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August 27, 1965 - Image 27

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-08-27

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Examine Roles at USSPA

Slowness Marks Press
Convocation at Madison

Editors Urge Cuban Report,

(Continued from Page 1)
"in the three or four years since
I was a college editor," it still
has "a long way to go in begin-
ning to do a thorough job."
Furthermore, Behrendt explain-
ed, newspapers "are most inter-
ested now that students are do-'
ing more interesting things." h

office in Washington, promote a
national advertising service fop'
college newspapers sponsored by
USSPA and provide "strong force-
ful leadership for expansion and
growth" was Bill Shamblin, cru-
sading delegate from the Univer-
sity of. Alabama. Shamblin, who
fought for Louis Armstrong's right

The banquet also heard a plea
for staff members for the Courier
from Douglas Matthews of the
Harvard Crimson.
The Atlantic-based Courier, ac-
cording to Matthews, was begun
last spring to report on racial
events in the South in terms that
could be understood by Southern

(Continued from Page 1)
He said that universities have
an "ethic" that they want to
present to students which is pur-
suit of truth, integrity in its use,
and compassion for man. He add-
ed, though, that "these have been
abstracts only--this is our fault."


to appear on the Alabama campus, '"'v" 'yi The key to these problems, Cut-
Berkeley story, he said, was cov- is not in the majority of the stu- Negroes. The last issue of the self- ler explained, is to make the stu-
ered in terms of the riots, noise dents there, but part of a vocal supporting newspaper sold 15,000 dents a part of an effective sys-
and jailed students. The real is- liberal minority, copies. tem and not restrict their free-
sues were not covered, due to a Matthews maintained the Cour- dom. He said, "It is a mutual task.
lack of policy and attention to is- Marilyn Swartz, politically and ier's objectivity is "pretty well Action must have a purpose, spe-
sues on the parts of newspapers. journalistically active on the above reproach." More staff is cifically upon the failure of other
The professional newspapermen Smith College campus, ran against needed, explained Matthews, be- means."
said their biggest problem in cov- Shamblin on a platform promising cause so many of the current staff The University, he said, is now
ering 'education at the University better prepared seminar leaders, will be returning to their colleges trying to find a vehicle for stu-
of Wisconsin was establishing good upgraded area interests, more at- and universities this fall. dent participation. Therefore, the
contacts and obtaining press re- tention for weekly newspapers,Unertyh samut"rw
leases and mimeographed copies regional bureau conventions to The ultimate goal of the Cour- University,es said, must "draw
of speeches in advance, deal with newspaper technicali- rier's staffers is to have Southern individuals to serve as a student
ties and a strengthened organiza- Negroes take over the operation goverilment sitting with faculty
Reporting Events tion with a greater business sense of the paper. goverdmentittin gropsh f
Asecond problem. cited was the' (as opposed to a "business ethic' Cutan ladminstratid onegroups."
interpretation of events at asuni- Mist Swartz said."Hertzberg discussed journalism Cutler was asked to elaborate
versity. Budget figures are easy to in terms of "the social role of on specific areas of student par-
report, it was explained, but it is Shamblin, who won by a fair the journalist" who must "be an ticipation.
very difficult to know what indi- margin, promised in his accept- integrator and synthesizer for He replied affirmatively on
cators 9f improving quality are ance speech to "work harder than democratic man." whether or not students would
valid. any other USSPA president, travel The age in which we live, help to decide issues such as
Basic to all press coverage of mores" bring in more members, Hertzberg said, brings withi t cue tent and tenure, and
Bai oalpescvrg fand "speak USSPA 10,000 times.,,' azegsi, rnswt tcdded that they must also have
higher education, Behrendt con- a greatly accelerated change, spe- add tke t also have
eluded, is the newspaperman's 'Other Officers cialization and fragmentation, all the power to veto and to ma
"clear understanding of what a Jim Gates of the University of problems of which the journalist their decisions stick. To do this,
uriversity is. A big university is ColraoGasnamedUwestycotmust be aware. he emphasized, some democratic
ate Igraduate-unrgraru- national affairs vice-president by The journalism of the future, tmefo nde
operation ... a major service or- acclamation; Marilyn Swartz was he said, will be concerned with the He was then asked if the Uni-
operzation" ad majorservice ork- elected east Coast national affairs larger and more mettlesome issues versity administration would im-
ganizatio" and whether we like vice-president and Howard Mof- of total society, with "what's go-
it or not these are alf accepte fett of Yale University was nam- ing to -happen tomorrow, not yes-
full-blown operations of a major editraioa1far
university." ed international affairs vice-presi- terday's who - where - what - why-
The USSPA election of officers dent by acclamation, when." C O ED S:
was accompanied by mild flurries The new USSPA general secre- Opposed to the coming journa4.
of politicking, as:candidates work- tary is former Daily editor H. Neil ism, Hertzberg explained, is to- It's H airstyling
ed to influence the delegate. Berkson. day's journalism which reports on
air pollution and the decay of ci- Gore!

plement these ideas, even in the
face of criticism from powerful,
outside sources. He emphasized
that "the University, even to its
detriment, mustthold out, stay
separate from the system and
guard its principles, ideals, and
Cutler's address was particularly
relevant to this congress of the
student press, which had discussed
these ideas within its own con-
text of freedom of the student
press. The United States Student
Press Association has recognized
this problem in its Policy Declara-
tion on Freedom and Respossibil-
ity of the Student Press. It states:
"The majority of student news-
papers in the United States are
not free. In the few cases where
a free student newspaper does
exist, the editors have generally'
fulfilled their responsibilities, and
the academic community has ben-,
efitted from the exchange of ideas
and information."
"The. necessary correlative to
freedom is responsibility, but no
structure can eliminate the pos-
sibility of an irresponsible editor.
Suppression of the newspaper is
no solution to the problem; in-
ternal control must not be arbi-
trarily abridged from the out-

(Continued from Page 1)
nalists we have the same respon-
sibility to our readers as members
of the commercial press have to
their readers . . . Since the com-
mercial press is exempted from the
State Department ban on travel to
Cuba, the student press should be
exempted as well."
Questions Ability
These concerns, that the travel
ban was in effect disparaging the
ability of the student press, figured
much more significantly in debate
on the proposal than did the oth-
er stated reason, that the groups
who have already gone to Cuba
had their minds made up before
they left. The need to provide
more representative reporting on.
Cuba's internal situation may have
played a background role i4 the
decision to sponsor support for a
trip, but delegates appeared little
concerned with it as a primary
goal of the proposed action.ma
It should be noted that the as-
sociation did not endorse travel
to Cuba by any means or at any
cost. What the resolution does is
to order the national office to at-
tempt to obtain State Department
permission for "legal" travel to
Cuba for the member editors.
The office is also urged to mo-

bilize as much public support as
possible for the trip and to see,
that its financing is provided
"from sources other than the gov-
ernment of Cuba or its agencies
or other partisan groups." Seen in
this light, the Cuba proposal is
certainlytnot as radical a pro-
posal as it might at first appear.
Saturday's session also saw the
approval of a reorganization in
USSPA's regional structure to em-
phasize the initiative capacities of
the member papers.
Under the earlier structure,
USSPA was organized loosely into
four regions corresponding roughly
to the four geographical regions
of the United States. In practice,
this system had been proven to be
much too cumbersome to allow for
effective interregional communica-
tion and news gathering.
Interest Groupsr
What the new legislation will
do is to allow member USSPA
schools to form, on an ad hoc
basis, interest groups between sev-
eral schools in close proximity to
one another. A companion reso-
lution suggested that these inter-
est groups, termed "administrative
districts" by the drafting commit-
tees, concern themselves with mu-

tual technical assistance and news
analysis, coordinated recruitment
procedures and increased inter-
staff communications on a broad
The provision which will prob-
ably become most important on
many campuses is a section en-
couraging associating papers to
provide "mutual protection for
one another on a local level."
Designed specifically to help
protect smaller papers from
threats of administrative interfer-
ence and control, this aspect of the
new legislation has been preceded
by much effective USSPA action
in recent years. USSPA has per-
formed this task by exposing of-
fending administrations to unfav-
orable national publicity through
its press service.
The association was established
by some 40 college paper editors
in the summer of 1962 in order to
publish a college-oriented news
service, the Collegiate Press Serv-
ice, and to promote "the ideals of
a free, responsible student press."
In addition, the association's con-
ferences include extensive seminars
on news gathering and the tech-
nical aspects of newspaper produc-

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ElectionPromises The closing banquet of the con-I
Promising to enlarge the serv- gress featured a speech by Syd-
ices of the national office, travel ney Hertzberg, founder and for-
extensively to meet with the re- ' mer editor of Current Magazine,
gional delegates for seminars on who has held positions on the
higher education, send the "best New York Times, Time Magazine,'
trained group of editors' 'to Cuba, Channels Magazine, and is Pres-
sent out a monthly report on ently on the USSPA National Ad-
the activities of US PA and its visory Board.

ties "after it's too late to do
something about this sort of
The role of the journalist, Hertz-
berg concluded, will be to convey
"meaning to the citizen in the
democratic society so that in this
kind of world it will be possible
to preserve democracy."

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