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January 30, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-01-30

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See Editorial Page



7Ia itii

High- 12
Low-- -
intermittent flurries

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom








"I like the idea of the merger,
but I think that it may fail as
psoposed." "I feel that the coun-
cil of house presidents would not
work." "The voting is equal on
the council, with 26 men's houses
and 26 women's, but there are
more women than men." These are
the opinions of the proposed mer-
ger of Interquadrangle Council
and Assembly Association Into
Inter-House Assembly.
Rather, these are the opinions
of those who ventured an opinion
on the matter. These are the
opinions of those people who knew
something about the merger. Most,
by their own admission, were
either "uninformed," or "not in-
terested, so I can't say anything."
One person said that the Markley
Council, spending "very little, al-

most no, time on it" considered
the" whole thing a farce."
But generally, that gental bliss
known as ignorance was the re-
action from house presidents to
questions by The Daily on the
The house presidents will meet
soon to act on the proposal.
What are the chances for the
formation of IHA? Good, it would
seem. Most people were for the
merger; but differed on the form
it should take. The different
views on the structure of IHA
ranged from a view that it should
be composed of two parts, one part
of which governed the women
dorms,. and the other the men's;
and the parent organization which
would take care of matters such as
confronting the administration.

But basically, the discussion seems
to be concerned with the fine
points of structure of the organi-
zation. Most people agree on the
general aspects of IHA, but differ
on the specifics.
Two similar, but somewhat dif-
fering constitutions have been
drawn up. One of these is the re-
sult of a joint Assembly-IQC com-
mittee to do just that. The other
is the effort of a member of IQC,
Dave Smith. His version changes
parts of the committee's written
document, but otherwise is the
The changes are causing the
debate, and the worries. It ap-
pears that a sufficient number of
house presidents prefer the Smith
plan over the committee version.
The Smith plan allows for a more
powerful and functional legisla-
tive branch of IHA.

Another matter debated by those
concerned revolves on the concept
of the "associate member." This
term is used to designate a non-
resident, house member (i.e. a
person living outside the dorm
system, but voted in as a member
of a house). Assembly has had a'
tradition of associate membership.
It started when Ann Arbor women'
attended classes, but lived at home.
To introduce these people into the
social swing of things, the dorms
took them under their care with
this system. Thus they were en-
titled to attend mixers, TG's, etc.,
as house members, though they
did not live in a dorm. Interquad-
rangle Council has never had such
a system. Though some IQC mem-
bers seem to vaguely recall such a
time, all agree that it never was
of much concern. It is now.
Lee Hornberger, IQC president,

is trying to have the associate
membership clause removed from
the constitution. He feels that for
a person to become an officer of
a housing unit government, that
person should be living in a hous-
ing unit "immersed in the life theyj
are the spokesman for." (That an
associate member could become
president of IHA is possible, as
the constitutions regard associate
members the equal of regular
members in all respects. The pres-
ident of Assembly is an associate
member of a house.)
Georgia Berland, president of
Assembly, however feels that the
tradition is helpful and not harm-
ful, and that there is no good rea-
son to stop it.
The question was put to the
Residence Hall Board of Gover-

nors who "advised that the asso-
ciate member clause be deleted"
from the constitution. The presi-
dents assembly could include it in
the final plan, however, if they so
wish. But any final draft must
still be approved by the board of
It would seem that the final
form of the constitution would in
both instances have a presidents
council, composed of the presi-
dents of the various housing units,
plus representatives for houses
which are oversize. (The two plans
differ in the manner and number
of these extra representatives.)
Both plans would form an execu-
tive board. This would consist of
a president, several executive offi-
cers, and the heads of seven
standing committees. Smith's plan
would form a third body, the coun-
cil. The president would head this,

and have the remainder of the
executive board as non-voting
members, along with a suitable
(small) - nulnber of elected repre-
sentatives. This body would share
legislative duties with the assem-
bly. The reasoning, as explained
by Smith is: "We are convinced
that the 68 member president's
assembly is totally unworkable as
a weekly meeting body" (as the
committee's plan would require it
to be). Thus, he reasons, a smaller
body is needed to do the debat-
ing; a body limited in size so that
it can meet regularily and effi-
ciently. It would be required to
answer to the president's assembly.
Smith notes that the size of the
assembly would be increased by
15 houses in the next three years
as Bursley and Cedar Bend I and
II are completed and integrated
into the system.

Smith's plan also allows for a
separate judiciary. The committee
document would utilize the execu-
tive committee in such a position.
This is similar -to the manner in
which Interfraternity Council con-
ducts its business. There could be
an appeal to the assembly.
There is opposition growing to
the constitution as written by the
joint committee. This seems to be
the only evident source, or reason
of, or for, opposition. The merger
seems to have the support to be
effected. It is under which plan
that is the question. There are
house presidents favoring Smith's
constitution. There is at least an
equal number, more likely a larger
number, favoring the committee
plan. Many house presidents have
not yet studied the two plans.
Final action will be taken at the
house president's meeting Monday.

What's New
At 764-1817
The University, according to William Lavine of the Inter-
national Center, is participating in a program of providing an
opportunity for granting seniors and graduate students one year
of study in a German University. For each University student
studying in Germany on this program, a German student is
granted a scholarship to study here.
All applicants must be 20 and 30 years of age and have a
strong proficiency of the German language.
** * 4
The Defense Department's call for 32,900 men from the
Selective Service System for March was up from the previous
February call, but was below the 38,280 man call of January as
well as the 42,000 December quota.
The March call specified 27,900 men for the Army and 5,000
for the Marine Corps. There were no requests from either the
Navy or Air Force.
* . * *
Prof. Gerald F. Else, chairman of the University department
of classical studies, has been appointed by President Johnson to
the National Council of the Humanities.
He was one of 26 persons appointed to the council which
was created by federal law in 1965. His term will expire in 1967.
Two members of the state department of conservation, its
director, Aalph A. MacMullen, and chief of research David H.
Jenkins, have been named research associates in the school of
natural resources.
The officials, both alumni of the University, will serve ad-
visory capacities, giving assistance to students doing advanced
studies and serving on doctoral committees.
Long Distance
The University of Miami has voided the results of a final
examination that was stolen from a professor's office by a single
student and sold to others.
Dr. Armin H. Gropp, vice-president for academic affairs,
said the 1,600 students who took the exam will not be required
to take another. Instead, the dean's council has ruled that
semester grades in the natural science course will be based on
previous exam grades.
* * * *
Colleges and universities in Pennsylvania have formed an
organization to help needy students in that state get a higher
education. The group, called College-Bound Corporation, will
request a $2.5 million federal grant to establish an initial pro-
gram for 750 students.
Under the system, promising students as early as the eighth
grade will be given counseling and remedial help in preparation
for college. Tuition costs of up to $600 and living expenses of up
to $800 per year would be 'extended to students in the program
according to personal need.
W iretra p
Informed sources indicated last night that the Professional
Theatre Program is negotiating with ACT, currently performing
here, for a fall return as the University's repertory company.
ACT will be leaving in several weeks for Phoenix, Arizona.








Nam Authority

Cinema II
To Premiere
This Week
Initial Attendance
Seen as Key Factor
In Project's Future
Auditorium A will become a mo-
vie theatre - this coming Friday
and Saturday nights as Cinema II
marks its premiere performance
with the showing of "Lilies of
the Field." William Clark, '68,
founder of the fledgling theatre,
said that he hopes that the the-
atre will be able to show "David
and Lisa" the following week but
he emphasized that whether there
would even be a second weekend
performance depended upon ini-
tial student interest.
Cinema Guild was first consid-
ering expansion last year when
students protested the Butterfield
Theatre price hike, Clark said.
"SGC made some moves to es-
tablish what we have, in effect,
presented them with now."
The Cinema Guild, however,
seems doubtful whether Cinema
II will be successful. At their last
board meeting Hugh Holland of
Cinema Guild mentioned both the
ginancial and technical aspects
of the venture.
Limited Budget
Quality films generally rent for
$300-500, and Cinema II is cur-
rently operating on a limited
budget of $400. "This is why stu-
dent interest during our first two
weeks of operation is so vital to
our program's future," Clark add-
"We believe that we have solv-
el add of'our organizational prob-
lems," Clark said. "Technically,
we are ready to proceed. Approx-
imately 20 people have contribut-
ed financially to the establishment
of this program.

MICHIGAN GOALIE HAROLD HERMAN makes a stick save on a flying Tech leer in last night's game
Herman fo'~s Saves Lead 14

3-1 "Wi
As Michigan goalie Harold Her-
man stripped off his heavy pads
discolored with sweat he said
"Shucks, it was the guys out in
front that won this series. They
just made me look good."
However, turn anywhere else in
the dressing room, or ask Michi-
gan Tech coach John MacInnes
and you would got a slightly dif-
ferent angle. "He was just tre-
mendous," said Coach Al Renfrew
Herman came up with some fan-
tastic stops, 34 in all, that kep
Michigan on top of the play from
the opening faceoff and booste

NSF Programs Expand Despite War E-

n Over First-Plac
them to a 3-1 win over NCAA and and partially deflected. Wayne
WCHA champion Michigan Tech Weller has one of the hardest
- last night. shots in the league, and although
s Sophomore Herman (from name I didn't know how it looked to
only) you sort of expect to be you, I thought it was coming
n wearing a beanie with a propeller, pretty hard. I couldn't get my
y explained that "the defense really glove up there in time, but I
stopped most of the shots. Besides suppose that if I had just stood
a that we got a few of the breaks, there I could have stopped it
- and when things go like that a with my face."
S goalie can't help but look good. If Part of Herman's praise for the
- any of those guys had let down defensive four was sheer modesty,
- it might have meant either game but there was certainly more than
. or the series." a little truth in what he .said.
- . Praises Defense "You couldn't ask for a better
t When questioned about the sole performance from those guys,"
a Michigan Tech goal, Herman ex- said Renfrew. The bruised fear-
d plained, "It was partially screened some foursome, Ted Henderson,
Mark Thompson, Hank Brand and
Bob Ferguson, all sported the
marks of battle. Henderson was
nursing a bruised right knee with
an ice pack but proclaimed that
he would be ready for next week
X eI SCS no matter what. Brand nudged
Thompson and said grinning, "Did
you see this guy throw himself
s members who will be associated in front of that puck. What great-.
with his project work. These al- er sacrif ice could you ask of a
e low him to work independently on gu sarin tou to aso
e a higher level than generally pos- guywthan trying to stop a shot
g sible before graduation. with his head.lusive Pucks
The graduate student is offered Euiekc
e a renewable stipend to carry out Michigan Tech managed to work
n research while continuing study the puck well in the offensive zone,
e on the graduate level. Competition feeding the wings cutting toward
n for these is high and the. appl- the goal,but they couldn't seem
cations request that only "un- to get their sticks on the puck
a usually able students" apply n with any regularity, but innumer-
- Two post-doctrinal fellow ship able times the sliver of rubber
o programs are offered to allow was poked away by a defenseman
i those with advanced degrees to and flicked towards the boards or
o undertake additional training in outside the zone.
their specialties. The senioi post -,Michigan went into the series

Seeks Probe:
Of U.S. Role
~.y )In Conflit
Wants Withdrawal
Of Broad Executive
War Conduct Powers
aY was asked yesterday to withdraw
its broad authorization for Presi-
dent Johnson's conduct of the war
in Viet Nam and institute a thor-
a $ S "ough investigation of the U.S. role
< z inthat conflict.
Sen. Wayne Morse (D-Ore) told
the Senate he will try to force a
test vote on President Johnson's
claimed authority to conduct "an
v , undeclared and illegal" war in
:<Viet Nam.
Morse, a bitter critic of admin-
Istration policies in Asia and Lat-
in America, said he will introduce
.:: : a resolution tomorrow intended to
-Daily-Andy Sacks rescind the broad authority to
which the Wolverines won, 3-1. the President voted by Congress
in August, 1964.
Any Necessary Acton'
The resolution-approved then
by all members of Congress ex-
cept Sens. Morse and Ernest
Gruening (D-Alaska)-authoriz-
ethe President to ;take any nec
'eesTech action, including use of
e Tech nec-
"armed forces, in Southeast Asia.
Both the President and Secre-
tary of State Dean Rusk cited the
ing four team miembers (Render- resolution Friday in replying -to
son, Bill Lord, Dean Lucier, and senators who have been critical of
Lee Marttila) to "fire- up the U.S. policies and urged continua
team. In practice, "They were tion of the bombing pause in
really on our backs," explained North Viet Nam.
Tom Schiller, "and you knew that The President said "it is in-
they had a right to be, so we all creasingly clear that we have had
worked that much harder." only a hostile response to the pres-
With the exception of the last ent pause in bombing North Viet
ten minutes in the third stanza Nam." But he pledged "unflag-
Michigan outskated the hard- ging pursuit of peace and gave
driving Huskies. . Playing before no indication when a decision on
a overflow crowd of 3511 that resuming the air strikes would be
rattled the rafters, Michigan got made.
the first marker with 9:27 gone Urges Firings
in the first period on a patented Morse said he would ask that
Mel Wakabayashi tally. "Waka" his resolution go to the Senate
picked the puck up in his own Foreign Relations Committee for
zone and simply outhustled the a thorough investigation of U.S.
defenders to set up a one-on-one policies In both Asia and Latin
situation with goalie Tony Espo-, America,
sito. The 160-pound center then
deked him to the right and flipped See Related Stories, Page 3
the puck into the left hand half
of the net as he flashed in front Urging Johnson to fire both
of the crease. Wakabayashi .had Rusk and Secretary of Defense
the same type of break last- night Robert S. McNamara, Morse told
and he went for the near corner the Senate that he would give all
and his shot was stopped by Tech's senators a "chance to be counted"
other netminder Rick Best. - on whether they want to "con-
Wild Crowd tinue to give warmaking powers to
Any time Wakabayashi gets his the President in Asia."
stick on the puck the crowd goes Such a grant is unconstitution
wild, but last- night the crowd al, Morse said, adding that was
ended up giving him a standing why he opposed thenAugust964
ovation after his solo effort. "Boy, resolution now cited by the Pres
that crowd sure makes a differ- dent. Johnson cited the resolu-
ence," exclaimed MacDonald add- tion Friday in his letter replying
ing, "When 3500 people are cheer- to Morse and 15 other senators
ing you on, you really go all out. who urged that the bombing lull
After eight minutes of hard continue.
skating in the second period, Executive War
Michigan boosted its lead to 2-0 "What disappoints me in the

By WALLACE IMMEN to more than $3 million.
The new grant appropriations
Contrary to rumors currently include extension of 65 and the
circulating, the war in Viet Nam establishment of 52 new graduate
has not cut down the program of assistance grants with a total
the National Science Foundation. value of about $600,000.
In truth, this federal commission The latest announcement was
for development of educational of three post-doctoral awards to-
and research facilities is expand- taling - $151,000. , Prof. Paul R.
ing in an attempt to become more, Halmos and Prof. Edward Hal-
dynamic in its program. pern, both of the mathematics de-
The January report of the House partment, received grants of $34,-
Committee on Science and Astro- 000 and $37,000, respectively, the
nautics has recommended that the latter a renewal of a grant begun
National Science Board, establish- last year. The other grant went
ed to administer the program, take to Prof. Aksel Wiin-Nielsen of the
_-_-_ ,:_ ,.. « Ae~nn ma~nnnr anartmp txth r,

cently by Rep. Richard L. Roude-
bush (R-Ind). He stated that in
view of the present need of the
nation to economize, that funds
necessary for a study of politicians
could easily be put to better use.
The money will be used to spon-
sor a research conference on com-
parative studies in American poli-
tical behavior.
The NSF was formed by Con-
gress in 1950 to promote the de-
velopment of research and ex-
change in the sciences through
grants and cooperation in pro-
grams already established. Be-

the new budget has expanded this
Naturally, competition for the
grants is keen, with typically mor
than 200,000 scientists applying
each year in the various categor
ies. Application is generally made
through an educational institution
and several programs often have
five times more applicants than
available grants.
The NSF awards each collegea
certain amount of money and spe
cifies how many grants are t
be allotted. The average studen
first year stipend is $2400, to
which the school may, if it de-

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