THE MICHIGAN DAILY WlWMAV ATlf-4TTcrr o1v laor - .. -... .. ..... . ...... ... , A,.R4 A67t#Y. k#.UbiUuT 7.7, ' b:. 5 Valiant And All That Jazz 0 f1 ,.. -Daily-Frank Wing THE FORM CHARTS said Jim Detweiler was destined for third string halfback last season, but an injury hex in the Blue backfield brought him a start. Detweiler then proceeded to become Mich- igan's second best pass receiver and a top rusher. His rushing average was an almost pompous 6.5 yds. per carry. An Ohioan by birth, Detweiler made the home folks blush when he caught the touchdown pass in the Wolverines 10-0 win over Ohio State. IN MOST CASES a weight problem for a football player means layers of blubber around the mid- section, but for Michigan starting halfback Carl Ward it's the opposite. Ward has been losing weight at an alarming rate, and is now'almost 15 pounds under his normal playing weight. Ise is under- going tests at the University Hospital to discover what is causing his skinniness. I -Daily-Richard Cooper HOW DO YOU REPLACE a Bob Timberlake? You don't. But Dick Vidmer (27) and Wally Gabler (29), Bump Elliott's quarter- back candidates could be stars in their own right. Vidmer close to beating out Timberlake two springs ago, but broke bis leg early last fall. Gabler broke Roger Staubach records in prep school which indicates a potent arm. I. -1Jally-Frana Wing REST IS WHERE you find it. Have Porter, a sophomore with a shot at tackle relaxes on his downy soft helmet. Relaxation is a sometimes thing during the football season. Porter is also an outstand- ing wrestler, so you can be sure that Mat coach Cliff Keen hopes his prospect will not get too used to lying on his ,back. CRAZG KIRBY # i f _ _ ........... ......... . ,. ....:.... ..... .. r ,;., :.::; .;:} a ~ ~ ~