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January 28, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-01-28

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See Editorial Page

£izt iau


Loi1- -6 - -11
Windy, cloudy,
chance of flurries

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
SGC : Students Should Help Choose Next Pr


"The Replacement 6f Hatcher"
was the proposal passed by Stu-
dent Government Council last
night. In a motion submitted by
Edward Robinson, '67, and Donald
Resnick, '68, the statement was,
made that since President Hatcher
is leaving in 1967 and the selec-
tion process for his successor is
beginning, it is time for the stu-
dent body to obtain a loud voice
in the choice.
The motion adopted asked that

SGC present to the Regents a pro-
posal for a student-faculty com-
mittee which would participate in.
the preliminary and final decisions
regarding the new University
Another proposal in coordina-
tion with the motion passed was
submitted by Robert Bodkin, '67E,
and Alex Goodwin, '67. It advo-
cated that the student body should
have a voice in choosing the next
president. It suggested that to im-
plement this, SGC should request
at the next Regents' meeting, Feb.

11, the following:
-The presidential selection ad-
visory committee constitute a 1:2
ratio of students to faculty;
-That SGC be permitted to
submit to the vice-president of
student affairs a list of names of
the proposed student participants,
-That the vice-president of
student affairs in conjunction with
the Regents make the final selec-
tion of the students.

"This is a proposal that will be
considered next week," said Bod-
kin. "It is being read this evening
with the intention of passage the
following week. This week will give
us time to gain a concensus in-
stead of just a vote."
Goodwin, co-sponsor of the sec-
ond proposal granted that the
proposal passed was a "definite
start in the right direction. Ob-
viously, in order to convince the
Regents and the University we will
have to come up with a concrete
proposal," he added. "This is an

area where students have
terest and can honestly
ful in the selection of
man for the job."

great in-
be help-
the best

Robinson agreed that "as a fo-
cal point of the University, stu-
dents should have a voting voice
in the choice of their president."
He underlined the voting when he
added that their's should not be
"solely an advisory capacity, but
a voting one.
"Essentially, students should be
allowed to take part in the deci-

sion making policy of the Univer-
sity," said Steve Schwartz, '68.
Gary Cunningham, '66, president
of SGC, will meet with Hatcher
sometime this coming week to dis-
cuss the possibilities of student
participation in the selection of
his successor as advocated by the
SGC action taken last night.
Considered at the same meeting
was the Viet Nam survey orig-
inally proposed at last week's
meeting. Citing Prof. Stokes of
the Institute for Survey Research,
Schwartz contended that the pro-

posed survey was allotting insuf-
ficient money and people and that
additional funds and personnel
would not be beneficial because
"no one really wants to know what
300 people think anyway." Added
Mickey Eisenberg, '67, 'We are not
not competent to conduct this
The motion was defeated.
As a final order of business,
Ruth Bauman, '68, was officially
elected as member of the council
to replace Sue Ness, '68, who







Few Scholarships Available
For Out-of-State Students


Although there are over 1000
" scholarship opportunities for en-
tering in-state freshmen, only 37,
or one per cent of the scholar-
ships awarded, are available to
out-of-state students.
Scholarships for out - of - state
students, as noted in a recent pub-

lication of the Office of Financial
Aids, are severely limited because
of Michigan residency require-
ments which are attached to them.
No state funds are made avail-
able by the University for out-of-
state student scholarships. There-
fore, all monies must be secured
through either private endow-
ments, some of which contain no

What's Newat 764-1817

W iretra
SGC last night granted temporary recognition, over Cinema
Guild's objection, to the creation of Cinema II, a student-run
organization that plans to present both new and vintage movies.
It will also be an outlet for student cinematography and film
festival showings.
"Lilies of the Field" will be the first presentation. It will be
shown Friday and Saturday nights, February 4th and 5th in
Aud. A. Admission will be 50 cents. -
* * *
Opposition to the proposed Inter-House Assembly con-
stitution seems to be increasing. An alternative IQC-Assembly
merger constitution has been mailed to all of the 53 house
presidents by Dave Smith, '69, IQC member and Sue Hagadorn,
'68, president of Angell House.
"We feel that this constitution corrects over 15 major defects
and innumerable minor omissions in the current, officially
proposed constitution," said Smith.
The International Center will provide one-year scholarships
for seniors and graduate students for an exchange program with a
university in Germany. The awards include round trip travel
from New York to the German university, university fees, and
usual single student living expenses.
. All applicants must be between 20 and 30 years of age with
a strong profiency in German, but will not be limited in their
field of study. Applications may be picked up from either
Professor Clarence Pott, 1072 Frieze; Mr. Ivan Parker, 2011
S.A.B.; or Mr. William LaVine, International Center; and must
be returned by noon Friday, Feb. 18. The scholarship committee
will conduct personal interviews with applicants on Monday
evening, Feb. 28.
.. * K
The University Towers apartment building has eliminated
its heat and water problem by installing a new water-softening
plant. Apartments on the third and fourth floors of the 18-story
structure at S. University and S. Forest 'had been receiving in-
sufficient heat and hot water for several weeks until the problem
was \ solved. Speedy removal of garbage has been undertaken in
order to eliminate the possibility of any health hazard resulting
from the accumulation of collected garbage in the building's
* * * *
University alumni were recently named to two new adminis-
trative positions at Washtenaw Community College. David S.
Pollock, of the community relations staff, was named assistant to
Washtenaw's president and Lloyd H. Van Buskirk, who did grad-
uate 'work in education administration was named business
Busy Signal
The student relations board of the development council will
give five University Activities Awards of $150 each instead of
$1500 each as reported incorrectly yesterday.
Long Distance
The University has recently received two grants totalling
$43,949 from the U.S. Department of Health, Education and

residence requireinents, or through
the recently expanded Alumni
Non - Resident Scholarship Fund.
Special scholarship awards are
made by alumni groups, but on an
irregular basis.
Alumni Fund
The Alumni Non-Resident Scho-
larship Fund has enlarged its pro-
gram and presently awards 23
scholarships. These scholarships
vary greatly as to the amount of
money awarded, many being of aj
token nature as in the Regents-
Alumni Scholarship Fund. In addi-
tion, many of the corporation en-
dowments which are used for+
freshman scholarships c o n t a i n
stipulations as to field of concen-3
tration and intended vocation.
According to I v a n Parker,1
assistant director of the office ofj
financial aids, the University has1
chosen not to allocate from itsl
limited amount of state funds to1
provide scholarships for deserving;
out-of-state students. The Uni-
versity, Parker indicated, would
like to, but can not because of+
r e s i d e n t scholarship demands,
have an out-of-state scholarship
program, to help deserving, excep-
tional, non-resident students who
wish to come here.
"Only with funds from private
sources could this assistance be
provided," Parker added.+
The University has the author-
ity to allocate part of its state,
funds for out-of-state scholar-
ships, since state funds are for the
most part not earmarked for spe-
cific projects. However, the Uni-
versity would have to suffer the
after effects of antagonizing a
large portion of the state Legis-
lature by such a move.
Legislative Objections
As one state legislator put it,'
"I don't think there would be too
many representatives favorable to
such an idea. There are sufficient
problems findingmoney for Mich-
emresidnts, to woney about t h
itizens of other states. If non-

Over Cut
Low Appropriation
Limits Expansion,
Building Programs
University administrators offer-!
ed cautious, qualified criticism of
Gov, George Romney proposed
budget appropriation for the Uni-
They seemed to agree that while
the budget as proposed seemed to
fall far short of the necessary!
minimum, it would be best to re-
serve comment until the complete
breakdown of the appropriations,
could be examined carefully.
University President Harlan
Hatcher was concerned that thel
budget was not large enough to
meet the growing needs of an ex-
panding university. According to
him, "the appropriation proposed
by Governor Romney for Univer-
sity operations in 1966-67 goes
part way in permitting the Uni-
versity to meet the demands plac-
ed upon it. At the same time the
recommendation is disappointing
because it falls far short of meet-
ing the full need."

-Daily--John Pollock
The Philippinos' dance here is one of the events at the University Activity Center's 1966 World's
Fair, held in the Michigan Union today from 7 to 12:30 and Saturday from 1 to 5. There will be
variety shows and exhibits from more than fifty countries on three floors. There's Pakistani
"heekhukka" to smoke, Tang-soo-dos to crack karati boards, Kenyans selling zamptys, and more.

Large Budget Asked Most of the cooperating students are fr
The University requested an in-
crease of almost $14.6 million over
last year's budget, but received P0 VEITY PROGRAM:
only a proposed increase of $5.5
million. Hatcher expressed con-
cern that the governor was not;
sufficiently taking into considera- w V
tion the rapid expansion of the
University, and the extension of
the University from only two
semesters, to a full calender year.
According to Hatcher, "our A roused

rom campus nationality clubs.

ilage Officials
by Withdrawal

14 Per Cent
Slashed from
Original Bid
State Toial Includes
$11 Million Reductiont
In Capital Request
Gov. George Romney yesterday
presented a $944.9 million state
budget, including a $56.8 million
general funds appropriation for
the University which is about $9
million less than the University
The University has received
$51.2 million, during the present
fiscal year, thus making Romney's
request a $5.6 million increase over
1965-66 funds.
Romney also called for $7.1
million in capital outlay for the
University, which includes con-
struction and renovation. This is
a significant reduction from the
$18.2 million requested by the Uni-
Largest Slice
Romney's overall budget mes-
sage asked for $189 million for
the state's 11 colleges and uni-
versities. Education appropriations
of all kinds amounted to the sin-
gle largest slice of the new budg-
et, 52 per cent.
According to Charles Orlebeck,
education assistant to Gov. Rom-
ney, funds for the ,new fresh-
man class at the University's Flint
campus were accepted as a part
of the general funds request.
There is some controversy as to
the future of the Flint branch,
which the State Board of Edu-
cation has recommended to be
converted to an autonomous, four-
year institution .
Also included in the budget mes-
sage, said Orlebeck, are funds for
the Center for Research on Learn-
ing and Teaching. "We went along
with the state board's recommen-
dation," noted Orlebeck, "and
granted the institution 10-15 per
cent of its million dollar request
to begin the structuralization of a
statewide plan." The CRLT, pres-
ently situated at theCUniversity,
focuses on the adaptation of tech-
nology to the needs of students
and teachers.
Press for Funds
Stanford C. Ericksen, director
of the CRLT, said that he "will
press for a larger allocation' 'to
implement the computerized
statewide network of four insti-
tutions which the legislative ap-
propriation would establish.
He complained that the $100,000
or $200,000 would not be enough
to finance the "basic hardware"
of computers and terminals for a
state system of automated educa-
tional aid.
In the area of University con-
struction, building projects that
will be under construction were
detailed.' They include funds for
Medical Science II Bldg., the den-
tal building, classrooms and of-
f'ces, heating plant expansion, li-
brary renovation, and remodeling
of the East Medical Bldg. The
use of funds for planning in the
area of construction were not de-
tailed in the message to the Leg-
MSU Appropriations
Romney recommended t h a t
Michigan State University and its
1 Oakland branch receive $14.3 mil-
lion for construction, and Wayne
State $5.7 million.

request for operating funds for
the coming year was based upon
a very careful calculation ofen- By DICK WINGFIELD
rollment increases, of the costs in-I
volved in a year-round rather f Conflicting opinions were ex-
than a two-semester operation, pressed yesterday over the reasons'
and equipment needed to handle behind a University statement re-
the bigger work load which will leased Tuesday that the Univer-
face us next year." sity's Institute of Labor-Industrial

the University will have served its
function by April. "We had two
goals at the beginning of the pro-
ject," he said. "These goals were
to, 1) help the Willow Village
area get a start so it could even-
tually administer its own self-help

The Offii
tunity said
sion has be
the anti-po
low Village
another ye
the agency

ce of Economic Oppor-
Tuesday that no deci-
en reached on whether
verty program at Wil-
will be continued for
ear. A spokesman for
said an evaluation was
and that there will be
before April 1, as to
t will be continued,


residents wish to attend the Uni- "To keep pace with these needs from the Willow Village poverty ogram, anoe- ei
versity, they can count on no and requirements an increase in prograin n April.g search on the value of a self-help a decision
assistance from the state." operating funds above that recom- Jesse Hill director of the Wil po verty program. By April, these whether i
The cost of providing a scholar- mended by the governor is essen- low Run Association for Neighbor- als will have been achieved. changed o
ship for an out-of-state student is hood Development, felt that the
considerably higher than for a Traditionally Cut ho Ded b tat POOR REPRESENTED
Michigan resident. To issue a full The Legislatureiand the gover- pull out was caused by unfavorable. P?
ito scoasitoaou-f nor have traditionally cut the publicity for the University stem -______________________
tuition scholarship to an out-of- n e esr et but this ming from a controversy over
state student, t h e University University's requests, whether the Willow Village area
would have to secure $1000, almost year the University's budget wa is indeed impoverished. Hy Korn-
three times the amount of a state bluh, project director for the pro-
resident. was supposed to make requests so gram from the University's ILIR,
The large number of scholar- clear and factual that cuttingst
shis povied or tat reidetsthem drastically would be impos- said, however, that the University's 4
ships provided for state residents thmdatclywodbemps initial goals in the project will
ar'e financed through the use of sible. be accomplished by April.
state funds under the Regents- For several years, the Michigan Willow Village is the name ap-
Alumni Scholarship Fund. Under Council of State College Presidents plied to a poverty program in Su- By LYNNE ROTHSCHILD from the
this program, open only to Mich- has been developing aunifor perior and Ypsilanti Townships areas serv
igan residents, each accredited method ofresenting their co- near Ypsilanti directed by the The structure of the Legal AidClinic
high school in Michigan is en- lege's budgets to the state con- Willow Run Association for Neigh- Society was the main topic at Some cc
titled to at least one Regents- troller's office. borhood Development (WRAND). last night's meeting of the Wash- representa
Alumni award. In addition to It was hoped that such a pre- tenaw County Citizens' Committee provide a
these school awards, a number of sentation would eliminate any WRAND was granted $188,252 I for Economic Opportunity.,prov s
at-large grants are made on the inequalities in the budget requests by the Office of Economic Oppor- e were siu
basis of state wide competition. of the different state colleges so tuty on April 1, consideration of a motion ap-
Numerous Loans that none could claim a larger was to be administered by the In- Dave C
Loans are available without dis- share of education appropriations stitute of Labor-Industrial Rela- proved at the committee's last w stude
crimination as to residence to any than it deserved according to the tions of the University of Mich- ing. Sicye the ws r, board be u
out-of-state student. The Univer- quality and magnitude of its igan and Wayne State University.i was decided at that time that one 11 member
sity has over 250 privately set-up services to the state. Wayne State has not yet indicated waseciefat th e thatin-come clas
fundswhich offer loans a th ree The University used this format whether its ILIR will participate represetaivefrombthe low inagencies,t
per cent interest. Funds, for the this year and became the first in the program for another year. ciety's eight-man Board of Trus- m e m b e r.
entering freshman, can - also be state college to do so. Hi.ll said, "We didn't anticipate tees, the policy making body of County $a
secured through federal subsidized However, University officials the University pulling out so soon. the organization. attorney
loa programs.zatAid atoet
loan programs. were quick to refuse any further II believe that the controversy over Aid Societ
When the out-of-state student comments on the proposed appro- whether Willow Village is in need Alex Hawkins, a spokesman fromE

various surrounding
ed by the Legal Aid
ontended that the one
tive on the board could
dequate information if
upplemented by an ac-
ilate advisory board.
roysdale presented the
nts' proposal that the
reconstituted to include
s: two from the low in-
ss, two from welfare
wo law professors, three
s of the Washtenaw
ar Association, and one
who advised the Legal
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