_,. _. 4 * 4 Rk 41 ... "Now I didn't say publish. I said scholarly work." .. "The crucial problem is-the loss of the innovative populati little bit of glancing over their shoulders occasionally to see if anybody was listen- ing, but most of the time it was a valid intellectual experience they were having. Well, you might say, I would like to have everybody to be so involved, but would-you? Would it be realistic to ex- pect it on every subject, all the time? I don't know how high a level of intellect- ual intensity is really possible. We know something about limits of human skill, and I don't know what the limits of in- tellectual excitement are. We don't have any clear feel for this. Q-You talk about levels of aspiration. It seems the only thing we really incul- cate into Freshmen, the only thing any- one pushes him on, is to get those grades. This is the only thing that can be pinned down as tangible. Nobody ever says, are you really doing things in this course? The teacher gives you your grades. A-I'm sure there are all gradations of this. Some faculty members who take a very superficial and mechanical view of their teaching actually play right into this motivation. They orient their teaching toward the examinations and their examinations cover what they have taught. There are on the other. hand, and these are in the majority people who work valiantly and long and hard against that system and they communicate it in all sorts of ways. Sometimes directly by saying, this is not something that is go- ing to be covered. But let's be honest with ourselves. We all know also that in this day and age, two things happen: one is that if the teacher says, I am not going to cover this in the exam, but I would very much like to have you read it, because I want to talk about it two days from now, many students do not accept that mar- velous invitation to deviate from the mechanical learning process. They don't read it. Or if the teacher says, I'm just not go- ing to have these kids gear their behav- ior to what the examination is going to be, and so he says when the class begins: There is going to be an examination on November 1st. About October 15th, the question comes, what is that exam go- ing to cover. The instructor says, "what we've been discussing," and the anxiety level hits the ceiling. The teacher says, "Well, look, I'm just trying to introduce you to the nature of an academic life." So it is a complex social problem. It is by no means easy to solve, but I think it is really being worked on. Q-What about teaching fellows? A--First of all I'm very strong for the teaching fellow concept. I think some of the best teaching in the University can be done by these people, if they are care- fully chosen and well supervised, and by well supervised I don't mean in a de- tailed way, but helped in the problems of instruction. I think some very exciting and good teaching can be done by these people. It is also a socially useful thing for a university to do, because this is the way in which college teachers get trained and we need them. I'm not apologetic about the concept. I think that the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching has been mov- ing in this direction-being concerned with the teaching fellow. Dean Haber and Dean Hayes have been working on some of the plans and have tried to increase the amount of training of teach- ing fellows before the semester begins. The University will do more of this I am sure as time goes on and resources permit. Q-You mentioned work supervision. Do you consider supervision where all the teaching fellows are handed a syl- labus, and told, you've got to follow this, and here are the books you've got to have your class read, and so on, as any good? A-I think some of the best supervis- ion in the sense that I mean it-and that means intelligent introduction of these people into the skills and problems of teaching-is done by Fusfeld in econom- ics, and the psychology department over the years, now with Dick Mann. These are people who work very cre- atively with these teaching fellows. I don't know how much he is involved now, but Phil'Jones in mathematics had some very helpful and useful influence _on young teaching fellows in mathematics. These are highlights, and I -may be doing a disservice by failing to mention some other people, but I haven't been that close to it lately. Q-How can you encourage teaching fellows to develop? They sort of, have the feeling that they are slave labor. How do you inspire them to? -even the slave labor concept is a little bit tricky. How do you decide when a person is a slave? When he hasn't got any freedom? When he doesn't get paid enough or what? Actually in terms -of- dollars per hour, I'll bet that a teaching. fellow is not doing too badly. There may have to be some adjust- ment there in the pay schedule, and there has been. If there is a serious pay problem or, an overwork problem, or a prestige problem, the University does things about it. The University is very serious about teaching fellows. Every fall P r e s i d e n t Hatcher and I went to talk with the new teaching fellows in the literary college. The purpose of this was to communicate a very genuine appreci- ation for what they were doing and their significance in the lives of these people. Q-Looking at what I would call the scholarship-research problem, the pres- sures on the faculty to produce, the fac- ulty seem to become publishers rather than scholars. Don't you think this sort of thing is misdirected? A--Sure, it can very well get out of hand, and it has with certain people in certain departments, but I think the slo- gan is much more of a fiction. 'There are very few first rate places that would ever fire a man because he didn't publish. Most departments that I know about that are pretty good are sensitive to the fact that some one is a good teacher, and maybe not such a good red hot re- searcher. They move him along. The college certainly encourages that kind of thing, and so does the central administra- tion. Sometime a department inhibits that kind of recommendation, but I don't be- lieve that the publish or perish philos- ophy characterizes very many places. I would like to add one other thing. Administrators spend a good deal of time Q--You have emphasized that-the locus of power -in the University must always remain with the faculty and: does, and still does here. How would you doeument that, and why do you think it is neces- sary or desirable? A-Hutchins at one time-talking about this problem of educational ad- ministration-said.that it was one thing to get things done, and another to make them last. He said that maybe a decade after he left Chicago. He had good rea- son to reflect on that, because little of what he .stood for, had done there, was still in existence. Basically and funda- mentally the educational ideas are im- plemented by faculty members, and un- less they are really wholeheartedly in favor of the decisions about how things are going to be done, and how resources are going to be employed, it doesn't make any difference where the authority is. This is where the effective power is, and that is the end of that. So just from a standpoint of praticality that's true. In every good university academic re- sponsibility is delegated to the faculty, and the reason for it -is that this is a. delegation to the people who are expert. This is the faculty's area of expertise. So to get high quality decisions it has got to be there. No dean is going to tell the internal medicine professor how he should proceed. So from the standpoint of quality and acceptability that is where the responsi- bility must be. Now I think that there is no question that recommendations of new programs, recommendations about merit increases in promotions are made by faculty groups. Q-Aren't the faculty somewhat abdi- cating the responsibilities that go with the sorts of power that they are supposed to have? They don't want to be bother- ed with curriculum or the university, or the Dean-as long as they have their money, students, and research? A-You're just talking about the qual- ity with which our goals are implemented. "Hutchins at one time--talking about this prob- lem of educational administration-said that it was one thing to get things done, and another to nake them last. He said that maybe a decade after he left Chicago. He had good reason to reflect on that,. because little of what he stood for, had done there, was still in existence. "Basically and fundamentally the educational ideas are implemented by faculty members, and unless they are really wholeheartedly in favor of the decisions about how things are going to be done, and how resources are going to be employed, it doesn't mnake any difference where the authority is. This is where the effective power is, and that is the end of that." ......e1...... . . . . . . ..": . . . . ..C. . ""'::14 ":::ti::V i..rA... . . . . ..i :::'V "fY . . . . . ..l : LLLL ... . . ..rr"r1"f . "Lfiii:1i ."r.r.. ........ ....:t . rrf!! "!' r.. had a good department of X, and it is a clinker now, did you know that?" I say, tell me more. Sometimes it confirms an impression you have, and sometimes it doesn't but there is a data collection stage which may or may not be quite formal. Then there is a time when one must assess how readily that department is to engage in some self-examination, or to hear something about itself. Just as with human problems there are degrees of neurosis with departments. - The sicker they are, the less ready they are to ac- cept the fact that they are sick. Some- times this can be tough. There is some- thing very discouraging about a sick de- partment that doesn't know it. After a period of data collection and assessing readiness, the administration seeks an opportunity to move in. By this time, one knows what kind of questions to ask of the dean or the chairman. Per- haps one suggests an outside committee or an .outside consultant. Q-What do you feel the role of the faculty should be in this institution or generally in selecting a new president? A-There ought to be a faculty com- mittee, there typically is, to whom the regents turn for advice and counsel. I think that is proper. It ought to be an instrument of the regents. The regents ought to set it up so there is no question as to what their role is. Q--What about the concept of the in- stitutional leader who works to affect the world around him, taking stands on world issues? Should the University take moral stands and have a moral commit- ment? A-A University officer speaks as an educator all the time. I don't really know how to make the distinction. You can say, I think that it is very important for there to be well-led groups that have as their concern the solution of social prob- lems. They ought to well-led, and students ought to be encouraged to join them. That is -what I think Cutler said about SNCC-endorsement. Certainly a clear deviation from that is for him to say, I believe that things are seriously wrong at Selma, Alabama, and Governor Wallace ought to do something. With respect to the professors and the teach-in, we have to insist that we are creating a condition here where people first of all can operate freely as citizens, and secondly we're operating freely as a forum. What is said at the forums that we -authorize has nothing to do with us. State Influence Q-What sorts of influence, such as from the Legislature, the State Board, the comptroller's office, or the auditor do you consider legitimate for the Uni- versity? A-I don't think it is fair to lump all these together. There are very different problems here. The State Board has been given constitutionally-established authority for coordination and planning, and just how they are going to imple- ment that is a very tricky business, be- cause there are all these autonomous institutions, and certainly there is some invasion of that autonomony by that statute. Whether the contradiction is written out or not, there is a contradic- tion between the autonomy of this board and this power given to the State Board. That is going to be a tough business figuring out just exactly how you can preserve the ability of an institution to plan; work out its own destiny, and the way you control it. I don't know what the solution to that is. It is kind of interesting to me that the problem here at Michigan and in Michigan is to see how much of the clear- ly historically established autonomy in an institution is going to be transferred to a central board. In California, they are looking the other way. Much of this power clearly delegated to the central board is now going to be decentralized. These things must be worked out with delicacy, and I think that this State Board ought to look very carefully at the power that they. are trying to get, and examine that in relationship -to the power that the Board of Regents at Cali- fornia is now willing to delegate to the campuses. There is no point trying to acquire power that experience would in- urbanites who want a superfluity ofroom,. or security from violence, or specialized styles of life." MOST persons would admit, though, the difficulty of making Detroit even half as desirable as San Francisco or.Boston as a place to live. The city is dominated first of all by the structure of its major industry. There is a large working class, well-paid but with no great- social or cultural aspirations. There is a quite well- off professional-managerial class, but ef- ficiency, not creativity, is encouraged, even demanded among General Motors factory and office managers. This will be a hard pattern to break through. Influence from' Ann Arbor could do it, but the University now abets the system more than it works against it. However, given a sufficient infusion of professorial talent from around the coun- try, a critical mass might soon be reached where many of the graduates, particular- ly the New York and Chicago Jewish stu- dents, will decide to stay in -the area rather than flee back to their cities. And, in the face of all this, urban areas are having severe problems of or- ganization and implementation in tack- ling their mounting ills. Meier states, "The metropolitan area still presents problems and precedents that are not in- surmountable, but threaten to stifle ini- tiative and delay action." Those most affected by youth unem- ployment, for instance, are disenfran- chised and unorganized, and, while "the authority to undertake" programs "al- ready exists," it is split up between gov- ernmental units, many of them at differ- ent levels." But, as with automobile production ef- ficiency, when one encounters bottlenecks in organization, the newest technologies can be brought to bear, "granting that each incorporated community retains its 'sovereignty." WITH the United Nations as a proto- type, Meier proposes ametropolitan assembly, composed of 31-34 of those al- ready representing the area on a national level (such as U.S. Senators and Repre- sentatives), 65-70 drawn similarly from state and province level representatives, 14-16 at a county level and 30-40 at a municipal one. The assembly would utilize a regional planning commission, a secretariat for preparing comprehensive documents for consideration, an arbitration tribunal, special metropolitan agencies and a met- ropolitan data bank. "Most of the inventorying and account- ing" for the data bank "will have been computerized by the 1970's," Meier says. Using the information provided by the bank at low cost, "a wider range of ur- ban services can be provided which yield greater satisfaction and result in fewer errors." But all this planning, even if well-im- plemented, has its limits. "Regional plan- ning, backed up with political and admin- istrative advances, will not provide solu- tions to the really grave problems affect- ing American metropolitan areas," Meier states. BARGAINING and balancing have se- vere limitations in social problem- solving, because some issues get stalled on matters of principle." However, within a thoroughly political environment, where bargaining is not "inconvenient," Meier asserts that "Much more elaborate and thorough plans can be realized." Some schools of philosophy claim it is better, when dealing with huge, multi- variate problems, to circle them for a while, as one would a mountain, ap- proaching them only cautiously and ten- tatively, than to charge straight at them. In the same way planners often have to approach such huge problems as urban development from every possible angle before "getting down to business." This enables the planner to be familiar wiith every perspective, to take tentative pokes at various aspects of the larger problem and see what happens without becoming committed to a particular ap- proach. Systems analysis, as well as a few other types of analysis, have been used to analyse the present in Michigan, tak- ing it apart and putting it back together, again. Forecasting, building on this, looks into the future, pinpointing the trends, the problems, the clashes, the growth and the decay' SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1965 IN CIRCLING AROUND the Michigan mountain there are still more aspects of -the problem to be analysed and ap- proaches to be tried. There are many parts that will make up the total eco- nomic system of Michigan in 1975, and they must be working together. They must also fit well into the structure of the national economy, which Sonenblum examines in "Michigan in the 1970's." Sonenblum asserts that economic pro- jections into the future can be fairly accurate. "The main reason why they go 'wrong'," he says, has been the fore- caster's inability to take into proper account new laws and public policies and the adaptations the private sector of the economy makes to these. In looking ahead, Sonenblum examines five so-called "rigidities" in United States society which might cause eco- nomic trouble between now and 1975. First, he °sees no cause to worry over ruiaway automation causing mass un- employment. "Productivity is not likely to increase so much more rapidly than in the past that it will create a basic conflict," he says, assuming "that job training programs will increase." Differing with Meier, Sonenblum sees "neither consumer satiety nor income distribution effects" as "significantly re- straining economic growth." This view is supported by a recent publication of the National Planning Association, "The Dollar Cost of our National Goals," by Leonard A. Lecht. ECHT ATTACKS the "Legend of Eco- nomic Omnipotence" in the U.S. "The 'economy of abundance' in which all desired objectives become possible is un- likely to figure as the economic environ- ment in which our goals will be imple- mented over the next decade." All of our commonly held goals (such as the elim- ination of poverty, adequate medical serv- ices, rebuilding our cities) cannot be eliminated in the next 20 years even with vigorous economic growth. Meier argues, however, that even a tax-cut stimulated economy benefits last the low seniority youth or immigrants. Only nontraditional measures can cor- rect this, he says. In projecting the distribution of na- tional output in the future, Sonenblum finds that each sector of the economy will share alike in the growth. There will be no great shift from private to public spending as John Galbraith, for instance, has called for. Neither will domestic investment slow down relative to international investment nor the con- sumer become satiated with cars, homes, and other goods. 'THE RELATIVELY slight projected change from recent patterns is con- sistent with developments in the past half century," he says. push has been research, which is expected to remake the state by making Ann Arbor the "Research Center of the Midwest," and be a magnet for exciting new indus- tries, bringing new jobs for the well- educated thousands the University turns out every year. Frank Bacon provides some background data for analysing this proposition in 'Research Emphasis in Michigan Univer- sities," in which he details the composi- tion of research and industry in the state and compares them with similar indexes for the U.S. and with national growth trends. Naturally, the transportation equip- ment industry predominates, accounting for "38.4 per cent of the state's total value added by manufacture" but only 11.7 per cent nationally. The situation is similar with respect to the machinery and primary metals industries. PROBLEMS ARISE because most of the state's main industries are experienc- ing slower-than-average growth compar- ed to the nation as a whole. Three in- dustries, however, -are exhibiting faster- persuading legislators and comptrollers and governors that they are not to look at the teaching load of our faculty and assume that is all the state is getting. They are getting paid for making contri- butions to knowledge. This means where they would teach 15 hours somewhere else, they are only teaching 7 here. I think it is perfectly moral and proper with this kind of a teaching load that the man show evidences of scholarly work. I mean that is part of the under- standing he has with the University. That is part of his agreement, the state's understanding of what the University of Michigan is spending its money for. Now, I didn't say publish. I said scho- larly work. One of the proper forms of scholarly work is publication when you set up experiments that are intended to contribute to knowledge. On the other hand, there are certain kinds of scholarly work that don't have to terminate with a publication at all- not even to demonstrate that it occurs. If you're a professor of Shakespeare and don't make any contribution to Shake- speare criticism, but are constantly on top of what is happening, and examining it, and evaluating it, and being reflective about it, this is scholarly work. Q--Are you optimistic we will continue or expand the place the teachers have in the University? A--I guess I don't know. There are forces that go counter to this all the time of course, but I think that there is an increased sensitivity to the need for better teaching. I'm not sure that it is intense enough so that I would predict that there is going to be a radical shift in effort yet. SAY 'MItrnGANO ti FtIMtr'~ ----..a---..--- I £~~-tb aT' E .T iovoLIT AN AtEAa.If0 lilji MAjOI PIaSf.Tt IscOIPOtAT. Afl.AS Er aP IN 1970 the Detroit urban area will extend out past J according to planning forecasts made by Richard Human Resource Development in the Detroit Area." It happens very rarely, but it does hap- pen that because the faculty isn't taking it seriously, isn't working at it, isn't do- ing anything about it, that some admin- istrative officer moves into that vacuum. Q-There is no mass movement yet? A-No. The interesting thing, one of the things that I think is terribly im- portant to remember as you try to under- stand a university, the interesting thing is that the best departments typically are good all over: In research, in under- graduate teaching, there is a good deal of feedback between teaching and research. Their recruiting processes are good, and their faculty government is good. It seems to me that all of these things hang together. The point to remember is that a department doesn't show re- search elegance by neglect of'these other things. There is a kind of esprit and ac- ceptance of high standards, and the standards are pervasive, and everybody is working on all fronts. I think that this is true about our best departments. reserving Quality Q-You as an administrator are in touch with and responsible for the qual- ity ,of the institution. Say a department or a school or an institute has gone wrong, and is doing a lousy job. What can you do about it? What are the steps that you can take, or do you have to sit, there and keep your mouth shut? A-First of all you have to be sure that you are right. _ That takes a little time, and may actually be quite difficult to determine. Someone may come in and say the department is not a good one. Perhaps at some conference somewhere an outsider says, "your university once What is happening in Michigan now is not economic development but full exploitation of pres- ent levels of development, which puts the state that much farther behind in moving on to the new levels that will be needed to keep up with national expansion. .:::"::: ........::::... L:.........i:....i..: "V.1...>1 S : s} "2.J:L::" .:.". .. WHILE T tunities states, they for the cres omy." The r mobile start hence the M unless alter: found. Research lated impetu even when serving mac enough. Res other ways. At the Un so vast ($48 in 1964-65) character of spin-off pr oriented ine work inspir search, and sors or resea What has area is hard -Boston's Ro Berkeley co: ranks close federal reset where near that MIT l here is close: And the in terms of dollars for $1000 of fed figure is $3 THE SITU ever, for or near Ani as the Uni search cont "critical ma: ed at which research att Several p about. As t. fessors and continues to tive instinct: form the ar live, with so ton and C attraction "brain-inten Political p also play a in research x eral govern taxes paid ix ing to Midi million wate here, and Ai list as a loc Commission' Cc In education he acknowledges the ade- quacy of the present farm and labor force, seeing "no need to 'train' more laborers and -farmers than we have cur- rently. Instead he sees a need for rough- ly two million persons trained in each of the following: sales personnel, crafts- men-foremen and operatives. In addition, four million service work- ers will be needed and "the same number in the manager-proprietor groups," plus "seven million more persons trained in each of the professional-technical and clerical groups." This is a massive education job, and one of the problems in dealing with it is a biased distribution of occupations with respect to nonwhites. "Since the mid- 1950's,'' Sonenblum points out, "the edu- cational attainment of nonwhites, par- ticularly at the high school level, has not improved in relation to that for whites." HE CALLS FOR reductions in job dis- crimination through education and training programs and "vigorous public policy," though he makes no specific recommendations. 'For a long time one of the University's big selling points in its public relations than-national growth-electrical machin- ery, instruments and plastics. In research, Bacon finds state patterns of -expenditure much closer to national ones, "with greater stress on social and psychological sciences and agricultural sciences." These emphases are consider- ably different from those of the state's industrial mix. However, he sees "positive potential" in the "national character of university research in Michigan" because of the "state's need for more diversified indus- trial growth." These new emphases "can provide the new technologies which can further vitalize the state's already strong machinery and metalworking industry base." Implementation of these "new direc- tions," can however, have only a limited positive impact in the Detroit area, ac- cording to Meier. He designed "hypo- thetical new facilities for electric power -generation, equipment, machine tools and tourism which-would meet competition and produce enough to meet more than half the world demand," and found that "even these world markets are too small, to sustain the Detroit economy." Page Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE