Seventy" Sixth Year EDITE AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVrRSiTY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF ST LDFNT PUBLICATIONS FEIFFER I 1~ = - 77 -4 Th Oil rree. 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICit. NFws PHONE: 764-0552 A 10-6 ro6. y' i, q t l Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT CARNEY ,, AMCP. APPR'OACH 7AK)CU W PV C~c L '- ' / A 19 5TfMYr& WAAIC. "T P6 6CT, ThC&I OF ~ University of Pittsburgh Offers Lesson to 'U' - w th - 6TIN IT5 APMAI& up OF MY PO$1IOP) Ill IT. F* " Z[' I - , pi 'V.I/I) I, , , ) COPFMTY ' 0 MYI- I "~; f -- -_ --., '' 0. THE RELEASE last week of a Ford Foundation report on the trimester operations of the University of Pitts- burgh requires close study by Univer- sity officials here-particularly the fi- nancial problems which are becoming increasingly serious as large universities convert to year-round operation and place increasing emphasis on graduate education. Pittsburgh officials revealed a $19.5 million deficit last year, thus indicating the severe financial crisis which had been brought about by a number of factors. The introduction of the trimester sys- tem was the predominant factor caus- ing the deficit, according to the report. The majority of the Pittsburgh faculty --almost three-quarters-had been ap- pointed on a 12-month basis. However, only 25 per cent of the university's full- time undergraduate students were at- tending the spring-summer trimester. More graduate students attended during the summer term, but still only about 40 per cent o'f the total student enrollment took part in the third trimester. Thus, there was a vast gap in the bill for fac- ulty salaries and the tuition from student enrollment. However, the causes for the financial crisis also derives from admin- istrative mismanagement-a reserve fund should have been set up to cover the changeover from the traditional semes- ter operation to the trimester system. Such a major revision in a university operation often requires up to five years before its success or failure can be ade- quately measured. Here at the University, for example, it is hoped and expected that there will be a steady increase in summer enrollment as the number of in- termediate and advanced courses offered for undergraduates increases. The build-up of Pittsburgh's graduate program was undertaken without ade- quate financial backing. While the num- ber of graduate students increased by 40 per cent between 1960 and 1965, the total undergraduate enrollment declined slightly. The administration evidently failed to take account of the increased costs of educating a graduate as com- pared to an undergraduate student. PITTSBURGH DEVELOPED an adminis- trative system which was top-heavy with manpower and therefore extremtely costly. Chancellor Edward Litchfield headed a group of eight vice-chancellors (analagous to the University's vice-presi- dents for academic affairs, student af- fairs, business and finance, etc.), who in turn headed an even larger group of deans in charge of various schools and colleges. Thus, Pittsburgh was overload- ing its top echelons of administrators at an unnecessary cost, since an overly large supply of bureaucratic administration at the top can create waste through duplica- tion and loss of morale combined with unmanageable tons of superfluous paper- work. The University operates a similar ad- ministrative system, although it is clear that we are making better use of their specialized knowledge and talents. Never- theless, there is too often duplication and hazy lines of demarcation between the functions of the Office of Academic Af- fairs, the Office of Student Affairs and, in some cases, the Office of Business and Finance. Pittsburgh's problems should be close- ly evaluated by University administra- tors, for that institution (with a total enrollment of 17,000) is one of the few universities of major size which have con- verted to a trimester operation almost identical to ours. Last summer's low stu- dent enrollment (partly due to the lack of high-level courses and faculty mem- bers to teach ther) should be carefully evaluated for possible danger signals along the lines of the problems encount- ered by Pittsburgh. F URTHERMORE, the unfortunate ef.- fects of the trimester system are not only financial ones. Decline in student participation which has afflicted many formerly popular activities and organiza- tions (many of which offer a valuable educational experience in themselves) in addition to the now traditional end-of- the-trimester academic crush should prompt the University to undertake an- other systematic review of the trimester system, taking into account the views of both students and faculty. -CLARENCE FANTO LAk)06 , ', A~ p "P. a A VOW ro~ jq 9j, wed'.. 4 Negro Education-Little Opportunity By RITA DERSHOWITZ Collegiate Press Service (Second of Two Parts) DESEGREGATION of higher education began in theSouth long before the 1954 Supreme Court decision, although it re- ceived its major impetus at that time. As of the 1964-65 school year, however, only about 17 per cent of Negro college students in the 11 southern states were going to school in previously all-white colleges and universities, Negro colleges continue to provide the only opportunity for higher edu- cation for the great majority of Negro students. Negroes are not entering de- segregated white colleges for sev- eral reasons, but one of the major reasons lies in the Negro college itself. Maintaining a tenuous bal- ance between the predominately white world of state-supported higher education and the Negro community they serve, Negro col- lege administrators have been pri- marily a conservative force within the civil rights movement. Last April Alabama State Col- lege, an all-Negro school in Mont- gomery, had 11 students arrested for sitting in at the office of the president. The students were at- tempting topresent President Levi Watkins with a list of grievances, which included the charge that students were being disciplined for their participation in civil rights activities.nIt was reported that nine students had been sus- pended by a faculty-administra- tion disciplinary board for "willfull disobedience" and "insubordina- tion" in connection with civil rights activities. JUST RECENTLY, about 250 students at Southern University in Baton Rouge, La., which with 6,700 students is the second largest Negro University in the country, kept up a week of sitins, rallies and demonstrations on the cam- pus. The president of Southern, Felton Clark, dismissed the dem- onstrators as malcontents. "We couldn't understand what they wanted," Clark said, "They had a vague set of unrealistic de- mands, ranging from keeping the library open all night to lowering the student fees." Clark attempted to discredit the motives of the demonstrators. "One of the leaders was from the Berkeley's crowd-you know, they spend summers in Berkeley and get indoctrinated." The student Clark apparently referred to was Herman Carter, who had acted' as the campus host during a visit by a representative of Berkeley's Free Speech Movement last year. Per- haps philosophically close to the aims of the FSM, Carter had never been actually connected to "the Berkeley crowd." In fact, the demonstrators at Southern had a very long and spe- cefic set of grievances and de- mands, the first of which was that "President Clark take a stand on segregation." The other demands ranged from academic reforms- "the personal views of professors should have no bearing on the maintenance of his position at the University"-to disciplinary pro- cedures-"decisions in this area should not be left to the sole discretion of the deans." AT ARKANSAS A, M, & N, with 2,200 students, President Lawrence" Davis maintains a strong hand over his students. Called familiar- What's New At Tree U' ly. and to his face, as "Prexy," Davis seems to be universally re- spected as well as submitted to. "There might be some hot heads on campus, but once Prexy talks to them, they do what he wants," one student said affectionately of the president. At various times in the past Arkansas A, M, & N has been urged to protest by civil rights leaders from outside the college. Two years ago, Dick Gregory and some Student Nonviolent Coordi- nating Committee workers came to Pine Bluff and called students to march on a local restaurant where Negroes had been beaten for try- ing to enter. President Davis called a meeting of the entire student body, warning them of the pos- sible "consequences" if any of them did march on the town. "He told us, 'We don't need that sort of thing, we don't need the legislature on us," said Kenneth Johnson, a senior pre-med stu- dent whose parents both teach at the college. Davis also reportedly told the students that if all of them were to march it might mean some- thing, but since it would be only a small group it would accomplish nothing. In the end, only a small handful of students marched. THE THREAT from state legis- lature seems to be a real one. At one point in Arkansas A, M, & N's history the legislature did cut the school's appropriations, allegedly for the activist speakers on cam- pus, though no one agrees on just how much was cut. In at least' one state, Louisiana, the legislature is taking an active role for expansion of the state's Negro colleges. As a result of state appropriations,yboth Louisiana State University and Southern University are planning to open branch campuses in the same cities. Asked if this would not perpetu- ate the dual and unequal education of the past, Southern's President Clark answered that the state legislature is simply responding to the communities it represents. "I want to see the Negroes get as good an education as he can, and if he can get it only in a segre- gated school, then yes, I support expansion of this. school in the same cities as LSU," he said. Clark insists that failure to die- mand integration of higher edu- cation rather than a parallel Negro system does not mean that in the future higher education in Louisiana will remain segregated. He foresees a time when the Negro institution will be so good that it will compete with white universi- ties for white students, thereby in- tegrating from that direction. Citing Howard University as an example of a school that "becomes. so good it puts itself out of buhi- ness as a Negro college," Clark predicted the same role for South- ern University. Southern now has three white students. BOTH CLARK and Davis seem to see the function of the Negro college as a kind of rescue opera- tion - performing the remedial work that will correct the defi- ciencies of the Negro high school and perhaps prepare the student for a real, that is, an essentially white, higher education. "The Negro student comes from a disadvantaged background," President Davis said, "and the college has to introduce him to the cultural milieu of Western so- ciety to allow him to communicate with people from that society. Cer- tainly we want to develop a criti- cal mind, and the ability to evalu- ate established society, but he needs to be able to spell, to be able to read a book first," Not only do the Negro colleges start with academically deficient students, but their facilities and faculty are also generally of lower quality than comparable white schools. President Davis estimated that Negro colleges were about 25 years behind other colleges throughout the country, but "we call it a college whatever its qual- ity." NEW AREAS of career oppor- tunities have opened for Negroes, and the "role of the predominately Negro college is to give students. the ambition to enter these new areas, and to stimulate them to further their education on a high- er level," Davis said. In President Clark's words, "the problem is to raise the expectancy potential; to tell the Negro kid what is avail- able and to inspire him to reach for it." Opportunities for the Negro student are hardly unlimited, how- ever, and Davis recognized the tokenism that still prevails. "We have now to find the very special person to fill an ordinary position. Until the time comes when the average Negro can get a job for an average person, there will not be economic opportunity." NOR IS THERE now education- al opportunity, for it takes a superior Negro student even to enter, but especially to remain in a previously all-white school. *0 ~pv 4r pig New Draft Criteria Needed IN THE SEARCH for increased military manpower to meet the demands of the Viet Nam war, the Selective Service System is threatening to re-evaluate stu- dent deferments on the basis of academic performance. During the Korean War, draft boards used the twin criteria of class standing and scores on a standardized test in granting II-S draft status. Selective Service Director Gen. Lewis Hershey has proposed a return to these methods, as draft quotas continue to rise. There are a number of reasons why these criteria are totally inadequate for a fair deter- mination of who shall be allowed to re- main in school and who shall be drafted. The first of these standards of selec- tion makes the as'sumption that a uni- versity is a university is a university-an assumption which is completely untrue. Prospective soldiers would be culled from student ranks on the basis of a fixed per- centage from the bottom of the class. A student who ranks toward the bottom of . .. t I Ati i( i Dal Editorial Staff ROBERT JOHNSTON, Editor LAT'RENCE KIRSHBAUM ROBERT HTPPT ER Managing Editor Editorial Director JUDITH FIELD$ ........... Personnel Director 'AUREN BAHR......Associate Managing Editor JUDITH WARREN._.....Assistant' Managing Editor ==AIL BLUMBERG................. Magazine Editor TOM WEINBERG.........Sports Editor LLOYD GRAFF ........T.'. Associate Sports Editor PETER SARASOHN ............ Contributing Editor SHELDON DAVIS ... ........ Photo Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Robert Carney, Clarence Fanto, Mark ihlingswnrth, John Meredith, Leonard Pratt, Harvey Wasserman, Bruce Wasserstein, Charlotte Wolter, DAY EDITOR.S: B~abette Cohn, Merle Jacob. Carole Kaplan, Robert Moore, Roger Rapoport, Dick Wing- field. Business Staff his class at the University might easily rank near the top at a less competitive school. Admissions philosophy should also have a bearing on the granting of deferments. When a student is accepted by the Uni- versity it is on the assumption that he will graduate with a degree, The school has a traditionally low failure rate. Many institutions, either by choice or by statute, accept an oversize freshman class each year with the knowledge that a large percentage will wash out before ob- taining a degree. Thus, a low-ranking un- derclassman at the University has an ex- cellent chance of graduating, while a student in the same position at another school will likely as not succeed. PARTICIPATION in extra-curricular ac- tivities may also have a strong bear- ing .on a student's "academic progress." A student who devotes himself to inde- pendent study, or a tutorial project, or who writes a novel for the Hopwood com- petition may see his efforts reflected in lower grades. However, at the same time he may be doing a greater service to himself and the community than the stu- dent who spends all his time studying and gets a four point. The standardized examination is de- signed to compensate for these variables. It doesn't. All the criticisms leveled against tests such as the College Boards apply to the proposed Selective Service exam. Too much depends on the student's state of mind and health on the day the test is administered. So-called comprehensive tests never quite are what they're meant to be, tending to favor students with spe- cific kinds of knowledge. Furthermore, such examinations give great rewards to information recall and almost no credit to creativity. J By MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH THE FREE UNIVERSITY of Ann Arbor is starting registra- tion for courses this week. The university offers an ambitious pro- gram, from "Historical Theory" to "Power. Policy and Elites," from Cage to Coleman. According to the university's catalogue, the uni- versity "is the sum of a number of concrete individual efforts to overcome the boundaries, to tran- scend the limits, and to destroy the irrelevancies of the 'knowledge factory' university that we all live in now." ... Which is to say the interest- ing courses the Free University offers aren't in the University's catalogue. Agreed, and we wish them well. But the following pro- jection for the Free University's first year suggests that both uni- versities may have a good deal in common. FEB. 1-FUAA President Frith- jof Bergmann installs the new Regents, Staughton Lynd, Saul Alinsky, Eugene Genovese, Thomas Hayden and Regent-emeritus Paul Goodman. FEB. 13 - Vice-President for Business and Finance Stephen Zweig, noting that FUAA's $5 en- trance fee isn't covering expenses, asks the Regents to raise it. They refuse. Instead President Berg- mann announces a $55,000 fund- raising campaign. MARCH 2-Irate students, ir- ritated by a grant from the RAND Corporation to FUAA for Its "Power, Policy and Elites" course, appear at a Regents' meeting ask- ing that it be turned down. When their demand is refused, they urge that the Regents resign, de- claring that they are too involved with other activities to find out about FUAA's problems and are capable only of taking their seats at teach ins. MARCH! 3 -- Professors, still angry over the refusal to raise fees so their salaries can be in- creased, threaten to call a "cash in' and appear in class but do not teach. President Bergmann and FUAA Dean Alan Haber finally succeed in persuading the dis- sidents to march on Lansing in- stead. MARCH 4-While in Lansing, Stephen D. Berkowitz, an associate professor of political science, tells a rally, "I do not fear the im- pending United States victory in Viet Nam. I welcome it." It ,is also learned that Carl Oglesby, a professor of free thought, has undertaken a secret mission to Washington via Toronto to dis- cuss the Viet Nam conflict with U.S. officials.. MARCH 7-Oglesby is quoted by the Voice of America in Wash- ington as having told a group of senators, "Hanoi has lied about the number of its troops in the South." Hayden calls for Oglesby's resignation, and Bergmann says Oglesby has "done a serious dis- service to dissent." MARCH 8-Richard Horevitz, a "peace candidate," announces he will run for Congress and demands that Berkowitz." be ousted from FUAA for his controversial state- ment on a U.S. victory in Viet Nam, adding he will base much of his campaign on the issue. MARCH 28-A story in The FUAA Occasionally discloses that Regent-emeritus Goodman, who has a publishing contract with Vintage paperbacks, has been caught in a possible conflict-of- interest with Vice-President Zweig. The story, by Occasionally re- porter Anatol Rapoport, charges Zweig and Goodman have been requiring Vintage books to be used exclusively in FUAA courses and seminars. APRIL 7-A strike of mimeo- graph machine operators, organ- ized by Barry Bluestone in pro- test against Vice-President Zweig's "inhumane" pay scales, disrupts the entire University. Senator Wayne L. Morse announces an in- vestigation of the strike, which President Bergmann calls "a ser- ious threat to our autonomy." APRIL 9-Informed sources re- veal that, in a surprise moye, the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee will slash FUAA's ap- propriation by $6,300 in a "power play" by more radical SNCC board members attempting to force their opponents' hand on Viet Nam. APRIL 9-Informed sources re- veal that, in a surprise move, the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee will slash FUAA's ap- propriation by . .6,300 in a "power play" by more radical SNCC board members attempting to force their opponents' hand on Viet Nam. APRIL 11-Morse's committee discloses that Bluestone's strike is legal because FUAA claims it can't be covered by civil service strike laws and must thus be a private corporation. Horevitz. claiming he's "drawn blood" after Berkowitz' early morning resigna- tion. withdraws from his race for Congress. APRIL 12-Zweig and Goodman are arraigned in Federal Court in 4 it Schutze: BlsExit The Ark'-Divine Inspiration Lacking By JOYCE WINSLOW A SACRED OBJECT? A place to come in out of the rain? No. The Ark, a new coffeehouse is only another two-bit enterprise bound to be beached. The Ark is financed by several church groups in town, but un- fortunately was not divinely in- spired. Bare wooden tables and nonmatching chairs have been in- terspersed among three rooms in a rambling grey house on Hill last than that in an Ark, and what is a coffeehouse without at least a cappucino? NOAH'S ARK had two horses, two camels, two snakes. This place has too little, and will bomb out. It's a shame. Ann Arbor needs an all-night coffeehouse. But the University clientele deserves and demands a more sophisticated at- mosphere, and please, no 50 cents cover charge unless one gets his "WHY PUT more money into scholarships if that money only goes to pay for higher prices for books and rent," asked Barry Bluestone of the University of Michigan Student Employes Union, "With lowered costs, grant money becomes greater in real terms, in ternis of what it can buy," he said. But Mr. Bluestone overlooked several additional factors pertinent to the actual worth of money and contributing to eventual student doom. In the first place, inflated domestic currency resulting from an overall rise in prices due par- tially to accelerated heavy defense production and continued unfavor- able international payments com- plicated by labor shortage, brain drain, and pessimistic managerial outlook encouraged by the proba- bility of devalued future flows of earning on investment and de- creasina faith in the ability of gov- fraternity boys, and practicing all the varieties of moral and eco- nomic license which Sir Bluestone- hood had so sternly prevented them from enjoying during his undergraduate tenure here. The student body might as well resign itself to the unavoidable financial hell- ahead. In a year or so, when we're prematurely grey, and the blossom in our cheek has turned to coal, we'll come home and know Bluestone's gone away with the last unmarried daughter of Gus Schoole. WE'LL ALL BE selling apples in the street and Harlan Hatcher's dining room will be converted to a soup kitchen for indigent under- graduates. Every single day of the week will be black, and the heart of our rolling campus lawn -will be blighted with a thicket of tar- paper hovels, to be named, of course. Cutlertown... f