SUX' DAT, JANUARY 23,1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY FAGE FIVI SUNDAY, JANUARY 23, 1 9 6 8 TilE MICHIGAN DAILY PACR irivil a is %-A a. a' a I For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone 764-0557 from 1:00 to 2:30 P.M. Monday through Friday, and Saturday 10:00 'til 11:30 A.M. FOR RENT Man needed for 2-man apt. $60/mo. for all utilities. Near campus. 663-4890. 016' SUMMER SUBLET-2 or 3 girls. Close to campus, air-conditioned, 2 bed- rooms, 2 baths. Call 761-3655. C19 MALE ROOMMATE wanted for mod- ern 3-man duplex apt. 4-month lease. 731 Packard, Apt. 208A. 665- 3061 after 5. C20 MAN NEEDED for 2-man apt. $60/mo. for all utilities. Near campus. Call 663r4890. C48 HELP! NEED ONE man to fill vacancies. Huge modern apartment has 2 bdrms., den, 2 full baths, 2 air-cond., dish- washer, good location. Call 662-5743. SINGLE ROOMS for men. $6-$10 per week. 533 Elizabeth St. Call 665-8618 or 665-2894. 045. Furnished doubles and singles on cam- pus, one bilk. from Union, S.A.B. 402 7. Jefferson. Inquire at side en-. trance. 015 SCHOLARS on campus ONE MAN-TWO MAN-COUPLES Tastefully furnished new apartments with concrete walls and ceilings to insure quiet and privacy. Phone: 662-7961 afternoons & evenings APARTMENTS LTD. Now renting for fall semester Best apartment selection ever. Rent now and be assured of a choice apartment. APARTMENTS LTD., 610 S. Forest NO 3-0511 C44 3RD MALE ROOMMATE wanted to share apartment. 4 mo. lease. Call 764-0602 or NO 3-7237. C20 HOSPITAL AREA-800 Fuller -- 1 and 2 bdrm. apts. avail. for fall semester. Call resident manager, NO 3-6549. C43 THE SANS SOUCI FOR FALL "Near campus"-New spac- ious 3 and 4 man apts.-Air-cond.. fully furnished, fully carpeted, bal- conies, separate kitchens. Call 665- 2689 or 668-8723 or 665-8330. C THIRD MAN WANTED-For modern apt., covered parking, dishwasher.. $60/mo. Call 665-8432. C4 THE TRADEWINDS FOR FALL-On campus, new 2 and 4 man apts. BL.level, central air-cond., IIR free covered parking, luxuriously fur- nished; fully carpeted, and balconcies. Call 665-8330 or 668-8723. C LUXURY APT. 1 or 2 men needed. Forum, Apt. 12. Phone 665-8825. C6 FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED' Immediate opportunity in spacious S apartment. For info. call 663-9492 from 4 to 5. C13 SUMMER SUBLET SUMMER SUBLET-2 Man, close to campus. CHEAP. 1100 Hill, No. 2. Call 761-3302. C46 SUMMER SUBLET-2 men wanted to share very large modern air-cond. 4- man apt. on campus. 662-8637. oil Three spacious rooms for 2-3, Thayer, 5 minutes from Masoii. Quiet. 761-3534. Summer Sublet-Two man apt., swim- ming pool, air-conditioning, U Tow- ers. Call 761-1466. U2 4-man apt. 2 blks. from campus, air- cond., dishwasher, balcony, covered parking, only $55/mo./man. Call 662- 7384. U3 SUMMER SUBLET-WOULD YOU BE- LIEVE IT? Luxurious 4 Man, Bi- level, air-cond., right on campus. For only $25/mo. Would you believe $100? $225? if so, Call 761-0633. U4 Summer Sublet: University Towers 2--1 man efficiency apartment. Carpeted, disposal, fully furnished. Reasonable rate. Call 761-3579. US SUMMER SUBLET-BIGGEST APT, on campus. 3 bdrms., 2 baths; loaded with dishwashers, air cond., dispos- al, beds (6). 4 min. walk from Diag. Call 761-3290. U6 Forum-5 man air-cond., dishwasher, 2 floors, 663-8028. U8 MISCELLANEOUS E ROADRUNNERS now accepting en- gagements. Call early to be sure availability. 761-3843, Ask for Barry. M291 FLY A CESSNA 172 for only $8. Call 662-7680. The weekend is almost at an end. (sob, sob) But don't despair! You can always get good goodies at RALPH'S MARKET 709 Packard open every night til midnight FRATERNITY & SORORITY BANQUETS For your dinner meetings, dauces, or banquets . . . excellent food and ac- commodations for up to 140. Reason- ably priced. Call Manager, Huron Motor Inn, HU 3-1771, Ypsilanti. M ELECTRONIC DESK TOP CALCULATOR First showing in the Ann Arbor Area! The Victor Electronc Calcula- tor will be on display and demon- strated to University personnel from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM Wed. Jan. 26 in room 3X of the Michigan Union. It will also be on display in room 101 at Inn America on Washtenaw Rd. from 12:00 noon to 5:00 PM. For further information Call A&D Busi- ness Machines, Inc. 3022 Packard Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Tele- phone 761-0080. M30 MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS .A-1 New and Used Instruments BANJOS, GUITARE, AND BONGOS Rental Purchase Plan PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR 119 W. Washington UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE, INC. 518 E. William (Maynard House) GUITARS-$39-$45. Free Guitar strap. Most folk and method books. NO 2- 5579. X STERED TAPE RECORDER: 4 tract Roberts recorder, built in speakers, 1 yr old. Excel Cond. $120. 663-7025 X15 TRANSPORTATION RIDE WANTED to Chicago Jan. 28- Friday. As soon after 5:00 as pos- sible. Will share expenses. Call 764- 7859. G20 CO-EDS want ride to Philadelphia any weekend; pref. Jan. 28. Call 764- 9791. G22 BUSINESS SERVICES TUTOR OF FRENCH & GERMAN Lessons in conversation and grammar by native speaker. Graduated rates. Mme. Kerr, 701 S. Forest. NO 3-2108. ANY MOTH HOLES, tears or burns in your clothes? We'll reweave them like new, WEAVE..BAC SHOP, 224 Arcade. GRAD LANGUAGE EXAMS Special courses for reading and screen- ing exams in French and German by native speaker. Graduated rates. Mme. Kerr, NO 3-2108. J2 761-3993 Your number for QUICK, ACCURATE AND EXPERIENCED manuscript and thesis typing, transcription-medical, legal and technical conferences; mimeographing; offset; ditto; litho- graphy; varityping and composition. AA PROFESSIONAL SERVICE ASSOCIATES, INC. 334 Catherine VISIT OUR NEW WESTERN STORE. Suede Jackets, boots, hats, clothes, and saddles. Tues.-Sat. 10-5; Wed., end Fri. evenings 7-9. Schneider's Western Supply, 2635 Saline Road, 1 mile south of Mich. Stadium. J5 WAKE-UP SERVICE. Student Dis- count Rate! $3 Monthly, Call 665- 8657, 24 hours. J10 PRESCRIPTION SUNGLASSES MADE CAMPUS OPTICIANS IN THE NICKELS ARCADE. 240 Nickels Arcade PERSONAL STUDENT DISCOUNT RATE! Wake- Up Service. 24 Hours. ($3 Monthly). Call 665-8657. F35 S.T.O.P. TOURS to Europe please 100's of students each summer. Many itin- eraries. Little regimentation. No wor- ries about luggage, hotels, customs, or tgavel connections. Call Merle, 668-9040 RENT Your TV trom NEJAC GE and Zenith portable for only $10 per month. FREE service and delivery. Phone 662-5671 NOW. F CLUB MEMBERSHIP CALLING SERV- ICE available! Phone-calling com- mittee truble? Give us the mem- bership t and message-Our op- erators call! Reasonable. AAA An- swering Serv., 665-8657. F36 FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED Immediate opportunity in spacious apartment. For info. call 663-94921 from 4 to 5. L41 2 YOUNG men need place to hang hats. Pete or Ron, 665-2378. P16 "Hot Nuts, Hot Nuts . . . " Did you wear the wrong trenchcoat out of the armory? Like, were there gloves in the pockets? I've got yours. Call Mike, 665-6115. Anything lighter than dark need not apply. F29 ANN ARBOR'S best buy on a diamond' engagement ring. Check iti Austin Diamond, 1209 S. University, 663-7151.1 PART TIME Multi-Million Dollar Company hiring forpart time salesrwork. Earnings n excess of $300 per hr. This Is notI pots-knives-books or any of that door to door nonsense. This company is expanding all across the nation, con- sequently this could be more than just a part time job for the right person. If you're 20, havie use of a car,1 and are bondable write William D. Nichols, 3372 Washtenaw Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. IT'S NATIONAL "TAKE A RATIONAL OUT TO BREAKFAST" WEE! Call Jeep: 665-4469 or 761-2787 WAKE UP SERVICE-Have your phone ring at any designated time-day or night-LOW RATES. DON'T BE LATE FOR CLASS OR WORK - AGAIN. TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE, 665-8871 l24 hours). F DATING more enjoyable with THE RIGHT PERSON IBM Computer AND personal interviews help us arrange DATES YOU'LL REALLY ENJOY MICHIGAN SCIENTIFIC INTRODUCTION SERVICE Call 662-4867, write 216 S. State for free brochure or interview. F GOING TO EUROPE NEXT FALL? We're going in Jan. '67. Would like to split a lease with 3 or 4 girls, Phone 764-3812. F49 Going to Maidi Gras? I need a ride to New Orleans, aCl 764-5936. Will payed***39 Two Coeds need ride to Columbus,] Ohio or vicinity on Jan. 28. Good company! Cal 764-5936. F40 Will the members of the DANNY FAIRCHILD FAN CLUB contact their idol immediately. He has an important message to give you. F41 SUMMER SUBLET 316 E. Madison Apt. 17 FREE' Central Air Conditioning. 4-man, huge rooms Madison Ave. Apts. 1 block from South Quad, Call NO 5-9554 after 5. F44 4-MAN APARTMENT Central Air Conditioning Two bathrooms, Two bedrooms 1 blocks from campus 726 5. State, Apt. 5 Forum Apts. Call 662-0624 For Summer Sublet F45 NEEDED-One engineer to share luxury modern apt. Jan...April. 761-3207, F38 SUSAN WENDY GADIAL'S friends are invited to an orgiastic party on Sun- day, from 3 p.m., at Martha Cook Bldg., room 408. Please make her feel wanted, F7 Lovers of truth, beauty, and all that is good-to Wit, members of the DANNY FAIRCHILD FAN CLUB- please call 764-2607 for discussion hopefully insightul) of relevant socio-psychological attitudes. F8 ENGLISH LEATHER toiletries for men available at: the Village Apothecary 1112 So.,University Ave. If you can't go GREEK Go TEKE ph. 663-1841 HELP WANTED $3 PAID non-native speakers of Eng- lish for taking experimental English test. Evening of Jan. 26. To sign up phone 764-2416. Hi' Evening Employment If you are free four evenings each week and Saturdays, you can main. tain your stadies and still enjoy a part-time job doing special interview work that will bring an average weekly income of $67. If you are neat appearing and a hard worker call Mr. Adams at 761-1488 Monday-Friday between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. No other times. WANTED--One male student for excel- lent meal job. Ask for Steward at Phi Epsilon Pi. 761-318? or 663-7314 or drop by 185 Washtenaw. To be filled immediately. H30 MAN FOR PHYS. ED. and Recreation Work $2.50 per hour if able to work 30 hours or more per week. Are look- ing for grad in P.E. or Rec. with ex- periencegin working with children. Call between 1 and 3, 482-6550. H35 NEEDED IMMEDIATELY We are looking for male and femaale part-time sales, male part-time stock- work. Apply in person, personnel of- fice, Montgomery Ward, Arborland Shopping Center. H47 MALE - Scientifically-minded man to assist local corporation exhibit at Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy 665-8877, Mr. Beuhler. H48 Porters wanted, full or part time. In- quire at Ypsi-Arbor Lanes. 2985 Washtenaw. H45 WANTED-lunch sitter, Mon, and Fri. 11-1. Call NO 3-3113. H3 BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED $6 for Rh positive; $7, $10, and $12 for Rh negative. Hours: Mon.- Thurs. 9-4; Fri. 1-7. 18-21 years old need parent's permission. 483-1894. YPSILANTI 404 W. Michigan Detroit Blood Service H Assistant to work in private lab Sat. & Sun. Call Dr. Butter at 764-0438, Psych. Dept. from 9-5. H4 Recreation leaders male or female to work with educable mentally handi- capped and mentally disturbed children. Full time or part time positions available. Flexible sched- ules. Require at least 2 years col- lege, with major in special educa- tion, social sciences or equivalent experience. Rate $2.26/hour. Apply Personnel Office, Wayne County Training School, 16000 Shel- don Road, Northville, Mich. Phone 453-6500. 1H5 MALE OR FEMALE part time help. Early morning hours. Reliable, car and cash 'bond required. Call Mr. Meyers at HU3-2247 or 668-6911 H2 CLERK TYPIST, $1.99/hr., 40 hrs/wk. High school grad. plus 6 mos. of clerical training or experience. An Equal opportunity employer. US BUREAU OF COMMERCIAL FISH- ERIES. 663-8541 Ext. 456. H6 FOR SALE GREAT BOOKS OF THE WESTERN' WORLD-Cost $550, new, will sell for $275. 75 volumes, including bookcase, Call collect, Detroit TW 3-9782. B7 '64 Volkswagon, sun-roof, radio, low mileage, $1250. Call 761-3519 6-7 p.m. Meals: Monday, Tues., Thurs., Fri., lunch, Mon.-Fri. dinner. Any or all meals offered may be purchased. To- tal price less than $10 per week. Call fraternity house mgr. NO 2-8312. FURNITURE-Matching sofa and chair, and table and lab, $80. Dining table and'four chairs, $15. Matching dress- er chest of drawers and bookcase, headboard, $60. Ski's with bindings' and poles, $17. Pieces can be sold in- dividually. Also, many other house- hold articles for sale. 662-5761. B6 1964 HONDA 150, $425. 2800 miles. Call 663-4085 after 6 p.m. B27 BRAND NEW sewing machine at 20%' discount. Call 761-1213. B44 ART INSTRUCTOR leaving for Europe.' Willing to sell group of paintings, $35 and up. Call 662-1859 after 6 p.m. B48 ART INSTRUCTOR leaving for Europe has paintings to sell $25 and up. Phone: 662-1859. B45 OLD ELM ANTIQUES for the discrimi- nate collector. 723 Pack'ard, near State. B3 CHEST SALE New three-drawer-$14.95 New four-drawer-$19.95 Also many used chest and dressers to choose from. Complete home furnish- ings to suit the budget. Refrigerators, gas and electric ranges, washers, man- gles, TV's, new and used mattresses, bedsteads, box springs, desks and tables, rockers, carpets lamps, many other items. OZZIES FURNITURE Open 9 to 8 weekdays. 9 to 5:30 Sat. 3360 Carpenter Rd. 663-9019 Bi BARGAIN CORNER SAM'S STORE Has Genuine LEVI's Galore! LEVI'S SLIM-FITS-$4.50 "White," and 5 Colors For "Guys and Gals" Cord. SLIM-FITS-$5.98 LEVI'S STA-PREST PANTS Never Needs Ironing Asstd. Colors-$6.98 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN TeDaily Official Bulletin Is an Room 2200 UH.S. and the Curriculum citizen If fluent in English (Cana. official publication of the Univer- Center, Room 1502 U.E.S. Exhibition dians) French or German. R. & D., sity of Michigan, for which The of over 1600 books for children and Des., Prod. Michigan Daily assumes no editor- adults published in 1965 circulated Ntoa te op.Dtot er lal responsibility. Notices should be by "YBooks on Exhibit" of Mount Kisco, ton a. & Ct e nd n e- sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to N.Y. Catalogs available. gree: ChE, Met. BS: CE. EE E Math, Room 3519 Administration Bldg. be- Hours: Mon.-Fr.. 3-5 p.m.; Tues. EM., E Physics, IE, Mat's. ME, Math, fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding Feb. 1, 7:30-10 p.m.; Thurs., Feb. 3. Chem. R. & D., Des., Prod. publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday 7:30-10 p.m.; Sat., Jan. 29. 10 a.m.-2 bjp?(E nr D for Saturday and Sunday. General p.m.; Sat., Feb. 5, 10 am.-2 p.mSurfacehCmbu Notices may be published a maxi- t osa Cotsldo.ioDey h, CEid ,- mum of two times on request; Day EEsx EMo, d, Sci -gr.BI . n, e, Calendar items appear once only. Des.,llabe.reeCEd Erectio, Sale Eng Student5orgAdmnitatinnticesBdgare- or:Mn-r.notpm;Te. EEPyis E Mti. E ah a publication, any pm ha e Navy Dept., (Representing Bu- ENGINEERING PLACEMENT INTER- reau of Yards & Docks, Naval Train- SUNDAY, JANUARY 2 VIEWS-Seniors & grad students, please ing Device Center & Bureau of Naval N c m bRsign schedule posted at 128-H West Weapons)-BS-MS: Aero., CE, EE, IE, Engrg. ME. MS: Construction, SanItary. R. & D Calendarit THURS., JAN. 27-- lluminatingc D., Des. Professional Theatre Program Per- Cleveland, Ohio--BS-MS: BE. BS: IE. formance--American Conservatoty The. ME, Sdi. Engrg. R. & D., Des., Prod., atre Company in Edward Albee's "Tiny Sales, Alice": Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, DeSoto Chemical Coatings, Inc., Des ORGNavI Ip t"i D 2:30 and 8 Ap.m. Plaines, Ill. (p.m.)--BS: ChE. April I IZsC dI I E grads. R. & D.27DES Cinema Guild-Cocteau's "Beauty and Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp., Gen- NOTIC the Beast": Architecture Aud., 7 and 9 eral Offices, Toledo, 0.; Plants, Res. p.m. & Sales-throughout U.S.-BS: ChE,_______________ CE, EE, E Math, EM, E Physics, IE, School of Music Concert-University Mat'ns., ME, Sci. Engrg. BS-MS: Met. USE OF THIS COLUMN FOR AN- Chamber Choir and Chamber Orches- Men only. R. & D., Des., Prod., Sales. OUNCEMENTS is avaIlable to officially tra, Thomas Hilbish, conductor: Hill Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp., Tech, recognized and registered student or- Aud., 8:30 p.m. Center, Grfnville, O a rRee ganizations only. Organizations who are CE, E, ME MEhD:In, et.Prosp planning to be active for the Spring plied Mech. MS-PhD: Info. & Controls, Term must be registered in the Office Events onaa ~ Physics,Org. & Inorg, Chem. BS: E of Student Organizations by Jan. 27, rhysics, Set. Engrg. R. & D. 1966. Forms are available in Room 1011 Professional Theatre Program Lecture- TIIURS.-FRI., JAN 27-28- SE Demonstration-Arthur Mitchell and Consumers Power Co., Lower Mich SAB. Patricia Neary, New York City Ballet -BS-MS: EE, Met. CS: ChE, CE, E U Company, 'Ballet Balanchine": Lydia Math, IE, ME. Dev., Des., Prod., Sales, University Lutheran Chapel, Jn1511 Mendelssohn Theatre, 4 p.m. Trug. Program. Washtenaw,9Sund orningan23, Lockheed - California Co., Burbank services at 9:45 and 11:15: "The Role Professional Theatre Program Play Calif.-Any Degree: Aero., CE, E, ME' of the Church in Contemporary Life," of the Month--"Absence of a Cello": BS: E Math, EM, Met. R. & D., Des. Rev. Donald Larsen, speaker. Bible class Hill Aud., 8:30 p.m. Lybrand, Ross Bros. & Montgomery, at 8:45, 9:45, and 11:15. All welcome. National interviews at Engrg on March S* School of Music Sonata Recital - il-Any Degree: IE BS: EE, E Math, Folk Dance Club (WAA), Intermediate Joseph Knitzer, violinist and Arthur ME, Make appointment at Bus. Ad. Folk Dancing, every Monday, 8:30-10:30 Loesser, guest pianist: Recital Hall, Placement, 254 Bus. Ad. p.m., Women's Athletic Bldg. School of Music, 8:30 p.m. Owens-Illinois, Inc., Toledo, Ohio & * * * throughout U.S.-9ny Degree: ChE, EM, Near East Studies Club, Lecture: Engineering Mechanics Seminar - Mat's., ME, Met., Chem., Math, Phys- "The Humanities and the Social Sci- Dr. David A. Sonstegard will present ics. BS: Arch., CE, E Math, E Physics, ences: An Artificial Dichotomy Re- "Dynamics of Spherical Shells," 4 p.m., St. Engrg, BS-MS: EE, IE. MS-PhD: visited," Dr. Grabar and Dr. Schorger, Room 311 West Engineering. Info. & Controls. R. & D., Des., Prod., Jan. 25, 8 p.m., Lane Hall. Coffee will be served at 3:30 p.m. Sales, IA Room 214 West Engineering. Scott Paper Co., Corp. Hdqts. at Phil- La Sociedad Hispanica: Tertula, adelpha, Pa. & 0 plants-BS-MS: ChE, lunes, 3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg. Ven- General Notices becM 35E. BES: . Citizens & non-citizensgn tdos. becoming citizen. R. & D., Des., Prod., * * * To All School of Nursing Students: Staff. Guild House, Sunday seminar, "The Starting Mon., Jan, 24, all students FRI., JAN. 28- City: Opportunity and Deliverance," in the School of Nursing can register American Motors Corp., Detroit, Jan. 23, 7-8:15 p.m., 802 Monroe. in the lobby of the School of Nursing Grand Rapids, Evart, Mich.; Kenosha, * * Bldg. to pre-classify. Pre-classification Milwaukee, Wis.-BS-MS: ME. BS: EE, University of Michigan Amateur Ra- will begin Feb. 7. See bulletin boards IE. Can' consider non-citizens with dio Club will hold a meeting on Wed, in School of Nursing for further infor- permanent visas. Dev., Prod., Des. Jan. 26, 4511 E. Engrg., 7 p.m. mation. Applied Physics Lab., The Johns i * S** -.Hopkins Univ., Space, Missile, Ops. ULLR Ski Club, Meeting, movie, Make-Up Final Examinations in Ger- Analysis Groups, Greater, Wash., D.C. plans for Sat. night trip, Tues., Jan. man 101, 102, 111, 231, 232, and 236, -Any Degree: EE, EM, ME. PhD: 25, 8 p.m., 3B Union. will be given Thurs., Jan. 27, 7:30 p.m., Aero., ChE, E Math. R. & D., Des., Guild House, Study and discussion of in Room .1088 Frieze Bldg. Students Ops. Analysis. Harvey Cox's "The Secular City," Jan. Wishing to take a make-up exam must Bristol Labs., Div. of Bristol-Myers 23, 7-8:1 p.m., 802 Monroe. get permission to do so from their Co., Syracuse, N.Y.-Any Degree: ChE. * * former instructor, and register in the Dev., Des., Prod. (a.m. only). Guild House, Monday noon luncheon, German Department office no later Deere & Co., Midwest-Any Degree: Prof. John Haithcox: "India - After than Wed., Jan. 26. ME. BS-MS: IE, Met. BS: E Math, Shastri, What?", Jan. 24, 12..1 p.m., 802 EM, Mat'ls., Math. Can consider non- Monroe. The Martha Coog Building will con- tinue to receive first appointments for residence through Wed., Pan. 26. Please call 662-3225 for appointment Second appointments wil be accept- ed through wed., Feb. 2M C IA : EN I U O E# Graduate Faculty: The annual meet- ing of the Graduate Facuty of theHAVE MADE- University of Michigan will be held WHEN THEY BUY, RENT OR. LEASI Wed., Jan. 26, at 4 p.m. in Aud. A, Angell Hall. The agenda will consist A CAR I N EU ROPE FROM CTE of two elements: 1) Introductory remarks by the dean Write-Phone for Free Car Guide-Low Rate Student Plan concerning recent developments t inI I O E In . * Graduate School administration, ad-- missions procedures, fellowship decen- A< I tralization, and review of foreign lan- guage requirements; and 555 Fifth Ave., N.Y., N.Y. 10017 0 PL 1-3550 2) General discussion by the Gradu- Campus Rep. Richard Rogers, P.O. Box 112. Tel. 448-2932 ate Faculty, CALL ANYTIME-662-5676 Exhibitions: University High School, A w , Shucks,rte;,a + DoI Have -oKe To Keep telling: ~ Why Don't ~: You Mail, \\( ~ A 'Your I coupon " Enclosed find $6.00 (Check or Money Order payable to the i SMichiganensian) for one 1966 MICHIGANENSIAN. We cannot4M billI you later. A receipt will be sent when your order comes in.., M _ NAME LEVI JACKETS "White"-$6.98 Blue Denim-$5.99 1 BLOCK FROM HOSPITAL now under construction; available January 15 completely furnished, air conditioned and sound proofed complete Frigidaire appliances studio at $145 month 1 bedroom at $174 per month DAHLMANN APARTMENTS 663-7268 or 665-0234 ,' C25 2 man apt. ready for occupancy, now. Large, modern, furn.; 3 rms. Util-' ities paid. 761-3075. 024 815 E. ANN 1, 2, & 3 man furnished apartments for fall. For information call 662- 7787. For appointment call Miss Le- Van between 10:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. at- 662-7787. Campus Management, 335 E. Huron St. C27 1341 GEDDES, APT. 4 Model open January 22, 1966, 2:30- 4:30 p.m. 2 bedroom modern 'fur- nished apartments for fall. Campus Management. 662-7787. C26 Female graduate student wanted to share private bedroom apt. immed- iately with 2 girls. .1307 S. State. Call 761-1998 after 5. 022, One man needed to share new 4-man apt, with 2 men. Call 662-4074 or 662- 0545. C8 campus THREE OR FOUR MAN FURNISHED APARTMENTS summer or fall phone 662-7931 afternoons and eves. TIFFANY APTS.-Now available for summer and fall terms, two and three m~an bi-level efficiency units., Air-conditioned, furnished, and car peted. Call 663-8866 Tuesdays and ,Thursdays 7-9 p.m. and weekends. 731 Packard. 021 Roommate wanted for house. Private bedroom. Call 662-7387 at dinner or after 11 p.m.. 07 MODERN Aparthent going for good price. Close to campus, has air con- ditioner. Two bedroom, kitchen, open-air balcony. Great deal. Call 761-3785. 014. Fourth girl needed for new modern apt. on campus. Call 665-4953 after 6 p.m. ' 017 Wanted-Girl to share comfortable 2- man apt. very close to campus. Call 665-6709. C10' Prof. -girl to share mod., semi-furn., 2 bdrm, apt. Near hosp. Island Dr. apts. $70/mo. 663-9181 after 5. 012 Needed: 3rd male roommate to share, spacious home; 4 min. drive from campus, $50 per mo. 663-4601. 06 For fall on campus, new 2 or 3 man 1 bedroom apt., air-cond., balcony, fully furnished, .carpeted. $170. Call 665-2451 or 668-8723. C Third man wanted for modern. apt. 2 blocks from campus. 1320 South University. Call Dave 761-3591. C29 ONE MALE ROOMMATE needed to fill 3-man apt. for winter term. Call LOST AND FOUND FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED Immediate opportunity in spacious apartment. For info. call 663-9492 from 4 to 5. A3 Lost-Friday night at the armory-1 brown chesterfield coat with glasses and I.D. Reward. Call Meredith 761- 2774. A6 Lost: 1 beige swede jacket last Friday at the ormory with I.D. in pocket. REWARD. Call Cynthia at 764-0784. LEVI'S Superslim's-$4.98 LEVI'S Dungorees-$4.49 S-T-R-E-T-C-H LEVI'S For Gals and Guys "White"-$5.98 TURTLENECKS-$1.69 (15 Colors) Open Mon. & Fri. Nights SAM'S STORE 122 E. Washington U HILLEL and SZO Lonesome? tired? bored? or exhausted? Come to the Guild Hour at 4 p.m. on Tuesday Monroe) just Date (802 Flo There is coffee, there is tea, there are cookies and interesting(?)Mpeople at 4 PM at Guild House, 802 Monroe. You're invited! F9 If you've never flown an just $5 puts you at the controls of a Cessna 150 For only $5 you can sit in the pilot's seat alongside a government-li- censed instructor and fly a Cessna 150 while he explains and demon- strates how easy a Cessna handles. Later you'll be presented a flight log with your first flight lesson entered...a permanent record that is yours to keep and add ton! You can fly every day or once a week or whatever your time will allow.' ISRAELI FOLK DANCE for fun Tuesdays, 8 P.M. LEADERS: JERRY BERKMAN, DEE KOSH program schedule THE NEW YORK PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA Tune in the Philharmonic each Sunday at 2:00 p.m., (WUOM-FM, 91.7 on your dial, brought to you through special arrangements between the University of Mich- igan, Ann Arbor Federal and the Liberty Music Shop. The current program schedule is. Sunday, January 23 STEINBERG, Conducting; CORIGLIANO, Violinist rohms: Haydn Variations; Lalo: Symphonie Espagnole Sunday, January 30 J EVERYTHING WESTERN Boots, Hats, Lee Rider, Split Cow Hide Jackets and Western Wear. Tues.-Sat., 11-5. Fri. 7-9. 2635 Saline Rd., 663-0111. J USED CARS VOLKSWAGEN. 1963. Excellent con- dition. 764-9087. N28 OLDS 98, 1955, automatic, good cond. New tires. $160. Call 668-6007 betw. 6:30-8:30. N49