, TUESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1965 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE * tUESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1965 THE MICHIGAN DAILI PAGE THREE Report Loophole in Rights Law By MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH Special To The Daily WASHINGTON-While Missis- sippi school officials are working to put the state in compliance with the school desegregation guidelines of the U. S. Office of Education, officials here believe that an obscure new Mississippi law may be a subtle device to shut out over 10,000 Negro children from the state's schools. And, what is .worse, according to one Office of Education source, "nobody in Washington or Missis- sippi seems very concerned about doing something about it." The little-noticed law, which deals primarily with vocational education, contains a key "sleeper" clause which could exclude many Negroes from elementary and sec- ondary schools, it is believed here. Orphan Clause The "sleeper" amends Missis- sippi's education laws to insert a clause requiring that no school district can count an orphaned child not in an orphans',home as part of its daily attendance-or enroll him-unless the orphan has legal guardians living in the state. The "sleeper" also *makes the key stipulation that the guardians can be considered guardians under the new law only if they act as such "by virtue of the death or mental incapacity of said par- ents." This, Office of Education offi- cials working in the state charge, would exclude large numbers of Negro children whose parents have either abandoned them or have left them with relatives while they sought jobs in the North. Strict Rulings The state's attorney general has also set strict rulings on proof of death or mental incapacity of a child's parents, and has stressed that only these two instances make a. child's. guardian a legal guardian under terms of the new law. Although the "sleeper" require- ment says that. an'orphan with- out a guardian under the new law may be- counted as part of the school's enrollment if he pays, or has paid for him, the costs of his tuition, "Nobody thinks that's go- ing to help ,very many of these kids," one Federal official said. The yearly tuition costs range. from $200-300, depending on the school district. A white ,Mississippi observer,. long active in the civil rightss nobody seems to do anything more movement, has sugglested that the than that," commented one dis- requirement might be overlooked- gruntled Office field worker who if the Negro children then went recently returned here from Mis- to Negro schools rather than at- sissippi. tending white schools. "They're overwhelmed with pro- J. M. Tubb, head of the Mis- tests already," one observer sug- sissippi department of education, gested, "and perhaps this has said yesterday in a telephone in- slipped b them," terview that a "conservative" es- At the same time, however, local timate of the number of children officials in Greenville, Mississippi, affected was an "unverifiable" are reported to be making covert 7-10,000. arrangements to enroll the more "When they say, 'Never,' they than 500 Negro orphans i their mean it," one Office of Education school district-despite the state's official remarked. lac. Efforts Ignored a Infuriated A fforts h m Igeoeh Manyofthe state's local school At the same time,, however, the# superintendents are believed to efforts of the Office of Educa- have been infuriated by thenew tion staffers working in Mississippi requirement. Prior.tto its passage, to have the new law challenged they had been told to enforce such seem to have been ignored. a provision unofficially. While the question could easily In Greenville, a "conspiracy" be included in cases presently be- between the local school officials, ing examined, according to one the courts, and the local bar has Office source, this has not oc- been pressing ahead and ignoring curred. the new law. Efforts to persuade St. John How long that effort can con- Barrett, key assistant to John tinue-and how long it will take Doar, head of the Justice De- before the Justice Department and partment's ..civil rights division, the Office of Education intervene A and others have apparently been to challenge the state's law or he fruitless. threaten to cut off education aid fr "They all say, 'It's horrible,' but -are uncertain.-s -Associated Press -Associated Press (LEFT): FLORIDA GOV. Haydon Burns is flanked by Conrad, left, and Cooper in welcoming ceremonies at Cape Kennedy. (Right) Cooper checks out his spacecraft after coming aboard carrier Lake Champlain. Cape Hails Astronauts, Readies New Shot CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. P) -p merica's new heroes caine back ome yesterday, safe and sound, om the cliff-hanging odyssey in pace that won the praise not only f the free world but of Com- unist nations, too. blastoff, however, until Cooper and Conrad began battling equipment troubles of such magnitude that the world marveled at their cour- age in carrying on. They stuck it out until they reached the goal set for them- ..v --_ _ ,. , _ _ ,.. _ of m ind icate Increase iniB52 Raids Against Viet Cong Astronauts L. Gordon Cooper Jr. eight days in space, the time it and Charles Conrad Jr.-the first takes to go to the moon, explore men to qualify themselves for a it and return. journey to the moon-hopped "We're glad to be getting back happily out of a navy plane which to work, writing a report on the brought them from the deck of flight-the good, the bad, the in- the aircraft carrier Lake Cham- different," Cooper said. plain. After brief statements, the as- "It's great to be back on solid tronauts were hustled away to ground," Cooper exulted as he begin their flight reviews and to stepped out on the "skid strip" at under go exhaustive medical tests Cape Kennedy, to be greeted by to determine if the long space Florida's Gov. Haydon Burns and trek affected them in any way, some 200 others. Good Condition The spacecraft and Titan 2 rocket for the Gemini 6 launching 1 already are at Cape Kennedy, being readied for an Oct. 25 fir- ing. The flight will last only two days, so other troubles which plagued Gemini 5 will not affect it. Batteries for example, will re- place the troublesome fuel cell system for the shorter haul. The 14-day Gemini 7 flight, scheduled in December, may re- quire some evaluation. Fuel Cell Troubles During eight days in space, the Gemini 5 spacecraft had diffi- culty with the fuel cell system, control thrusters and 10 other parts hat may have been affected by the long trip. When the space craft was first up the heater letting the oxygen and hydrogen combine did, not work and the pressure in the fuel cell began to drop suddenly. All experiments were stopped in order' to conserve pressure, however af- ter 18 orbits the pressure leveled off and began to climb. "We'll have to look into these areas, and we are hopeful of cor- recting them to keep Gemini 7 on schedule," Mathews reported. Gemini 7 is the only long- duration flight remaining in the Gemini program. The last five will be rendezvous and docking flights to perfect techniques for later three-man Apollo moon flights. Complete in '66 The National Aeronautics and Space Administration plans to complete the Gemini program late next year. Considerationi Is being given to using one of the last flights to send a Gemini cap- sule around the moon. Early in 1967, the first Apollo team will be hurled into earth or- bit to practice for lunar landings. "We're driving forward to go to the moon in this decade," said Dr. Robert Gilruth, head of the Manned Spacecraft Center, after the Gemini 5 recovery. Possible Advance The target for the first moon trip is 1969, but continued suc- cess, especially in the development of the huge Saturn 5 booster rocket, could advance the. date to 1968, some officials believe. The Air Force last week received $1.5 billion to develop a series of five manned orbiting laboratories which will orbit the earth as long as 30 days, starting in 1967. The two-man crews will determine if man can play a useful military role in space. Indians Claim Victory Over Trapped PaksaiIvdr NEW DELHI, India (M)-India cl'aimed a victory yesterday in the Kashmir fighting but made no mention of their 'primary target- a pocket of supposedly encircled guerrillas. There was no indication in New Delhi whether the guerrillas-re- ported in strength of 1,000 or more-had slipped from a trap the Indians tried to fashion inside Pakistani territory in west-central Kashmir., Indian troops seeking guerrillas north of Srinagar, Kashmir, found five decapitated bodies among those killed Friday night, a; spokesman said in Sringar yes- terday. He said he thought this had been done by raiders in an effort to conceal the identity of "im- portant officers and leaders of the Pakistani infiltrators." 'Complete Success' Defense Minister Y. B. Chavan told a cheering Parliament that Indian'troops achieved 'complete success in cleaning up operations in the Uri sector and had captured, substantial quantities of arms and equipment. But he made no men- tion of, any prisoners or casualties suffered by either side. Indians had attacked south across the U.N. cease-fire line- it was the third such large-scale assault since Aug, 15-in an effort to trap "Pakistani infiltrators" allegedly massing in the so-called Uri salient. The attack was launched Thursday through heav- ily wooded terrain at altitudes of 8,000 to 11,000 feet. Route Closed In 11,000-foot Haji Pir pass, Indian troops dug in and Chavan claimed they had thus closed one of the primary routes for what he called infiltrators sneaking into Indian-held Kashmir to join the guerrilla war there. In Indian-held Kashmir itself, only minor incidents were repoi't- ed between Indian troops and guerrilla bands that began fight- ing there Aug. 5 in what turned into one of the most serious con- frontations between India and. Pakistan since they became in- dependent in 1947. Constantine Hints at Coalition After Greek Government Falls, Report Fifth Straight Day Of Bom-bing U.S. Officials Fear Political Danger in New Student Unrest SAIGON. South Viet Nam VP)- Signs pointed yesterday toward a stepup by B-52 jet Stratofortresses of the U.S. Strategic Air Com- mand to daily raids in the war against the Viet Cong. Briefing officers disclosed the Guam-based, eight-engine craft staged saturation bombings in South Viet Nam both Saturday and Sunday, rounding out five consecutive days of attacks. That contrasted with raids averaging about one a week by the high-flying giants earlier in the summer against Viet Cong installations and suspected con- centrations. Daily Raids It is expected the increased role for the B-52s will be stepped up soon to the equivalent of one at- tack every 24 hours, weather and other factors permitting. Though some people have been skeptical of the results, military men consider the raids are dam- aging old strongholds of the Viet Cong and cutting into morale of, the Red guerrillas.; Warehouses Hit In related operations against North Viet Nam, 55 planes of the U.S. Navy and Air Force staged 15 missions Monday. Pilots said several buildings were destroyed at a warehouse area 120 miles south of Hanoi and the nearby Ban Lang Moi barracks. A spokes- man said all the raiders returned. Outposts Regained In the grounud war, the Viet Cong temporarily overran three outposts in the Mekong River delta south of Saigon and the central highlands hamlet of Kom Som Luh, in Kontum Province 265 miles north of Saigon. All were later reoccupied by government forces. Militiamen were reported to have suffered heavy casualties in two of the delta clashes. Student Agitation Meanwhile student agitators have merged again on the Viet- namese scene and U.S. authorities Calling day for Cooper made a, Great Day g their return "'a g Florida." Burns1 and Conrad theyl lurge contribution to reat told had the advancement of- science and of mankind. He presented each with a plaque expressing "the appre- ciation of the State of Florida." The spacemen, dressed in Navy blue coveralls and jaunty white caps, were in jovial moods. Each said lie felt "just great." Their plane came in, at 200, miles an hour, a snail's pace to! the two men who had hurtled{ 3,338.200 miles through space atI 17,500 miles an hour. The plane came to a stop just a little over two miles from Pad 19, where 'a Titan 2 rocket, after the most perfect countdown on the manned space program, launched them Aug. 21 on their dramatic and perilous eight-day journey. Preparations On this same pad, another rock- et was erected Monday for Amer- ica's next adventure aloft, the Gemini 6 mission set for Oct. 25. On this two-day flight, astronauts Walter M. Schirra Jr. and Thomas P. Stafford will make the first effort to link up with another orbiting satellite. As Cooper returned, an oldtimer in the space game with two flights and 225 hours, 15 minutes underl his belt, he spotted Lt. Col. John Albert, Air Force Titan 2 launch director, in the waiting crowd. "That was a great launch," Cooper called out. Problems It wasn't long after the ideall First checkups had indicated' that they came through the ordeal in excellent condition, proving all that Americans need to go to the moon and back is the vehicle. As space officials assess the flight of Gemini 5 they are push- ing ahead with plans to launch Gemini 6 in October. The only possible holdup is the radar system which astronauts Schirra and Stafford will use in' an attempt to rendezvous and link up with another satellite. The radar was carried by Gem- ini 5 on a trial basis and caused some concern when, at times, it measured the angle but not the range. 'Not Serious' Flight director Christopher C. Kraft Jr. said he did not believe the problems were serious. "We feel that our flight data so far shows us we can rendezvous and we can go on with Gemini 6." Gemini program director Charles Mathews said, however, the radar problems will bear looking into. COEDS. it's Hairstyling Galore FOR THE HOLIDAYS,!! 0 No appointment needed 0 Custom Styling by Experts The Dascola Barbers Near Michigan Theatre U ANN ARBOR'S NEWEST BOOKSTORE Paperbacks at Discount Modern Poetry French & German: Books'. U CENTICORE BOOKSHOP 1321 South University between Forest & Washtenaw Noon to 5:30 and 7:30 to Midnight ATHENS, Greece W) - Indica- tion mounted yesterday that King Constantine may try to form a coalition government in an effort to find a way out, of, Greece's poli- tical crisis. The 25-year-old monarch was reported ready to appeal to all political factions to help him now that Parliament has brought down the second government he tried to form since thek crisis began July, 15. The 9-day government of Elias Tsirimokos was defeated 159-135 in A, confidence vote Sunday. Tsirimokos went to the royal pal- ace Sunday night to hand in his resignation. Another Attempt After almost two hours with the king, the 58-year-old Socialist told newsmen Constantine would once again try to form a govern- ment out of Parliament's ranks. Tsirimokos §aid the next gov- ernment would have to be ac- cepted by all 300 members of Parliament-indicating the king, was contemplating a coalition re- gime. Such a plan might run into opposition from former Premier George Papandreou, 77-year-old leader of the Center Union party and chief antagonist of the king. Opposes Coalition' Papandreou has said he would not accept any coalition unle"'.. he headed it and his party ran it. Papandreou has played a key role in the parliamentary' defeats of both governments named by Constantine since the king fired him in a dispute over politics in the army. The ex-premier has been de- manding new elections, confident of an easy win at the polls. This would be taken as a repudiation of the king by the people. 'Treason Punished' { Toasting the latest regime's downfall with champagne, Papan- dreou said: "Treason has been punished." Tsirimokos and 37 other Center Union deputies had broken from Papandreou's party to form the government. Tsirimokos said the king had asked him to stay on as care- taker premier until a solution is found. Fear Riots A police alert throughout Ath- ens was expected to continue for fear of renewed pro-Papandr ou demonstrations. A student died and more than 500 persons were; hurt in riots in the past six weeks.j The council presumably would include those former premiers thel king chose to invite. The question' remained whether the 25-year-old; king would summon former Pre-' mier George Papandreou, 77. Pa- pandreou, leader of the dominant Center Union party, was ousted; six weeks ago in a power struggle; with Constantine over control of; the Greek armed forces. Eliminates Two Sources close to Papandreou said he would attend only if the two men designated as premier since Papandreou's ouster were not present. They are Tsirimokos and George Athanasiadis Novas, both defectors from the Center Union party who failed to win parliamentary confidence votes after the king picked them to form new governments. Papandreou, a fiery political figure, has demanded national. elections to end the government crisis. He is confident he would be swept back into power. panhiellen'ic 11 k RENT YOUR TV From NEJAC' TV RENTALS OPEN HOUSES FR Rent this 19" All Channel ZENITH Portable for only $10 per month ALL WOMEN WELCOME! 7 :00-9:00 p.M. EE SERVICE & DELIVERY NEJAC TV RENTALS CALL 662-5671 TV Set on Display at Follett's Bookstore August 31 m .... ll. ALPHA GAMMA DELTA [ World News Roundup I By The Associated Press EAST LANSING - A former Michigan State Student has drop- ped a formal charge of racial discrimination against an East Lansing realtor after reaching, settlement outside of court. William, M. Smith' Jr., of De- troit told the Michigan Civil Fights commission he was drop- ping the suit after receiving $95 from a real estate. agent in re- muneration fpr financial losses incurred because of the delay in can Radio Association,' CIO. both AFL- Rtatification could come by Wed- nesday, with ships sailing the following day. M * HAYNEVILLE, Ala.-Five Negro pupils scheduled to attend newly desegrated Hayneville High School failed to appear for classes yes- terday but the county's force of special deputies showed up with four Negroes on it. Apparently the Negro pupils de- Highway Patrol, not the much- criticized Los Angeles force. * * * WASHINGTON - The Senate completed action today on a bill to establish a department of hous- ing and urban development as part of President Johnson's pro- grams for coping with the prob- lems of cities. A compromise of a measure pre- viously passed by both branches of Congress, the legislation now goes to the House for approval have expressed fear of a new poli- tical upheaval. South Viet Nam still is nursing the wounds of previous political battles in which the students suc- cessfully participated. Now the students have taken to the streets again in the cities of Hue and Da Nang, traditional hotbeds of unrest. Saigon student chapters have indicated they may join in soon. No Response The Saigon government appears unwilling, or unable, to do any- thing about it.i The agitation was touched off by a government decree thatdmade holders of baccalaureate degrees under the age of 37 eligible for drafting into the army. Many of the professors at Vietl Nam's universities fell under this decree and. at their urging, theI All Name Brand YARNS 1322 H ill St. f 11 e_ r ,r sr GAMMA PH I BETA 1520 S. University Rug Making and Needlepoint Instruction Books, Buttons, etc. September 1 KAPPA ALPHA THETA 1414 Washtenaw COLLEGIATE SOROSIS I I