Scientj -Sixth Year EI)TED AND MANAGED DY STUDENTS OF THF UNIVE srrY OF MICHIGAN -UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS egents: Arbiters of U' Problems re Opninons Are Free. 420 MAYNARD ST., ANNApBoR, Micti. rruth Will Preva.l Nrws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY. JANUARY 28, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: LEONARD PRATT U' Must Save Center: Put Pressure on Legislature OBSERVERS have long since gotten used to the University's traditional bout with the Legislature, and, lately, with the State Board of Education, but there ought to come a time when their tolerance of the political dance ends. That tolerance should have ended yes- terday when Gov. George Romney, ac- cepting a board recommendation, asked in his budget for only "10 to 15 per cent" of the $1 million which the University requested to expand its Center for Re- search on Learning and Teaching. ulty. (CRLT). The CRLT was established by the Re- gents in 1962 at the request of the fac- ulty. Since then its staff, which has sim- ultaneously found time to teach, has done some significant work in the adap- tion of modern technology to the creation of faster and more efficient -ways of teaching. In an era in which both the knowledge and the population explosions have made it almost impossible to teach or learn adequately, it is difficult to imagine re- search more necessary. MOREOVER, the proposals which CRLT put before the Legislature were ones which would have gone into effect al- most immediately. The $1 million, and the $1.54 million to have been requested in the next two years would have gone for: -A computer network to link the state's colleges in a web which would al- low for "programmed teaching" on a large coordinated basis, -A central clearing house for infor- mation on improved methods of learning and teaching, -Research on the way in which the instructional process becomes meaning- ful and valuable to the individual stu- dent, -Attempts to better prepare teaching fellows and part-time instructors for their tasks, and -Much-needed systematic curriculum revision research., IT IS SURELY A TRAGEDY to lose all that to politics. Nor is the loss all Lansing's fault. The University's relations with Lansing are in horrible condition for a variety of reasons; when a University administra- tor talks, no one in Lansing listens. Years of a false sense of University honor and of vague groundless feelings that it should somehow be above politics are now taking their toll. THE UPSHOT of it all is that the state is in danger of losing a meaningful CRLT in the near future, just the years in which it will be most needed. For what' it is worlth at this late hour, the Uni- versity should immediately request a sup- plemental appropriation for the propos- ed center and it should do so in such a manner that the, request will be accepted as a valid one. --LEONARD PRATT By DICK WINGFIELD THE UNIVERSITY Board of Regents has been the focal point of much controversy in the past few months, but many of their most important activities, in the long range perspective. have gone unexamined. Housing problems, free speech, the selection of a new University President after the retirement of President Hatcher in 1967, the allocation within the University of student fees; a proposed resi- dential college and types of edu- cational facilities to be built were issues most popular among six of the Regents, as they discussed the future of the University. REGENT Carl Brabiec, of Pose- ville, commenting on the housing shortages in Ann Arbor sees it as a perenial problem for which there is not a final answer. "The dif- ficulty stems from the number of students attending the Univer- sity posing a strain on Ann Arbor and University housing facilities," he said. "Ostensibly, a solution would be to cut back student admissions until a balance is reached," Brab- lec continued. "This, of course, is not feasible in view of our objec- tive to allow all qualified students an opportunity for higher educa- tion in Michigan. A solution will have to be reached taking into account both factors-a multi- plying student body and limited housing facilities." Brablec has served as a Regent of the University since 1957. He previously worked as a member of the State Corrections Commit- tee for Juveniles, on the Gover- nor's Committee on Educational ' Finance, the State Advisory Com- mittee on Teacher Certification and director of the Governing Boards and Colleges. Education and as a regional Association of of Universities REGENT Irene E. Murphy, of Birmingham, expressed interest in two major issues, the area of stu- dent fees and their use as well as maintaining and promoting a "Free University." "A careful examination into the use of student fees and a value assessment of this use has not been made recently. This work could be of great value in Uni- versity planning and would prove satisfying to students at the Uni- versity. "Students, as citizens of the state need to know exactly what tuition is being spent for," she said. "In addition, the freedom of speech at the University is a source of pride and an institution that should be encouraged," she added. Mrs. Murphy has served as a Regent since 1957. She has direct- ed the case work program for the Detroit Public Welfare Depart- ment and has organized family services for United Community Services. She worked in the Philip- pines to organize postwar relief centers, and served on the U.S. mission to Manila to administer foreign aid. REGENT Frederick C. Matthaei. of Ann Arbor, is especially con- cerned with the type of edu- cational facilities needed by the University. He said he prefers the "classroom" approach of the Dear- born branch of the University as opposed to the "cultural" approach of Oakland University. Recrea- tional and cultural facilities are very necessary in his estimation, but "in terms of long range plan- ning, it is better to spend the bulk of state funds for facilities directly related to classroom edu- cation." Matthaei has served as a Regent since 1960. He is founder of the American Metal Products Com- pany and served as its president until January, 1954. He played an active role in the establishment of th Detroit Civic Center, and was chairman of the Detroit Olympic Committee. REGENT William B. Cudlip, of Detroit, concentrated on the ques- tion of finances. Someday the public will probably pay for a larger portion of college education, similar to the public subsidy of high school education today, he projected. He added, however, that today there are many prob- lems in meeting University costs with the limitations imposed on the University by its budget. "In terms of University growth," Cudlip explained, "we are de- pendent upon funds available from the state and upon federal research grants-as well as con- tributions and student fees. We have to do with these funds what the people of the state demand; we must educate doctors, lawyers, eningeers and offer a superior liberal arts education to students here., "The faculty and the student body are the University," Cudlip said. "We are trying to maintain our excellence. A fine faculty, with appropriate pay, combined with the best method of selecting good students-we are always aware of the fact that these factors con- tribute to maintaining the excel- lence of the University. Cudlip has served as a Regent since 1964. He served as a delegate to the Michigan constitutional convention, 1961-62. REGENT Robert P. Briggs, of Jackson, considers the selection of the new President of the Univer- sity as the most important prob- lem before the Regents. "The role of the new President will be cru- cial to the growth and success of the University," he said. "The whole area of educational facilities is another matter de- manding careful consideration," Briggs continued. "As the needs of the students change, the Uni- versity must change its facilities to meet these demands. In light of present trends, the proposed residential college is an impor- tant consideration for the Univer- city." (The residential college is a proposal providing for a combina- tion of living and educational fa- cilities in a college of the Uni- versity to be located in the area of North Campus.) But, Briggs noted, there are obstacles in the way of such proj- ects. "The first demand on the dollars we have is in terms of rising costs for the University. Faculty salaries serve as an ex- ample here. The second demand is the need to accommodate ad- ditional students each year. After these considerations we can look toward possibilities for improving the situation of students presently at the University and such bene- ficial projects as the residential college." Briggs has served as a Regent since 1964. He joined the Univer- sity of Michigan faculty in 1927 as an instructor in economics; he was later promoted to professor of accounting in the Business Ad- ministration School and to vice- president for business and finance in 1949. From 1941-44, he served as chief of the general office di- vision of the Detroit Ordinance District. REGENT Paul G. Goebel, of Grand Rapids, looking to the fu- ture of the University said, "We're constantly planning ahead, not only in terms of physical facilities, but in terms of better educational programs too. Our major con- sideration is that we. plan ade- quately to provide the best edu- cational opportunities for students and' still meet the growing de- mands of rising costs and increas- ing enrollment. "This look into the future is essential to maintaining the Uni- versity's status in the educational community," he emphasized. Goebel has served as a Regent since 1961. He has served three terms as mayor of Grand Rapids and was a delegate to the state constitutional convention in 1961- 62. He is presently serving as na- tional chairman of the University's drive for $55 million in private gifts. Regents Eugene B. Power, of Ann Arbor. and Allan R. Soren- son, of Midland, were out of the state and unavailable for com- ment. THESE, THEN, are the obser- vations of the Regents. It appears that each of the Regents have an appreciation of various influences crucial to the growth and success of the University. What is needed, then, is a compilation and evalua- tion of these observations into a fully detailed plan for University growth, specifically stating Uni- versity financial priorities. In essence, the future of the University is at the disposal of the Regents and the President. Their role must not be passive. Planning for rising costs, increas- ed matriculation and the improve- ment of present educational fa- cilities necessarily brings with it a need for some comprehensive plan. What is more important-meet- ing rising costs, offering more students an opportunity for edu- cation here or improving educa- tional facilities at the University? The traditional, but somewhat tacit, priority scale followed by> the Regents ranks these goals in the order presented above. This scale may be appropriate; but it should also be adequately examined and publicized so that exceptions are understood clearly and greater 'confidence can be placed in Regental decisions-via reference to this scale. THE EMOTIONAL culmination of the University Book Store issue last Friday serves to illustrate the fact that today there are mis- understandings surrounding the whole concept of what the Uni- versity does-and what the Uni- versity 'should-place highest on the priority scale in view of limit- ed funds. If there were a clear under- standing of how demands on Uni- versity dollars rate respectively and a clear concept of where the University is going, then there could be a narrowing of the gap between the Regents, faculty and students. There could be more cooperative, constructive efforts, more dialogue and more give-and- take. This is a long-range projection with long-range benefits. However, right now, opportuni- ties are before the Regents to in- clude students in some stage of current decision making processes. The selection of a successor to Hatcher is one responsibility that should be geared toward close interaction between students, fac- ulty and Regents. THE REALIZATION of these goals would aid the University, not only in formulating plans for the future, but also in clarifying ques- tions in the minds of today's stu- dents and faculty who wonder where, indeed, the University is going. A 1 9 Flint Must Compromise Tom %., THE STATE BOARD of Education will meet with a Flint citizens group Sun- day to make another attempt at settling the question of expanding the Univer- sity's Flint College branch. It is essential for both the University and the board that an agreement be reached soon, but to date the adamant refusal of Flint community leaders to The Overlooked B loodbath HILE DEBATE continues over this country's role in Viet Nam, a much more costly holocaust, considering its duration, goes largely unnoticed in near- by Indonesia. In a vicious manhunt which has only been sporadically reported or commented upon by government and news media here, Indonesian Moslems have led the country in the liquidation of approxi- mately 100,000 Communists since the sup- pression of a Communist-led coup last October. (The Viet Nam war has account- ed for .about 150,000 deaths over a period of five years.) Unfortunately, our government has made no public statement decrying the fact that the "interests of the free world" are linked to a policy of mass political annihilation. .This differs considerably with the stance taken by our officials with respect to Fidel Castro's bloodbath of 500 after his rise to power, or of our stated opinions on the terrorism practiced by the Viet Cong. THIS COUNTRY'S news media also have avoided any editorial comment on the Indonesian massacre, although they ran several optimistic feature stories on the failure of Communist Chinese aims in the country. Time magazine, for instance, has al- lotted about eight inches to Indonesia in the past two weeks, without even men,- tioning the manhunt. Newsweek "took the lead" on the issue this week with a story of at least five inches, and even ex- pressed an editorial comment: The horror of the events reported by Sukarno was undeniable. But his speech seemed a clear attempt to discredit the army which now con- trols Indonesia, and it dismissed too lightly the fact that it was the Reds who began the bloodletting. (How nice.) Crtainly a ,ta1Pmmn+ hy -m,. - . compromise has effectively blocked a settlement. The controversy began' one year ago when Gov. George Romney refused to provide funds for Flint College expan- sion in his recommendation for the Uni- versity's general funds budget. The gov- ernor modified his position in April to conform to a state board ruling that the University could go ahead with its plans to enroll a freshman class in 1965 at the previously junior-senior branch; the board stipulated, however, that no more freshman classes be admitted so that the branch would return to its former two- year status until it could be replaced by an autonomous state school. THIS RULING met with justifiable re- sistance from the University and Flint citizens. However, the board has since prepared a compromise proposal which would permit the branch to continue of- fering a four-year curriculum in ex- change for an agreement to a plan to phase out the branch in favor of the in- dependent college. Maintaining a four- year program would eliminate one ma- jor objection to the earlier stance-the danger of creating a "gap" in Flint's sys- tem of higher education during the ,tran- sition from branch to autonomous school. According to Romney and state board President Thomas Brennan, the Univer- sity has already privately indicated its willingness to go along with the board's compromise plan, contingent on coopera- tion from the Flint community. But, in spite of a series of meetings between Romney and Brennan and the Flir: community, this cooperation has not been forthcoming. In fact, opposition to the board plan has united Flint's labor groups and industrialists, a formidable power bloc which wields considerable political influence. THIS OPPOSITION is not totally with- out basis: Flint industry has a sub- stantial investment in the branch, and union members are unconvinced that the promised autonomous school will be able to replace the existing branch, which, de- spite many failings, has served the Flint community well. Nevertheless, the Flint expansion dis- pute has broader implications which more than counterbalance these reasons and make cooperation with the present board position essential. For example, the board's prestige to a considerable extent is riding on settle- ment of the Flint dispute, and, if they feel threatened, board members might try to take the Flint case to court as a r* 1 k~- 196TR~ / Letters: *Send Convicts to Viet Nam "Mom, what does the 'high priced spread' taste like . . ." Peace Offensive Had To Fail [HE REASON why the peace offensive failed is most cogent- ly revealed in the Mansfield re- port on the state- of the war. President Johnson has been try- ing to obtain by propaganda the victory which he has not been able to obtain on the battlefield -that is to say, the acceptance in the whole of South Viet Nam of a government which has lost con- trol of a very large part of South Viet Nam. The peace offensive was bound to fail, and the grave decisions which the President hoped to cir- cumvent and avoid are now before him. If he is to make these decisions wisely, he must recognize that in international politics peace settle- ments are possible only as and when they reflect the real balance of power. In the world war, for example, Churchill and Roosevelt had to settle with Stalin for a Soviet political frontier in the midst of Germany and of Europe. That is where the Red army had arrived when the peace negotia- tions began. The same principle will hold in Viet Nam. There wrill be no settle- ment until the terms of peace reflect the military reality. THE PRESIDENT will be dis- appointed again and again as long as he and Secretary Rusk ask for n .r+t1P -nf wic inPfaent de- Today Tomorrow By WALTER LIPPMANN, dent's supporters that his critics propose no alternative to what he is doing. If that was ever true, it is no longer true today. It is not true since the Mansfield report and since the Gavin statement. The President should reduce his war aims, which today are impos- sibly high in the light of the con- ditions described in the Mansfield report. He should alter his strategy along the lines proposed by Gen. Gavin, making it a holding opera- tion pending the eventual negotia- tion of a political settlement. THE Mansfield report shows that Rusk's objective-the rule of Gen. Ky or his successor over the whole of South Viet Nam-is un- attainable no matter how much the war is escalated. The burden of disproving the conclusions of the Mansfield report is on those who have been proved wrong about the escalation of last summer, on those who are now asking for an- other escalation in order to redeem their failure, on those who want +o radnnhlc the stck , irdern o ious victory or for some kind of dazzling political triumph. It is no trick for pulling rabbits out of a hat. It is a formula for liqui- dating a mistake; for ending a war that cannot be won at any toler- able price, for cutting our losses before they escalate into bank- ruptcy and for listening to com- mon sense rather than to war whoops and tomtoms. Because we are neither omnis- cent nor omnipotent, we, even we Americans, cannot always win. But I cannot help feeling in my bones that a display of common sense by a proud and imperious nation would be a good moral in- vestment for the future. (c), 1965, The Washington PostCo, To the Editor: STEVE WILDSTROM, in Tues- day's Daily, after giving sev- eral reasons for not drafting stu- dents on the joint basis of class standing and standardized test scores, said, "Ideally, the draft boards should seek sources other than the univer'sities for man- power." Being a student, I heartily agree. There exist several groups which I feel should be given the honor of fighting for their country be- fore students, and 'which, as far as I know, haven't yet even been considered by Gen. Hershey for this purpose. As a citizen of this country, I would like to do my share by pointing out to him the many sources of manpower he has apparently overlooked. CONVICTS would make ideal soldiers. Many of them have ex- tensive experience with firearms and are accustomed to living in a state of constant danger. Some would not even require basic train- ing. Hospital patients are also high on my list. They certainly aren't doing their country any good ly- ing around collecting medicare and pinching nurses. Give them guns and wheel them into the jungle. Better yet, haul them into trees and make snipers of them. Dope addicts, alcoholics, cripples, occupants of rest and old folks' homes, widows, orphans, unwed mothers; these are the people who should be defending us. Then, even if we lost the war, we could gain a moral victory, by leaving them over there, forcing the Viet Cong to take care oft them. My plan would also help elim- inate hypochondriacs and reduce crime-people would think twice before going to their doctors' of- fices which would now be merely fronts for local draft boards. Would-be criminals would shy from lives of crime for fear of running into a prison warden who was actually a recruiting sergeant in disguise. I CAN only say I find it amaz- ing and unfortunate that these advantageous possibilities have escaped Gen. Hershey's attention. Perhaps when he is confronted with these suggestions he will change his opinion of students. -Walt Livingston, '68 'V Schutze,: The Ark's Capt0 White M THE SOLEMN and steadfast in- tent of this corner has always been to serve as an example of righteous propriety and unfailing good taste for the rest of The Daily staff to emulate. It is with this burdensome function in mind that we demand the immediate and final dismissal of Joyce Wins- low from her position on The Daily. An audacious article written by tirrv ~ n M.icc a Wins n i found lacking because it already boasts crowd-pleasing features like George Abbott White, the Spike- drivers, George White, ecumen- icalism, and George White, all available at a reasonable 50c cov- er charge. But even Mr. White's gracious response could not erase the ugly fact that Joyce Winslow had sul- lied his name and-questioned his managerial ability. And auestion- didn't pass Creative Writing 223 Mr. White's recent appointment as chief ecumenicist, navigator and maitre d'hotel of the church- es of Ann Arbor rounds out his already stunning list of accom- plishments, among which was a passing grade in Creative Writing 429. Perhaps Miss Winslow did not realize that by attacking the Ark rI',r. -' attnw -rkinr n-rnir.n r. s