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Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
Brennan Replies to Critics; Board To Stat
By JOHN MEREDITH Brennan said. "I never expected gan's constitution rapped the Although there was a consider- agree with another position voic- and coordinate higher education more classes to the heretofore
that the board would be able to board for its apparent inability to able improvement in the depart- ed at last Saturday's conference: and then expressly limits this two-year institution.
With their stormy first year in accomplish more than it actually develop a long-range plan, find a ment's budget for this year, Bren- , this was the conferees' opposition power by guaranteeing the auton- The board's decision went
office rapidly drawing to a close, has in only one year. new superintendent for public in- nan said that people competent to an October opinion issued by omy of the governing boards of against the University's long term
State mBoard of Education mem- He pointed out that the board j struction and recruit an adequate I to fill the posts available are dif- ' Attorney General Frank Kelley. the individual state institutions, design for the Flint campus, but*
bers will meet today to discuss has been too busy in handling advisory staff. ficult to attract. In an attempt to clarify the But where the board's efforts to the administration in Ann Arbor
methods of formulating a master immediate issues to give the mas- rndr He commented that it has been board's constitutional delegation of coordinate begin to infringe on has not as yet announced plans
plan for higher education in Mich- ter plan the patient, thorough at- Brennan called these criticisms especially hard to find someone power, Kelley ruled that the Leg- the schools' rights as autonomous to comply with the letter of the
Board President Thomas Bren- tion it deserves. board took office last January the qualified to replace Lynn A. Bart-|islature cannot act to establish entities has been subjected to dif- board's recommendation. Unless
Bard Pnredyterdyho aB e Thpbh, oatoooficega'stdenarte lett, who resigned as superintend- a new college or university with- ferent interpretations-and these a compromise is worked out in
nan confirmed yesterday that the This cautious approach, along staff oMichigan's department of ent of public instruction last July. out first receiving a recommen- differences have led the board in- the interim-a distinct possibility
long-awaited master plan is slat- with some of the board's specif-I education ranked 47th nationally dation from the board-a grant to a series of controversies as it since both University officials and
ed to be the number item on to- ic actions, has been severely at- , in terms of the ratio of depart- "We hope to name a new su- of authority that the seven for- has attempted to deal with spe- board members have expressed the
day's agenda and then went on to tacked in the past few months ment personnel to students and perintendent sometime after Jan. mer delegates said went far be- cific issues in its first year. desire to avoid a direct confronta-
reply to recent criticism of the by educators, state officials and teachers in the state. 1," he said, adding that "some ofymer ig saidtent-s ns y .ire oaddireced wit-
board's failure to act more quick- other citizens active in state poli- "Michigan's education depart- the people criticizing us now for yond their original intention. The problem initially came to tion-the board will be faced with
ly in the area of long-range plan- tics. ment has suffered from made- being cautious in making a selec- The scope of the board's au- the public's attention last spring it can legitimatelygintervene in the
ring. The most recent criticism came quate budgetary provisions for tion would have been the first to thority has become a pressing with the board's first major deci- affairs of an individual school.
The board is not a panacea any at a conference last Sattrday, years; present staff shortages can attack us if we had acted hastily: question since it took office. The sion ,a ruling on the University's
more than the plan will be a where seven of the men who fram- hardly be blamed on the board," last summer." constitution provides in very gen- plans to expand its Flint branch Discussion of the autonomy-co-
panacea when it is developed," ed the education article of Michi- he said. Brennan went on to sharply dis- eral terms for the board to plan by adding freshman and sopho- ordination question to date has
involved the attorney general's of-
fice, the Legislature, educators,
board members and citizens'
groups, but the talk has produc-
ed little consensus and, in some
cases, nothing but vague generali-
In the case of the Kelley rul-
ing, the argument became entan-
gled with the proper relationship
between the board and the Legis-
The Kelley decision, backed by
Brennan and other board mem-
bers, is also the only official poli-
cy statement yet issued. Even this,
however, is not legally binding,
since it is an "informal opinion,"
given for advisory purposes at the
request of a legislator.
lu 11
Kosygin Hits
U.S. Foreign
Policy Stand
Premier's Statement
What's New
At 764-1817
Hiardest sovietm BastI
Since Khrushchev
Russian P r e m i e r Alexei N.
Kosygin personally approved and
released yesterday the transcript
of the sharpest attack he has
made on United States foreign
policy since he took office a little
over a year ago, the New York
Times reported in a copyrighted
article last night.
James Reston, associate editor
of the Times, was given an inter-
view Monday with Kosygin, the
first interview granted an Ameri-
can correspondent by the present
Soviet leadership.
In t h e interview, Kosygin
charged the U.S. with whipping
up a military psycosis in the
world and forcing the Soviet Un-
ion to raise its military budget by
five per cent.
"You are acting against the in-
terests of the Soviet Union and
other socialist countries," Kosygin
told Reston, "even though we had
fought together against the com-;
mon enemy in World War II.
Raps Johnson
He blamed the Johnson admin-
istration for arming West Ger-
many and turning it against the
Soviet Union, asserted that Frank-
lin D. Roosevelt would have fol-
lowed a different policy, attacked
the U.S. for supporting "colonial-
ist" regimes all over the world,
bitterly condemned the American
war effort in Viet Nam, and said
it would not be feasible for him
to meet with President Johnsonj
until that war is over.
According to Reston, Kosygin's
major theme was that the Soviet
Union wanted to get along better
with the United States, but that
military considerations now seem-
ed to be dominating the foreign
policy of the Johnson adminis-:
tration and making political and
commercial cooperation between
the two countries extremely diffi-
cult. -
Hot Line
"A Discussion on Marijuana," a program slated for 8 p.m.
tomorrow in the Multipurpose Rm. of the UGLI, will attempt
to analyze the marijuana issue from as many angles as possible,
Stephen Schwartz, '68, explained yesterday. Speakers have been
invited to discuss the legal, medical and sociological aspects of
the problem, he said. The program is being sponsored by Student
Government Council and the Office of Religious Affairs;
Schwartz, an SGC member, will be the moderator.
Many diverse student organizations will be given an oppor-
tunity to promote their various activities on Student Activities
Day, scheduled for Jan. 5, from 2:00 to 5:00 in the Union
Ballroom. The informal afternoon program will feature skits,
movies, and free cokes, and will give interested students a
chance to become acquainted with the functions of these campus
groups. Although Activities Day is being planned in connection
with Winter Orientation, the entire student body is urged to
A group of economics majors are compiling a course de-
scription booklet for the economics department. A questionnaire
released yesterday asks economics students." their opinions on
class participation, readings, examinations and professors'
attitudes. The booklet will be released next semester.
The Bureau of School Services has announced the adoption
of new accreditation standards for the state's high schools, to
become effective for the 1967-68 school year.
Kent W. Leach, director of the bureau said that on the
whole, the new standards are a bit higher than the old, with
some areas unchanged, and other new areas added. He added
that this change is in line with a policy which dictates that
standards are reviewed and changed about every ten years.
Parents and educators of the state, he noted, have been
asking for higher education standards for the past five years,
and that this denotes a healthy condition of our educational
Accreditation is on a voluntary basis, so that a high school
can ask to be examined for accreditation if it so wishes. A school
does not have to do so. Leach said that while the University does
make the accreditations, the use of them is determined solely
by the admitting institution. There is no legal requirement that
other schools use the accreditation when considering a student's
application. Likewise, they may admit a student from a non-
accreditated school.
REP. JACK FAXON (D-Detroit) is chairman of a legislative committee conducting an investigation into Regent Eugene Power's busi-
ness relationships with the University through University Microfilms, Inc., of which he is president. President Harlan Hatcher had Vice-
President for Business and Finance Wilbur Pierpont prepare a thorough report on the situation in late September after an article in
The Daily revealed some, possible conflicts of interest in the relationships. Left to right above are Faxon, Power, Pierpont and Hatcher.
IU May Not Renew APAr
C onract or allFestivUal
'U' Reports to
Auditor Give
Full Story
Regent Power
Implicated in Conflict
Of Interest Problem
A report from the Michigan
auditor general made available
to The Daily early today says
that "two departments of the Uni-
versity appear to have minor busi-
ness relationships with Univer-
sity Microfilms, Inc., that indicate
a conflict of interest by Resent
Eugene B. Power."
The thoroughly documented au-
ditor's report, which is dated Nov.
22, is based primarily on informa-
tion provided by University Vice-
President for Business and Fi-
nance Wilbur K. Pierpont foow-
ing the story in The Daily last
October 23 which raised the ques-
tion of a possible conflict of in-
terest on the part of Regent Pow-
The report, including memoran-
da from all the University schools
and colleges, detailed contractual
arrangements with the University
business administration school
and the University Bureau of Bus-
iness Research. Presented as evi-
dence was a 1964 contract be-
tween the University and the Bu-
reau of Business Research which
granted contractual rights to UMI
to reproduce for University pub-
lications in its out-of-print book
A state law prohibits Regents
from entering into contractual ar-
rangements with the University.
In the report the University's
lawyer observed that the two con-
tracts had apparently never re-
ceived proper University authori-
zation. When a similar offer was
made by University Microfilms in
August 1963, the University's legal
office rejected the contract.
Rep. Jack Faxon (D-Detroit
when contacted by The Daily early
this morning, indicated that his
higher education subcommittee
on appropriations of the House
Ways and Means Committee will
review fully the auditor general's
"The materials presented by the
auditor are not to be construed as
a final judgment, but rather as
an indication of the direction to-
ward which our investigation may
lead," Faxon said. "We would hope
that these findings will be treat-
ed with caution so as to afford
everyone a fair opportunity to re-
spond to any questions that may
be raised as result of our investi-
"The University-is to be con-
mended for its forthright presen-
tation and documentation of this
case. Administrators were fully
cooperative with the auditor's of-
fice and made every effort to ex-
pedite this matter in an honest
and judicious manner," Faxon
Kelley Opinion
He added that he had not yet
reePoived the 'onnrt hi' n,m,,ifto
Reliable sources revealed to The
Daily last night that the Asso-
ciation of Producing Artists,
brought to the University by the
Professional Theatre Program un-
der the direction of Robert
Schnitzer, may not be asked to
return to Ann Arbor next fall.
The APA has had a joint reper-
tory contract with the PTP and
various theatres in New York
'City for the past four years. This
season's Fall Festival ended last
month after presenting "Hera-
kles," "You Can't Take It with
You,' 'and "The Wild Duck" in
Two of the company's leading
players have told a University
professorhthat negotiations are
now under way for the group to
new life into the organization.
Rabb announced recently that he
would soon be working on two
more APA productions.
He told The Daily last night
that the company would very
much like to return to Ann Ar-
bor, but that there were still "dif-
iculties to be ironed out within
the negotiations.' '
Schnitzer was unavailable for
comment last night.
Sources suggested that the fail-
ure to renew the APA's Fall Fes-
tival contract may be traceable to
past friction between the PTP
administrators and the company.
Many of the APA actors, in-
cluding Joseph Bird, Keene Cur-'
tis and Donald Moffat, have ex-
pressed a desire to return to Ann
Arbor under a new contract.
They cite the enthusiastic re-
sponse of past Ann Arbor au-
diences (extra performances have
had to be scheduled the past two
fall seasons to meet demand)
the welcome change in pace
atmosphere provided here.
The APA, since it began reper-
tory presentations in Ann Arbor
and New York, has been widely
hailed as the "finest repertory
company in America," especially
following its presentations one
years ago of "War and Peace
and "Man and Superman" in Ann
Arbor and at the Phoenix Theatre
in New York.
CunninghamlReviews Activities
Of SGC During Fall Semester
Researeli Claimingr
By MARK LEVIN ciaries of the government's present
research policies, the University
A House subcommittee on re- may be adversely affected if some
search and technical programs has of the recommendations are im-
warned in a recent report that be- plemented. '
cause of conflicting goals higher -
education and federal research Vice-President for Research A.
progamsmaybe "on a collisionI Geoffrey Norman Monday ques-
programs may n tioned the validity and impartial-
course." ity of the subcommittee's find-
The report finds that in a rela- ings. Norman asserted that "the
tively short period too much of testimony presented during the
the nation's limited supply of tech- investigations was unbalanced,"
nically trained personnel has been coming generally from small col-
diverted from teaching into re- leges which receive little or no I
search work. According to the federal research monies.
committee's findings, there must Norman predicted that the re-
be an "investment now in training port would be of little consequence
young people for the future." immediately. He labeled the in-
The committee further charges vestigation "only one of the be-
return to Ann Arbor in 1967, but By DICK WINGFIELD stronger stand for student wel- ternational Center and the pro-
that a schedule then would be !fire." gaso h etr ncnuc
almost impossible to work out be- Student Government Council " grams of the center, in conjunc-
.Rental Agreement tion with SGC.
cause of the unpredictable length President Gary Cunningham last As regards off-campus housing, The motorcycle restrictions pro-
I~e eli rsof the company's 1968 New York night said that efforts in behalf Cunnhmsi'htsgiiatpslwsa fott obn
T each ers season. .Cunighmsadtatsgnfcat=s asa ffotto =mbn
he hsne.n f thted U siy "ostre on- groundwork was laid in the course workable restrictions on motorcy-
There has been speculation for stituted SGC's "most meaningfuloftesmtrfrmarchnsdswihaaresto oocy-
sometim tht te AA wuldof the semester for mapor changes cles with a fairness to motorcycl-
discontued. This the report tie the ould edeavor of the semester" in the University rental agreement ists, according to Cunningham..
dscontnued.Tis, tf e podrt disband following the rejection Reviewing SGC's activities for: which is expected to have effect "The proposal expressed what we
able amount of personnel for last fall by the roundat the fall, Cunningham went on to on leases signed for next fall. felt was a just compromise be-
abeamunt ofor a grant to the group that cite progress in the areas of off- SGC's Off-Campus Housing Ad- tween proposals, by Ann Arbor
It further recommends that re- on-Broadway in the Lyceum The- ampus housing, proposals regard- visory Board, under the chair- councilmen and motorcyclists re-
tsearch grants and contracts be atre . g motorcycles restrictions, the manship of Russ Linden, '67, was garding licensing and noise re-
drawn in such a manner that sen- However. Ellis Raab, the found- seating of a student of the Senate the main vehicle for these efforts. strictions," he said. "I believe that
or investigators be required to er and artistic director of the APAAdvisory 'Committee on Univer- One positive result in this field, if a law were 'enacted along the
teach as well as conduct research. succeeded in negotiating a six- sity Affairs, the opportunity for according to Cunningham, is the lines of this proposal, then Ann
Also, all holders of federal fel-' week holiday engagement for his students to testify before a state University's agreement that it will Arbor motorcyclists will be better
lowships, research assistantships , gislative committee, a re-eval-sponsor only an eight-month lease. off in the long run."
and traineeships would be frted o. uation of the International Cen- This contrasts with the previous Largely because of the efforts of
anden traineeships would ! er an prgbes forcednSG
to devote a portion of their time 2Recent critical acclaim and the ter, and progress toward an SGC 12-month lease sponsorship which SGC member Mickey Eisenberg,
for instruction, enthusiastic response from New Bookery, designed to serve until the University previously held, '67, students were offered an op-
Teaching Rewards York audiences for '"You Can't functions begin operating a Uni- SGC has worked in conjunction portunity to testify before the
The report also calls for the Take It with You have breathed versity bookstore. with the office of the University's state Legislature in the recent
restoration of the prestige and re- Specific efforts in the Univer- director of community relations in hearings on student finances and
wards that are due excellent and THE END sity bookstore project included a the publication of the Off-Campus welfare conducted by Rep. Jack
innovative teaching and specifical- With this issue The Daily report written up by Steve Dan- Housing booklet to be made avail- Faxon (D-Detroit). Cunningham