Scventy-Sixth Year x - rEDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSTTY OF MICHIGAN * - UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS where Oplinn AeFre WhTre In1 re 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN APBOR, MiCti. Niws PHONE: 764-0552 Trnrht ilPrvt Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ei press the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. Thismust be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: CLARENCE FANTO Viet Nam: Self-Defeating Tactics of War .. . What By DICK WINGFIELD THE LEGEND of Willow Vil- lage will one day occupy a full chapter in the War on Poverty: and history will deal harshly with the University for its role in this tragic story. This small area, only eight miles from Ann Arbor, has successive- ly been a bomber production cen- ter, a slum area, foster of a mid- dle-class community (a stone's throw from poverty), the target of an OEO grant, and the seat of a young civil war over the ap- propriateness of the poverty grant. Understandably, the people in Ypsilanti and Superior Townships are confused and distraught. On the one hand, some of the resi- dents have been opposed to hav- ing a poverty grant from the be- ginning. They contend that the area is not impoverished and that federal funds should be used else- where. From the other point of view, some residents have worked dili- gently in the Willow Run Asso- ciation for Neighborhood Devel- opment (WRAND) to eliminate what they consider "social-cultur- al" poverty. BUT THE GREATEST frustra- tion of the community has not1 been from the controversy-this, the WRAND workers could prob- ably have surmounted. Rather,1 much of the fault for the inevi-l table demise of this poverty proj- ect must fall at the feet of thes University. Went Wrong with WITH THE RESUMPTION of the bomb- ings in North Viet Nam, that. sorry war has entered a period of intensified fighting whose nature will make justifi- cation of the war increasingly difficult. Escalation-the use of heavier firepow- er and more sophisticated weaponry-is bound to continue in an effort to bring a quick, cheap military settlement to the conflict. Whatever the conflict's obscure origins decades past, the war hit the big time two years ago and will become even more important in the coming months as America commits increasing amounts of manpower and financial backing. During the 38-day bombing lull, hopes had waxed and waned almost daily that a non-military solution could be formu- lated at the negotiating table, Fifteen United States senators sent notice that they considered continuation of the bombing lull to be imperative. There was a possibility that Congress was slowly trying to build support within its ranks tochallenge the administration's policies in Viet Nam. But the presidential order to recommence the air attacks has pulled the rug out from under the proponents of a prolonged peace effort. THUS BEGINS the mechanical escala- tion of the war. Less obvious, but per- haps more deadly and horrifying in the long run, is a brutality escalation that is slowing taking place Terrorist tactics have long been a standard part iof the Viet Cong arsenal and South Vietnamese methods of prisoner interrogation have been anything less than gentle. Now on- to the ground war in South Viet Nam comes a new program designed to win back the territory lost to the guerrillas: a program of "pacification"of the rural 'areas. However specific details are worked out, the plan will generally follow this pat- tern. When United States and South Viet- namese ground forces have succeeded in "clearing out" a section of countryside formerly under Viet Cong control and administration, special "interrogation teams" will descend upon the local ham- lets. Their purpose will be to ascertain the political loyalty of the inhabitants by intensive investigation of the histories of the people. BY INTERROGATION of neighbors, friends and relatives, each person would be given a reliability quotient, de- pending on how much aid and sympathy he was alleged to have given to guerril- las. Those who had held back or collab- orated solely under coercion would be given safety clearances and allowed to re- sume working their fields. Those persons found to be politically suspect would either be placed under strict surveillance or removed from the area. The aim of such a program would be to insure loyalty to the Saigon govern- ment and to lower the chances that coun- ter-attacking Viet Cong would be given a sympathetic welcome. In principle this "pacification" sounds like a sure-fire way to sort out the good apples from the bad in South Viet Nam's jumbled barrel. That is the program in principle; its prob- able outcome when put into use appears to be something akin to Gestapo tactics. No one, of course, would be immune from interrogation. That is to be expect- ed; war, the great expediency maker, creates its own justifications for the in- vasion of privacy. ONCE THE INTERROGATION teams have decided who is safe and who is potentially dangerous to the zone, the problem arises of what can be done with the alleged sympathizers and collabora- tors. Most certainly they will not be trans- ported to some distance behind the area of immediate combat and let loose. (Ac- tually there are no battlelines and be- hind-lines in this checkered war.) A simple, direct and painless solution is the establishment of mass concentra- tion camps where the victims can be herded together and kept under close watch. United States and South Vietna- mese logistics experts would have no dif- ficulty in converting refugee camps or building new facilities for the contain- ment of "dangerous personnel." And if the prisoners become over- crowded or unruly--who knows? South Vietnamese soldiers have been known to "interrogate" prisoners by pushing them out ofrhigh-flying helicopters. AND SO AS THE U.S. more and more conducts the war, by the same meth- ods as its enemies, the meaning of vic- tory in South Viet Nam rings increasingly hollow. --DAVID KNOKE present, a heated dispute has rag- ed over the need of a federal poverty grant in the area. More subtle, however, is the dispute over the tactics used in obtain- ing the grant. The report of the University's ILIR, released in No- vember of 1964, was a petition for the grant which was to be award- ed threemonths later. Parts of this report were false; this fact was used as ammunition against the poverty project itself. * December of 1965, Henry Alt- ing resigned as coordinator for the University's ILIR on the Willow Village project. But his reasons were not defined for the public. * Tuesday, Jan. 25, 1966, the University released an official statement that its ILIR will with- draw from the Willow Village pov- erty program in April. (Wayne State University remained silent.) * Two days later, conflicting opinions were offered for the rea- sons behind the withdrawal. Jesse Hill, director of WRAND, said, "We didn't anticipate the Univer- sity pulling out so jsoon. I be- lieve that the controversy over whether Willow Village is in need of the grant had something to do with this early withdrawal.", Hy Kornbluh, project director for the program from the Universi- ty's ILIR, said, "The University will have served its function by April. We had two goals at the beginning of the project, (1) To help the Willow Village area get a start so it could eventually ad- minister its own self-help pro- gram ,and (2) To complete re- The reasons for my resignation are essentially the following: * A fundamental disagreement based on ethical and professional grounds with the Institute of La- bor and Industrial Relations on the execution of the Office of Economic Opportunity Willow Vil- lage grant, * Judging by itssactions and inactions, the University of Mich- igan and the institute have dis- played a lack, of leadership to guide the program successfully through its first year of opera- tion and a lack of commitment not to pledge the full resources of the University for a second year to administer this unique OEO demonstration project. Instead, through a maze of red tape and bureaucratic inefficiency the development of the original proposal has been seriously de- layed and the program's future damaged beyond repair. The mal- functions of the University with respect to 'the Willow Village grant has destroyed the peoples' confidence in WRAND. * Instead of carrying out the general programs as outlined in the proposal and the far reach- ing implications of grassroots com- munity development as imbodied in the official Economic Oppor- tunity Act, the institute soon after January, 1965, manipulated the WRAND organization to reshape its structure to fit the Ann Arbor ivory tower concept of Willow Vil- lage. * Various groups in the local area through a variety of offi- ber of service oriented programs with little grassroots support, the overall program ultimately creat- ed more of the deadly dependency instead of the badly needed inde- pendency of people and their or- ganization. * The institute let WRAND take the brunt of the political right wing attacks earlier this year. It was not so much the attacks from SCOPAN (Study Committee on Poverty and Need) and REPLY (Return Every Pen- ny and Leave Ypsilanti) which destroyed WRAND but the inabil- ity of the institute to provide leadership to defend the Willow Village'poverty program. At one of the February, 1965, SCOPAN meetings, WRAND membership was out in force and outvoted the SCOPAN leadership but insti- tute leadership was marked by its absence. * There is a serious question as to whether or not the taxpayers' money was used in a proper man- ner. A group of people who do not represent a majority of the mem- bership was allowed to take con- trol of the WRAND board of di- rectors and subsequently aided by. the federal grant was unable to carry out any substantial parts of the program as outlined in the proposal. As a' matter of fact, in the period from March. 1964, through January, 1965, before the OEO funds came in, WRAND as 'a true grassroots peoples' organiza- tion was able to run a success- - ful recreation program, a drill team of 125 boys and girls, a day care center, and a beginning of a number of committees for other imaginative programs for about 15 Per cent in dollars and cents of, what $188,000 was able to pro- duce. f The final act in this Willow Village drama was played at the July 28, 1965, special WRAND membership meeting which had been called by petition of the WRAND membership. At that meeting, the present WRAND board with the visible aid of the chairman of the Washtenaw Coun- ty Poverty Committee in a blat- ant manner trampled on the rights of the unrepresented people in WRAND and through parlia- mentary maneuvering denied them a hearing. Ever since that date the Willow Village poverty pro- gram has for all practical pur- poses ceased to exist. WRAND? -WRAND has alienated itself from the community. -WRAND ceases to be a mem- bership organization. The mem- bership, even if in a minority, has not had a chance to be heard and WRAND has less members now than it had in 1964. -The decision by Gerald Fol- ey, former coordinator of WRAND, to resign was in part prompted by the disastrous consequences of the July 28, 1965, membership meeting, i.e. loss of grassroots support. * Finally, the University of Michigan has not extended the fully paid privileges of fringe ben- efits as provided under the fed- eral grant to employes directly employed by the University, such as itscommunity workers and sec- retaries who all live directly in the Willow Village area. There- fore, in addition to the $31,000 earmarked for overhead and in- direct costs, the University can al- so include the funds which should have paid for these medical and insurance premiums. IN MY OPINION ,last year's ex- perience has demonstrated at least in respect to the Willow Village grant both the inadequacy of the Economic Opportunity Act and the inability of our public institutions to administer such grants. As I have seen WRAND grow from its very inception to the present state of decay and with a deep personal involvement as one of the original incorporators and as WRAND's f i r s t president (March-December, 1984) 'it has,, become increasingly difficult to remain silent as an employe of the University of Michigan. There- fore, I have no choice but to sub- mit my resignation effective as of December 20, 1965. Sincerely, -Henry Alting FULL BLAME for failure cannot rest upon the role of any single actor in a project this. complex. There were also internal diffi- culties, manpower shortages, and. years of ingrained attitudes which contributed -to the present stat- us of the Willow Village. Keeping this in mind, however, the record of the University is shrouded; the work is unfinished; and the War on Poverty has tak- en a step backward. * 4 A. * I And Needed Policy for Peace A brief history: * In March of 1964, WRAND was incorporated by interested persons in the Willow Village area. (Willow Village is neither a geographic or a political entity. Rather, it is an area straddling Superior and Ypsilanti Township borders, comprising five groups of homes and apartments which orig- inally served housing needs for the World War II bomber plant at Willow Run.) * April of 1964, WRAND bought its building, an abandoned school in Superior Township built dur- ing World War II for use by the children of government workers. The building cost $15,000. Work began immediately to restore the building as a center for communi- ty action projects. * January of 1965, President Johnson announced a federal grant of $188,252, awarded by the Office of Economic Opportunity to be administered by the Insti- tute of Labor-Industrial Relations (ILIR) of both the University of Michigan and Wayne State Uni- versity, to be "subcontracted" to WRAND for continuation and ex- pansion of the community action projects which it had already be- gun. f January of 1965 until the WILLOW RUN VILLAGE search on the value of a self-help poverty program. By April, these goals will have been achieved." " Yesterday, Henry Alting re- leased to The Daily his letter of resignation from the position of coordinator for the University's ILIR. In the letter, printed be- low, Alting defined his reasons for resigning and his opinion of the University's shortcomings. Dr. Charles M. Rehmus Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations University of Michigan Dear Dr. Rehmus: THIS IS to notify you that on December 11, 1965, I informed Mr. Donald Roberts of my resig- nation as coordinator with the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations for the Willow Village project. Prior to the date of this letter, on November 24, 1965, Mr. Roberts was informed of my in- tention to resign but we left the door open to further considera- tions, involving the possibilities of restructuring the WRAND board and positive developments regarding the refunding of the Willow Village project for anoth- er year. cial and unofficial channels com- municated particular wishes, de- sires, and ideas from a consid- erable number of Willow Village residents concerning the imple- mentation of certain aspects of the WRAND anti-poverty program to the institute. All of these com- munications were ignored and no formal replies or explanations where necessary were received. The result of this utter disregard for the wishes and desires of the people of Willow Village is that presently WRAND finds itself es- sentially without any grassroots support and the population and its leadership is resentful and skep- tical of the true intentions of the war on poverty. * Despite urgings from local leadership and the writer, the in- stitute and the Washington Eco- nomic Opportunity Office abso- lutely refused to carry out a community-wide opinion interview in the spring of 1965 as origin- ally planned, which was essential to run a grassroots program. Sim- ilarly, the institute ignored a pro- gram outline and organization chart as constructed by WRAND members in February, 1965, and instead through a series of ser- ious mistakes and blunders creat- ed a division within the leader- ship of WRAND. Through a num- "Snug, Ain't It?" y}.. 'Hm x~ t~ 4 THE MILITARY STRUGGLE in Viet Nam -important as it is-'must be viewed as part of an overall global strategy if American sacrifice there is to have any meaningful consequences. In an editorial Sunday, the reasons why the United States cannot withdraw were reviewed: the need to contain the spread of similar guerrilla efforts in other na- tions of Southeast Asia, to preserve the integrity of the American commitment internationally, and to refute China's thesis that wars of national liberation: are the most effective means to world domination. The arguments for a speedy "military" victory were also discussed: to save Amer- ican casualties and to mitigate the suf- ferings of a war-torn nation. The question of what to do with this "military" victory was not outlined for lack of space. THE PROBLEM, however, is P crucial one, for military victory in Viet Nam must be viewed merely as a prerequisite to the economic and social development of Southeast Asia. There is a danger that the President, the Congress and the na- tion in general will become too embroil- ed in strictly military aspects of the war to realize this. Communist guerrillas capitalize on existing discontent by promising to do better, and the war in Viet Nam must be considered in this light. As areas become Editorial Staff ROBERT JOHNSTON, Editor LAURENCE E IRSHBAUM, Managing Editor pacified the United States must initiate land and tax reform, improve peasant farming techniques, build hospitals and schools, and in general make every effort to upgrade the local standard of living. Only through such ;measures will the sup- port of the populace ultimately be won. The ingredients for Communist-spon- sored revolutions exist throughout South- east Asia. If we do not recognize and remedy them, we may well find ourselves relying exclusively on military operations in one nation after another as insurgent Communists fan local discontent. AMARSHALL PLAN beginning now for all of independent Southeast Asia is certainly in order. Nonetheless, critics of the administration who move to the other extreme and contend that economic aid will, of itself, do the job are badly mis- taken. Clearly it does no good to build a hospital or schoolhouse if they are only to be blown up by marauding guerrillas. The containment of Communist efforts in Viet Nam in effect buys time for mean- ingful social and economic change else- where. This opportunity must not be for- feited. Southeast Asia presently is the most critically threatened area of the world. If the U.S. can accomplish the military con- tainment of Communism there and at the same time bring about the economic and social uplifting of that area, we can do it anywhere. Surely the example set in Asia should offer hope and understanding to the people of Africa and Latin America as well. We must prove to the world that America is not too rich or callous to care, and that the cost in human suffering that the Communists inflict on a nation $1 4: AEC Accelerator Meets Political Intrigue THE ATOMIC Energy Commis- sion has been subject to mas- sive political pressure in its at- tempts to make its proposed 200 billion electron volt nuclear ac- celerator a reality. At its inception the process seemed simple enough, merely get an appropriation from Congress to build a high energy nuclear physics laboratory which would reflect America's research capa- bilities. Plans were prepared for a facility six times larger than the 33 BEV Brookhaven Labora- tory in New York, the most power- ful presently available in the free world. In the year since bids were ac- cepted from more than 200 loca- tions throughout the country, the program has been charged with rumors andspolitical implications in a volume far greater than the AEC anticipated. THE PROCESS began normally, with a committee from the Na- tionalaAcademy of Sciences chosen to visit each proposed site and cent announcements, however, set the earliest decision date in early July of this year. The results of random news items based on rumors and lack of an official source of information has resulted in pressure for a h asty decision from several sources, economic, political, and social. If the implications of the proj- ect as a whole had been more clearly delineated by the AEC of- ficials in charge of planning the project, the committee's attempt to slow down the process so a careful analysis of the problem can be made may not have been necessary. EARLY THIS YEAR, a set of three "alternative proposals" from congressmen interested in econ- omy, suddenly appeared before the Joint Committee on Atomic En- ergy, which has control of the financial needs of the AEC. These set forth plans for scaled down facilities which would be "less of a strain on the budget." with and the character of the labora- tory, which must be on a scale which would attract scientists from all over the country for more advanced studies than can be made with less powerful equip- ment at a regional institution. Also, the AEC officials point to the fact that the construction of the project would take seven years and the portion of the $375 mil- lion necessary each year would not be a large strain on the bud- get at all. So sure were they that the cost was not an object in the planning that they have actually included in the plans a $27 million addition of a "bubble chamber," a device for visualizing the path of atomic particles. BUT WHEN the budget was is- sued it carried the notation to the effect that no funds have been provided for the proposed acceler- ator, which convinced many that the administration is opposed or indifferent to the project. The joint committee then informed the AEC that no money could be ap- nrnritd hafnrP a ,,final c1 . ects of this magnitude, there are many internal forces in the bur- eaucracy attempting to lure the project in the direction of their constituencies. An informed source in Washington described for The Daily some of the current methods by which interests are fighting for the project. FIRST, of course, is the overt bargaining from the states which have sites in consideration. The AEC has been offered as much as $3 million by states attempting to sway the committee's decision. Michigan has not participated in the monetary tug-of-war, but has promised to donate the site, some 5000 acres in Northfield Town- ship near Ann Arbor, if it is selected. Secondly, politicians in key po- sitions, especially a representative from California who is on the jointucommittee which will make the ultimate selection, may well be able to bring the selection to the West Coast. A counter-current from residents of nrPAQ .halm at. rnri.m,- lnrfnn4-n. ducing farms. This illustrates that the time to build is now, before many of the present areas large enough to handle a facility of the proposed size are put to other use. What is being done about these political threats to the successful completion of the accelerator as planned, or indeed what can be done about political ambition, is one of the most challenging prob- lems with which the project must contend. A spokesman for the selection committee once said that the political pressures were not direct and the only thing interest- ed people can do at the present time is "hold their breath until the decision comes." The argument of the AEC re- mains that American technology is capable of producing a 200 BEV facility and to build one of less magnitude would be a clear waste of potential. It is not likely that the AEC after going so far to assure the success of the project wil stand idly by if any more attempts are made to discard its ow