I Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN .UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD'IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS FEIFFER Where Opinions Are Free. 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN AP.BOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SUNDAY, JANUARY 23, 1966 NIGHT'EDITOR: MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH The University's Regents: Resignations Are in Order YOU KISS -v TODAY: YOU JUST' WANT( TO GROW1 UP! z c&~IW -TOP POT THEM - A LOOK$ AT TE7 9 U WF oes THEY HATE Nit? AF(EQ E. REfl p IF THE REGENTS are really concerned about the welfare of this University, their best decision would be to resign. It is difficult to imagine any set of trustees doing less for this institution than they do. They approach the University's policy problems with an abysmal lack of either intellectual depth or interest in the Uni- vsrsity as anything other than a knowl- edge factory. With few exceptions th Regents have devoted their efforts to the most cere- monial and. irrelevant aspects of their office while abdicating their responsibil- ity of guiding the University. They have chosen to act as a tail light rather than a head light, relying far too heavily on a President who is oblivious to the multitude of problems confront- ing the University. And the Regents view the students with contempt-they have no real respect for their views or inter- ests.- THE SOURCE of the current problem is that the Regents place far too much faith in President Hatcher. The Presi- dent is currently more obsessed with raising $55 million and finishing out his career in a blaze of sesquicentennial glory than in devoting his time to cur- rent problems. Because most of what the Regents know about the University is what' the President and his fellow officers euphem- istically tell them, they are oblivious to most of the crises facing the institution. As a result they serve as Hatcher's rub- ber stamp. Seldom do they take the ini- tiative. Another problem is that President Hatcher places infinite faith in his vice- president for business and finance, Wil- bur K. Pierpont. Pierpont has consistent- ly enunciated a policy of fiscal conserva- tism which impedes progress and innova- tion in the University. A penurious type, he systematically excludes faculty and administrators from any policy, decisions involving money. Asked once about his office's relation- ship with potential candidates for the vice-president of student affairs he re- plied, "No office of student affairs in the country understands money." When a Daily reporter recently asked about funds for the Residential College Pierpont said, "I don't know and don't quote me on that." Between relying on a Calvin Coolidge businessman and a sesquicentennial ob- sessed President the Regents are kept in the dark. Or, if they actually do know' what is going on at this university, through their own sources, they have little chance to show it in their well- regulated public and private meetings. HOW ELSE CAN ONE explain the fact that the Regents have chosen to vir- tually ignore every crucial problem faced by the University? Most seem unconcern- ed about whether we even get a long- sought residential college. Or at least they are not concerned enough to force Hatcher to make a definite commitment to it. They are apparently oblivious to stu- dents sitting on the floor in lectures, reci- tation sections packed to the wall and an economics building that would hardly pass for a garage. The average family income of Univer- sity students is about $15,000 per year, and 1.8 per cent of the students come from families with incomes under $4000. Yet the Regents spent two hours Friday morning deciding that they would rather "accelerate" than "intensify"' University efforts in recruiting and supporting the economically disadvantaged. They didn't want to give the impression of being too strong about it. NOR DO THEY SEE anything wrong with indirectly backing landlords who charge $260 for a two bedroom apartment on a 12 month lease although students are here for eight. Instead of facing these issues the Re- gents concern themselves with a fund drive which to date has attracted such desperately needed classroom facilities as a $10 million highway safety center. They fight to keep a university union from organizing. They may not even ask for $5 million needed for a residential college. Mean- while, a major concern of several of them is that students are allowed in the Michigan Union with beards and white Levis. IN LARGE MEASURE they act in ignor- ance, few of them talk seriously with students, and fewer pay any attention to what they do say. What faculty con- tacts they have are largely with the older traditionalists. Quietly acquiescing to the irrelevant whims of President Hatcher, the Regents seldom check, question, or propose with force enough either to get answers or get things done. Their willingness to let President Hatcher lead them around has had tragic results. Last summer when it was learned that the University's brilliant vice-pres- ident for academic affairs, Roger Heyns, was being offered the chancellorship at Berkeley, the Regents were ready to re- make Heyns' position here to make it more attractive. But Hatcher dissuaded them and han- dled the matter himself. He let Heyns, who was receiving more University-wide acclamation then he ever had, know that his welcome here had worn thin. When the Regents, particularly Power, pressed for some sort of more direct support for Heyns' staying, Hatcher cut them off with a perfunctory public statement claiming that it was Heyns' decision and no one else's. THE ANSWER to such bungling would seem to lie in a more active Board of Regents. This alternative has little prom- ise, however, for they usually make mat- ters worse when they attempt to partici- pate more directly in policy-making. The best example is the University bookstore issue settled Friday. From the start most of the Regents, along with Vice-President Pierpont, staunchly op- posed the bookstore. Cutler, who orig- inally favored the bookstore, changed his mind after learning of the financial problems of other University bookstores and the opposition of Pierpont and the Regents. As a result he recommended against the bookstore but for a statement on the Regents ruling of 1929 prohibiting com- petition with the Ann Arbor merchants. The original recommendation said that the University was "not necessarily bound" by the 1929 ruling. This was ap- proved by the administrative officers and recommended to the Regents. HOWEVER, Friday morning the Regents balked at this modest proposal. They debated the matter for several hours and voted against it. A new recommendation which didn't affect the older ruling was mimeographed in time for the public meeting. At the public meeting nine minutes was devoted to discussing the issue that had been decided that morning. (The Univer- sity Press Service prints releases on everything the Regents do at their 2 p.m. Friday meeting before the meeting gets underway.) The same Regents who are financing a $7 million basketball arena with student fees, explained that $300,000 for a book- store would be too expensive. Then the same Regents who raised tuition and room and board during the past year stood up and said how concerned they were about the students financial wel- fare. "I hope the students will continue to work with us to solve these problems," explained one. ON THE ENTIRE Board of Regents only two individuals have given evidence of fighting the Hatcher status quo. One, Regent Power, has frequently been criti- cal of slow progress with the Residential College. The other, Irene Murphy, has made an intelligent effort to work with the complex problems of the University. Unfortunately her constructive outlook is usually ignored by her colleagues. It is obvious that the Regents are being led by a President who is tired of fighting and prefers to serve out his final years free of conflict. About the only PIC!1M6 (O1ES - AT1RACTESL ) ARTRAHP5. tGOfC jiMG TV WEEK 60VTHEY OT TALE TO SFAMAILY JOUJ- QW 016HT A, GREEK 50 THEY CAIJ WK '~CTO / THE of- p2REAC(- JI6TO ' A BTT8FIE1R IAIOUT 1461k u RAGJfMA AU L) 11Tf§, AMP THK1195 1R(~ TO XEISE~ T GROW UP. J ATO, NOT OT 106GTO V-ATURN1 The Draft: Establishing New Standards a By ROBERT MOORE HERE IS a good chance that the. Selective Service System will announce within the next week a return to the general ideas of the student deferment policy of the 1950's. This will mean that for the first' time since the Korean War stu- dents will be yanked from col- leges and universities and put in- to the armed services. Unlike the present system, student, defer- ments will be given sparingly. - Right now, everyone who is tak- ing a full-time load at an ac- credited college and is heading toward a degree in-roughly-a straight line is granted a student deferment. The 1950 plan, how- ever, was not so generous. It was based on two yardsticks by which local boards were to determine whether a student was academic- ally qualified to be given a defer- ment. THE FIRST yardstick was class rank. The University gave to lo- cal boards each student's class rank, in quartiles - a system changed only three years ago. Washington suggested guide- lines for satisfactory work. They were, basically, that a student at the end of his first year of col- lege should rank in the upper half of his class; at the end of his second year in the uppertwo- thirds; and at the end of his third year in the upper three- fourths of his class. If the Selective .Service Sys- tem elects to use the same guide- lines today, then a literary col- lege student would be considered satisfactory if he had a 2.74 at the end of his first year, a 2.62 after his second year ,and a 2.65 after his third year. (The, fig- ures are based upon Counselling Office data for the literary col- lege in 1964-65.) IF THIS WERE the only stand- ard, the system would be disas- trous to students in the better colleges such as the University. The 1950 system, however, also used another yardstick to equalize the difference between schools: an optional, voluntary test. If a student thought he was ranked too low in his own school to get a deferment but was well- educated in comparison to other students in the nation, he would take the national test, prepared for the Selective Service System by the Educational Testing Serv- ice and Science Research Associ- ates. When the test was first given in 1951, 53 per cent of the fresh- men, 62 per cent of the sopho- mores, and 71 per cent of the juniors passed it. The results var- ied widely with the schools, how- ever; at one college, only 35 per cent passed it, while at another 98 per cent had a passing mark.. THE TEST appears to have been weighted toward the sci- ences. Sixty-eight per cent of the freshman engineers passed it, while only 58 per cent of the freshmen'in humanities did so. Students in the physical sci- ences and mathematics had a 64 per cent passing figure, compared with 59 per cent for students in the biological sciences and 57 per cent in the social sciences. Only 48 per cent in general arts and 42 per cent in business school passed it. The lowest scorers were education majors; only 27 per cent of them passed the test. A report published in 1951 re- ported that many of those who took the test were enabled, through it, to get a student de- ferment even though they would not have gotten one through class- ranking. Fifty-two per cent of the juniors in the lower quarter of their class were 'able to pass the test; 42 per cent of the soph- omores in the lower third passed,' and among freshmen in the bot- tom half, 35 per cent passed. HOW WELL did the 1950 sys- tem work? First, it worked efficiently. Of 1.2 million youths who reached 181/ in the 12 months preceding the Korean War, 65 per cent either enlisted or were inducted, 22 per cent were physically or mentally unfit, and only 13 per- cent "escaped" active service. Of this 13 per cent, many, served in reserve units, so actually far less than 13 per cent avoided their draft obligation. If the Viet Nam war achieves the proportions of the Korean conflict, one can expect an equal effect on today's young male pop- ulation. The 1950 system had some seri- ous effects, however: Besides the consequences to the 65 per cent who had to take two or more years away from their peacetime pursuits, there was also a seri- ous effect on colleges. The 1950 system cut into the student pop- ulation, and many small, liberal arts colleges ran deeply into the red. One small school was forced to dismiss 30 per cent of its fac- ulty - mainly' young instructors' without tenure. Companies re- ported severe shortages of engi- neers; in June, 1951, a survey of companies showed that there was a need for 80,000 engineers, yet 19,000,would-be engineers were scheduled for the diraft. EVEN THOUGH the 1950 plan did fill an immense need for man power. many disagreed with it. They argued that neither class rank nor test scores were ade- quate or even acceptable stand- ardls of a student's intellectual growth.- But, as Gen. Lewis Hershey said in 1952: "I just can't think of any other way." Southemn Desegregation: Some Perspectives By RITA DERSHOWITZ TheCollegiate Press Service (First of Two Parts) ANTHONY LEE IS a 19-year-old sophomore at Auburn Univer- sity in Alabama. Auburn, like most other state institutions feeling the pressures of growing enrollment, is trying hard to find ways to ac- commodate and teach its growing student population. But Anthony Lee lives alone in a double room on campus, with a private bath for his exclusive use. The room to the right of his is empty; on the other side is the bath for the dorm floor. Lee is the only Negro at Auburn. Last year, he' and a friend inte- grated the formerly all-white un- dergraduate division of the uni- versity. His friend dropped out- "I think the academic and social pressures were just too much for him"-and now Lee faces alone the indecisive, still-ambiguous at- titudes of his fellow students. "I expected it to be much worse than it was," the soft-spoken young man said of his first year at Auburn. "There were some cat- calls and sneers, but attitudes are changing. I didn't expect any over- night changes. I plan on being here four years; they will see that I'm not going to leave, that other Negroes will be coming, and they are going to have to get used to it. If you take your time, things will smooth over." LEE TALKS with quiet assur- ance. A veteran of a successful attempt to integrate the white high school in his home town of Tuskegee and a leader in the Au- burn Freedom League, a local group of Negro teenagers that in- tegrated seven restaurants in Au- burn last year, he nevertheless expresses faith in the gradual pro- cess of desegregation. "You can't force things," he says. Lee's confidence in the ability of his fellow students to adapt to an integrated society is not with- out some basis in fact. For the first time in their lives many young whites in the South are finding situations in which Ne- groes occupy the same status as they do-students within a com- mon university. This new exper- ience has stimulated some soul- searching, a groping for a new system of values. Most of the white students who brought up to regard Negroes as inferior," said Tommy Ryder, ed- itor of the Louisiana State Uni- versity newspaper, t h e Daily Reveille. "We can look back now and see that we've been taught to, hate an entire race. Although a great majority of us would like to accept integration, there still remains the feeling that Negroes are somehow different. A lot of us are realizing, though, that if Negroes are inferior in any way, it's because we've made them in- ferior, because of what the white man has done to the Negro." Ryder related an incident in which a group of students who were attending a Southern student conference at the University of Florida gathered in someone's room one night after the formal sessions had ended. The group in- cluded some Negroes. "My first reaction was to hesitate, to think twice about it, but then I immed- iately thought, 'Well, but it's all right now, there's nothing wrong with it.' It's a refreshing process, this breaking off the bounds of race." Students like Ryder feel a re- sponsibility to translate their per- sonal experience into something meaningful socially. "We've hurt the South,' he said quietly, "but now we're making great strides to help the South." THIS DOES NOT mean that in all areas of university life once- segregated activities are now fully integrated, nor that all members of the campus think they should be. At Louisiana State, which has about 50 Negro undergraduates among its 22;000 students, a Negro student was barred from the cam- pus swimming pool last summer because, the story is told, the Alaskan earthquake cracked the bottom of the pool and it had to be closed for repairs. The explanation which was sup- posedly given for the closing of the pool may be just a myth, but it indicates what many students think is their administration's at- tempt to avoid controversy and an unequivocal stand. A petition demanding the re- opening of the pool on an inte- grated basis got 3,000 signatures during the summer session, and another petition received wide- spread support during the fall term. Nor are all of the students will- ing to give up long-held ideas. Jerry Brown, a student at Auburn University, declared that he could not become an integrationist. "It's a question of values; segregation is what. I've been taught all my life and I don't want to change." One student summed up the at- titudes of his fellow white stu- dents toward the Negroes on cam- pus: "They ignore and accept (the Negroes) at the same time." ANTHONY LEE is a student in, good standing at Auburn Univer- sity; he attends classes and has access to the library, laboratories and all other educational facilities on the campus. Often, some class- mates will sit with him at the same table for lunch. But Lee is not apt to overestimate this evi- dence of acceptance. In his dormi- tory, no one has ever told him not to use the public bath, but "I choose not to." At the same time and in the, same school, Auburn attempts to do more than just comply with the laws as it tries to extend the opportunities that exist within the school to the Negro popula- tion. But the entrenched obstacles are incredibly strong. Auburn, one of the more pro- gressive of the Southern state in- stitutions, is conducting a posi- tive program to aid integration at the university and to deal with the problems of the educationally' disadvantaged. T r u m a n Pierce, dean of the school of education at Auburn, described the two-week summer institutes which Auburn holds in cooperation with "the U.S. Office of ducation for teachers and administrators of elementary and secondary schools. THESE INSTITUTIONS are at- tempting to deal with the prob- lems that were identified when desegregation became unavoidable in the South: inadequate instruc- tion for teachers of the education- ally disadvantaged; the lack of communication between middle- class teachers and Negro students; Dean Pierce admitted, however, that there were no white teachers in Negro schools. He was asked: If there are so few Negroes going to college in white institutions where they would get a better education, and none of the white students are going to teach in the Negro elementary and secondary schools, how are the benefits of all this work filtering down to the Negro population? "Some of the teachers at the institutes are Negroes, and they will go back into the Negro schools," he said. Then you are putting back into the Negro school system the same teachers who themselves are products of that disadvantaged system? "WELL, WE HOPE we change them," Pierce said., "The worst' thing we could do would be to emerge some Monday morning with a policy. . . .," and there he stopped, refusing to continue un- less it were off theirecord. The blanks are not difficult to fill in. Auburn can't urge white teachers to go into Negro schools because that would be suicidal in terms of state appropriations and support. A necessary gap exists be- tween private convictions and pro- fessional judgments on the one hand and public posture on the other of these administrators. Yet, Dean Pierce believes that the circumstances which give rise to that conflict also provide the setting for gradual change. "WE WILL render such services as we can within our culture. We're in a better position to judge what those services are because we are part of that culture." A i U.S. Failures in Latin America IT HAS BEEN evident for some time that our relations with Latin America are deteriorating and that there has been an urgent, almost desperate need for change at the highest levels in Washing- ton. In a recent trip to South Amer- ica I found that virtually every- where, from the top to the bottom and from the right to the left, there exists a general distrust and suspicion of the Johnson admin- istration and a very wide anti- American feeling. Traveling, as it happened, in the wake of Sen. Robert Kennedy's South American tour, it was plain enough that the South American crowds were at- tributing to the late President all the qualities they missed in his successor. I do not need to be told that great and rich powers must not Pnnnn 4.n hA InvaA 1Rit +ha,,An* Today and Tomorrow By WALTER LIPPMANN -Anger on the right that the United States is inciting the masses to expect radical improve- ments in their way of living; -The belief of the intellectual leaders of South America that U.S. policy has a primitive and superstitious obsession' with the danger of Communism which dis- tracts and coarsens its diplomacy; -A feeling that Washington does not much care and is really rather bored with Latin America, that it is inattentive and is pre- nedy our Latin-Amer}can policy has changed. To do that he will have to see to it that it really has not been changed and that in Washington the Alliance for Progress has not been supplanted by a new Holy Alliance for the suppression of all reformers whom those on the extreme right choose to call Communists. To do this Will require a big course of re-education-or re- placement-among the officials at home and abroad who deal with the details of our relations with each Latin-American country. But all of these things will not suffice. The basic problems of South America are, I believe, in- soluble if they are undertaken country by country and bit by bit. Without the opening up of, a continental Common Market, the basic problems of population, land 4