SATURDAY, JANUARY 29, 1966 THE 311CIlIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE SATURDAY, JANUARY 29, 1966 TIlE IIHCIIiGAN DAILY PAGE THREE Shortage Crowds of Food Causes EEOC Handles Overload Of Civil Rights Complaints Iro iot in USO Troops Meet, Stiff* Opposition' Copter Units Called in To lush Viet Cong Into Open Fighting SAIGON (/P) - Probing U.S. troops stirred up stiff contact yes- terday with the Viet Cong in two coastal sectors 80 miles apart. The operations were part of an al- lied effort to draw some substan- tial Communist force into a show- down. Helicopters dropped elements of the U. S. 1st Cavalry, Airmobile, Division into a fight north of Bon Son, about 300 miles north- east of Saigon. The troops ra- dioed they were put under heavy small arms fire as they landed. Down the coast, guerrillas loos- ed rifle and automatic weapon fire and mortars at men of the 1st Brigade of the U.S. 101st Air- borne Division seven miles north of Tuy Hoa. The troops advanced against heavy opposition. A noon report said fighting was sporadic but continuing. The U.S. Air Force last two of its propeller - driven Skyraider fighter-bombers. One crashed on a flight in support of the cav- alrymen near Bon Son 'and the other on a bombing run to back up Vietnamese troops campaign- ing 25 miles northwest of Saigon. Moratorium The moratorium on the U.S. bombing of North Viet Nam en- tered its sixth week. Though Washington sources expected that President Johnson would order the s bombing resumed, no specific date was cited. Egyptian sources said their gov- ernment has decided to abandon mediation efforts. They said North Vietnamese Ambassador Nguyen Xuan notified Foreign Ministry officials in Cairo Thursday that Hanoi refused to entertain peace overtures., "The American and North Viet- namese positions seem as far apart as ever and there appears to be no chance of bringing about a compromise between the two at this time," said one qualified in- formant. Pope's Efforts Pope Paul VI, however, was re- ported pursuing the personal drive he launched in December. Vati- can sources said his envoys were carrying on quiet diplomatic con- sultations in several foreign coun- tries in the quest for world peace. In Seoul, South Korea, the de- fense minister, Kim Singeun, told national assemblymen "there is a strong need" for more foreign troops in South Viet Nam. He said, however, that South Korea, which is represented by a 20,000-man ex- peditionary force, has no plan at the moment to send additional men. The Philippine government, as yet, undecided about whether to send troops, moved to cash in on the dollar bonanza started by the increased U.S. commitment in Viet Nam. A Manila dispatch said the De- partment of Commerce has pre- pared a report for President Fer- dinand Marcos on ways in which Philippine businessmen can share in the increased U.S. spending. Philippine Reports A Philippine fact-finding mis- sion that visited Viet Nam re- cently reported that requirements in food, materials and equipment for the U.S. armed forces in Viet Nam would reach a billion dollars before the middle of this year. E1dia Communists Encourage iotin obs Gandhi Faced with Serious Crisis After Five Days in Office' NEW DELHI (A)-Food dem- onstrations exploded in violence yesterday in southwest India and presented Prime Minister Indira Gandhi a full-blown crisis just five days after she took office. Angry mobs, protesting the lack of rice, went on the rampage in many cities of Kerala State, halt-) ing trains and stoning them, rip- ping up tracks, and clashing with police. "We want rice !" the mobs shout- ed. "Give us rice or shoot us!" Mrs. Gandhi, sworn in Mon- day, had planned to visit Kerala yesterday but postponed the trip on the advice of her aides who suggested she let things cool down a bit. But riots of this type tra- ditionally don't cool down in Ke- rala until they have resulted in bloodshed and perhaps spread to adjoining south Indian states. The first casualties reported were two police officers stoned and injured by a mob in Trichur, a port city. Farther north along the coast, a mob attacked a news- paper office in Ernakulam. Two policemen, a newspaper employe and several rioters were hurt. Kerala, a political problem state for years ,is one of the first to feel the pinch of India's devel- oping food crisis. A severe drought and a shortage in agricultural production threat- en as many as 12 million Indians with starvation this year. American wheat is flowing intc India at an astonishing rate - more than 20,000 tons daily-but that does not help Keralites. They are rice eaters. Thursday night, Mrs. Gandhi ordered Kerala's rice ration increased from 120 to 14( grams-4.2 to 4. 9ounces-daily for each adult. But Communist leaders, strong in Kerala, said it was too little, too late. The Communists, assisted by al political parties and even dissi- d~lfm~hr f ~c('orhl WASHINGTON (M-In its first six months, the federal commis-f sion charged with razing racial and sex bars to employment has been handed a staggering load of complaints. But it can count some sizable mediation achievements- including one in Bogalusa, La., a Ku Klux Klan stronghold. Herman Edelsberg, executive di- rector of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission-EEOC1 -summed up the surprise work load this way: More Complaints "Our budget was set up antici- pating 2000 complaints a year. This was based on the annual rate of the 30 state agencies. In the first six months we've already had more than 3200 and the curve is up." The commission, which came in- to being last July 1 under terms of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, is headed by Franklin D. Roosevelt,, Jr. In point of size, the EEOC still is pretty small among federal agencies with a staff of 153, re- cently upped from 125. Its budg- et for the current fiscal year is $2.8 million but President John- son has asked for $5.8 million for fiscal 1967. Breakdown A breakdown of the first 3,263, complaints shows 1,384 accepted for investigation, 295 referred for action by state or local agencies, 429 returned for additional in- formation, 916 dismissed for lack of jurisdiction and 239 withdrawn or otherwise terminated. Of the total in the first three categories, 1,429 charged discrim- ination against Negroes and there were 391 allegations of discrimi- nation because of sex. Religion and other factors brought the other complaints. "We're finding great good will," he said in an interview, "but much of the discrimination is institu- tionalized, unwitting, growing out of established procedures." For example, Edelsberg said, "take an accounting firm where all of its accountants are white Protestants. We found it did all --~ - - its recruiting of junior account- ants at two colleges where thel student bodies were made up of1 white Protestants." He said this also is true of many Southern businesses that re- cruit regularly at the same pre- dominantly white Southern col- leges. In one case, Edelsberg said, in the course of investigating a com- plaint against a Southern aircraft company, which proved to be in- valid, "the company decided its personnel screening and testing policies were discriminatory. It threw them all out and devised new ones." "This is an indication of the de- sire to comply with the law. Bo- galusa was an example of that," he said. In the past year, Bogalusa has been the scene of violence stem- ming from civil rights demonstra- tions and Klan activities. Yet a recent decision by the city's larg- est employer ,the Crown Zeller- bach paper mill, could set a pat- tern for the paper industry across the South. Sought Help Edelsberg said the officials of Crown Zellerbach came to the commission to find out how to merge segregated production lines in the wood-processing room. Crown Zellerbach employs 3300 of Bogalusa's 25,000 population. He added that Bogalusa had many Klansmen, including some officers in the main union at the plant, the AFL-CIO Paper- makers Union. The jobs were segregated," Ed- elsberg said. "Generally, the Ne- gro jobs were the dirtiest and the lower paid. We decided they shd lower paid. We decided they should dovetail the lines with al- lowance for job security, senior- ity and other rights." The company agreed, he said, but only "if we could make it stick and sell it to the white union." The 300 members of the Negro local agreed immediately, Edels- berg said, and a meeting was scheduled with the 1400 white un- ion members in New Orleans, La., at the federal building. "This was planned by Roosevelt to emphasize the federal pres- ence," Edelsberg said. "There was a flag in the room and all the trimmings." World News Roundup By The Associated Press NEW YORK-Union leader Mi- chael J. Quill, who led New York's transit workers into their recent 12-day subway and bus strike, died yesterday. WASHINGTON - Politician Lawrence F. O'Brien, postmaster general less than three months, is reliably reported to be ready and willing to run for the U.S. Senate this year in his native Massachusetts. S* ': * BOSTON-A massive explosion and fire in downtown Boston last night wrecked two hotels, killed at least 12 persons and injured more than 50 others. Most of the bodies were recov- ered from a basement chamber under one of the hotels. -Associated Press PRESIDENT JOHNSON told a press conference held for young people that the peace offensive is being held back by fanatics seeking to "rule or ruin." JohnsnUnsure ontBombings; RuIm~ s oizd-nVitFud uiz RST SMBon V Oet I ., UA( Symposium Feb. 1, 3-5 .... N By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - President Johnson said yesterday "we can- not and wemust not" let a rule- or-ruin strategy win in Viet Nam, but he remained silent on U.S. bombing intentions. Meanwhile, President Ho Chi Minh of North Viet Nam called Johnson's peace offers "an im- pudent threat" in a letter broad- cast yesterday by Radio Hanoi. In Washington, Secretary of State Dean Rusk was questioned for four hours by the Senate For- eign Relations Committee on Unit- ed States policy, cautioned against nuclear brinksmanship, and ask- ed by Sen. J. W. Fulbright (D- Ark) to justify "the enormous sacrifice of lives and treasure"' inI North Viet Nam. Young People Speaking to a group of young people, Johnson said peace can be restored in Viet Nam "iwhenever the Viet Cong and their mentors to the North can finally be con- vinced that violence will not pre- vail." The reason there is no peace there now, he said, is because a few fanatical leaders belonging to a cult of hopelessness "are pur- suing the old cynical strategy of rule or ruin.',' "We cannot and we must not! let that strategy succeed," John- son added to the gathering in the White House East Room of 102 high school pupils taking part in the Senate youth program financ- ed by the William Randolph Hearst Foundation. But Johnson shed no light on when or if he will order U.S. bombers to resume their attacks on Communist North Viet Nam- a decision he is weighing with his advisers while Capitol Hill crackles with talk of war and peace and whether to bomb or not to bomb. Rusk Quizzed Rusk appeared before the For- eign Relations Committee in sup- port of the administration's re- quest for an emergency foreign aid supplement of $415 million, primarily for Viet Nam. He ran into tough sledding. Fulbright asked whether ap- proval of the fund would "be tak- en as approval of an unlimited expansion of the war." Rusk said Congress is not be- ing asked to give approval of any, unlimited expansion. But when! Fulbright pressed him as to whether approval of the aid fund would be "interpreted" that way, Rusk said, "I'd have to take this under advisement." Fulbright said the reason he asked was because of a telegram he received from Henry Cabot Lodge, U.S. ambassador to Sai- gon. Lodge explained in the telegram how the foreign aid money was to be used and said, "A vote for the appropriation is thus an ut- terly indispensable act if one sup- ports U.S. policy in Viet Nam." Lodge also observed, "If aggres- sion succeeds in Viet Nam we will be face to face with the threat of World War III." The possibility of an expanded war obviously weighed on the minds of committee members. They kept questioning Rusk un- til he pleaded an "urgent appoint- ment" at 1 p.m. Fulbright Fulbright, a leader in the Sen- ate drive to persuade the Presi-I dent not to resume the bombings now, spearheaded efforts by the committee members to pin down U.S. policy and just how far it goes. Before Congress votes large new funds for the war "we must know what our ultimate objective is," Fulbright said. "I suspect sometimes there's been a change of policy from that we disavowed after the Spanish war," he said: On this point, he noted American troops are in South Korea, Viet Nam, the Do- minican Republic and Europe, and said, "All this has come about gradually." Rusk argued that the United States is not attempting to enforce a "pax Americus" by being a "po- liceman for the globe." The Unit- ed States is only carrying out its treaty commitments, he said. Johnson said yesterday that Congress gave him broad powers in 1964 to make military deci- sions. Replies to Senators That was his reply to 15 Senate Democrats who asked that the views of Congress be sought be- fore anv decision is made to re- SWEATERS 65c up A & P 1-HOUR CLEANERS 312 E. Huron CASH & CARRY 668-9500 Closest to center of campus UflVRIYTOWERS .'I * Now renting for Aug. S. UNIVERSITY AVE. & FORESTAVE. OH( lONE: 761-3536 Fp I IVIc cI uuiovuis iiut v u' enL members oz mrs. Gandi'S sume bombing of North Viet Nam. governing Congress party, whip- Johnson's letter made no mention ped up mobs in all the major of the senators' specific request. cities of the tropical state. Johnson's letter went to Sen. Government-owned railroads, a Vance Hartke of Indiana, a prin- favorite target in any Indian riot, cipal author of the letter signed were hard hit. At least four inter- by the 15 Democrats. The Presi- state express trains were waylaid. dent's letter said: Police fired three shots in the "I continue to be guided in these air near Cannamore when a mob matters by the resolution of Con- estimated at 10,000 looted a freight gress approved on Aug. 10, 1964." train. The mob turned on police In that resolution, Congress au- but dispersed when rifles went in- thorized the President to "take to action. all necessary measures" to repel In the capital of Trivandrum, a armed attacks against American mob armed with clubs ran rough- forces and to repel armed aggres- shod over a small police detach- sors. ment guarding the central rail- Johnson said: "My views of the road station, smashed furnitur present situation remain as stated and tried to set fire to the build- in my recent reply to a group of ing. members of the House, of which The state governor, A. P. Jain, I enclose a copy." tried to drive around Trivandrum Piwith his wife to quiet mobs, but Press seci'etai'y Bill D. Moyci's, his car was stopped by student who read Johnson's letter to news-s densratop men, said in reply to a question demonsti'ators. that it was the President's full A 24-hour general strike order- aiiswer to the senators. ed by leftist parties and trade Moyers disclosed in response to unions kept all taxis and buses another inquiry that the Presi- off the streets and closed shops. dent met yesterday afternoon with N. Sreekantan Nair, general- most of his senior advisers in the secretary of the Socialist party, national security field. A some- told a crown in Quilon City the what smaller, unannounced meet- government's food policy is driv- ing was held Thursday night. ing Kerala's people to the convic- He said Johnson stillhasreach- tion thatonlybloody revolution ed no decision on whether to re- can solve their problems. Pro-Mos- new the bombing of North Viet cow Communist leaders raised the Nam.mbanner of secession. 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