High Prices Disturb C, 4c tflr a Iait Student-Consumers EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the of the product. That is, if a book, in stepping to allocate funds for a rst in a three-part series on pric- store were located in the central ; bookstore, to insist that the Uni- ing in Ann Arbor as related to changing trends in the attitudes of ;Iarea of the Arb, most likely its}versity reappraise its housing fa- student-consumers. The first part prices would have to be relatively cilities and prices in view of stu- VOL. LXXVI, No. 84 consists of generalizations on the lower than the other stores to dent needs. !!issues; the second deals with re- cent planning among students to draw customers, The inevitably conclusion is that influence pricing; and the third The same concept applies to the initiative to improve the stu- consists of various details and con- book stores in general. Assuming I dent's economic situation does, in elusions on Ann Arbor pricing, the expected high level of demand fact, rest almost exclusively with R i bi By DICK WINGFIELD for books, food and housing in a the student. For without an ade- college town, the prices will be quate mandate from the students, Consumers are not represented naturally higher in stores near the the FHA proposal will not be f-1- s the American legislative pro- campus than in stores, one, five or lowed through of it should be), ess. This assertion, carrying with 10 miles from where the consum- the state government cannot be it a few qualifications, has been ers are concentrated. justified in exerting its influence a significant force in the devel- Supplementing this analysis, the and the University can only re- opment of American economic his- example would tend to show that main at a status quo on such By LEONARD tory, and'holds much significance the average student would will- matters as a University bookstore.' in the analysis of prices in Ann ingly pay for convenience. This Why? Because if there is no Sen. Abraham, Arbor. happens while parents sagely add noise from the consumers, then Conn) has plans t Undoubtedly, the age is wan- that "food doesn't cost that much it must be assumed that the free efforts" to pass hi ing when "Mother anid father pay here in Three Rivers," or "Our enterprise system is working to the "tuition tax credit' all of the bills, and we have all whole family here in Dowagiac satisfaction of all. posal that has gair of the fun." Many students today pays about as much rent as you A somewhat interesting obser- versity backing-in are definitely aware of where their do in Ann Arbor" or "I know vation is that some students are of Congress. Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1966 SECTION THREE rofJ t foi PRATT Ribicoff (D- to "renew my s controversial " bill-a pro- ned tacit Uni- this session -Plans To Renew Criticism of Beards r Tax Credit Blll Spu~rs Cutler Reply By BETSY COHN Both bills essentially discount the amount of tax which a person must pay while also paying for the tuition, fees and books of a col- lff t d tnt ThV dl nn. rnidi Russell Thackery; the associa- tion's executive director, recently criticized the proposal in two specific areas. I f i s c t G money is going. Even in light of this change, however, we still have to "figure a hell of a lot to show what we have done, with the coin we blew at dear old Michigan." Need Balance In essence, then, our money isn'tj very valuable in the present AnnI Arbor economy; prices are high,I mother and father can't do much about it, and the situation doesn't seem to be altering itself to suit legitimate student desires. One question stands at this juncture of the discussion: Why is the initiative to improve the student's economic situation the province almost exclusively that of the student himself? That is, why can't the free enterprise system, the University and the gov- ernment, work to yield a balance* which satisfies both merchants and students? Tradition An answer: One commentor said recently that the present pricing system in Ann Arbor is the product of a tradition beginning during the depression years when studentsj were invariably labeled as a priv- ileged class, both here and on cam- puses across the nation. He said that in this era the students were "fair game" partially be- cause the bills were being paid by parents in other communities. This philosophy may still have influence today, deriving its pe- cuniary success from the assump- tion that the students themselves you have to have special books, awakening to the pricing forcest Ribicoff's measure, introducedj but couldn't you pick them up in to which they are subject and, if into the last session of Congress# Detroit?" they have not succeeded in alter- and still pending before the Sen-$ These comments and sugges- ing the balance of the Ann Arbor ate Finance Committee, generally I tions may be very valid, but the campus economy, they are surely parallels one being pushed in the fact remains - students, or any deciding what will effectively do House by Rep. Albert Herlong ; group of consumers for that mat- so. (D-Fla). ter, will continue to pay for con- lege sLUaenU .Lney UoJ LUr kaV 0 "In the first place," he said, for extra or increased exemptions "it helps the wrong people." He suppogring the studenfthe ro thlsth rn epe in figuring the tax of the person explains that the eventual cost of Rather, they provide for net the tax credit measure has been Rathrheyproidefoinoe estimated close to $1.25 billion deductions from the total incomeper year. Hesargues that that tax which would be figured just much money would be much more as at present. For example, under "socially useful" by providing Ribicoff's bill, a person paying scholarships for the poor rather $1,500 a year to support a college than tax relief for the relatively student would be allowed to sub- well off. "In essence," he says, venience. Merchants know this and price accordingly. Their pricing1 techniques, therefore, are definite- ly within the ethics of the free enterprise system-excluding the possibility of price fixing, which would be, incidentally, redundant in view of the forces mentioned above. Some Answers $55 MILLION: Appoint Bentley To Head Major Gifts Committee In answer to the central ques- Alvin M. Bentley of Owosso has tion, therefore, it seems that the been appointed chairman of the free enterprise system, the Uni- major gifts committee of the Uni- versity and the governments have versity's $55 Million Program, Re- not worked toward remedying the gent Paul G. Goebel, national grievances of parents and students chairman of the fund drive, an- because of the inherent charac- nounced recently. teristics of these institutions: Bentley, a University graduate. 0 The free enterprise system will work with Goebel and other says that the price coordinates leaders of the national fund cam- with supply and demand factors. paign in seeking contributions of' The fact that Ann Arbor merch- I $100 000 or more each. ants are not bankrupt illustrates "The University is fortunate in- that they are pricing within the I deed to secure the help of Mr. limits set by free enterprise. Bentley in this important pro- * The University does not exist 1 gram," Goebel said. "He is a long- as an organization for economic time friend of higher education, reform. It will enter economic and has been a leader in this' struggles only when the outcome state in recognizing the expand-' is shown to be of crucial impor- ing needs of our colleges and uni- tance to students. The ethics 'of versities." this pragmatism may be debated, The program is a nationwide but the function of the Univer- ? effort to seek $55 million in pri- sity will remain the same. vate contributions from alumni, has said that the University seeksI through private philanthropy to ensure continuance of the "free- dom to explore, the capability to achieve and the courage to lead," which has gained the University' world-wide recognition. The $55 million program is scheduled to reach its goal in 1967, when the University will be celebrating its 150th anniversary. A former congressional repre- sentative, Bentley is presently state chairman of Project Hope, and consultant to both Michigan Higher Education Facilities Com- mission and the state board of ' education. In 1961 he established the Alvin M. Bentley Foundation, which supplies many scholar-I ships for undergraduates in all i of Michigan's public and private colleges. Bentley was also named by Gov.! Romney as a member of the "blue ribbon" Citizens Committee on Higher Education, and was chair-| man of this group's interim com- mittee. Area chairmen have been chosen to lead the fund drives in various parts of the state. Resi- dents of the areas have been named to volunteer committees to aid in seeking gifts. tract $325 from his income tax: bill. Under Fire Both measures have had a dif- ficult time in Congress. Ribicoff's was defeated 48-45 in 1964, under fire from the White House. It has{ not been voted upon since. His bill has been primarily de- signed to aid middle-income fam- ilies, those pinched by higher edu- cational costs, yet not aided by any governmental programs. In order to do this, the taxa credit is based on the first $1,500 paid for a student's upkeep. The amount of credit is equal to 75 per cent of the first $200 spent on him, 25 per cent of the next $300 and 10 per cent of the next $1.000. The maximum credit al- lowable under Ribicoff's proposal is $325. Opposition Because the bill's effects are concentrated so heavily in the middle-income groups-62 perl cent of its dollar benefits would go to families with incomes be-i tween $3,000 and $10,000 per year -it has aroused opposition from quarters that might have been expected to welcome it, the col- leges themselves. The National Association ofx State Universities and Land Grant Colleges, the nation's major or- ganization of large public col-1 leges, has been the leader in thej fight against tax credits. The University has been thet major hold out in the association's attack on the bill. When the as-A sociation voted to censure the4 t' a a ., , a fv aaa a a . .* ,+a There has been considerable alumni concern about the ap- pearance of undergraduates who wear beards and dress in a slovenly manner. Recently, Re- gent Paul G. Goebel expressed his concern about this matter in a letter to Vice-President for Stu- dent Affairs Richard L. Cutler. Cutler's response is contained in the following: "Dear Regent Goebel: Thank you for your letter con- cerning the appearance of certain students who inhabit the Michi- gan Union . . . Let me make the following suggestions as to what may be said to alumni and others who constantly raise the issue with us . . . 1) Every generation of students has its own nonconformists. This' one is no exception. The fact that the nonconformity is expressed in terms of beards (and on rare oc- casion, bare feet) is probably basically no different nor more offensive than the nonconformity of extremely tight sweaters, peg- ged pants or zoot suits. I can recall when, as a high school stu- dent in the early 40's, I was deemed to fall in the "jerk" or undesirable category as a con- sequence of having my hair cut "butch" style, identical to the way I wear it now. You may also recall that Lincoln was castigated during the early years of his po- litical career for not wearing a beard. Thus, with a little his- torical perspective, the relativity of these matters is rather easily' seen. 2) The Union is a public place, and the civil law permits wide variance of dress and behavior in such places: I state this not in an effort to shrug off responsibility I for the problem, but merely as a fact which we judge to make efforts at direct "crackdowns" un- wise. 3) Undoubtedly, some of the persons who appear thus in the Union have more characteristics of social undesirability. Some, I am sure, are outright bums. How- people. Their intellectual level leads them often into a sensitivity to and criticism of prevailing so- cial customs and established mores which they express sometimes ap- propriately, and sometimes in the form of a pointed rebellion in their style of dress or conduct. I am confident that the majority of such persons will develop beyond this particular style of rebellion and become constructive members of society. Not all will, and the question is whether to attempt to bring them into conformity by direct means, or through persua- sion and the benefits of the devel- opmental process, to let the prob- lem behavior run its course. 4) The final point has to do with the nature of the University itself. Of all of society's institu- tions, the University is the one most obligated to tolerate non- conformity. It cannot determine arbitrarily on matters of politics, custom, ideology, etc. In a so- ciety where individuality is threat- ened both from within and with- out, the University must be a bulwark of individual freedom in both thought and action. For it to do otherwise is to betray its tradition and, I believe, ultimately to undermine the principles on which American society rests. Let me assure you that I am no more fond of the displays that can be seen at the Union than you or Mr. Hill. Let me further assure you that we work- hard to educate and to point out that non- conformity can be expressed in more constructive ways than via bare feet and beards. We shall continue to do so. Since we in- evitably will not succeed with every student, the public will be exposed to a certain unfavorable aspect of the University's image. I find some comfort in the fact that the University has survived similar nonconformity in the past, and that its products (some of whom were "bearded" during their days here) are almost universally a source of pride to us and of credit to the institution. Sincerely, Richard L. Cutler Vice-President for Student Affairs ABRAHAM RIBICOFF do not usually pay their costs of 0 Governments do not have the other individuals, foundations and education and parents are too far privilege of legislating lower prices corporations. It is the largest away to effectively protest.. directly. Their operations must project of its kind ever mounted Now, however, outspoken stu- therefore be relative to exigency by a tax-assisted university. dents are revitalizing the criti- and indirect in their effect. An Gifts received in the $55 million cisms their parents have been har- exception in this case is the Fed- i program are to be used for Uni- boring for years. eral Housing Administration's ver ity projects for whvich tax There is another dimension to "floating offer" to supplement money is not available. Such the argument: Availabality of funds directed to low cost hous- projects include new buildings and merchandise, or convenience for ing. Generally, however, the state equipment, schoralships and en- the consumer, plays just as signifi- government can only stand back dowed professorships. cant a role in pricing as the worth and watch until they are justified i President Harlan H. Hatcher "tax credits are an upside-down scholarship. They help people that don't need it." ! Second, Thackery sees thej plans as not being of any final benefit to parents at all. "All oolleges will do is raise their tui- tions in order to use the tax credit system as a funnel to get morej federal funds that aren't tied tol a specific program," he Ribicoff proposal last spring. the "And," he concludes, "there University refused to go along got to be better ways than with its 96 fellow members. of spending $1 billion." says. ever, by no means all are. We have know that among students who that dress like this are many outstand- ingly bright and productive young ULRICH'S WILL GIVE YOU THE BEST DEAL IN TOWN ON YOUR TEXTBOOKS. A ULRICH'S have accumulated tons and tons of BOOKS for nearly every course at - - Demonstrators Demonstrating Counter-Demonstrators Demonstrating Demonstrators Counterdemonstrattng Counter-Demonstrators Demonstrators Counterdemonstrating Counterdemonstrating Demonstrators Counter-Demonstrators Counterdemonstrating Counterdemonstrating Demonstrators S.P.A.S.M. Demonstrating Up to "13 OFF 100 U of M Students are anxious to serve you at ULRICH'S-Come in-they need the work- L 1. ULRICH'S WILL GIVE YOU THE TOP DOLLAR ON YOUR DISCONTINUED BOOKS ONLY WHEN SOLD OR TRADED WITH CURRENTLY GOOD TITLES ULRICH'S connections with over 600 other Bookstores throughout the nation enables ULRICH'S to give you the top dollar for your discontinued books. ULRICH'S sells your discontinued books direct to these stores-No middle man involved. ULRICH'S does this at NO PROFIT-as a service to you. CONFUSED ?HI I~lflirhiiurn Palt AD St C . . - - - -s ri - - ®r- -