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December 08, 1965 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-12-08

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Associated Press News Analyst
WASHINGTON - The question
that has knocked around French
cafes for seven years came into
the open Sunday after President,

The process was endless and'
France was dwindling into chaos
when in 1958 it recalled Charles
de Gaulle from retirement to take
over. It was so flattering to his
ego that he couldn't conceal it.



ally realized that, despite his
dreams about the new grandeur of
France, he stood for negation.

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Charles de Gaulle failed to gain He told a news conference
re-election. The question: Has de Frenchmen cried, "Long live de
Gaulle led his people toward des- Gaulle" instinctively when they
tiny or towards chaos? were in anguish. He set out to
The answer will not lie in the give the French a new sense of
grandeur and political aggressive- destiny, a new sense of pride. And
ness of the man, but in the poli- France prospered.
tical stability of the institutions But, while de Gaulle can be gra-
he has created since he took pow- cious, this is not the same as
er. graceful. And there was nothing
From the end of the war until graceful about his appeal to the
1958 France was a travesty on po- French people a month ago to re-
litical stability. It had too many elect him.
political parties, from far left to He warned them that if he was
far right. There was only gov- not re-elected, the country would
ernment by crisis. One governra'nt collapse. This was his ego again,
after another fell. of course: the indispensable man.
'Russia Raises

To Enter Election
PARIS (P)-President Charles
de Gaulle conferred with Pre-
mier Georges Pompidou last
night and decided to enter the
runoff election Dec. 19, inform-
ed sources reported.
Gilbert Perol, spokesman for
de Gaulle's personal staff, said
there would be no official
statement, and Information
Minister Alain Peyrefitte re-
portedly would take up the
subject today after a regular
cabinet meeting.
The official time for an-
nouncing a .candidacy for the
second round is between the
election commission's report on
Sunday's voting and midnight

But it blinded him to the signifi-
cance of what his indispensabil-
ity meant.
It was this: In seven years he
had failed to provide the French
people with, or guide them to-
ward, a more mature political sys-
tem which could save the coun-
try from the kind of instability
which had almost destroyed it be-
fore he arrived.
Last Sunday the French showed
they didn't think he was totally
indispensable.hHe got about 44.5
per cent of the vote and now must
face his leading opponent, leftist
Francois Mitterrand, supported by
Socialists and Communists, in a
run-off December 19.
Why did the French fail to give
him the majority he needed for
election Sunday? The reasons are
not clear but perhaps they fin-

He sneered at the Anglo-Saxons
--meaning Americans and British
--and banned the British from the
European Common Market; pro-
posed neutralizing Southeast Asia;
recognized the sovereignty of Red
China; seemed well on his way to
wrecking the NATO alliance; and
talked of France leading a third
world-between the West and
Communism-made up of the na-
tions of Africa, Asia, and Latin
But while he was undermining
the Western alliance, he was pro-
viding nothing in its place. Ray-
mond Aron, one of France's most
influential political commentators,
said Europe could "not afford two
de Gaulles."

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Defense UN Sets Sanctions


~ ~~

B,, On South.
Bud et Cites Menace UNITED NATIONS 0P) - The
General Assembly's Special Politi- 1

By The Associated Press
MOSCOW-Citing a growing
war menace, the Soviet Union re-I
versed yesterday a two-year poli-
cy of announced defense cuts and
ordered a five per cent increase in
defense spending for 1966.
"The international situation is
aggravating and the war menace
growing," Finance Minister Vasily
Garbuzov said in announcing the
' 600 million ruble-$666 million-
boost in defense spending for next
Plans for increasing spending
came at a time when the Soviet
rate of industrial growth contin-
ues to decline.
'Latest Events'
Without mentioning Viet Nam
specifically, Garbuzov explained

the increase in defense spending short of American boosts in mili-
this way: tary outlays earlier this year. And
"The latest events testify to the further U.S. step-ups are expected.1
growing activity of the aggres- U.S. Increase
sive forces of the imperialist Only last month, Secretary of
states, to the desire to create ever Defense Robert S. McNamara re-
new seats of war, to arrest the ported the addition of $1.7 bil-
process of social and national lib- lion to a defense budget which
eration by military means. already stood at $51 billion. His
The decision dealt a sharp new announcement came after he had
blow to East-West disarmament conferred in Texas with President!
hopes. Johnson and Secretary of State
Disclosure of the increase in the Dean Rusk.
Soviet defense budget came as In view of the U.S. increases,
Washington and Moscow were the Soviet boost was not expected
completing plans for resumption here.
of disarmament negotiations at The 1966 Soviet budget also pro-
Geneva late in January. vides for more and better icon-
The Soviet increase of 600 mil- sumer goods, although the stress
lion rubles-$660 million at the of- remained on heavy industry.

cal Committee condemned South
Africa's racial segregation policies
last night as a threat to interna-
tional peace. It called for binding
economic penalties as the only


means to solve the problem.
The vote was 78-1. Portugal vot-
ed against it, with 16 abstaining.
The United States, France and
Britain were among the abstain-
In a separate ballot, however,
the United, States and Britain vot-
ed against the key provision on
sanctions, but this was approved
70 to 12 and thus was assured of
the necessary two-thirds majority
when it comes before the assem-
Despite the one-sided vote, the
chances for binding economic

sanctions appeared poor in view
of the U.S.-British opposition.
South Africa boycotted the
Only the Security Council has
the authority to order mandatory
sanctions. In the past it has re-
fused to apply such penalties
against South Africa.
The United States said during
the committee's seven-day debate
that it did not agree that a threat
to international peace now exists
as a result of South Africa's apart-
heid policies and therefore it would
not support council action to im-
pose canctions.
The approved resolution was
sponsored by 47 Asian and African
nations. In addition to the call for
sanctions, the proposal appealed to
."the major trading partner" of
South Africa to cease economic
collaboration with that country.
The resolution also renewed a
request to all countries to halt the
shipment of military equipment
and arms to South Africa.
In the committee debate, Rep.
Barratt O'Hara (D-Ill) said the
United States had lost $435 mil-
lion in arms sales by respecting the
two-year-old arms embargo
against South Africa. He added,
however, that the United States
was prepared to continue to coop-
erate in measures to end apart-

Sesquicentennial Celebration
$55 Million Program
President Harlan Hatcher
Vice President Michael Radock
Dean Charles Joiner


ficial exchange rate-over the pre-
viously announced budget falls far

World News Roundup
By The Associated Press CINCINNATI-A University of
NEW YORK-The stock mar- Cincinnati official, Dr. Garland
ket made a smashing comeback C. Parker, says the number of stu-
yesterday from Monday's loss trig- dents in the nation's colleges in-
gered by the discount .rate in- creased by 10 per cent this year
crease. to a total of 4.6 million.
Many brokers had said they con- KARACHI, Pakistan - A U.S.
sidered Monday's massive early congressional delegation was the
selloff only a temporary reaction. target of an anti-American dem-
The Dow Jones average of 30 onstration today in Azad Kashmir,
industrial stocks spurted 11.80 to the portion of the disputed Him-
951.33, more than making up Mon- alayan state occupied by Pakistan.
day's loss. Rep. Clement J. Zablocki (D-
The Associated Press 60-Stock Wis) said about 100 students
Average advanced 3.4 to 354.1. The shouted anti-American slogans,
biggest gain for this index since displayed such placards as "Go
June 29. home' 'and "Yankees, . no, no,"
* * *and painted the cars of the Amer-
HOUSTON-Gemini 7 pilots ican delegation red.
Frank Borman and James Lovell * * *
nudged their spacecraft into high- WASHINGTON - The Federal
er orbit for a coming date with a Aviation Agency is moving to equip
sistership in space yesterday. . the nation's major airports with a
At Cape Kennedy, Fla., there three-dimension radar technique
was trouble with the computer designed to prevent accidents such
aboard the Gemini 6 spacecraft as Saturday's collision of, airliners
that is to hunt down and fly for- over New York's Westchester
mation with the Gemini 7. County.
An FAA official said the tech-
Flight officials said they would nique has been satisfactorily de-
have to replace the computer's veloped during the past five years
memory. in a program to establish a na-
* tional air space system.
UNITED NATIONS-The Unit- n s y.
ed States and Britain are trying LOS ANGELES-A report by a
to kill a Soviet resolution aimed governor's commission on the
at U.S. action in Viet Nam by rid- bloody Watts riot caused almost as
dling it with amendments to turn much commotion as the riot itself
it into a denunciation of Commu- One city councilman called the
nist subversion. report "old hat"; another said it
The maneuver seems to be prov- was "a good job." One labor un-
ing effective. The two Western ion leader said, "inadequate and
powers have 'proposed more than unimaginative"; another, "a se-
two dozen alterations, deletions vere disappointment." A Nagro
and additions to the Soviet reso- editor: "Too weak." A county su-
lution. pervisor: "Very worthwhile."

' {

Garbuzov said defense spending
next year would total $13.4 billion
rubles or 12.8 per cent of the 1966 Kudygeqheuees
budget he unveiled. qu lle
Twice as High Rumors About
Many Western experts consider
both figures misleading. They be-
lieve the defense spending figure F ee Eect i
is possibly as much as twice as
high, with the second half hidden SAIGON (M)-Premier Nguyen
in other parts of the budget. Cao Ky's military regime killed
These experts also believe it is speculation yesterday it may be
impossible to compare the per- moving toward the restoration of
centage figure with Western gov= civilian rule and parliamentary
ernment budgets. government in South Viet Nam.
This is because the Soviet budg- The official Viet Nam press
et covers investment throughout agency quoted the psychological
the state-run economy while, in warfare minister, Dinh Trinh
the West, such investments are Chinh, as saying that a proposed
handled by private industry. It al- consultative committee on a pop-
so covers social services that are ular constitution must await im-
privately-financed in the West. provement in the military situa-
The Soviet percentage thus ap- tion.
plies to a larger total. He said restoration of govern-
Previous Decrease ment rule in the countryside was
Last year, Garbuzov announced a prerequisite before any elections.
a cut of 500 million rubles in de- He said democracy was not well
fense spending and appealed to understood in rural areas anyway.
other countries to follow suit. Chinh said the government did
The year before, former Premier not want elections that would lead
Nikita S. Khrushchev sliced an- to grave dissension, and called
nounced defense spending by 600 for the creation of a true demo-
million rubles. cratic tradition first.
Despite the defense increase, the There has been talk in Saigon
new budget and the economic de- that the government was consid-
velopment plan for 1966, which ering a constitutional study com-
was also disclosed yesterday, both mittee, and the implication was
called for more investment in civilians would be included in a
farms and factories. future government.
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