THE REGENTS: BETTER OFF OUT See Editorial Page A6F A6P 43A6Fi COLb High-25 Cloudy, light snow flurries; hazardous driving Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom * A\ ,- -, --- - - N -J-- - - VOL. LXXVI, No. 99 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN; SUNDAY, JANUARY 23, 1966 SEVEN CENTS erw er_ Z51A YAUEr i 5 Attack Regents' Failure To Seek Students'! Advice By SHIRLEY ROSICK Regents are on their side. I don't What will became of the book- see any attempts by the Regents What ilbeome ofate book- to work on any concrete program; store drive now that Regents and until there are, the recommenda- administrators demonstrated their tions are just pretty words." disapproval of a University-oper- ated discount bookstore at the ice-President for Student Af- Regents' meeting last Friday? fairs Richard L. Cutler's report im- Have the bookstore drive students plied that in'creased scholarship abandoned the idea of ever influ- programs would be more effective encing decision-making? in changing the socio-economic Or will they rely more increas- ingly on demonstrations in an at- tempt to achieve their goals now that it has been made apparent to them that they can not wield any power by working through the "proper administrative channels?" Barry Bluestone, '66, of the Uni- versity of Michigan Student Eco- nomic Union, said that the Re- gents' recommendations that the University work to increase schol- arship programs are "platitudes, not a program worded palliatives for students, to show them the Lynd May Resign Over Hanoi Trip Professor Upset by Criticism of Speech Given on Hanoi Radio By CLARENCE FANTO Yale Prof. Staughton Lynd is considering resigning because of heavy criticism from Yale's presi- dent, students, alumni and other faculty .members on his recent fact-finding trip to North Viet Nam. He said at a campus rally last week he "wonders" if he should quit. Lynd was accompanied on his ten-day trip to Hanoi by Thomas Hayden, former Daily editor and founder of Students for a Demo- cratic Society, and Herbert Ap- theker, a leading Communist party theoretician. In a statement to the Yale Daily News, Yale President Kingman Brewster accused Lynd of giving "aid and comfort" to an enemy engaged in combat with U.S. troops. He called Lynd's mission "naive and misguided" but reserved his harshest criticism for a speech delivered by Lynd while in Hanoi. According to Hanoi Radio, Lynd accused the U.S. government of lying to American people about k Viet Nam. But early this week, Lynd disavowed the remark. Brewster said 'the assistant pro- fessor's speech in Hanoi was a "disservice to the causes 'of free- dom of dissent, freedom of travel and conscientious pacifism." "Lynd's disparagement of his country's leadership and policies, while in Hanoi, damaged the causes he purports to serve," Brewster said. Lynd had no comment on Brew- ster's statement at this time. Ef- forts to reach him were unsuccess- ful, but his wife reported that he was accepting no calls from the press for the time being. As an assistant professor, Lynd does not have tenure at Yale. But it is not expected that he -will be asked to give up his job, a Yale Daily News editor said yesterday. If Lynd leaves Yale, it will prob- ably be his own decision, prompt- ed by a barrage of criticism direct- ed at him by some of his col- leagues and students. The Justice Department has not announced any prosecution of the three travellers. They would be subject to a fine and prison sen- tence under laws banning travel to certain Communist countries, giving "aid or comfort" to any enemy, or attempting to carry on private negotiations with a govern- ment without State Department approval. "mix" of the student body than an attempt to control economic conditions in the areas of books and housing would be. Bluestone admitted that the ideas to work on increased public support of higher education are good ones and that scholarship and grant programs need to be expanded until there is truly free universal education, which won't come for .many years. However, Bluestone said that there is also a need for economic reform to supplement these pro- grams. "Why put more money in- to scholarships if that money only goes to pay for higher prices for books and rent?" he asked. "With lowered costs, grant money be- comes greater in real terms, in terms of what it can buy," he said. Cutler's report contended that the central campus area lacks space and that it would take $150,000-$300,000 of capital to initially establish a bookstore. It concluded from these factors that the project would be economically unfeasible. The report also stated that the small savings - $10-$15 annualy per student-a discount bookstore could offer would not make it sig- nificantly easier for economically disadvantaged students to attend the University. Student Government C o u n c i 1 bookstore c o m m it t e e members argue, however, that a discount bookstore would be. economically feasible and point to the success of Prof. Fred C. Shure's discount Student Book Service. They main- tain the SGC-operated "bookery" failed because it had insufficient operating funds and was poorly managed. In approving Cutler's report, the Regents failed to rescind the 1929 ruling prohibiting competition be- tween the University and private enterprise. They explained that the disapproval of the bookstore was "based not on the Regents' ruling of 1929 . . . but upon the merits of the issue." Regent Irene Murphy, however, supports the official repeal of the ruling and has promised students that she will present a motion to: that effect at the next Regents' meeting. Bookstore drive students say tkat more fundamental than their' conflict with the Regents over the best way of increasing the socio- economic mix of the student body is their complaint that they can not communicate with the Re- gents. Mickey Eisenberg, '67, of the Student Government C o u n c i 1 bookstore committee, complained: "We tried doing it (presenting the bookstore proposal) according to Hoyle; we tried playing our cards they way they should be played, and it accomplished nothing. Nine months of a campaign, 13,000 stu- dent signatures, reports and more reports brought nothing." He complained that the Regents "completely ignore - students." "There is no formalized communi- cation, not even with SGC other than through letters. The Regents meet with SGC once a year at a formal banquet. We once asked that students be allowed to meet with the Regents for an hour before their monthly meetings or have time to speak at the meet- ings. All the vice-presidents make reports; why can't the student' body?" Eisenberg questioned. Except for attending a few ceremonial banquets during the year with such groups as SGC, The Daily and Interfraterity Council, the Regentsdonot meet with students in their official capacity as the Board of Regents. Some Regents say they will talk with students solely on an indi- vidual-to-individual basis but em- phasize that at these times they speak solely for themselves. Even as individuals, Eisenberg said, "Regents Irene Murphy and Carl Brablec are the only ones that care to talk to students; the others are living in their own worlds." One observer, looking around the Regents' Room after last Fri- day's meeting at the group of excited students talking about the bookstore, said, "Look, Brablec and Mrs. Murphy are the only ones left." Some of the Regents had want- ed to sit down with concerned students before last Friday's meet- ing to discuss the bookstore re- port, but the majority of the Regents turned down the proposal. Bluestone said that the actionsl of both the Regents and Cutler on the bookstore issue "have to a great extent dimmed the hopes of students working with the two groups." Bluestone said, "I thought at one time that students could work with the Office of Student Affairs; now I don't even think there is one. Some people tried to con- vince me last year that the way for students to change things is to work with the Regents and the administration, who will open regular communication channels. That's crazy. They're not willing to do that at all; they've shown that by their action." Bluestone said that UMSEU will continue working for the book- store and other economic reforms. The group will be working with the adults of the Know Your Tgni- versity Day steering.committee on economic problems at the Univer- sity in addition to the problem of state financing of higher educa- tion, he said. UMSEU will also work with the Young Democrats, VOICE political party, the people who worked on the "Bookery" and the SGC book- store committee to see what they can do to' keep the issue of a dis- count bookstore alive, Bluestone said. "If there isn't anything fur- ther to do as a group, it will be difficult for UMSEU to go ahead on its own to change things. We See STUDENTS, Page 2 _. - - i , I What's, New At 764-1817 Ilotine The drive to collect money to pay for the appeals of students who have been reclassified as a result of their participation in Viet Nam protests has netted $3600, including an anonymous donation of $1500, Chairman of the Student Legal Defense Com- mittee James McEvoy, Grad, said yesterday. The committee is planning a bucket drive to raise funds. In addition to the drive, the group is also considering a rally with Gov. George Romney, Sen. Philip A. Hart (D-Mich) and Rep. Gerald Ford (R-Mich) as suggested possible speakers. * * * * Gary Rothberger, '66, whose request to the University to with- hold his grades from his local draft board has been complied with, yesterday asked the University to send to his board a statement to the effect that his performance as a student is "satisfactory.". He said that such a statement, not including grades, would be in line with VOICE political party's resolution demanding the with- holding of grades. * , * * Gov. George Romney and Lieut. Gov. William Milliken will serve as honorary co-chairman of a civil rights conference at the University. The conference, which will take place Feb. 4-5, is being sponsored by the University Republican Club and the Republican student advisory committee. Speakers will include Dr. John Morsell of the National Asso- ciation for the Advancement of Colored People, commissioners Ilene Hernandez and Samuel Jackson of the Federal Equal Em- ,ployment Opportunities Commission, and representatives of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. Other participants will include members of the State Civil Rights Commission, Ann Arbor public officials and about 250 college Republicans and student government leaders from throughout Michigan. John Manning, administrative assistant to the dean of the literary college, has indicated that the pressures of the trimester may be responsible for a large increase in the number of incom- pletes taken last semester. At present Manning is compiling sta- tistical data which shows comparisons with other semesters. He plans to finish it in several weeks. The Regents have approved a co-operative agreement be- tween the Netherlands School of Economics and the University Graduate School of Business Administration for the establishment of a graduate program in the Netherlands. Beginning in Septem- ber, 1966, the five year program will have two University teaching faculty members in Rotterdam for one semester. The Netherlands institution will in return send four or five of its junior faculty members here to study at the post-graduate level and eventually return to Rotterdam where they will form the nucleus of the School of Economics' business administration staff. The five-year program, which may be extended by mutual consent is being financed by a Dutch organization, the Founda- tion for Business Administration, which in turn is supported by grants from seven major Dutch corporations. * * * Carl H. Pollmar, lecturer in statistics at the Graduate School of Business Administration, died last Friday after a long illness. Prof. Pollmar was a research mathematician in the Engineering Research Institute before joining the Business School faculty. In 1956 he and four other associates won the Levy Gold Medal of the Franklin Institute of Pennsylvania for mathematics research. Education Plans Made By UMSEU Chart Restructuring of Steering Coninliittee To Lobby State-Wide By MARSHALL LASSER The University of Michigan Student Economic Union's Know Your University Day steering committee, meeting officially for the first time next month, is set- ting out to become a strong posi- tive force for higher education in the state of Michigan, says a com- mittee member. Barry Bluestone, '66, said yes- terday that in addition to setting up its plan of action UMSEU's committee will establish its basic policies and structure and choose a name and leaders at the meet. ing (tentatively scheduled for Feb. 12). On the local level the committee may decide to hold more activities like Know Your University Day; similar ones would also be plan- ned for out-state. The committee, composed of 26 students, civil rights workers, labor leaders, clergymen and businessmen, was originally formed last year to con- duct the Know Your University Day. State-Wide Idea The most far-reaching ideas, ac- cording to Bluestone, are on a state-wide basis: " Committees will be set up in communities around the state to educate the area in the need for higher education and to obtain money for it. " The group may prepare re- ports for the State Board of Edu- cation on- planning for higher edu- cation. The short-run stress would be placed on increasing appropria- tions for the state's universities. The long-run aim would be to es- tablish the possibility of universal higher education by lowering eco- nomic barriers. Bluestone stressed that this did not mean free tui- tion, but that economic hardships would no longer block the path to a college education. * The committee will send lobbyists to Lansing to testify on the need for more appropriations, and to round up. support from senators and representatives. Forming Policy Besides forming policy and the constructing of a program, the committee will change its name, probably to the Michigan Citizens for Higher Education Steering Committee. The group must also choose its leaders. They will most likely be a student and a prominent citizen. -Daily-Frank Wing CAZZIE RUSSELL GOES UP for an easy lay-up and two more points yesterday as Gopher Archie Clark (21) looks on helplessly. Cazzie, who scored 40 points, had 15 field goals and shot 10-12 from the charity stripe. Michigan Runs Past Gophers, 9-5 'Bg Ten Skein Now Four Straight By GIL SAMBERG The opening horn in the second half had the wail of the banshees to it . . . It called Minnesota to its death as a Big Ten basketball contender yesterday. This last meeting between the Wolverines and Golden Gophers in a basketball era special to both of them was anticipated with deep-set desire, fought with un- relenting intensity, and won in the end by Michigan, 97-85, with luck, technical precision, and a fiery all-out effort that must be kept deadly consistent to make a winner in a crucial game like this one. The victory, coupled with Michi- gan State's 90-76 loss to Iowa yesterday, puts the Wolverines in sole possession of first place in the Big Ten basketball race with a 4-0 record. The Edge There was a well-honed edgeto the Michigan team that over- powered the Gophers at Yost Field House yesterday. The sharp- ness-the feel of a winner-was apparent from the time the Wol- verines first swooped down on the boards from all points and raked them clean at both ends of the court. And there was the game. Up where that small metal hoop meets a perpendicular surface-there was the game. The Blue were in control from the very beginning, when a Min- nesota set-shot fell short and the Wolverines rolled back up court to open the scoring with a close-up jumper by Oliver Darden . . . on the fourth try. At the end of the first half the rebound totals ran 31-23, Michigan. When it was all over the gap had swelled to an incredible 28, with the Wolverines our extra shots that they'd forget the break. The Gophers did get an unusual number of easy openings and made a bunch of cripples but they were not enough to offset the advantage the Blue were getting from this tactic. "On defense it was just a mat- ter of keeping Minnesota from getting the second and third try too." Strack had been warning his players about the Gophers all week. He made it clear that they led the league in per gamere- bounding, that this was their strength, and that this was where they could be beaten. Minnesota Coach John Kundla called this a dubious distinction at best. "We had only played in two Big Ten games," explained Kundla, "so it really meant nothing. In' fact the rebounding against us has been very heavy also. 'After getting 64 today, Michi- gan will probably be first in re- bounding now. I suppose that this is just a way of using statistics to' get your boys up for a game." Leaper Lane But Jim Myers, Darden and John Clawson played the strategy' out on the boards with the sur- prising ferocity of Michigan's more recent "Anvil Chorus." Myers led the pack with 21 rebounds, hauling in an amazing 18 in the. second stanza. Darden finished with 17, 'getting. 12 in the first . period. Clawson was credited with 10. At 6'11/2", Captain. Archie Clark topped the Gophers with eight re- bounds; five in the first half. Wolverine fans may be getting used to this by now, but Cazzie Russell again led all scorers with 40 points, only three short of John Tidwell's Field House record: This boosts Cazzie's. average to exactly 30 points per game for the season. "The team may not beas good overall .as last year," said Min- nesota's Kundla," but Cazzie is See MYERS, Page 6 Cav'anagh, Williams May Seek Democratic Senate Nomination APPLY FOR FEDERAL AID: Seek Accurate Representation o Poor By MARK LEVIN Serious rumors continue to cir- culate through Michigan political circles indicating that the Michi- gan Democratic Party is in store this fall for a" divisive primary election battle over the nomina- tion for the United States Senate. Up for re-election in Novem- ber is Democratic Sen. Patrick McNamara, now serving his sec- ond term, who will be 72 years old in October. McNamara, who underwent serious surgery just before his last victory, appears' to many observers to be bowing' out in favor of a younger man.' As one Democratic Party official' put it, "Unless Pat is playing it very coy, I think he will not make the run. He would just as soon fore, if a primary fight develops it will have to be fought in the open before the entire electorate. Separate fund raising drives will have to be conducted by both candidates, drawing needed funds away from the official party cof- fers. Williams, presently assistant secretary of state for African Af- fairs, has repeatedly stated that 'he would seek the nomination if McNamara should step down. Cav- anagh, who was re-elected mayor last November by a 2-1 major- ity, has indicated publicly that he would very much like to be sena- tor. According to one high-ranking party official, "The mayor is a very ambitious young man. He has nothincr tonloseby tiinnine. Jerry get hurt." Cavanagh thank- ed Williams for his concern, but indicated he wasn't afraid. Williams, who served six terms as governor, has been gone ,from the Michigan scene for six years. Cavanagh, according to observers, is countmg heavily on the fact that new voters will not remem- ber the accomplishments of the Williams administration. However, Williams still appears with Franklin Roosevelt ona the emblem of the Michigan Demo- cratic Party, which is found on every ballot and voting machine in the state. Williams also is no stranger in upstate Michigan, where Cavanagh is relatively un- known. One party official indicated they hoped Cavanagh could be k By LYNNE ROTHSCHILD The Legal Aid Clinic of the Law School is presently facing a problem encountered by other agencies involved in assisting the poor. How much representation should the poverty class be given on bodies which seek to alleviate thpi, rnrnhttavm s sentatives from the poverty class who should serve on the Board of Trustees. Presently the board is compos- ed of five lawyers, one professor at the Law School, and two mem- bers chosen from the community at large. It has been proposed that this eight man board be changed who are members of the lower income group being assisted. One- third has been suggested by the government as a reasonable fig- ure. The Bar Association contends that at most one member of the clinic's eight-member board should be a representative of the poverty the poverty community. T h i s raises the question of how the pov- erty class's representation should be selected. Elrie Chrite, the staff director of the Citizens' Committee, and Prof. James Morgan of the eco- nomics department and a member of the committee, explained that