FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 1965 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE, 0N FRThAY, AUGUST 27, 196~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGP~ flN~ . ,.. " ,. LW State Educators Push Ahead on Unified Budget By JOAN MEREDITH The Council of State College Presidents is proceeding with work on a 1966-67 unified budget re- quest-an attempt to jointly deter- mine the budgets of Michigan's state supported schools and pre- sent them to .the governor and the Legislature ii one package backed by all ten institutions. But while all ten schools have given the council data on antici- pated financial needs, a number of perplexing 'problems and pro- cedural details have not yet been worked out. In fact, it is not even certain that a 1966-67 unified request will be submitted. According to Ira Polley, a representative of the council, the technique for sub- mitting a proposal, if and when it is developed, has not yet been determined. Up to this point, the council has accumulated statistics from the various schools and is in the process of making calculations which will lead to a recommended budget figure for each school. "The figures will be tentative for each school to consider," Pol- ley explained, adding that pro- cedures for determining these fig- ures have already been developed. He said that each school has submitted estimates for the amount of additional funds needed to pay for larger enrollment, in- evitable pay raises, and infla- tionary increases in operating costs. , Officials of each school have been' meeting for three months to evaluate and discuss these ap- praisals, and, hopefully, they will reach some conclusions from which an over-all budget figure can be developed. At the moment, University ad- ministrators say, the unified bud- get is in the experimental stage. But while still harboring some reservations about details and procedures involved, they consider the present effort is a promising step even if, in the end, it does not produce a workable coordinated budget proposal for 1966-67. Michigan educators have been toying with the idea of a unified budget request for some time. It was approved in principle by the college presidents a year ago and,, while subject to some controversy, has generally gained increasing support since then. Underlying the proposal is a general dissatisfaction with the haggling and confusion that often surround the schools' appropria- tions requests to the Legislature. Proponents of the plan believe that officials of the ten schools can get together each year and work out a mutually acceptable budget figure for each institution. A total figure for a higher edu- cation budgetwould then be sub- mitted to the appropriate state organs-probably the governor, the Legislature, and the new State Board of Education. The schools hopefully would then combine forces to fight for their proposal, eliminating the inter-institutional bickering that has often handicapped the state colleges and universities in getting desired appropriations from the Legislature. However, some educators, in- cluding a number of University officials, have foreseen problems that cloud this ideal vision. For one, they point out the striking differences in the Michi- gan's ten state schools: 'side by side with the three giant univer- sities are several former teachers' colleges still in the process of adjusting to their new status as universities, as well as smaller schools such as Grand Valley State College. Some educators fear that planning a coordinated budget request for such a varied group would be a very complex task. Moreover, there is some ques- tion as to the role that should be played by the state board. While almost all agree that the board, as the constitutionally designated advisory and coordinating body for Michigan higher education, should rightfully scrutinize a unified higher education budget, some educators, including Regent Wil- liam Cudlip, have expressed con- cern over the degree to which the board may wish to participate in the future. Indeed, both Cudlip and Presi- dent Harlan Hatcher expressed "fundamental reservations" on this matter last April. Nevertheless, University officials are cooperating with the presi- dents' council in its work on the 1966-67 proposal, and generally express cautious optimism about prospects for the future. 9t ---- , 199I x 3.5 1948 32.2% 1442.' 1929 f \ 40.3% 1948 32.9% 19x64 31.0% Dissent Must Have Logic: Humphrey i 13948 .... 1964 17.2% 4 .. .. . ~ North Central . . . . . ........ J t . . . . . . . ....:r..,. .t.. 92926.71 19482 1914 a23.1% MADISON, Wis. (RP)-Vice-Pres- ident Hubert H. Humphrey told a meeting of college students re- cently that "the right to be heard does not include the right to be taken seriously. The latter de- pends entirely upon what is be- ing said." Taking note of recent student protest demonstrations, Humphrey said in a prepared speech for the annual convention of the National Student Association at the Uni- versity of Wisconsin: "I've heard critics say that dis- sent in America had been silenced, when, in fact, it is simply that little attention is being paid to the critics' views." The vice-president s a lu t e d' "those students who not only dis- sent, but who by the logic and substance, of their argument have compelled .the citizens of America to pay attention to their views- to take them seriously." He added: "I am also here to say frankly and critically that the behavior of some young Ameri- cans in recent months is not de- serving of such attention." Humphrey said student protests against racial discrimination have "indeed been worth taking ser- iously." Worthwhile Tactics "The tactics of freedom rides, sit-ins and picket lines have been crucial factors in tearing down the barriers of legalized discrimina- tion in America," he said. Criticizing the Los Angeles riots as "brutal, uncontrolled, destruc- tive hoodlumism and rioting" which "no public official can con- done," Humphrey warned that "we must also be able to differ- entiate between constructive and destructive p r o t e s t in other forms." He referred to a demonstration in Washington eariler this month by the "assembly of the unrepre- sented." Some 290 of the more than 500 demonstrators protesting U.S. involvement in the Viet Nam war were arrested for refusing to clear a sidewalk near the Capitol. "We have," the vice-president said, "for example been informed by other people that they are 'unrepresented.' And we have been told that therefore, they acquire the warrant to violate necessary laws relating to public and assem- bly and safety. "But let me put the question directly: who is unrepresented? "I have heard some of the most influential members of the Senate raise honest questions about cer- tain aspects of our Viet Nam policy. And I have heard these same questions debated, consider- ed and analyzed in the highest councils of our nation." HUBERT HUMPHREY The Gold Goes West (and South) How regional shares of total personal income have shifted I since 1929 _ , ----- , Al PNewsfeaturesl. Western U.S. Gains People, Fraction of National Income There are some By RICHARD Fr NEWCOMB Associated Press :'ewsfeatures Writer The young man has gone West --and ,South too. And taken his money with him, .and multiplied it. In 1929, the Northeastern states held 40.3 per cent of the total United States personal income. Thirty-five years later the north- east's share is down to 31 per cent. In the same period, the Western states were increasing their shareof the national income from 10.5 per cent to 17.2 per cent. The North Central states have also been losing in per cent of total income, from 32.5 per cent to 28.7, while the Southern states increased their portion from 16.7 to 23.1. Represents Shift This trend, underway since the '20's, represents a.:shift of more than $20 billion, /and much of this went to traditionally low in- come areas of the South. Overall, it means that the nation's prosper- ity is' more broadly based than ever. While population and industry have gained mobility in recent dec- ades, so has capital. It now flows freely across the nation, without regard to distance or region. California has been a dominant, influence in the West, as has Florida in the South. California has passed New York as the na- tion's most populous state, and it. has also drawn almost even in personal income. In 1964 the state's personal income was $55.9 billion, compared to New York's $56.2. Not Only Gainer But California was not the only gainer in the West, nor' was Flori- da in the South. The seven states of. the Far West, including Alaska and Hawaii, now claim 15 per cent of all U.S. personal income, com- pared to less than 9 per cent in 1929. At the same time, the 12 states of the Southeast, stretching from Virginia to Arkansas, increased their cut of the national incomge pie from less than 12 per cent to over 16 per cent. Greatest indi- vidual gainers in this area, be- sides Florida, were Virginia, North Carolina and Georgia. No area has lost in actual in- come, of course-all have gained tremendously. Total income-mass purchasing power-has increased steadily, and at a record rate, for the past four years. Last year, according to U.S. De- partment of Commerce figures, the nation's personal income before taxes reached an all-time high of $488 billion, a rise of 22 per cent since 1960. Allowing for the growth in population, per capita personal income in the four-year period rose 15 per cent, and last year passed the $2500 annual level. The rise continues; this year total per- sonal income will exceed $500 bil- lion. Other Developments The steady march of income has been accompanied by several other developments. Since 1960, the cast of living, as measured by the U.S. Department of Labor, has risen a little more than 1 per cent a year. For the present, at least, the Great Society is on the high road. I Ij U of M Studienlts Eastland Charges Communist Action on College Campuses By MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH Special To The Daily' WASHINGTON - Sen. James Eastland (D-Miss), chairman of the Senate Internal Security sub- committee, released testimony be-, fore his, group on "communism, agitation and propaganda" against this country" which, in the words of one witness, "is nowhere more apparent than on all too many college and university campuses" of this land.: The witness,. Bob Siegrist, a radio 'commentator and editor of a rightwng newsletter, was prais- ed by James Sourwine, the sub- committee's chief council, for ex- posing "communist influences on the camPus newspaper" in the course of his "interest in this progressive acceleration of dis- order and communist influence on the campus" at the University of Wisconsin. Prof. Stephen Possony, head of Stanford University's Internation- al Political Studies Program, de- clared that "the radicalization of American youth today has gone beyond toe wildest expectation of the communists." Later -in his "~ testimony, .however, Possony in- dicated concern that "intelligence sources in Hanoi and Peiping will overestimate the significence of these demonstrations and teach- ins and other types of unrest." The student ''radicalization," he said, was roughly comparable to s ..«....wlt -- ae ,t nd1i A puses such as Berkeley. "The com- munist tyrants smile broadly," Siegrist said. "Their objectives have been magnificently accomp- lished-by American college and university students and teachers, as America and freedom in general suffer." Manipulated by 4.5 Per Cent Charles E. Moore later charged that the student demonstrations at Berkeley were !'manipulated by the 4.5 per cent of the demon- strators who were communist and Marxists and Mao Tse-tungists and Castro sympathizers." Moore was for ten years a special agent for the Federal- Bureau of. Investigation before he became public relations director for the International Association of Police in 1961. He told. the subcommittee he had spent a week in Berkeley gathering material for his study. He said that Mario Savio, whom he termed "spokesman" for the Berkeley Free Speech Movement, "had no communist affiliation or background," but added that "it was very clear that he was manip- ulated by the hierarchy of the W.E.B. Dubois Club from the San Francisco Bay area." Another Leader Moore said that Bettina Apthe- ker, another FSM leader, and a Dubois club member, "got up and started expounding on the com- munist line" after Savio "had w4whinnpd+the trivp 'ni7iv' Moore said that the subsequent "Filthy Speech Movement" at Berkeley was evidence that "the communists will always find a cause and will manufacture even a ridiculous approach to continue their agitation," although he said, "I think they probably lost a few adherents when they resorted to a ludicrous approach to things." He added that the pattern of demonstrations on a number of campuses was "take some obvious cause celebre and turn it into a demonstration which' far out-' stripped the reason or the purpose of the dissatisfaction on the cam- pus." He said that the University of California's administration had, "by. vacillating, got itself into deeper trouble. It should have drawn a line and made that the end of the affair right there." Considerable Percentage Passony added that "a consid- erable percentage" of the FSM hardcore leaders" whom he put at 200 to 300 persons, were "second- generation communists or, as they are also called, red diaper babies." He indicated this must be "pur- turbing to those who believe in the self-explanatory nature of our system." Passony urged greater study of the "effectiveness of our police system," increased and exvanded How do they know, the, news of the day? How do they know the exact time and place of the spontaneous demonstrations? How do they know why they are spontaneously demonstrating? In fact, how do they know that they are demonstrating at all as opposed to boycotting, or protesting, or rioting? )W? They read 4 i H-C Y L , ir i A an 41P :43 a t I I i