PAGE EIGnT THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1965 PAG EGU TH MCHGANJIIL TESDYDEEMBR . 9r Students Blast Med School. Administi (Continued from Page 1) { must take precedence over theo notes from another subject be-t cause it is necessary for us to be informed about the patients we work with. Lectures take place ini the afternoon, often when we arec working with out patients. Wes cannot leave them in order to attend a lecture on a differentt subject. Although, theoret.ically,t lectures are supposed to take pre- cedence. Because they are so dif- ficult to attend, I feel as if I'm missing important information."c A future psychiatrist who saysr he sometimes finds himself ex- asperated after seven years at theC University, sums up this com- plaint with the words; "Every- thing is backwards." My first twot rotations were internal medicine1 and pediatrics. During part of the time that I was completing myc pediatrics unit at a children's hospital in Flint, the rest of my' class was given lectures on ob- stetrics and gyneocology. On De- cember 15, I will take the same OBQyn exam as the whole juniorE class. In addition, because 'shorts' is my last rotation, I will end this < year with 16 finals, covering my three clinical services in addition to the units taught in 'shorts'." Two Shows Gosling's point of view, on the' other hand, is that these conflicts serve an important purpose. "We= have designed the program so3 that there are two shows going on simultaneously. The lectures are given at the main hospital, which is centrally located, and are sent out by microphone and TV to the Veteran's Hospital and to St- Joseph's and Mercy Hospital. The other 23 hours in the day, the students are on the wards ?taking care of sick people. Having just completed two years of vo- cabulary drill, they are finally where they think they ought to be. "When the hour for lecture ar- rives, they may be in the operat- ing room, they may be taking a patient's history. The decision which they make at this point reveals how appropriate a scale of values they possess. We recog- nize that they have to eat, sleep, read, and obey their basic social inclinations. But this is life. There will always be conflicts in the - career of a doctor. Patients never pick the time that is convenient for them to get sick. The first thing is the patient's welfare. Broad Exposure "The students aren't going to be' able to master it all at the same time. Essentially, we realize that there are more conflicting re- sponsibilities than anyone expects one student to be able to handle. But we try to expose them to the broadest possible amount of ma- terial, expecting that they will choose from the body of material $250 checks were given to those offered that which is important to students, each of whom had a them. 4.0 average. "For example, anatomy for a "It is true that grade-deter- surgeon is a different subject than mined scholarships are lost when it is for an internist, a pathologist the student drops below a 3.0, al- or a psychiatrist. But, since no though sometimes extenuating student really knows what he is circumstances are taken into con- going into when he starts, we sideration. But this is jut one don't give him one type of ana- legitimate way of saying, Jack, tomy. We give him the discipline you're not measuring up.' The 'anatomy,' saying: 'This is antomy; bulk of financial aid, however, is take from it what you will'." tied to need-what does the stu- Perhaps the biggest complaint dent owe to the school, what does concerns the administration's he owe outside of school?" method of evaluating the students, Tricky Tests a universai problem for the stu- "They give the type of test dents interviewed as well as for which you just can't do well on," Gosling. While many medical a freshman student sighed. "It's schools are eliminating grades, very discouraging. In pathology, the University still maintain an they purposely try to trick you. A, B, C, E, system of evaluation. They give you a multiple-choice "They give seven exams in five type of exam in which three or days plus quizzes during your four of the choices are so am- sophomore year and then tell you biguous that you cannot under- 'We're de-emphasizing grades'," stand the question, let alone fig- They never let you know how does he have personal problems." you did after your freshman and Gosling pointed out that there! sophomore years until a board, are other types of recognition be- meets to discuss student progress, sides grades. "For example, there even though the results are in are two ways of graduating with, within the first 48 hours," the distinction," he said. The first future psychiatrist said. "This may way is to be in the top 10 per take up to one month. A friend cent of one's class at the end of of mine, for example, left the four years. The second is to be country for a European vacation nominated by members of the and began working at his summer faculty for meaningful research. job. It 'was not until after he had devotion to clinical work or sig- begun that the Medical School nificant extracurricular activities. sent out the notification that he All-Around Students had flunked a course. He had to "Surprisingly, people who fall return to the country to repeat into the second category are those the course in summer school, for- who are often in the top 10 per' feiting the money for his job and cent academically. The boys who transportation." are best are pretty well best right t' 1 l ! ?' ration less. The average freshman is scared and latches onto it. "We are really interested in the DI A M O N D RI N G S four-year product. Grades are to tell the student how he is doingis in order to keep him in, not to get him out. All 200 in each class ' have what it takes to make it. We're not running a survival course. The largest number of students leave because they decide a career in medicine is not worth the work it takes. This year we will graduate 192 physicians. Next year 180 plus. We do .not try to eliminate men. Abolishing Grades "Every few - years, the faculty and administration get together to discuss abolishing grades. There is always an equal division. Re- cently we discussed switching to a pass-fail-and-honors system. But some people wanted recogni- tion for the students who are better than average but not brit-l LANAI. .. ....FROM $100 '. liant. This, then, is justna aques- tion of symbols. If simply chang Only the original can have ing the symbols is what is needed the name Orange Blossom £r to convince the students that we inside the ring. mean what we say about grades, they are too naive to make good doctors." It is apparent that the student body and the administration seemtaI/i ''2 1/1 to be misunderstanding one an- ___________C_______ other. Often the students do not ON St. UNIVERSITY0 understand the philosophy behind ?. VE T the Medical School, and the ad- ministration fails to make it clear. 1 3 SOUTH U. 208 S MAIN ST. The future doctors are thus often frustrated and distressed. .:.:...:...-. .,........... .. . . .. One sophomore wonders: "Every- across the board-all American where we go we're evaluated by winners. But there are cases like the teachers. Why can't we evalu- Arthur Flemming, last year's Sen- ate the instructors of our courses?" ior class president, who was not A freshman adds: "No one asks in the top 10 per cent. He was a you what you think. No one goes class officer, worked very well out of his way for you." with patients, was interested in i i G a junior says. ure out the answer." complained r research. He was a fine human lY. .,.__._ 1 _ T _.,__ll .. s E z Y I P S i ; t z 3 ConsrvaiveFacltybeing. The administration awarded Grades, Scholarships a frustrated and harried sopho- Cosraieciybig Teamnsrto wre "Scholarships are given upon more, "The answersare not post- One senior who has done con-- him a degree with distinction entering and are grade deter- ed; in pathology, you never see I siderable work with the faculty without a single dissenting voice." mined. If you drop below a 3.0 test after you take it," he added. offers this explanation: The lack To the question of elimmatig .ay lg ,,of student-faculty communication grades, Gosling replied. "That's average, you lose it for good, Gosling explained that the is often to do with the attitude our proverbial bag of worms. Some added a senior. posting of examination answers of some of the chairmen and big- students can fool themselves as Gosling pointed out a different is sometimes impossible. "Some wigs in the department. In order to how well they are doing until aspect of the scholarship picture. examinations are standardized to be chairmen, they have to be the first exam. Then they learn "Ten or 12 Merit Scholarships are exams made up by the National conservative so that students find how they are doing in relation to largely determined on the basis Board of Medical Examiners who it difficult to talk to them," others and to the University's' of grade-point averages from un- do not allow the answers to be, standards. The real good stu- dergraduate school. We unblush- released. For essay exams, such asf Contrary to what the students stndas.T wra gd e s Ii dent doesn't worry about his grade ingly use some scholarships to re- the type given in anatomy, it is report, Gosling feels that counsel- point average; he doesn't have to. cruit these very high performers. obviously highly impractical to ling help is adequate. "If a student The average senior couldn't care Some .grade-determined scholar- post any answers. While it is is having trouble in one area, heT-...... ships are awarded by the Medical true that the examinations, espe- is put in touch with the depart- School. Surprisingly often, these cially from the National Board, do ment. If he has several areas of students already have the Merit not often correspond to the lec- trouble, he meets with Dr. Tup- Scholarships. A $250 award is tures, it is expected that a student per, associate dean, and myself. given to the top 10 members of can draw out what is important We ask him such questions as the freshman class. Last year from his lectures, tests and clini- where is he living, what is his there was a five-way tie. Five cal work. budget, how is he studying and '.t7l~c^ .i1 e./11 + '/ $t2 .A:/[ " 'mss d K ! a+ ,s. Ad ,.,i..A_ ':' ' .'"'+i N *9. 1. 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