SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1965 THE MICHIGAN DAILY VAir. V DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMEP ra p NTS Is PERSONAL MENSA . . will meet for dinner at the League 6:00 Tuesday. No reser- vations needed, just show up in the lobby. F48 Follow the sun and have some fun Get stranded in an out..of-control Gemini capsule . Chicken? Then try Chuck Gross' patented speed-ball special to Florida . . Last chance for thwarted astronautesses. 761-2330. Leaving Dec. 15-16. ATTENTION SENIORS & GRAD stu- dents - Devon Lincoln Mercury is pleased to be a participating dealer in the Ford Motor Co. special pur- chase and financing plan for college seniors and graduate students. Bring your special purchase plan card and come on t Devon to see the all new '66 Mercurys and Comets. That's Devon Lincoln Mercury, 3345 Wash- tenaw. For more information call * 662-5555. F28 DEBBIE BLUM-Don't go to that wed- ding, instead agitate for the freedom of NORTH KALIMANTAN. 49 BOB SHER, LSA '66 announces a Gala New Year's Eve party for all his friends. Free booze. Free girls. Free Peanut Butter cookies (a specialty of the house). 6034 E. Seneca, Tucson, Arizona. For reservations, call 761- 0633. F26 MENSA dinner tonight! (and Dec. 21, too). Meet in the League lobby at 6:00-no reservations neede. Bring friends, prospective members, frankin- cense, myrrh, etc. F50 DELIVER MY CAR TO TUCSON TAKE 4 with you. Available December 19. For arrangements call 662-3672 before 8 p.m. F46 TWENTY-ONE And I can buy. I wonder how long Until I die. Fl TO SHARE APT, near campus, one boy. Totally ;furnished, utilities paid, pri- vate parking, short or long term lease. Occupancy at your convenience. Your share $62.50. Call 663-2935. F47 ANN ARBOR'S best buy on a diamond engagement ring. Check it! Austin Diamond, 1209 S. University, 663-7151. ORVAL-22 and still a virgin. Keep up the good work! F5 GALINK SAYS - "What a wonderful apartment for you to sub-let for the summer." Call 761-3491. F22 TWO phenomonal tickets available for Sunday's performance of Handel's "Messiah." Call Denny, 764-1729. F31 WANTED-Two tickets to Pirates of Penzance Saturday night performance. DESPERATE. NO 5-2537. F9 FREEDOM for the students of North Kalamantan !! F S.T.O.P. TOURS to Europe please 100's of students each summer. Many itin- eraries. Little regimentation. No wor- ries about luggage, hotels, customs, or travel connections.. Call Merle, 668-9040 F NEEDED-One engineer to shre luxury modern apt. Jan.-April. 761-3207. F38 2 young men need place to hang hats. Pete or Ron, 665-2378. F16 RENT Your TV from NEJAC GE and Zenith portable for only $10 per month. FREE service and delivery. Phone 662-5671 NOW. F MEAL JOBS available for next semester. Transportation desirable but not es. sential. Call Mitch, 665-8489 evenings or 761-0992 during meals. P19 ENGINEERING Students-26 Scale Slide Rule. Two months old. Excellent condition. Original cost-$26. Yours for only $18.95. Call Jeff, phone 764- 5674. F18 KITTENS - Cheap to good home. I orange male, 1 brown female. Call Andy, at 668-6037. F48 PART TIME Multi-Million Dollar Company hiring for part time sales work. Earnings in excess of $3.00 per hr. This is not pots- knives-books or any of that door to door nonsense. This company is ex- panding all across the nation, conse- quently this could be more than just a part-time job for the right person. If you're 20, have use of a car, and are bondable write William D. Nichols, 3372 Washtenaw Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. DAILY PARTY This SUNDAY at 7:00 in the Daily Bldg. We're to celebrate Christmas, Chanu- kah, and anything else you deem worthy of celebration. Watch the juniors make idiots of themselves and the seniors in their hilarious skit and watch the seniors get sweet re- venge when they reveal what they are giving the juniors. There will be food and drink plus mistletoe (not that it will do any good, but we are forever optimistic). So come! F39 SEE JOHN MEREDITH blush at The Daily Xmas party, this Sunday at, 7:00. F2 TO ANY GIRL FROM NEW YORK CITY -Want to spend the 12 most exciting hours of your life? Position open for travelling companion. Apply now. For interview appointments, call Barry Kramer, 662-3191. *You pay gas and oil; Kramer is free, very free. F41 WHERE is Harlan Hatcher's statement on the draft reclassification? F PERSONAL Tired of Waiting For sea rch??' Adventurous? Unmarried? Meet the person right for you through MICHIGAN SCIENTIFIC INTRODUCTION SERVICE Operating successfully in Ann Arbor for r.ver two years. An IBM computer AND personal interviews aid in con- " tinuaily matching you to compatible persons you would not meet other- wise. Sensible+Fun=MSI 5 Interview by appointment. Phone 662-4867 or write for brochure, 216 S. State. F WAKE UIP SERVTC-Have your phone ring at any designated time-day cr night-LOW RATES, DON'T BE LATE FOR CLASS OR WORK - AGAIN. TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE, 665-8871 (24 hours). F SOUVENIR PROGRAM of UM-Calif. game needed. If you were going to throw yours away anyway, please call Gail Jorgensen, 764-8872, F FOR SALE HEAD STANDARD SKIS, lift cable bindings, marker toes. Calil 662-0497. B32 SONY 905 A voice actuated tape-re- corder. New. $95. 668-6101. B33 EXCEPTIONALLY fine pair of tickets to Sunday's performance of "The Mes- siah" available. Call Denny, 764-1729. Tape recorder and/or typewriter. Ideal Christmas gifts. Best offer 665-7227. B21 1962 CORVAIR Monza, 4-spd., radio, heater, positraction, good tires, no rust, best offer. 665-3428. B26 FOR SALE-One way plane ticket L.A. togDetroit, Jan. 3. Substantial sav- ings. Call Cy Sisson evenings at 764- 2728. B30 FOR SALE-1955 Chevy, 4-door sedan, r and h, auto. trans., motor excel., body fair, very reliable transportation. $150. 665-8587. B24 1964 VESPA for sale. Must have plane fare. Call 761.0633. B31 1960 RENAULT, good cond., engine overhauled, radio and heater. $250. NO 3-5188. B27 MOBILE HOME-10' x 50' with expand- ed livingroom, air-cond. Beautifully furn. All appliances and washer. 437- 2584. B23 STUDENTS-Edward's have a collec- tion of rare old books which should be of great interest to you. EDWARD'S JEWELERS 215 S. Main '64 VOLKSWAGEN, sun-roof, radio, low mileage. $1300. Call 761-3519 eve. B8 1964 HONDA 150. $425. 2800 miles. Call 663-4085 after 6 p.m. B27 OLD ELM ANTIQUES for the discrimi- nate colector. 723 Packard, near State. B3 Freshly cut Christmas trees, all sizes, all prices. Discount for stud. NO 5-9815, 537 Detroit St. B22 BIKES AND SCOOTERS 1950 A.J.S 500cc. with spare parts. Call 662-7110. Z10 1965 HONDA Scrambler, 2300 miles, ex- cellent condition. Best offer. Call Dan at 483-6391 before 3:30 p.m. Z8 NICHOLSON M/C SALES Authorized dealer for TRIUMPH- YAMAHA - BMW - GILERA. 224 S. First. Phone 662-7409. Z FANTASTIC DEAL for scooter enthus- iasts. We have one new Lambretta Cento $199.99 full price.NIUHOLSON M/O SALES. 224 S. First Z34 HONDA, MONTESA, VELOCETTE all models and colors. Accessories for the nicest people and their bikes. HOl4DA OF ANN ARBOR 3000 Packard Road, 665-9281 Home of the nicest people since 1963 USED CARS 1964 KARMANN-GHINA convertible, white walls, snow tires, AM-FM radio, excellent cond. Call 662-5775. Nil 1960 VW, sunroof sedan, excel. running cond. Phone 665-4820 after 6 p.m. N1 VALIANT-1961, green, four-door, under 40,000 miles, 20-plus per gal., heater, floor shift new brakes battery, and tires. Call Sov, 662-3297. N CHEV. '55-$350. 4 door, 4 new tires, new battery, radio, magic-eye carpet- ed. Very quiet engine. No rust, orig- inal owner. Phone 662-5152. N7 For Sale: 1959 Plymouth, Gd. Cond. Must sell before December 9th. Take any bid. 761-0611, ask for Norm Pappas. N6 '60 TR3, red, very good mech. and body cond. $850. Phone Dick Ahern any time, 665-9358. N8 HELP WANTED BOYNE MOUNTAIN LODGE, Boyne, Mich. & BOYNE HIGHLANDS, Har- bor Springs, Mich.-If you are going to be looking for aob the 2nd se- mester both of these places want waitresses, bus boys and ski patrolers and retailing in Ski Shop. Details at 212 SAB, Summer Placement Services. CHEMIST Recent graduate with bachelor degree. $6207 to $7304 per year. An equal op. portunity employer. U.S. Bureau of Commnercial Fisheries. 663-8541, ext. 456. H16 ENGINEER - With FCC, first phone license. Part-time for transmitter watch. 50 min. study time out of every hour. Call 663-6565 or eves. 663-3672. NEEDED IMMEDIATELY Delivery men for morning Free- Press route, 1-2 hrs./morning. 7 days guaranteed salary. Apply in person to Washtenaw News, 310 W. Washington, 3:30-5:00 Mon.-Fri. H13 FACULTY FAMILY DESIRES LIVE-IN STUDENT Will provide ^separate room, bathroom, phone, TV, plus small income, in exchange for baby sitting (mostly evenings) and mother's helper. Call 663-6588. H9 NEDED IMMEDIATELY We are looking for male and female part-time sales, male part-time stock- work. Apply in person, personnel of- fice, Montgomery Ward, Arborland Shopping Center. H47 BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED $6 for Rh psitive; $7, $10, $12 for Rh negative. Hours: Mon., 9-4; Tues., 9-4; Fri., 1-7. 18-21 years old need parent's 'permission. Detroit Blood Service, new location, 404 W. Mich- igan, Ypsilanti, Mich H Evening Employment If you are free four evenings each week and Saturdays, you can main- tain your studies and still enjoy a 1part-time job doing special interview work that will bring an everage week- ly income of $67. If you are neat appearing and a hard worker call Mr. Adams at 761-1488 Monday-Friday between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. No other times. NEED CASH Temporary evening work for student with basic electronics background who understands and can draw sche- matics. Possible working hrs. 5 pam.- 10 p.m. Arrangements will be made for individual working time. We pre- fer 3 hrs. min. per night. Contact Mr. Alan Guest at APPLIED DYNAMICS 2275 Platt Rd. AA or call 665-3601 H12 BUSINESS SERVICES ANY MOTH HOLES,,tears or burns in your clothes? We'll reweave them like new. WEAVE-BAC SHOP 224 Arcade TUTOR OF FRENCH & GERMAN' Lessons in conversation and grammar by native speaker. Graduated rates. Mme. Kerr, 701 S. Forest. NO 3-2108. GRAD LANGUAGE EXAMS Special courses for reading and screen- ing exams in French and German by native speaker. Graduated rates. Mme. Kerr, NO 3-2108. J2 FOR RENT EMPLOYED YOUNG WOMAN seeks roommate for spacious, luxury apt. Near Stadium and Washtenaw. Write P.O. Box 2017, Ann Arbor. C43 CAMPUS LOCATION - 2 single rooms; for men, cleaning and linens furn. Garage avail. Daytime call Mrs. Korl- ton, 2-3201. Eves. NO 2-0383. C38 AVAIL. FOR WINTER term thru Aug. Completely furn. efficiency apt. Lo-. cated behind East Quad. Call 665- 2241 after 5. C44 WANTED-4th to share house in Yysi. Prefer upperclass or grad student. Call 482-6271. C28 LIVE IN A Fraternity house next se- mester. $45/mo. board optional. Call Bill Salow, 663-1841. C45 FOR RENT in January-Large, modern, two-bedroom apartment. $165 per month. Call 761-3521. C39 CAMPUS-H OSP ITA L Furnished studio apt, Avail. Jan. 1. $80/mo. 668-6906. Cl WINTER SUBLET - 2 man apt., will take loss. Call John or Geoff, Apt. 9P, Univ. Towers. (Sorry no phone). C37 2 GRADUATE students need one or two men to share cheap luxury apt. Call 764-4788 evenings. C46 4 MAN furn. apt. 114 N. Thayer. Dec. 10. $220. 761-1165 after 5 p.m. C32 WANTED-GRADUATE MALE student with car. Apartment and garage in exchange for 12 hour/week houseohd- maintenance work. Call 663-2588. Im- mediate occupancy. C42 WANTED-1 or 2 girls for 2 bdrm. 3- man, mod., campus apt. Call 761- 3779. C48 WANTED-1 or 2 girls to share 2 bdrm apt., carpeted, mod., near cam- pus. Call 663-7985. 014 UNIVERSITY WOMEN-There are sev- eral rooming vacancies for the win- ter semester in the Co-Operative houses for students attending the U. of M. Approximately $17 per week for room and board. Apply 2546 S.A.B., Inter-Cooperative Council. Phone 668- 6872. C49 NEED 1 roommate Jan.-Apr., food, rent, utilities including phone and elec. Guar. not to exceed $400. Call Vaughn, 663-4010. C33 CAMPUS-HOSPITAL Furnished rooms for men. Avail. Jan. 1. $35/mo. Call 668-6906. C22 FOURTH GIRL needed for 4-man apt. Great apt., three min. from campus. 4 month lease. Call Bonnie between 5-7 at 665-4011. C40 GRADUATE WOiEN-Several rooming vacancies available fo rwinter semes- ter in Mark VIII Co-Op House with co-ed boarding facilities. Approxi- mately $17 per week for room and board. Apply 2546 S.A.B., Inter-Co- Operative Council. Phone 668-6872. C50 MALE ROOMMATE wanted for winter term. 4 room apt. 413 Division. 663- 1803. C19 APARTMENT sublet for next semester. Huge 2-man, new wall to wall car- peting. Call 665-8151. C41 WANTED: Third member for jolly gang holed up at 731 Packard-209A. (Tif- fany II) When: 2nd semester, Jan. '66. Call 665-6369 and tell 'em Ron sent you. C2 LARGE, NEW I-bdrm. apt., unfurnished with drapes, carpet, stove, refriger- ator. Ample parking and storage. Near main campus and hospital. $140. 668- 7274. C26 3 MAN MOD. apt. Close to campus, for 2nd semester. Swimming pool, shel- tered parking. 761-3919. C34 TWO-MAN apartment for rent. Two blocks from campus. 761-1589 after 6. 3RD GIRL wanted to share lux., mod. 2 bdrm. apt. near campus. $55. Call 665-6855 or 662-7175. C35 WANTED-2 girls to sublet apt. Modern luxury, apt. 2 blks. from campus. Call 761-3644. C27 MALE ROOMMATE wanted - Right across from Frieze. $50 plus elec. Call 662-7965. C31 WANTED-1 girl to share mod, apt. with 3 others. Beginning Jan. Close to campus. 761-0654. C13 4-MAN, 2 BDRM. APT, by Women's pool. $55/mo, lease for winter term. Call 662-0905. C TWO GIRLS need roommate to share 4 rm. apt. from Dec. 25-Apr. 25. $50/mo. including utilities. Call 761- 2050 or 663-8835. C29 FOR RENT TRANSPORTATION WANTED-4th girl for luxury apt. in HELP! RIDE needed to Erie, Penna., the Forum. Call 665-0777. C47 Dec. 16. Call Dick at 764-4624. G3 FOURTH MAN wanted for modern apt. CURVACIOUS coed needs ride to Can- Starting Jan. NO 5-2549. C47 ton, Ohio, or vicinity on Dec. 16 Wanted: girl to share 4 room apt. with after 10 a.m. Call 764-5936. G2 3 others for second semester. Newly decorated, air conditioned, only 8 RIDERS WANTED from Philadelphia min. to Angell Hall. $55 a month plus to Ann Arbor Jan. 3 or 4. Call 663- electricity. Call 662-5698. C15 3626. G4 SCHOLARS NEED RIDE to San Francisco over vacation. Will share cost and driv- ing. Call 662-6230. G on campus -________________ ONE MAN-TWO MAN-COUPLES RIDE WANTED to Chattanooga, Tenn., tastefully furnished new apartments Dec. 17 or 18. Please call Paule at with concrete walls and ceilings 663-7014. G1 to insure quiet and privacy. WANTED-Two coeds who need ride to Minneapolis area by Big Ten Cham- Phone: 662-7961 afternoons & evenings pion Wrestler (big jock). Share driv- ing and expenses. Leaving sometime 418 E. WASHINGTON Dec. 15. Call Jim Kamin, 665-9505. G6 WASH I N GTO N RIDE FOR TWO needed to Chicago on Friday, Dec. 17th any time during MRthe afternoon. Will pay lots of money MANOR ! but call 764-1710 as soon as possible jor we'll have to get train tickets. 047 WANTED TO RENT 4TH GIRL needed for large apt. on campus. Call 665-3337. L20 WANTED--4th girl for mod, deluxe apt. Dishwasher, disposal. Close to cam- pus. Call-761-0637. L21 WANTED-4th man to share 4 bdrm. home near campus. Call 662-0050. L22 LARGE, 1..BDRM. APT. TO SUBLET- Abundant storage, suitable for couple. Packard near State. Immediate occp- pancy. Call Pat, 665-7766, ext. 405, betw. 8-5, or 662-5882 after 6. L23 MAN WANTED for winter term. Mod apt. 800 Fuller. Call Gary, 761-0536. ONE MALE needed to fill out two-man apt. (luxury) located at 736 Packard near campus corners, upperclassman preferred. Fopr month lease. Call 761-3207 NOW! L17 1 OR 2 GIRLS wanted for mod. apt. near campus. $57/mo. Phone 761-1475 after 5 p.m. I14 Female wants to share mod. apt. w/2 or 3 other girls. Write Box 40. L1O NEED 4TH man to share mod. apt. for winter term. Your share $58.75. Call 761-1196. L16 For SUMMER '66-3 or 4 bdrm. house in AA or environs. 764-6495 or Box 111.