PAGE TWO THE. MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 1966 PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 1966 State Cuts 'U'Fund Bid 14 Per Cent (Continued from Page 1) State was allocated $31.2 million, $7, million less than its request.' The fact that the University's total operating budget allotment is higher than that of either Mich- igan State or Wayne State may be accounted for by the greater emphasis on graduate training at the University;' Graduate osts While direct costs for training freshmen and sophomores is $17.74 per student per credit hour and $29.94 for juniors and seniors, the cost for training students engag- ed in doctoral programs comes to $125.01. Orlebeck explained that the budget requests will now be acted upon by the state Legislature. Us- wally the budget bills are divid- ed between the Senate Appropria- tions Committee and the House Ways and Means Committee. Orlebeck said that he doesn't foresee any serious conflict be- tween the Legislature and the governor's budget request. "My own instinct tells me that it will be raised modestly," he added. Overall Budget In the total budget picture, Romney asked for a $126.6 mil- lion increase over the present fis- ical year. Tb help meet this in- crease, he asked that $66.8 mil- lion of the state's present $134; million surplus be used. Romney further pictured a healthy Michigan economic scene, forecasting an economic growth rate of 7.5 per cent. He origin- ally predicted a four percent rate for the year. Concerning higher education, Romney said 17,600 more ;students would be at colleges and univer- sities in the state. He forecast an 8,243 growth in community col- lege enrollment. Late Permission: Freshman and Soph- omore women living in Residence Halls DAILY OFFICIAL and Sorority Houses who plan to at- tend tonight's performance of "End- BULLETIN game" at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre may arrange for late permissions with their housemothers. The Daily Official Bulletin is an Delta Delta Delta Scholarship Com- official publication of the Univer- petition: Unaffiliated or affiliated wom- sity of Michigan, for which The en students who will be juniors or Michigan Daily assumes no editor- seniors the Fail Term of 1966-67 and ial responsibility. Notices should be have an overall grade-point average of sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to 2.99 or better are eligible to apply. Room 3519 Administration Bldg. be- Scholarship grants will be based on fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding peed, scholarship, and extracurricular publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday participation. Application forms and for Saturday and Sunday. General further information may be obtained Notices may be published a maxi- from Mrs. Florence Lyons, Office of, mum of two times on request; Day Financial Aids, 2011 SAB. Applications' Calendar items appear once only. should be completed and returned to Student organization notices are not Mrs. Lyons' office by Feb. 22. accepted for publication. Winter Term Fees: At least 50% is FRIDAY, JANUARY 28 due and payable on or before Jan. 31, 1966. Non-payment of at least 50% by Day (iendar Jan. 31 will result in the assessment of a delinquent penalty of 5. Cinema Guild - Kurosawa's "The Payments may be made in person or Drunken Angel": Architecture Aud,, 7 mailed to the Cashier's Office, 1015$ and 9 p.m. Administration Bldg., before 4:30 p.m., Mon., Jan. 31, 1966. Professional Theatre Program Per- Mail Early. formance--American Conservatory The- Mail payments postmarked after due atre Company in Moliere's "Tartuffe": date, Jan. 31, 1966, are late and sub- Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, 8 p.m. Ject to penalty, Identify mail payments as tuition Hockey-U-M vs. Michigan Technol- and show student number and name. ogical University: Coliseum, 8 p~m. Student Government Council Approval School of Music Degree Recital - of the following student-sponsored Nancy Arnold, pianist: Recital Hall, events becomes effective 24 hours after School of Music, 8:30 p.m. the publication of this notice. All publicity for these events must be Professional Theatre Program Special withheld until the approval has become Late Show - American Conservatory effective. Theatre Company in Samuel Beckett's Approval request forms for student "Endgame": Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- sponsored events are available in Room tre, 11 p.m. 1011 of the SAB. eno eYoung Democrats of University of General Nogices Michigan, "Choice," Aud. A, Angell Dept. of English Lecture: Prof. B. Hall, Jan. 21, 7-11 p.m. Rajan, University of Windsor, lectur- Joint Judiciary Council: Summary of ing on "Continuity in Milton's Poetry?": action taken by the Joint Judiciary Aud 3A, Angell Hall, 4:10 p.m., Thurs., Council at its meeting Wed., Jan. 26. Feb. 3: The following cases were heard: Grauat Stdens: xpetin tore- a) 1 student-Conduct unbecoming a Graduate students: Expecting to re- student in that he attempted petit lar- ceive a master's or professional de-. gree April 30, 1966, must file a Di- ceny. $50 fine, $30 suspended for 1 ploma Application with the Recorder Year, letteroapology.g ' 1 student-Conduct unbecoming a of the Graduate School by Fri., Jan. student in that he committed larceny. 28. No student can be recommended for Written warning and suspended sus- a degree unless he. has filed formal pension. application in the office of the Grad- b) 1 student--Attempting to transfer uate School by that date. students football tickets. Written warn- Dept. of Psychology-Colloquium: Dr. t to l Peter J. Lang, University of Wisconsin, football admission ticket for more will speak on "The Generalization of than its face value. Oral warning, no Fear Desensitization," 4:15 p.m., Jan. University record. 28, Aud. B, Angell Hall. Approved: That only members of the DoctralExamnaton or Mma gurJoint Judiciary Council may determine Doctoral Examination for Maaja Agur final dispositions in theDriving Court Stewart, English Language & Litera- ofthe Joint Judiciary Council. ture; thesis: "The Artifice of Comedy: Approved: That an ad hoc commit- Fielding, and Meredith," Fri., Jan. 28, tee be formed to study the Universi- 2601 Haven Hall, at 2 p.m. Chairman. ty regulations prohibiting the trans- S. W. Baker- fer of University student football tick- ets. This committee is to report back to the Council in one week. Events The following sponsored student events are approved for the coming weekend. Social chairmen are reminued that requests for approval for sociai events are due in the Office of Student Organizations not later than 12-o'clock nodn on Wednesday prior to the event. FRI., JAN. 28- Acacia, Open-Open; Alpha Sigma Phi, Open-Open; Alpha Tau Omega, TG/ Open House; Angell House with Pal- mer, Chicago & Michigan, Mixer; Beta Theta Pi, TG; Chi Psi, TG/Open-Open, 2nd fI. per.; Delta Chi, TG; Delta Upsilon,TOG/Record Party; Emanuel House, Oxford, Fireside Party; Evans Scholars, House Party; Kappa Sigma, TG/Open-Open; Noble House, Mixer; Phi Delta Theta, TG/Open-Open; Phi Epsilon Pi, TG; Phi Gamma Delta, Open-Open. Phi Kappa Psi, Room Parties; Phi Kappa Tau, Party, 2nd fl. per.; Phi Sigma Delta, Open-Open; Phi Sigma Kappa, TG; Prescott-Fisher Little, TG; Psi Upsilon, Informal Party; Sigma Al- pha Mu, TG/Open-Open; Sigma Chi, TG; Sigma Phi Society, TG/Open-Open; Tau Delta Phi; Skating Party/Open- Open;. Theta Chi, Party; Theta Xi, Closed Mixer/Open-Open; Zeta Beta Tau, TG/Open-Open; Triangle, TG; Ze- ta Psi, TG. SAT., JAN. 29- Acacia, Snow Party/Open-Open; Al- pha Delta Phi, Band Party; Alpha Kappa Alpha, Dance; Alpha Sigma Phi, BandsParty; Alpha Tau Omega, Open House/Party; Beta Theta Pi, Band Party; Chi Phi, Theme Party/ Dance; Chi Psi, Band Party/2nd fl. per.; Delta Chi, Band Party/Open-Open; Delta Sigma Phi, Open-Open; Delta Upsilon, Band Party; Evans Scholars, House Party; Henderson House, Win- ter Dance; Kappa Sigma-Sigma P1 Ep- silon, Party; Lambda Chi Alpha, House Party; Michigan House, Ski Trip. Phi Delta Theta, Open-Open; Phi Epsilon Pi, Band Party; Phi Gamma Delta, Open-Open; Phi Kappa Psi, Party; Phi Kappa Tau, Informal Par- ty; Phi Sigma Delta, Open-Open; Phi Sigma Kappa, Band Party; Phi Lambda Phi, Ski Party; Psi Upsilon, Band Par- ty/Upstairs per.; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Traying Party; Sigma Alpha Mu, Open- Open/Pledge Welcome Party; Sigma Chi, Open House; Sigma Nu, House Par- ty; Sigma Phi, Party/Open-Open; Tau Kappa Epsilon, Sleigh Ride/House Par- ty; Tau Delta Phi, "Big Hunt" Party; Theta Chi, Party; Theta Delta Chi, Secret Agent Party/Open-Open; Theta: Xi, After Rush Party/Open-Open; Zeta Beta Tau, Party/Open-Open; Zeta Psi, Perty. Placement POSITION OPENINGS: Bechtel Corp., San Francisco, Calif. -Chemical Engr. BS engrg., physical sciences or math, some grad work in econ. or bus. ad. MBA desirable. 10 yrs .exper, in chem. rel. indust., 3-5 in econ. analysis or mkt. res. Mars Candies, Cricago-1. Bus, Statis- tician. BS math, stat., engrg. or phys. sci. Pref. MS in math, stat., or MBA with op. res. emphasis. 2 yrs. exper. in statistics, op, res,, prod. & inven- tory control, etc. 2. Systems Analyst. BS Bus. Ad.. Mgmt., Indust. Engrg. 2 yrs. exper. Knowl. of EDP equipment. The Welch Grape Juice Co., Inc., Westfield, N.Y.-1. Staff Indust. Engr. BS Mech., Chem., or Indust. Engrg. plus 3-5 yrs. exper. 2. Project Engr. BS Civil., Mech., or Chem. Engrg. plus 5 yrs. exper. 3. Prod. Supv., BS Engrg., Indust. Mgmt. or Food Tech. 2 yrs, exper. 4. Cost Accountant. BS Acctg. plus 5 yrs, exper. 5. Maintenance Supv.. degree in chem. or mech. engrg. plus 2 yrs. exper. Divco-Wayne Corp., Richmond, Ind. -Positions in methods & standards for recent grads in IE, ME or indust. mgmt. 1 yr. time study exper. Will consider 2 yrs. college engrg. plus met. & stand. exper, Dover Planning Board, Dover, N.H. -Planning Director. Main responsibil- ity in urban renewal. Miles Labs., Elkhart, Ind. - Various openings for exper. engrs. including Chem., Indust., Pharmaceut., Prod. Res., Project & Specialty. Mgmt. Consultants, Cleveland, Ohio -Tech. Services Mgr, for bldg. con- struction &maintenance products. De- gree in chem. engrg, pref. Bkgd. In sealant, polymer or rel. helpful. Some sales or customer contact exper. For further information, please call 764-7460, General Div., Bureau of Ap- pointments, 3200 SAB. SUMMER PLACEMENT SERVICE: 212 SAB- INTERVIEWS TODAY: Camp Rockwood, Coed, Ontario, Can- ada-Counselors, sailing instructor, rid- ing instructor, piano player; men & women. Camp Nahelu, Mich. Coed-Counselors & specialists in arts & crafts, sports, waterfront. Will take married couples. Details at Summer Placement, 212 SAB. (Continued on Page 6) 483-4680 E ~som CARPENTER ROAD FREE IN-CAR HEATERS TONIGHT THRU SUNDAY m TONIGHT AT 8:00 P.M. PTP ppeleh A.C.T. PROFESSIONAL THEATRE PROGRAM AMERICAN CONSERVATORY THEATRE IN "A madly whirling carnival of mirth -Pittsbur'gh Press "Shimmering and immensely appealing display of style thundering success!" -Pittsburgh Daily-Dispatch "Stunningly recreated N.Y. hit!" -Pittsburgh Post-Gazette THE 1965 LINCOLN CENTER HIT ! In a New Version By RICHARD WILBUR Under the Direction of WILLIAM BALL MENDELSSOHN THEATRE-JAN. 25-FEB. 5 CHOICE SEATS NOW AT BOX OFFICE Phone 668-6300 s ___ T School Time is OLYMPIA TIME "God is not mocked, for what- soever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." Galations 6:7 CHURCH OF CHRIST 530 West Stadium TV RENTALS LOWEST RATES STUDENT SPECIALS INSTANT SILENCE Sound Attenuators as utilized by military and commercial jet aircraft ground crew personnel. I For information check your book store or write direct to: Academic Aids P. 0. Box 969 Berkeley, Calif. 94701 PLUS ACTION HIT MURITA in EASTMANCOLORO M Distributed byWARMFR BROS. BOX OFFICE OPEN 6:30 TH IS WEEKEND FRIDAY 7-12:30 SAT.*. S1 A.M 0~ i I I University Typewriter Center Home of OLYMPIA, the Precision Typewriter 613 E. William $t 665-3763 TONIGHT AT 11:00 P.M. PTP ppejeht A.C.T. TWOWMN In Deftroit'' CONCEPT EAST THEATER 401 E. Adams presents Harold Pinter's "THE CARETAKER" Fri., Sat., Sun.-Thru Jan. 8:30 P.M. 3RD WEEK - Direct from its Roadshow Engagement' NO SEATS RESERVED Shows at 1:15-3:50-6:30-9:00 r: x::- Mats. $1.25; Eves. & Sun. $1.50 < 3 20th Century-Fox ,. presents * ~ / asf a£A1 Ji sCOLOR 8Y lELUJXE CINEMASCOPE NEXT ATTRACTION "MY FAIR LADY" I U 1 / 1 I 1 1I TONIGHT at 7 and 9 P.M. 1 / AKIRA KUROSAWA'S 1 / o I 1 ! * 1 r / FIRST ANN ARBOR SHOWING 1 " Short: "From Inner Space" HI F[ STUDIO 1319 S. Univ. NO 3-72421 F LATE, LATE SHOW! ,_ _. .r...9t "ill HELD Samuel Beckett's ENDGAME By Author of "Waiting for Godot" & "Krapp's Last Tape" * .ar e tIES T aCnmE ThIS pICTRE IS RECOMMENDED FOR ADULTSC'Y IIA TWIiatoi A WOODFALL FILM A UNITED ARTISTS-LOPERT RELEASE 2ND WEEK CAMPUS FRIDAY, JAN. 28 FRIDAY, FEB. 4 11 P.M. MENDELSSOHN THEATRE Tickets now at Box Office I n, 'n 3; ; 5is i r ¢. a t 6 "s t f- r . !; " f ,; ' ° h; l G PARIS, ROME, TOKYO, LONDON, MADRID, HONG KONG, RIO DE JANERO, HONOLULU, EAST LANSING, Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe I DIAL Weekday Matinees to 5 p.m. $1.00 662-6264 Evenings and Sundays . . . $1.25 STARTS TODAY Shows at 1 :00-3:00 5:00-7:00 & 9:00 ALL SEATS $2.50 . _ UAC's MUSKET '66 presents SIDE STORY February 9-10-11-12 Mendelssohn Theatre BLOCK TICKETS Jan. 31 INDIVIDUAL TICKETS Feb. 1-12 TICKETS AVAILABLE MUSKET offices MICHIGAN LEAGUE I