FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY rAGE FIYJ I For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone 764-0557 from 1:00 to 2:30 P.M. Monday through Friday, and 9:30 'til 11:30 A.M. Saturday! .____ F _ PERSONAL IMPRESS YOUR DATE. Learn to dance. Take UAC popular or ballroom dance lessons. Info, sheets in Fishbowl. Sign up Mon., Jan. 31. F40 DRUMMER-References: Raveps, Gen- trys. Can play all types of music (Rock & Jazz specialties). Ronald Byrun, 668-8769. F41 BARRY AND LYNDON at long last agree: International Emphasis Month is for everyone, regardless of race, creed, sex, or nationality. F35 ANN ARBOR'S best buy on a diamond engagement ring. Check it! Austin Diamond, 1209 S. University. 663-7151. F45 S.T.O.P. TOURS to Europe please 100's of students each summer, Many itin- eraries. Little regimentation. No wor- ries about luggage, hotels, customs, or t:avel connections. Call Merle, 668-9040 WHY DID the chicken cross the road? To come to THE ROOST every Sat- urday night at Guild House, 802 Monroe. F46 PATTY JOE - We sincerely apologize. Honest Injun, we do-Phil, Mike and Jim. F36 IF YOU had 13 points, 2 quick tricks, and 2 bidabie suits or a good 5 card suit, what would you do?-Take bridge I or bridge II :lessons. Info. sheets in Fishbowl. Sign up Mon., Jan. 31. F42 WANTED-Men's gently used clothing. Call 663-2008 for details. THE TREE. P29 HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BOTZ. Love, Floopy, Jack, Earnie, Pete, Steve, Gene, Don, Clance, Harry, Wayne, Rick, Pam, and Christa. F43 TWO GIRLS NEED 1. 2, or 3 MORE for Apt. for Fall. If interested call Marilyn, 764-6993, 6-12 p.m, Sun.- Thura. F3' Cinema II is comi'ng! F15 LOST DURING XMAS Vacation-Long haired dark, calico 5 mo. old kitten. Grew up with hi ssister who misses him desperately. Reward for kitten of info. PLEASE Call 662-7706 eve- nings. F44 Any Peace Corps volunteer willing to speak during Feb. on his experience please contact Allison Atherton. UAC. 662-4431 Ext. 1038. F18 RENT Your TV trom NEJAC GE and Zenith portable for only $10 per month. FREE service and delivery. Phone 662-5671 NOW. F Confucius says: HAPPY BIRTHDAY PENNY!! F38 FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED Immediate opportunity in spacious apartment. For info, call 663-9492 from 4 to 5. L41 2 YOUNG men need place to hang hats. Pete. or Ron, 665-2378. F16 SUMMER SUBLET LITTLE CLUB tonight in the Mug, 9-12. U46 SUMMER SUBLET-Clean, spacious, 3- 1 bedroom apt. 'On campus. Inquire at 1311 Willmot (upper) or 662-8820. U11 SUMMER SUBLET-2-man efficiency in Univ. Towers. Fully furnished and carpeted. Swimming pool, etc. Call 761-3579. U16 SUMMER SUBLET-Two man efficiency. New, furnished, air-conditioned, car-I peted. On campus. 665-4539. U12 HAPPINESS is having our modern, roomy, 5 room, 4 man, close to cam- pus apt. wit hcentral air cond., res.. ident manager, and frendly neigh- bors subletted for the summer. 316 E. Madison, Apt. 22 Call 662-6475 U15 SUMMER SUBLET-2 Man, close to campus. CHEAP. 1100 Hill, No, 2. Call 761-3302. C46 PENTHOUSE 5-man Forum Apt. Bi- level, air cond., dishwasher. 665-4351. U14 DELUXE, 4..MAN, 2 bedroom apt. Air- cond., fully furnished. Call 663-8426. $200/mo. U13 FOR SUMMER-3-man, modern apart- ment. Air-conditioned, carpeted, bal- cony, garbage disposal, one block from campus. Call 662-2340, evenings. U10 4-man apt. 2 blks. from campus, air- cond., dishwasher, balcony, covered parking, only $55/mo./man. Call 662- 7384. U3t SUMMER SUBLET-WOULD YOU BE- LIEVE IT? Luxurious 4 Man, Bi- level, air-cond., right on campus. For only $25/mo. Would you believe $100? $225? if so, Call 761-0633. U4 Forum-5 man air-cond., dishwasher, 2 floors, 663-8028. U8 FOR SUMMER-Modern apartment with balcony,, air conditioner, etc. Available for good price. Four- or three-man, two bedroom. Call 761- 3785. KAZAM! U9 WANTED TO RENT MICHIGAN DAILY f CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES , Tere arIzC)'} f cjit l i/ri /,( nijJWI Id ,,i ( a the Canterblnry lu se IyIgna/z's I ralla11Cl s , J i ll the mnarshnmallo man's fa, lash's, C/c, ivGhal -w ould ) wour consien'lce say if youll iissedp PE T ER GR IFFIT1H classical guitarist aiid compwsur LINES 2 3 4 I DAY 3 DAYS .70 .85 1.00 1.95 2.40 2.85 5 DAYS 3.00 3.75 4.35 HELP WANTED STUDENT COUPLE to live in furnished apt. in exchange for part-time house- work, yard, and barn work. Call 663- 1327. 1H12 OPPORTUNITY - WEEKEND WORK WITH FUTURE - Retail Selling in Hardware, Dept. Stores, and Garden Centers. Paid training courses. 10 weeks guaranteed work. Substantial wages with paid transportation. For full details, write resume to Box No. 5. H11 BETH ISRAEL Congregation, 1429 Hill St., Ann Arbor, is seeking the services of a qualified Religious School Sup- erintendent for the coming year. In- terested parties should call Rabbi White, NO 3-5543 between 9 a.m...5 p.m. for further information and in- terview. H9 MEN-EARN $2.50 hr. in your spare time. Car and phone necessary. Call NO 2-6274 after 6. H10 Even ing Employment HELP WANTED If you are free four evenings each week and Saturdays, you can main- tain your stidies and still enjoy a part-time job doing special interview work that will bring an average weekly income of $67. If you are neat appearing and a hard worker call Mr. Adams at 761-1488 Monday-Friday between 10 am. and 1 p.m. No other times. whom vn wcare. Prou tilo prese i;; Figure 5 average words to a line. Coll Classified between 1 :00 and 2:30 Mon. thru Fri. Phone 764-0557 FOR RENT 3 NEED 1 to share 4 man. $55/mo. and phone and elec. Call Al, 764-0836, or Steve, 6621657. Pad at 727 E. Kingsley. C49 2 MEN WANTED now to fill 5 man FOR RENT Wanted 1 girl to share apt. next Call 668-7534 eves. C34 ONE MALE ROOMMATE needed to fill 3-man apt. for winter N term. Call 665-3265. C30 luxury apt. Air conditioned, fireplace,T balcony, parking. 662-2759. C39 Third man wanted-for modern apt. Covered parking, dishwasher, $50/ WANTED-Girl to share $55/mo., 2-man mo. Call 665-8432. C4 apt. near campus. 663-2609. C50 LUXURY APT. 1 or 2 men needed. Forum, Apt. 12. Phone 665-8825. C6 HELP! NEED ONE man to fill vacancies.! Huge modern apartment has 2 bdrms., den, 2 full baths, 2 air-cond., dish- CAMPUS-HOSPITAL washer, good location. Call 662-5743. PART TIME NOW, FULL TIME SUM- MER AAA-1 nationally known cor- poration has 3 openings for delivery and display work $40-$60, 15 hours. Full time also available. For inter- view call Mr. Peterson, 212 SAB 764-7460. H7 WANTED--One male student for excel- lent meal job. Ask for Steward at 3 Phi Epsilon Pi.761-3187 or 663-7314 or drop by 185 Washtenaw. To be filled immediately. H30 MAN FOR PHYS. ED. and Recreation Work $2.50 per hour if able to work 30 hours or more per week. Are look- ing for grad in P.E. or Rec. with ex- perience in working with children. Call between 1 and 3, 482.-6550. 1135 NEEDED IMMEDIATELY We are looking for male and fesaale part-time sales, male part-time stock- work Apply in person, personnel of- I fice, Montgomery Ward, Arborland 5 Shopping Center. H47 NEED 2 OR 3 bedroom house for next August. Commission for information. 662-6230. C41 809 CATHERINE Newly furnished 2-bedroom apartments in - modern building. Near hospitals and campus, off..street parking, dis- posals, private storage areas. For in-I formation call 662-7787. For appoint- ment call Miss LeVan between 10:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. at 662-7787. I CAMPUS MANAGEMENT SINGLE ROOMS for men. $6-$10 per week. 533 Elizabeth St. Call 665-8618 or 665-2894. C45 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY completely furnished, air conditioned and sound proofed complete Frigidaire appliances 1 bedroom apartments from $150 DAHLMANN APARTMENTS 663-7268 or 665-0234 C25 815 E. ANN 1, 2, & 3 man furnished apartments for fall. For information call 662- 7787. For appointment call Miss Le- Van between 10:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. at 662-7787. Campus Management. C C'A gI I// S ROOMMATE WANTED-1 or 2 people i ALL RU for $10 a week. Clean, pleasant, and NEW, completely furnished, close-in quiet. Call 662_4738. C42 apartments. Available for 2-4 persons. Fourth girl needed for new modern DAHLMANN APARTMENTS apt. on campus. Call 665-4953 after 6 Office 545 Church St. p.m. C17 663-7268 JAZZ COMES TO SMITTY'S South Quad Friday Night 7:30-11:30. NEEDED-One engineer to share luxury modern apt. Jan..April. 761-3207. P38 PART TIME Multi-Million Dollar Company hiring for part time sales work. Earnings in excess of $3.00 per hr. This is not pots-knives-books or any of that door to door nonsense. This company is expanding all across the nation, con- sequently this could be more than just a part time job for the right person. If you're 20, have use of a car, and are, bondable write William D. Nichols, 3372 Washtenaw Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. WAKE UP SERVICE-Have your phone ring at any designated time-day or night-LOW RATES. DON'T BE LATE FOR CLASS OR WORK - AGAIN. TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE, 665-8871 (24 hours). F MARRIED University employee wouldI like furnished 1-bedroom apt. Call 764-6314 before5; 665-0037 after 5. L32 COUPLE WANTS furnished sublet forj July. Call 665-6730. L31 MAN WANTED for winter term. Mod. apt., 800 Fuller. Call Gary, 761-0536. FOR SALE 1958 ABC MOBILE HOME, 8 by 45, 2 bedroom, full bath, newly carpeted. $1850. Call Eric, HU 2-8475. B9 ONLY $2 EACH-Skirtsand sweaters. Sizes 12 and up. 663-3987. B10 '64 Volkswagon, sun-roof, radio, low mileage, $1250. Call 761-3519 6-7 p.m. Meals: Monday, Tues., Thurs., Fri., lunch, Mon.-Fri, dinner. Any or all meals offered may be purchased. To- tal price less than $10 per week Call fraternity house mgr. NO 2-8312. 1964 HONDA 150, $425. 2800 miles. Call 663-4085 after 6 p.m. B27 BRAND NEW sewing machine at 20% discount. Call 761-1213. B44 ART INSTRUCTOR leaving for Europe has paintings' to sell $25 and up. Phone: 662-1859. B45 OLD ELM ANTIQUES for the discrimi- nate collector. 723 Packard, near State. B3 CHEST SALE New three-drawer-$14.95 New four-drawer-$19.95 Also many used chest and dressers to choose from. Complete home furnish- ings to suit the budget. Refrigerators, gas and electric ranges, washers, man- gles, TV's, new and used mattresses, bedsteads, box springs, desks and tables, rockers, carpets lamps, many other items. OZZIES FURNITURE MAN WANTED now to fill luxury apt. Air conditioning, fireplace, balcony, parking. No summer sublet. 662-2759, 040 APTS. GALORE New and old buildings now leasing for fall Some summer sublets available All prices, all locations, all sizes PATRICK J. PULTE, INC.. 214 E. HURON NO 5-9405 Wanted-Girl to share comfortable 2- man apt. very close to campus. Call 665-6709. C1 Needed: 3rd male roommate to share spacious home; 4 from campus, $50 per mo. 663-4601. 06 Third, man wanted for modern apt. 2 blocks fromtcampus. 1320 South University. Call Dave 761-3591. C29 ONE MALE ROOMMATE needed to fill 3-man apt. for winter term. Call 665-3265. C30 Studio Apartment available for sum- mer at Maynard House, 400 Maynard St. Ideal for one person or mar- ried couple. Call 761-3668. C35 SCHOLARS on campusI ONE MAN-TWO MAN-COUPLES Tastefully furnished new apartments. with concrete walls and ceilings to insure quiet and privacy. Phone: 662, 7961 afternoons & evenings C45 For fall on campus, new 2 or 3 man 1 bedroom apt., air-cond., balcony, 665-2451 or 668-8723. C Live rent-free until new apt, is ready for occupancy. Must find girl im- mediately. New apt. good location. If interested, call Marilyn Shook fully furnished, carpeted, $170. Call 761-3286 after 5;30. C36 BUSINESS SERVICES EVERYTHING WESTERN Boots, Hats, Lee Rider, Sulit Cow Hide Jackets and Western Wear. Tues.-Sat., 11-5. Fri. eve. 7-9. Schneider Western Supply, 2635 Saline Rd. 663-0111. J WAKE-UP SERVICE. Student Dis- count4 Rate!s$3 Monthly, Call 665- 8657, 24 hours. J10 TUTOR OF FRENCH & GERMAN Lessons in conversation and grammar by native speaker. Graduated rates. Mine. Kerr, 701 S. Forest. NO 3-2108. BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED $6 for Rh positive; $7, $10, and $12 for Rh negative, Hours: Mon.- Thurs. 9-4; Fri. 1-7., 18-21 years old need parent's permission, 483-1894. YPSILANTI '404 W. Michigan Detroit Blood Service r H Recreation leaders male or female to work with educable mentally handi- capped and mentally disturbed children. Full time or part time positions available. Flexible sched- ules. Require at least 2 years col- lege, with major in special educa- tion, social sciences or equivalent experience. Rate $2.26/hour. Apply Personnel Office, Wayne County Training School, 16000 Shel- don Road, Northville, Mich. Phone 453-6500. 115 Porters wanted, full or part time. In- quire at Ypsi-Arbor Lanes. 2985 Washtenaw. H45 Assistant to work in private lab Sat. & Sun. Call Dr. Butter at 764-0438, Psych. Dept. from 9-5. H14 r .I '1 rI' AK "DISTURBANCES," WILD & BEAUTIFUL SOUNDS, "SOUL" MUSIC 1421 HILL STREET Join The Daily Sports Staff FRIDAY & SATURDAY * 8:30-12:30 * COME EARLY '! GRAD LANGUAGE EXAMS Special courses for reading and screen- ing exams in French and German by native speaker. Graduated rates. Mme. Kerr, NO 3-2108. J2 VISIT OUR NEW WESTERN STORE. Suede Jackets, boots, hats, clothes, and saddles. Tues.-Sat. 10-5; Wed. and Fri. evenings 7-9. Schneider's Western Supply, 2635 Saline Road, 1 mile south of Mich. Stadium. J5 LOST AND FOUND FOUND-Gray cat with blue collar. Call Sov or Griff. 662-3297. A10 DATING is more enjoyable with THE RIGHT PERSON IBM Computer AND personal interviews help us arrange DATES YOU'LL REALLY ENJOY MICHIGAN SCIENTIFIC INTRODUCTION SERVICE Call 662.4867, write 216 S. State for free brochure or interview. FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED T H E T R ADEW NDSImmediate opportunity in spacious TEapartment. For info, call 663-9492 FOR FALL-On campus, new 2 and 4 from 4 to 5. A3 man apts. Bi-level, central air-cond., free covered parking, luxuriously fur-. Found: Girl's pendant watch on Jan, nished, fully carpeted, and balconcies. 23. Call 663-6511. A9 Call 665-8330 or 668-8723. C I I MUSICAL MDSE. 3360 Ig Open 9 to 8 weekdays. 9 to 5:30 Sat. Carpenter Rd. e BARGAIN CORNE 663-9059 :R Going to Mardi Gras? I need a ride to New Orleans. aCll 764-5936. Will pay 39 Alpha Epsilon Pi and Chi Omega. present MID-W INTER MADNESS An All-Campus Charity Dance for The American Cancer Society FRIDAY, FEB. 4th-8-12:30 Michigan Union Ballroom Music by the Marksmen / Gorgeous GoG-Go Girls Comedy by the Cheerleaders. Tickets: 75c (on sale Monday-,Fishbowl) F32 MISCELLANEOUS JUST PUBLISHED-Bennett Weaver's Wordsworth: Poet of the Unconquer- able Mind. Available in Campus book- stores. M32 FRIDAY AT LAST-The week's been a grind, now it's time to unwind. Shop these weekend goodies at RALPH'S MARKET 709 Packard open every night ill midnight FRATERNITY & SORORITY BANQUETS For your dinners meetings, dances, or banquets . . . excellent food and ac- commodations for up to 140. Reason- ably priced. Call Manager, Huron Motor Inn, HU 3-1771, Ypsilanti. M SAM'S STORE Has Genuine LEVI's Galore! LEVI'S SLIM-FITS-$4.50 "White," and 5 Colors For "Guys and Gals" Cord. SLIM-FITS-$5.98 LEVI'S STA-PREST PANTS Never Needs Ironing A;st'd. Colors-$6.98 LEVI JACKETS "White"-$6.98 Blue Denim-$5.99 LEVI'S Superslim's----$4.98 LEVI'S Dungarees-$4.49 S-T-R-E-T-C-H LEVI'S For Gals and Guys "White"-$5.98 campus THREE OR FOUR MAN FURNISHED APARTMENTS summer or fall phone 662-7961 afternoons and eves. TIFFANY APTS.-Now available for summer and fall terms, two and three man bi-level efficiency units. Air-conditioned, furnished, and car- peted. Call 663-8866 Tuesdays and Thursdays 7-9 p.m. and weekends. a731 Packard. 021 Luxurious 3 or 4-man apt,' available immediately. Every convenience for your comfort. 4,month lease op- tional. 665-8825. C32.. 3RD MALE ROOMMATE wanted to share apartment. 4 mo. lease. Call 764-0602 or NO 3-7237. C20 HOSPITAL AREA-800 Fuller - 1 and 2 bdrm. apts. avail, for fall semester. Call resident manager, NO 3-6549. C43 THE SANS SOUCI FOR FALL-Near campus, new spacious 3 and 4 man apts., air-cond., fully furnished, fully carpeted, balconies, separate kitchens. Call 665-2689 or 665-8330 or 668-8723. C APARTMENTS LTD. Now renting for fall semester Best apartment selection ever. Rent now and be assured of a choice apartment. APARTMENTS LTD., 610 S. Forest NO 3-0511 RADIOS, REPAIRS A-1 New and Used Instruments BANJOS, GUITARE, AND BONGOS Rental Purchase Plan PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR 119 W. Washington UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE, INC. 518 E. William (Maynard House) GUITARS-$39-$45. Frce Guitar strap. Most folk and method books. NO 2-, 5579.X Wurlitzer electronic piano. Good cond. $250. Call John 662-5614, X16 TRANSPORTATION RIDE WANTED to Chicago Jan. 28- Friday. As soon after 5:00 as pos- sible. Will share expenses. Call 764- 7859. G20 USED CARS VW, 1964 CONV., radio, excel. cond. A steal at $1300. Call 761-3136, after 6 p.m. N34 1965 CORVAIR CORSA - 4-speed, 4 carb., 140 hp, new car warranty, all the extras. $1795. Call 662-3044 after 5 p.m. N33 OLDS 98, 1955, automatic, good cond. New tires. $160. Call 668-6007 betw. 6:30-8:30. N49 '59 RAMBLER Six. $350. Call 665-7960. TURTLENECKS-$1.69 (15 Colors)' Open Mon. & Fri. Nights SAM'S STORE 122 E. Woshington 283 Chevy Impala 1965, coupe, maroon with automatic, excel. buy. 2681. 2 door sport tan interior, Call Bob, 764- N32 C44 A L r e- tou me 4 * 1 mm