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January 26, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-01-26

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See Editorial Page

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Partly cloudy with
scattered snow flurries

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom










By CLARENCE FANTO any American university by fac- the administration. The dismissal have privately praised the actions "We have 120 hard-core strikers The position of the administra- Church's new progressive spirit
Newulty menbers, began after Christ- sparked the sympathy strike by of the strikers. on the picket lines and they will tion, as expressed by the univer- line with the Second Vatican E
As the faculty strike at ne mas vacation. It stemmed from about one-fifth of the school's The efforts to resolve the dis- i stay there until next semester if sity's president, the Very Rev. menical Council. However, he s
York City's St. John's University a demand by some teachers for faculty. pute are accelerating. Sen. Robert necessary," O'Reilly said. Joseph T. Cahill is that academic the specific clash is over emplo
enters its fourth week, the 13,000' greater academic freedom and Students have been reluctant to IF. Kennedy is planning to confer Administration spokesmen have freedom does exist on the campus employe rights.
students at the nation's largest more participation in administra- attend the "university in exile" I this week with representatives of disputed the number of teachers but that the institution's Catholic "The administration still is b
Cathojic university are being hard tive policy. The striking teachers because they will not receive cred- the university administration and who are striking. They contend character is being challenged. in the days of slavery, wi
hit. are being supported by the United it for the classes. But some sym- the striking union. that "only 30 to 40" faculty mem- "A disruptive group is attack- means no one but the owners
Many. graduate schools have Federation of College Teachers, a pathetic students are still boycot- "I will not mediate. I have no bers have walked out. But news- ing the very foundations on which have a say about working co
warned seniors that their trans- New York area union. The uni- ting classes as a sympathy ges- role to play, but I'd like to speak paper reporters on the scene con- the university and its ideals are tions" O'Reilly said.
cripts will be "carefully scrutin- versity has refused to negotiate ture for the dismissed and strik- to members of both sides. This firm the union's figure of about based," Cahill told The Daily yes-
S ized." Many classes at the school with the union or the striking ing teachers. strike is causing hardship for 100 strikers. terday. Cahill has turned down an a
are being taught by substitute faculty members. No educational unit of any many people in my state. Natur- The severity of the St. John's But, according to a spokesman by New York's Mayor John Li
teachers who were called in to re- Meanwhile, a "university in stature has come to the defense ally I'm interested," Kennedy said. dispute is unique within Catholic for the striking teachers, "the a
place about 100 faculty members exile" was set up by the striking of the St. John's administration. The Rev. Peter O'Reilly, leader higher education. The crisis de- ministration has not the vaguest and has refused to recognize
who have walked out. The quali- teachers and 31 of their colleagues In fact, many students and fac- of the strike denied administra- veloped as widespread progressive notion of the meaning of academic union.
fications of the substitute teachers who had earlier been dismissed by ulty voices from leading Catholic tion charges that there are Com- trends throughout Catholic edu- freedom." "A union has, no legitin
have been called into question by St. John's foralleged "unprofes- institutions such as Notre Dame munists on the campus who are cation became more apparent. O'Reilly says the basic trouble place in the professional area,'
the striking' teachers, many stu- soa odc. ti eivdta
hdents,rand anuer of ot sional conduct." It is believed that and Georgetown University in active in the strike. He welcomed But, the insurgent St. John's group is that "the owners and runners said.
,and a number of other insistent demands for greater aca- Washington have voiced support Kennedy's participation and voiced claims the university was not of the university want total sway." Cahill blamed a small, har
universities. demic freedom by this group of for the resistance movement. Even confidence in the ultimate out- keeping pace with the reforms in- He charges that the administra- ing element in the faculty for
The strike, the first against teachers led to their dismissal by administrators at these schools come of the dispute. stituted at other schools. tion has failed to respond to the trouble.

, in "They want the trustees to act
cu- in rubber-stamp fashion for the
aid, faculty," he said. "They are chal-
yer- lenging the right of St. John's
University to exist as a Catholic
ack institution."
hich The union declares the strikers
can will not return to work unless the
ndi- dismissed teachers are reinstated.
The University has agreed to grant
automatic tenure to faculty mem'
ffer bers, allow each department to
nd- determine its curriculum, and
jute recognize faculty rights to organ-
the ize and hold meetings.
nate But, as matters stand now, the
'he dispute is at an impasse with no
solution in sight. St. John's Uni-
ass- versity so far has refused to con-
the 'sider reinstating the 31 dismissed

Sets Goals
For City
Urge Acceptance
Of U' Students as
Local Citizens
Goals for effective urban de-
velopment in the Ann Arbor mu-
nicipal area were evaluated yes-
terday by the Citizens Association
for Area Planning (CAAP) at a-
conference at the Michigan Un-
Symposiums dealing with the re-
lation of Ann Arbor to the sur-
rounding area, education and
community growth, and the
changing character of Ann Arbor
were held to provide opportunity
for discussion between University
and community authorities and ci-
tizens. As presented at a final
session last night, goals determ-
ined included:
-Moving toward acceptance of
University students as integrated
citizens within the community.
-Encouraging communication
between Ann Arbor officials and
those of other Washtenaw Coun-
ty townships and cities.
--Stimulating real .estate devel-
opments that retain the tradi-
tional character of the communi-
-Working for "quality educa-
tion" at all levels in Ann Arbor.
-Establishing a community na-
ture center and historical museum.
-Approving "reasonably priced,
architecturally acceptable 'hous'-
ing" for all residents.
-Creating a metropolitan mas-
ter plan to regulate all phases of
-Conserving and developing
the Huron River Valley.
-Improving transportation fa-
cilities .
-Providing "dignified work and
residential opportunities" for in-
dividuals with junior college edu-
The all-day sessions included
specialized workshops and were
highlighted by addresses on sig-
nificant phases of the conference
Grady Clay, real estate editor
of the Louisville Courier-Journal
and founder of the Louisville Citi-
zens Metropolitan Planning Coun-
cil, gave the keynote address. He
4 stressed the importance of civic
involvement in planning and the
need for encouragement of pri-
vate real estate developments.
A meeting of CAAP was slated
for early February, at which time
the work of the conference would
be continued by the delegates and
additional members from other
groups in the conmunity.

What's New
At 764-1817
Finalists for Winter Weekend '66 Skit Night were selected last
night after semi-final eliminations in the Michigan Union.
Winners were: Alpha Epsilon Phi-Zeta Beta Tau; Chi Omega-
Alpha Tau Omega; Delta Gamma-Sigma Chi; Kappa Alpha
Theta-Delta. Tau Delta; Sigma Delta Tau-Tau Delta Phi.
These five pairs of housing units will now wait until Feb. 25
at 8 p.m. when they will appear at Hill Auditorium in the finals.
VOICE political party last night elected Peter DiLorenzi as
its new chairman succeeding Eric Chester. Elected to the group's
executive committee were: David Bloom, '68, Eileen Cantrell, '69,
Eric Chester, Mike Locker, Grad, Stanley Nadel, Joyce Reymer,
'66, Gary Rothberger, '67, David Smokler, '66.
Also discussed at the meeting were VOICE's plans for
participation in the planned China teach in set for sometime
in middle or late March and aid in the Student Non-Violent
Coordinating Committee's support of a grape-pickers strike in
Delano, Calif. The membership also voted to sponsor a visit of
Herbert Aptheker on campus. Aptheker, chairman of the
American Institute of Marxist Studies recently returned from a
trip to North Viet Nam.
Prof. Frank E. Richart, chairman of the department of
civil engineering has received an award for his work in helping
the Air Force solve a frost heave problem at a Minuteman
missile site.
The citation accompanying the award notes Richart "dis-
tinguished himself by outstanding achievement" during work at
Grand Forks Air Force Base, North Dakota, from April 8 to
Aug. 10 last year.
* * * *
Zeta Tau Alpha, one of the smaller sororities on campus, will
conduct an expansion program next week to gain new members.
It hopes to increase its membership from about 20 girls to about
65, to justify the opening of an annex to its present house which
has a capacity of 40. The expansion program is a result of a need
for members which was not filled during rush, and will be
conducted through personal contact by members of the other
sororities and fraternities. The ZTA program is being sponsored
by Panhellenic and Inter-Fraternity Council.
Of the 1127 girls who registered for this spring's sorority
rush, 393 have pledged.
MUSKET'S additional performance on Friday, Feb. 11, will
be held at 7 p.m. instead of at 8:30 p.m. as reported yesterday.
The second performance that night will be held at 10 p.m.
Long Distance
Official at the University of Maine are investigating a pos-
sible 100-student cheating incident. All results from a psychology
midterm exam taken by 730 students have been voided because
some students had advance knowledge of questions.
* * * *
A 50 per cent saving in the cost of airline tickets for passen-
gers from 12 through 21 will go into effect over the next few
weeks by the nation's leading airline companies. Known as the
"Youth Fare" or "12 to 21 Club," it will offer a cut in price on
all domestic flights, except for certain "reserved days" of crowded
travel: April 7, Nov. 23 and 27, Dec. 15-24 in 1966, and Jan. 2-4
in 1967.

In Prot








Nuremb erg
Trials Basis

-Daily-Thomas R. Copi
A SPACE SHORTAGE . .. facing the architecture school leaves the University with the option of restricting future enrollment increases
or speeding plans for a new building on North Campus.
Architecture School' '8De sign
Inadequate fr Students o'6

Of Stand
Lawyer To Argue
Right To Practice
Civil Disobedience
Arguments in the appeal trial
of 39 University protestors con-
victed of trespassing Oct. 22 in a
sit-in protest against U.S. policy
in Viet Nam will be heard today
in Washtenaw County Circuit
Defense attorney Ernest Good-
man of Detroit will argue that the
students are innocent because in-
dividuals have the right to use
civil disobedience to protest gov-
ernment policies they believe to
be immoral. i
It took, nearly five hours of
deliberation yesterday in the court
of Judge James R. Breakey Jr. to
select a jury of nine women and
five men. Two extra jurors were
selected to provide alternates in
case of illness or emergency.
All Hear
The case will be heard by all 14
Jurors. When the trial is com-
pleted the jurors will draw lots to
determine which two will be
The jury was selected from a list
of 85 prospective names after close
questioning, by both the defense
and the county prosecutor.
The prospective jurors were ask-
ed, for example, if they have any
relatives in the armed forces fight-
ing in Viet Nam; if they had any
opinions on the moral aspect of
the war, or on student protestors.
Refuse Plea Change
One student, Ronald Miller, '68,
who originally pleaded guilty and
who is one of the 13 University
students reclassified 1-A because
of the sit-in, was denied his re-
quest to consolidate his, case with
the 29 now pleading not guilty.
Miller changed his plea from
guilty to not-guilty Monday in
Circuit Court but Judge Breakey
refused to allow his case to be
heard with the others being de-
fended by Goodman. No trial date
has been set for Miller's case.
Goodman's defense has attract-
ed wide attention in legal circles
because it invokes precedent es-
tablished in the 1946 Nuremburg
War Crime Trials.
Goodman concedes in his brief
that the students did commit "a
minor crime of trespassing."
Moral Obligation
However, he contends that the
individual's obligation to protest
government policies he finds im-
moral gives him the right to par-
ticipate in a non-violent protest
Six other protestors who have
pled guilty to charges of trespass-
ing have been set for sentencing
on Friday. However the court in-
dicated yesterday that the sen-

The Architecture and Design
College, swelled beyond the capa-
city of its 37-year-old building to
accommodate all its students, is
now at the point of being forced
to seek relocation elsewhere or to
cut back on the depth of education
The A&D art and architecture
departments are the only ones in
Michigan accredited by the Na-

tional Association of Schools cf
Art and the American Institute of
Architects. Increasing demands
for admission to the school have
so overcrowded the A&D building
that the college's administration
has been forced to set an arbitrary
ceiling on the numbers of stu-
dents annually admitted, accord-
ing to Dean Robert Iglehart of the
art department.
The building, built in 1928-29,

300 Enthusiastic Students Overwhelm 'Free '

originally was planned for 275
architecture students. At present
over eight hundred art, architec-
ture, and graduate students pur-
sue their studies in the building.
As a consequence, the A&D school
is unable to supply adequate locker
space and small studio courses, or
set up joint programs of study
with the art department of the
literary college. Potential efforts
such as cinecatographic research
and joint art department-Music
School operas have gone unreal-
ized because of lack of space,
according to Iglehart.
Class Growth
Concerned that class size may
grow too bulky for sufficient
teacher- student instruction, a fac-
ulty committee is studying the
feasibility of relocating the A&D
in a larger building to be built on
land already set aside for that
purpose on North Campus. If the
University approves a building, the
new A&D will rise on a plot above
and behind the wind tunnel.
Although no architect has been
hired and specific monies have not
been approved for the construction
of the new building as of now,
Dean Iglehart foresees the estab-
lishment of the A&D in its new
location by 1970.
Until such a time when plans

the number of pre-professional art
students enrolled in the A&D
leaves no room for transferv
literary college students interestedt
in majoring in art without pro-.
fessional careers in mind.<
Commenting on the fact thatf
many 'Eastern colleges, such as
Dartmouth and Smith have such
programs, Iglehart said, "We think
it wouldbe a good thing for the
campus as a whole. It would dis-
tinguish between the professional
and the elective students. At pres-
ent we have no chance to take
students who elect into the art
department until all our profes-
sional students have registered;
by then there are usually no open-
ings left."
Iglehart feels that such a pro-
gram could increase the art de-
partment's enrollment from its
present 415 up to 1000.
Such an integrated program was
tried about ten years ago with
the history of art department of
the literary college giving lectures
and the A&D giving complemen-
tary studio courses. Within two
years the enrollment had jumped
from 30 to 300 and overcrowding,
that old nemesis, forced the
course to be dropped. This was a
rare case of a course being too

Ann Arbor's newest university
which offers no grades, credits ,
unacceptable to your local draft
board and a money-back guar-;
antee got underway last night
with an enrollment of 300.
The school, which lacks an ad-
ministration could, "use a little
more organization," according to
spokesmen (poet) Jerry Badanes.
But, he added the school was,
"overwhelmed by the ethusiasm,"

Instructors and students mak-,
ing joint decisions on when and
where courses will be held. A 1
course in education got underway
last night. Most other courses are
scheduled on a weekly basis for
either Wednesday or Thursday
A heavy demand for art courses
has resulted in an expanded cur-
riculum of that department. The
courses are "Why Study Art,"
"Why Be an Artist," "What is
Art Criticism and Art History,"

As in most universities the fac-
ulty members are underpaid.
(They teach for free.) This is ex-
pected to keep tuition costs at a
The curriculum for the classes
was formed largely by students.
University spokesmen anticipate
this practice will continue in the
event that courses are added.
Another Haber
The student body of the univer-
sity is largely undergraduates, ac-

:: :



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