posi-
All three teams have one con-
ference loss with Michigan and
Michigan State sporting five wins
and the Illini four. BUT, in the
Libels Hungry
The Michigan Daily Libels
will obliterate the UAC Oxen
today at 3:30 p.m. in basket-
ball. The Daily carries a one-
game winning streak in such
cage warfare. Leaping Lloyd
Graff leads the intrepid Libels.
He has been practicing dili-
gently lately by tossing his col-
umns into the wastebasket.
event of a tie, Michigan will be
the loser because of its previous
Gleeful Gloater
If Benington couldsmile last
night, then Combes should have
done nothing less than gloat. His
sparkling quintet from Champaign
shot a swishing 70 per cent in the
second half to stop Michigan by
a 99-93 score.
And in Ann Arbor, nobody less
than a junior had ever seen Mich-




igan lose in Yost Field House.I
Not in the previous 16 games had1
the Wolverines missed a win on
their home court. Adding to the
chagrin was the fact that Michi-
gan had only lost one of the pre-1
vious 20 conference games, the
second hottest Big Ten streak in

know that. when Cazzie gets a re-i
bound with 18 seconds left andI
the Blue trailing by three that
something's going to happen. It
did. Don Freeman grabbed the;
ball out of Russell's hands, sunk
a layup and got fouled. When he
hit the free throw the game was
over-the margin of defeat, six.

life, got his hand on Bankey's our team. We played hard and
free throw, doubling its value and shot well. The balance just tippedI
leaving the Wolverines down by in Illinois' favor. There's a tough
just two with 1:50 showing. bunch of kids on this team and'
Fifteen seconds later, Michigan we'll come back strong against
stole the ball again and John Indiana Saturday."
Clawson, who had made six of The Wolverines came out veryr
six foul throws in the first half, strong in the opening moments
stepped to the line. Clawson's last night and threatened to turn

Sk ein
good for nine second half field
goals, and he added this to three
foul shots for a point-a-minute
Freeman, like Jones, was play-
ing with four fouls but still man-
aged to launch his 6'2" frame into
the Yost horizons enough times to
net 19 second half tallies, includ-
ing the crucial last five.
And Cazzie missed a stuff shot

Jones and Freeman Michigan's last lead was 81- shot was no good and this time
Rich Jones, 6'7" ,and Don Free- 77 with 5:53 left in the game. In Illinois got the rebound.
man, 6'2", combined their jump- the next minute and 25 seconds, Foul, FoulFoul
ing jack abilities to obliterate the Wolverines lost everything- On the press the idea is to
Michigan almost without help. the lead, the momentum, probably foul if you can't get the ball any
Freeman had 33 points, Jones 31. the game. Illinois whipped off other way ,and hope that the oth-
Together they made 27 of 40 Il- four straight short jump shots, er team misses free throws. Oli-
linois field goals and 10 of the two' of them by 6'7" sophomore ver Darden did it twice in the
19 free throws. center Rich Jones, and when Dave next 30 seconds, a Russell jump-
John Clawson sparked Michigan Strack finally got a chance to call shot sandwiched between his
in the first half with 14 points, time out it was 85-81. fouls. But Freeman hit two of
finishing with 20. Ubiquitous Caz- 'Not Good Enough' two, and Larry Hinton added one.
zie Russell made his mark in.each Strack reached into his pock- With 44 seconds left the score-
half, with 17 and 16 respectively et and came out with the Wolver- board said 94-91 and Darden sat
to match his own number and ines thundering zone press, which down with his fifth violation.
Freeman's total.. in his own words was "good but

it into a rout right away. Russell
hit seven quick points and Mich-.
igan led 11-5, then 15-9.
At the same time the Illini were
fouling like they thought it was
football. With 13:10 still to play,
Michigan gained the one and one
foul situation. Freeman had three
fouls with 8:03 left, as did three
of his teammates. The Wolverines
connected on 17 of 20 charity
tosses in the first half, making
only 14 field goals.
Trailing 27-21, Illinois hit the
first of their many hot streaks,
closing the gap to 30-29. Michigan
never again led by more than four:
the halftime score was 45-42.
But the second half belonged to
Jones and Freeman. The former
fell hard at the first half buzzer
and was shaken up, Apparently he
plays well when he is "shook up."
His flutter-kick jump shot w as

Darden f
Clawson f
Myers c
Russell g
San key
Thompson g
Flessner f
Jones c
Dawson g
Pearson g

4-7 3-5 11 5 11
6-13 8-8 6 4 20
7-16 4-5 7 5 18
14-27 5-6 10 4 33
1-2 0-2 1 1 2
2-5 1-1 2 1 5.
1-3 2-2 2 2 4
35-73 23-29 46 22 93
14-27 5-7 12 4 33
3-4 3-4 3 5 9
13-22 5-9 7 5 31
6-11 2-3 4 0 14
2-5 2-3 5 4 6
0-1 0-0 1 0 0
2-3 1-2 4 0 5
0-0 1-2 0 2 1
40-7319-30 40 19 99
45 48-93
42 57-99



Illini Steal Script not good enough." The teams ex-
The Illini even walked off with changed baskets three times, mak-
the script. Michigan invariably ing it 91-87. At this point the
wins close games in the last min- press rattled the Illini, and Den-
ute. They came from six behind ny Bankey picked off a pass.
in 80 seconds down in Champaign Bankey was fouled quickly, and
last year to win 80-79. You just Oliver Darden, jumping for his

'' Club Meeting,
There will be a meeting of
the M Club Thursday night at
R p.m. at the Union. Bump
Elliott and Bob Holloway willI
narrate a film of the Big Ten
highlights. Refreshments will
be served.
With 35 seconds left, Clawson
made two free throws, but Free-
man, murdering the Wolverines
for the previous 18 minutes de-
spite four fouls next.to his name,
finally killed them on a smooth
10 foot jumper to make it 93-93.
His final three-point fling 10 sec-
onds later merely sealed the cof-
"God, what a basketball game,"
gushed Combes to reporters after,
the game., "We played our best
ball of the season, and under con-
ditions like that. For most of the
second half four of our men had
four fouls. We're in the race now
for sure."
Strack is not a coach who looks
for alibis. His comments were to
the point. "Illinois was a fine bas-
ketball team. They had to be to
hit that kind of percentage. They
hurt us on the offensive boards'
and came through when they, had
But I'm not finding fault with


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Big Ten Standings


W L Pet.
MICHIGAN 5 1 .833
Michigan State 5 1 .833
Illinois 4 1 .800
Iowa 3 2 .600
Minnesota 3 2 .600
Ohio State . 2 3 .400
Indiana 1 3 .250
Purdue 1 4 .200
Wisconsin 1 4 .200
Northwestern 1 5 .167
Yesterday's Results
Minnesota 86, Northwestern 76
Illinois 99, Michigan 93
Saturday's Games
Michigan at Indiana
Wisconsin at Michigan State
Ohio State at Illinois
Purdue at Minnesota
Iowa vs. Chicago Loyola
(Chicago Stadium)

-Daily-Kamalakar Rao
BATTLE OF THE BOARDS waxed fast and furious in last night's
game with Illinois. Wolverine John Clawson (hidden) fouls Don
Freeman in the above action by grabbing the Illini's left arm,
while Rich Jones (33) waits for the ball. Michigan controlled
the rebounds by a 46-40 margin, but lost the duel of sharp-

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i "'-i

By The Associated Press
Clark and Wes Martins fueled a
second-half Minnesota comeback
which carried the Gophers to an
86-76 Big Ten basketball victory
over Northwestern last night.
Minnesota trailed 40-38 at the
half, but took the lead early in
the second half and soon opened
a 12-point lead as the Wildcats
hit only one of their first 19 shots
after intermission.
Clark paced Minnesota with 26
points and Martins added 17, Lou

Hudson 15 and Dennis Dvora-
cek 13.
Mike Weaver got 28 for North-
western and Jim Pitts contributed
18 more.
CHICAGO-Dave Mills and Don
Swanson scored 53 points yester-
day to lead De Paul to a convinc-
ing 100-79 victory over Indiana
for the Blue Demons' 13th triumph
in 16 games.
Mills, who scored 28 points, and
Swanson, who contributed 25, were
the big difference in a rough and
tumble game.

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