Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Letters: National Arts Council Ideas '; Opinions Are Free. 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. wth Wti Prevail, NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: LEONARD PRATT The. Trimester Machine: Too Little Thought IT IS THE HAPPY beginning of a new term. Finals seem far off. Classes are new and sometimes refreshing. The work- load is not immediately overpowering. Students are in the process of enjoying the all too rare luxury of a break in the mercilessly competitive grind of trimes-; ter. They can .breathe now, maybe even think. Temporarily ambitious, they can involve themselves in activities outside of the class. They may even learn some- thing for its own sake and enjoy it. Soon, though, the binds of the class schedule will close in. The trimester ma- chine will drag grade-conscious students through the pressure of exams and pa- pers. The former state of relaxation, of breathingspace will end, giving way to the anxious struggle to receive the om- nipotent "A." NO LONGER will students be inclined to reflect or to learn on their own: performance in class Vnhappily becomes much too precious a commodity for that. Students seem, fundamentally, to be the passive receptors of the work load, to be beings run by the system. Outside activities, if they exist at all for the student, become hectic, sporadic efforts to leave the pressure-cooker in- stead of pleasurable asides. Undergrad- uates start to think mechanically, to churn out papers, and to wait for the April liberation. They hardly have time to do otherwise. The few who really try to break away from the rigors of the syllabi, who try for some honest and independent schol- arship can do so only at the expense of their schoolwork. And' it is an unfortu- nate fact of life that. graduate schools often have the habit of investigating transcripts more carefully than the in- tangible, personal efforts of intellectual' activity. What can be done to alleviate a situa- tion in which independent scholarship is a sacrifice, classroom thought an un- comfortable obligation? FIRST OF ALL, perhaps by a survey of some sort, students should be given a chance to express their views on the tri+ mester system. One such survey was cir- culated before trimester's ception; a new edition is more as students have now perience of living with it. Secondly, given that the here to stay for a while atl should be made to lessen official in- needed even had the ex- trimester is least, efforts the burdens imposed by it. One suggestion is that certain courses should be offered whose only "grades would be "fail" or "pass." These courses would differ from the pres- ent "official audits" in that credit to- ward graduation would be given. Put into effect experimentally at first,, the scheme ultimately would offer a host of interesting, popular subjects without the pressures of the sacred letter mark. New and intriguing disciplines, former- ly barred from the student because of his ,ubiquitous concern with and fear of, grades, would be open to him. Other courses still giving grades (in- cluding concentrate courses) would not be so pressure-filled and the student would have more time for extra-curricu- lar pursuits. INDEED, ANY STEPS taken to ease the grind of the trimester machine should be encouraged. Intellectual breathing space should not be a monopoly of the beginning of the term; it should be ex- tended throughout the year. The suc- cessful student should be able to say, "I have thought" instead of the mechanical "I have produced." -JOSEPH LITVEN To the Editor: THE OPPORTUNITY to receive a sizable amount of money from the government in order to further the cultural activities and creative arts on our campus is truly a chance we should not let slip. Consequently, a very serious effort must be made in that di- rection as soon as possible. This money is being made avail- able for activities which are pres- ently in existence and is not in- tended to foster newv ones. In this light, we must first determine those activities which need assist- ance and then decide what would be the most worthwhile type of help. A list of those activities which could use assistance of one form or another would include the fol- lowing: the Concert Dance Organ- ization which is presently cramped in the Barbour Gymnasium, the Electronic Music Studio located at the Music School, an avant-garde experimental film club, and the ONCE festival which held forth on the top of the parking struc- ture last fall. ALL OF THESE named and ethers unnamed or unknown could well use any government financial assistance that would oe made available (not to men-' tion private assistance!). Brief thought reveals the com- ,non denominator for these various groups-some building and work- .hop-theater to house their ac- tivities. This structure would olve a multitude of problems and problems-to-be. It would eliminate the need for financial support in some cases and would enable others to receive the public atten- tion which is not now readily captured. The most natural location for such a structure would be on North Campus towards which the center of campus life is slowly gravitat- ing. What this building is to con- tain would be a matter of suppo- sition. The University is at present a center for research in the physical and social sciences as well as medicine. Every year we notice a new building in Ann Arbor: a laboratory on North Campus or the Institute for Social Research near the heart of central campus. But we must 'also be sure that modern and exciting creative arts do not suffer because of a dan- gerous and myopic one sidedness. A GREAT DEAL of discussion and swift, but not hasty, action is surely necessary for progress. -Michael J:Gotskind, '68 Creative Arts Committee, University Activities Center To the Editor: THE IDEALS and ideas of the National Council on the Arts, as reported by Joyce Winslow in Sunday's Daily, are very com- mendable. I wish to suggest two means by which Architecture, "The Mother of the Arts," might best be assisted. First, apprenticeship programs should be established in archi- tectural offices throughout the country. Apprenticeship, once the primary system for training ar- chitects, is now practically extinct in this country. Architects can seldom afford the time and over- head necessary to do the task that the colleges have assumed. A uni- form curriculum too often, leaves large gaps in certain areas of professional concern which can only be learned through extensive and expensive individual effort outside the hallowed halls. Indeed, my best assistants have been those who were willing to start over. This problem is inten- sified in my case, for I specialize in the practice of urban design, a discipline which has, until recently, been ignored in the schools of architecture. Secondly, design research should be furthered in professional of- fices. I know of only one archi- tecture and planning firm that subsidizes such a program, and that office is in London. When one considers the many things related to architecture to which architects and schools of archi- tecture give little or no attention, the potential for design research is realized (mobile homes, rapid transit systems, parking podiums, the influence of zoning regula- tions on design, and "roadtowns," to mention just a few). I SUBMIT that these two goals might best be attained by com- bining them into experimental ap- prenticeship - design research teams of perhaps five apprentices each, under the direction of a group of professionals. There would be several junior appren- tices just out of high school who would take academic courses in the morning at the university or a community college. Afternoons would be spent at the office. Three types of projects would be under- taken-those which the office is commissioned to do (for which the apprentices would be paid by the office), those of a purely educa- tional character in which the ap- prentice hascomplete freedom to explore whatsoever he will, and those of a design-research nature. One or two senior apprentices would devote half of their time to design research and supervision of the junior apprentices. The pro- fessional practitioners would de- vise the programs, collaborate on design and supervise the appren- tices. Any funds expended on design research projects that might eventually result in com- missions would require the office to return those funds with interest to the apprenticeship-design re- search program- Most research projects would be published. The funds required for such a program need not be great. $15,000, the majority of which would be for the apprentices and overhead, would produce handsome results. My own office has, for the past two and one half years, subsidized a modest program, partially through the C.O.T. (Cooperative Occupational Training) of the lo- cal high schools. For example, one study investigated how Stadium Boulevard "got to be that way"; (there is need for a second to show how Plymouth Road and Jackson Road can be prevented from getting that way!). A PROGRAM as here described* would seem to satisfy the basic criteria for involvement of the National Council on th Art ; it would -Help to bridge the gap be- tween the students and the pro- fessionals. -Result in coverage of areas of great design importance that are neglected, with some projects be- ing implemented, hopefully on a broad scale. -Produce qualified personnel oriented towards the creative ap- proach to design, yet disciplined in the realities of office practice. -Enable practicing architects and retired, yet alert, professors who could not otherwise bind themselves to the limitations of an academic curriculum, to be in- volved in the educational process and in stimulating research. -Results in publications, lec- tures and displays that would help to bridge the gap between the professionals and the public at large. IT IS HARDLY necessary to add that our office would be eager to undertake a pilot program of such a nature; I am confident that other offices would similarly welcome such an opportunity. It is conceivable that it could prove so advantageous to the practition- er that many firms throughout the country would eventually adopt an apprenticeship-design research program without a sub- sidy. It is at least worth the ex- periment to ascertain the pros and cons. -Richard D. Ahern Architect-town planner To the Editor: I WOULD LIKE to suggest that the National Council on the Arts consider giving the Associa- tion of Producing Artists agrant. The Daily article said Gregory Peck stated that they wanted to support established talented pro- fessional groups since these would be most likely to do the most good with their limited funds. I think that anyone who has seen the APA will agree that they are very talented professionals and they certainly do have es- tablished audience appeal both here and in New York. But this is not all. When the APA was founded it was hoped that they would fulfill an educational purpose. They have, done so very well, and not just in the limited sense of training a'few young actors in the company. I feel that the audiences have learn- ed a great deal from the APA. THE QUALITY of the produc- tions has increased significantly since the start of the APA. It seems reasonable that one can not learn something as subtle as acting from a book. Although act- ing can only be learned by acting, as in every field it is possible to improve one's own performance by watching the style and method of better actors and local student talent seems to have done this. Those of us in the audiences who don't act have still benefited from the APA in that our cultural background has been broaded by a wide variety of good plays. It is possible these days'to get concert-hall quality music at home for a reasonable amount of money. It is not possible to enjoy pro- fessional drama outside the thea- tre. THUS I THINK that profes- sional repertory theatres far from New York (of which the APA is one of the best) represent one of the best possible uses of the coun- cil's funds. -Stan Pruss, Grad To the Editor: IN RESPONSE to the request for ideas of the National Council on the Arts, I have thought of two places where money to promote the national culture could be put to good use. As was pointed out during the forum, education of the general public, especially the young, is the best way to raise the national cul- tural level. The recreation depart- ment of Ann Arbor provides a. Creative Activities Program of high quality in dance, drama, art and writing. If programs of this kind were supported in communi- ties which wanted them, children could learn to appreciate and ex- press themselves in the arts under the guidance of people dedicated to these fields. Also important in providing cul- tural experience to the public, is television, now providing exper- ience in soap opera life and eight ways to rehash James Bond. (Count them!) The better shows, dramas, controversial commen- taries, classical music, and the like, are frequently lost when they loose the "rating game." If the National Council could sponsor some of these programs for those "few?" that are interested they would serve those Americans who are interested in more than situa- tion comedies and that audience might, in time, grow. The open forum of the National Council on the Arts was a worth- while opportunity for anyone in- terested in the arts, but unfor- tunately it was not recognized in advance. FEW PEOPLE were prepared with ideas and few come "off the top of your head," when a sup- posed lecture turns into a dis- cussion. Why didn't the Daily publicize the forum on the arts beforehand? -Diana Page, '68 EDITOR'S NOE: For two days prior to the forum, advance notice of it was printed in The Daily's page one digest of capsule news. -R.. To the Editor: ONE CANNOT HELP thinking of the National Academy of Arts and Humanities that it is, or at least should be, a saviour come in the nick of time. We live in a society where, for the first time in human history, artistic quality is being actively opposed by large and powerful commercial (i.e., nonartistic) in- terests. Literally billions of dollars have been invested in conditioning the public, using all the psycholog- ical weapons at the command of modern advertising, to accept -indeed, to demand-trash. Why? Certainly not for any artistic reasons. More money can be made from trash; it can be turned out faster and in greater amounts than quality. Anyone who doubts that the popular music industry, for example, is concerned with money and not artistry need only look into their trade journals (e.g. Bill- board). BY NOW the situation is so bad that not only does the general public consider that the "thing to do",is to listen to popular music or go to a baseball game, but even a student in a major center of learning can stand up and say, I am sure from honest belief, that jazz is the "only American music." I would venture to predict that 90 per cent of the American public believes that "classical" music is something entirely produced by composers who died centuries ago, and that the only contemporary music is the popular junk. The irony of this is that, thanks to modern communications, edu- cation and leisure, we live in the first period of history where great art could be the common treasure of everyone; and contemporary art should (as it always did in past centuries) stan'd at the forefront of public interest. FURTHERMORE, jazz fans, it happens that the best composers of good music in the world today live in this country. (Some names at random: Elliott Carter, Roger Sessions, Milton Babbitt, George Perle, Hugo Weisgall, George Rochberg, Henry Weinberg, Ralph Shapey.) And the best performers are here as well. I would like to suggest that the Academy divide whatever it in- tends to spend on music about 40- 60 between commissions of new works and performances and re- cordings of the half-century back- log of music that has been com- posed but is not available to the public. (The usual fate of a new commissioned work-even if it is universally agreed to be a good one-is to be performed once and forgotten.) The recordings are important; a single recording subsidy can ex- pose more people to a given work than the same funds spent on a dozen unrecorded concerts. The subsidies should include lavish amounts for rehearsals. It is per- haps not generally known that the usual practice of recording com- panies is to have only two or three rehearsals (which, are expensive), then record several performances and try to patch together the right notes from them by tape splicing. (By comparison, I know of a recent string quartet which is so difficult that its premiere required --and, for once, was given-no less than forty rehearsals' Even then, the performance, though very good, was not perfect. Need I add that no one bothered to record it?) AS A RESULT of this pro- cedure (and some poor choices for performers), about half of what modern music has been re- corded is only available in per- formances so poor as actually to misrepresent the music. -James A. Loudon, Grad No Accelerator To the Editor: IT DOES NOT take great imag- ination to foresee the conse- quences of establishing the AEC atom racetrack near Ann Arbor. Not only will 5000 acres of rich Michigan farmland be permanent- ly taken out of production, but it will be the beginning o fa vast development of all the land from north of Ann Arbor, across Whit- more Lake, through Ypsilanti, Li- vonia, and Pontiac, to Detroit, and the merging of the whole region into one urban-industrial and suburban complex. This will force a completely dif- ferent way of life upon the people of this region. Instead of a pro- portional mixture of rural and urban living which still maintains a sense of community life, there will be a sprawling criss-cross of roads, of jerry-built housing, of gas stations, bars, drive ins, and motels, and of other buildings which invariably follow all de- velopment projects. In eight years time many of the roads will look just like Detroit's Woodward Avenue. One doesn't need many examples to see how this has happened: the Los An- geles area, the New York City- northeastern New Jersey area, the Cape Kennedy area. ALTHOUGH this is a national project, the people have had noth- ing to say about it. We have not heard about any discussions in Congress, nor in the state legis- latures, nor have there been pub- lic hearings. "Discussions occurred behind closed doors." (Ann Arbor News, Nov. Z0.) The public does not know if urban, agriculture and land consultants are included in AEC planning sessions. Yet, the selection of a choice rests, as do atomic tests, with the AEC recommendations to the President. This means that only the final proposal, but not al- ternatives, are brought forward for final approval. Are the politicians considering the future effects which a project like this will have on the land, on the people, and on the communi- ties? THE PROBLEM within America is not one of trying to become developed, since we already are, but why, where, and how future development should take place. We have seen enough destruction of the countryside and of urban- factory sprawl since World War II to cry Halt! and to ask, "Just what are we doing?" The argument that the site should be attractive to scientists is not precise, because it is known that the scientists will go wherever the site is located, as they did at Los Alamos. It seems to me a callous view that political, ecologi- cal and social considerations are being ignored and that one of the inspection committees wanted to finish the job of selection "and get on with it." (Mich. Daily, Jan. 8) As if such a selection could be decided in a hurry! Why should this choice, which will ultimately affect so many people, be determined by a hand- ful of advisors? Why should con- siderations of alternatives be in- fluenced by one type of scientific interest, when others also have important views on the matter? Why are alternatives being de- cided solely on considerations of what is good for the, AEC, without considerations of effects on the land, on the communities, and on the people? --T. A. Brindlpy' A 4 4 A 9, Housing: Too Dogmatic TT NOW APPEARS that after six months of consultation and argument, the Student Advisory Board on Housing will soon: release a program report outlining the various projects that it considers necessary to relieve the present press for adequate housing. This lengthy debate has unfortunate- ly been marked by one factor which may harm the possibility for further student participation in decision-making at the University. This is the unwillingness of the students on the Housing Board to compromise, to discuss, to modify their proposals to make them economically, and administratively feasible. Ratter, the students have expected administration officials in the Office of Student Affairs to accept their proposals without this necessary close examination and reconsideration, and have cried, "For shame! " when their demands were not met. Perhaps the unwillingness of the stu- dents to compromise is natural consid- ering the long battle for student par- ticipation of any kind In University af- fairs and the tenuous position that it holds even now. IT APPEARS THAT, to them, compro- mise is a sign of weakness, or an in- dication that their participation is only token without any real decision-making power. This, however, has yet to be proved. If they find that none of their advice is ac- cepted by administration officials, or that "program reports" submitted by them go ignored in the general scheme of University planning, then they have a legitimate complaint. UNTIL THIS HAPPENS, the resistance of the members of the Housing Board through discussion and negotiating, fear of a loss of power or any other reason, can only be detrimental to the cause of student participation in University poli- cy-making. CHARLOTTE A. WOLTER * Rep. Ford and Viet Nam HOUSE MINORITY LEADER Gerald R. Ford's performance during the Repub- lican "State of the Union" message Mon- day evening was another convincing dem- onstration of the fatal contradictions on which the minority party-and Mr. Ford -seems to have a monopoly. Ford told the nation that the cost of the Viet Nam war effort should be met by abandoning "low-priority" domestic programs of the Great Society. "We will not sacrifice poor people. We will sacri- fice poor programs, poorly conceived and poorly carried out," he said. One of the main ones, he added, is the poverty pro- gram. How "poorly carried out" actually is the poverty program? It is instructive to take one of Ford's own standards and see. On August 5 of this year he con- demned the administration because while "it is now more than four years since the Council on (sic) Economic Advisers set an unemplovment level of four per cent for unemployment. They have not at- tacked the administration's stated goal." Alas, Ford spoke hastily. Unemploy- ment today stands at 4.1 per cent of those seeking work. And nearly half the drop in unemployment from the five per cent figure Ford quoted to its present level is due to just two programs, both in the poverty war: first, the work-study pro- gram, and second, the Neighborhood Youth Corps. The 270,000 participants in both pro- grams are now counted as employed. And approximately 270,000 more young people have taken advantage of scholarship and loan programs-many of them coming from Great Society bills - and aren't working, thus opening 270,000 more jobs for the unemployed. All these 540,000- or an equivalent number-would be job- less if these programs were cut back, as Ford would have it. ON THE OTHER HAND, perhaps Ford's = ... -' _: = 4 :; s INC I W O SP I AO k sTv I, I I ill1 Schutze's Corner: Violent Sexual Revolt F C G S1, I READ RECENTLY in a well- known magazine that today's college campuses are engulfed in violent sexual, revolution. Of course I received this as agreeable news, and immediately left my apartment for the campus, a slyly revolutionary, grin playing at the corners of my mouth. The first two girls who passed me directed thinly veiled smiles in my direction, which I interpret- ed as eruptions of irresistible lust and moral rebellion. But an un- easy suspicion directed my glance to my feet where I discovered that, once again, I had dressed in one cowboy boot and one galosh. That's what comes of waking be- fore noon. Barely able to conquer my dis- her naughtily in the shoulder blade. She stopped, turned, and glared at me. "Are you in a fraternity," she asked, "or are you just another unbelievable campus psychotic?" After a full minute of considera- tion, I decided not to dignify her question with a response. Instead, I wheeled and marched away with- out uttering a syllable, my frigid silence only slightly marred by the clop-jingle clop-jingle of my foot apparel. Twenty paces later, I dared to glance back over my' shoulder. Shewas still standing there staring at me. "Oh well," I theorized. "It seems," I went on to myself, "that another revolution has passed me 1 I A