s Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Crisis Develops: Space Shortage Where Opinions Are Free. 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN AP.BOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1965 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT CARNEY Kennedy in Latin America: A Salesman, Not a Statesman BUENOS AIRES-Senator Robert Ken- nedy sought maximum exposure to student audiences during his trip to South America. In Buenos Aires on Nov. 19, a meeting was arranged with a selected group of 3,- 000 students. The location selected was the Teatro San Martin-a suitable spot for a man who aspires to be the Twen- tieth Century's agent of social change in South America. Surrounded by an un- savory horde of reporters and camera- men, Kennedy arrived for a "dialogue" with the students. The speech began with praise of the glories of Argentina by mentioning all the best names from the past, but omit- ting any mention of the last 20 years. Then Kennedy repeated the message stressed in all his student speeches. "In every country a revolution is coming,.. . whether we will it or not. We can change its character, but not its inevitability." He challenged the students to not use their education simply. to gain a secure social 'position. Rather, they should lead the revolution and guide it along demo- cratic, peaceful lines, he suggested. THE QUESTION and answer session re- vealed how carefully the group had been selected. Considering the popularity of egg throwing and caustic, heckling at such gatherings, it was amazing that a "representative group" of university stu- dents should not even mention Viet Nam or asked pointed questions. In fact, at times Kennedy had to volunteer his pol- ished replies to questions which were not asked. The senator showed that he was open to differences of opinion over such mat- ters as the inter-American peace-keep- ing force, and aid to dictators, but did not attempt to resolve those differences. He pointed out that he had expressed opposition to the occupation of the Do- minican Republic and drew great ap- plause. Then he asserted the United States was trying to create a democratic system there now. The session with the students, which lasted an hour, was the longest, most ser- ious public appearance Kennedy made during his stay in Argentina. There were private sessions with Argentine and American personnel, interspersed with mob scenes in the streets as Kennedy made contact with his admirers. After the buffeting of the crowds, the private sessions must have been like giv- ing football players a philosophy lecture during halftime of a game. HOW IS ONE TO REACT to Kennedy's performance in Buenos Aires? In my opinion, with disappointment. It may be naive to expect anything but a political visit from a man in his position. On the other hand, because of Ken- nedy's position, a different kind of trip was possible. Only a politician with his assured popularity can afford the luxury of a trip devoted to learning through true dialogue. Yet, Kennedy seemed intent on wring- ing away drops of publicity from his ap- pearance to the detriment of the sup- posed purpose. The 20 cameramen milled around the stage in sullen disrespect for the speak- er and the audience. Although the tele- vision and newsreel viewers at home had a good close-up view of Kennedy speak- ing, the audience could often see only the backside of a photographer interposed on the stage between Kennedy and the seats. The fact that he did not obj ect to this behavior gave the impression to the audi- ence that the publicity was more impor- tant than the speech. Not that the speech was that signifi- cant. It is hard to imagine who was to be impressed by the first half of the talk. The friendly majority did not need to hear the blandishments to preserve their favor. And surely the critics could not have been won over by Kennedy's Outline - Series knowledge of Argentine history. IN FACT it is quite ironic that a man who travels to, a country to learn about it should spend much of his time repeat- ing the smattering he knew when he ar- rived. Kennedy was wise to place himself on the side of the inevitable revolution. Thus, he appeared to South Americans in sharp contrast to Johnson in the Presi- dent's attempts to keep the lid on revo- lutionary movements. And the point about the importance of political leadership by university students after graduation deserved to be empha- sized. But the rest of the speech could have consisted of the recital of Kenne- dy's open-minded views on important topics, rather than delivering them as impromptu "answers" to questions. Then these areas could have been ex- plored in more depth. As it was both the senator and the students passed up the chance to exchange views. Kennedy's maneuver toward a distant election was a wasted opportunity. As a virtually certain presidential candidate in the future, one would think he would use his years as a senator for preparation and learning. The electorate should ex- pect this of him. THERE IS MUCH to learn in South, America; but Kennedy came to sell. -JAMES SVARA Collegiate Press Service GEORGE GOEBEL once told the following story about an early morning walk home from a late New Year's Eve party: "I was doing real well," he said, "coming around the last corner and in sight of my house, not hav- ing a bit of trouble, when all of a sudden some clown stepped on my fingers." That is just about the way the University must feel as it has sud- denly been caught up short by the convergence of a whole series of factors to create what will prob- ably be one of the University's most serious problems over the next five years, a severe shortage of space. University administrators have done a juggling act for years with salary problems, space needs, stu- dent fees, Legislative intransigence and federal largess, but it looks like the building program can no longer be accommodated with this sort of bargaining and balancing. It is ironic, for instance, that the University, given restrictions on various sources of building money, has built the North Cam- pus Center several years in ad- vance of any real need, and is building the University Events Bldg. irrespective of any real need compared to classroom and lab- oratory needs. AT THE SAME time construc- tion on Medical Science II is just now about to start, 10 years after the building was promised by the Legislature; and the Dental School Bldg., needed for 20 years, is be- ing painfully reevaluated because of the recent receipt of bids al- most $4 million over the estimates. The number of aggravating fac- tors in the present and somewhat sudden construction crisis (though it has been building up for some years), blow the situation up to major proportions. First, the University already has an accumulated building deficit from the lean years of Legislative appropriations in the late 1950's and early 1960's, which would take many millions to wipe out. Second, on top of this deficit which must be made up, the Uni- versity's needs now are going up exponentially as 2000 added stu- dents a year means classrooms plus offices for faculty, plus added li- brary needs for both the faculty and students plus laboratory space for the faculty and graduate stu- dents to do their research in, which itself is growing even faster than the student population. Third, the University cannot spend General Funds money from the Legislature for buildings, nor can it sell bonds for classroom and office buildings which are sup- posed to be paid for by the Legis- lature's capital outlay appropria- tion. YET LANSING has a very re- stricted view of what are proper capital expenditures to cover, and even when it has recognized a need, it is incredibly slow in put- ting up the money for it. And pro- cedures are so slow that by the time the University gets the, money, adds some other resources it has dug up and is ready to build, costs have gone way up be- yond what was planned for. Fourth, given the high level of national prosperity in the United States, labor, especially skilled construction labor, is scarce. It is even scarcer in Southestern Mich- igan where the auto, boom has made itself felt in the high levels of capital outlay by the auto com- panies and their suppliers. And it is scarcer still in Ann Arbor, where the University is growing faster than any auto com- pany, where unprecendented num- bers of students and faculty are looking for housing, where non- University research firms are also attracted to build laboratories, and where the city must supply them all with schools and municipal services. ALL THIS IS aggravated con- siderably by the completely ar- chaic methods of construction still Michigan MAD By ROBERT JOHNSTON used in this country and by the unions' control over these methods and its restrictions on the labor' supply. This problem is shown in the fact that one of the contribut- ing factors to the high dental, school bid was the contractors' ex- pectation of a major wage boost demand from the unions next spring, a demand that will have to be substantially met, given all the shortages in labor. While the state procrastinates on meeting even the most urgent of University needs, the federal government is beginning, but just barely, to fill up the gap. It still adheres, however, to a philosophy of making the receipient of its building grants come up with a major portion of the expenses. For instance, the University has been forced to commit a major portion of its uncommitted income in the $55 'Million Program to sup- plementing federal construction funds for the large library addi- tion, one of the University's most acute needs. And the University had to supply $500,000 for the In- stitute for Social Research Bldg., and ISR had to supply an addi- tional $500,000 out of its own sources of funds. And the library, needed at least five years ago, will probably not be ready until 1970, since $55 M money won't all be in until 1968, by which time it may go through some of the same difficulties the dental school is in. OTHER $55 M income, what- ever the importance of the pro- jects it will support, will do little toward the central problems of classrooms, offices and research space for the literary college, the architecture and design school and the engineering college. There is only one source of im- mediate relief, and that remote and fairly small, for any of these needs. When Medical Science II is done, an older medical building near campus will be remodeled for the literary college. But a major literary college ad- dition, the Modern Language Bldg., is being held up, possibly for some time, by the University's autonomy hassle with the Legis- lature and the state controller's office over control of building planning money, which recent .legislation dictates is to be re- leased by the controller and not given directly to the University. What it comes down to then is that the University will be put- ting 40,000 students in 1970 into the same physical plant that it has now, and 50,000 students in 1975 into al'most the same plant, since it is impossible to get more than a building a year out of the Legislature. With this state of affairs, it is clear that education and research programs are going to suffer. as the space squeeze gets tighter and tighter. The dental school has been in severe straits for some time, and now will have to make do even longer.. IN THE LITERARY college there will have to be even more expedients-doubling and tripl- ing offices; noon, evening and Saturday classes; larger classes farther away from the teachers' offices; use of high cost rented space; and so on. Major blame must rest with the Legislature, which, through its parsimony, anxiety for control over appropriations, and inability to pass an income tax to get the revenue in the first place, has simply failed to meet most of the University's building needs. 'The University isn't blameless, however. Its planning over the years has been almost nonexistent. While it is brilliant in putting to- gether resources to build build- ings, there is no thought of using the same approach in putting to- gether the University's buildings so as to get the most for the money and make maximum use of them. Needs have been decided upon haphazardly and without thorough study of the overall problems-a building here, a building there for whoever yells the loudest has been the approach. Until last year's growth projections came out, no one had even the foggiest notion of how big the University as a whole was going to be ten years hence, which is when we should be planning for now. You can hire a professor in a month, but it takes a minimum of four years to put up a building. The University is going to be faced with a series of needs over the next ten years that cannot possibly bemet. It should first of all take steps to get out of that bind as fast as possible, through thorough, integrated planning, University-wide, coordinating real- istic needs and expectations in all the units. Emergency, make-do measures will have to suffice in the five to ten-year interval. Once again. though, more inter-unit study and cooperation will have to be in- stituted to make maximum use of available space. With well-regulated use of space at home and comprehensive, long- range planning instituted, the University will be able to squeak through this crisis, though many schools are going to suffer in quality through the worst period. IF SUCH PLANNING cannot be instituted quickly, and the data collection, data sharing and ad- ministrative cooperation intro- duced, the University may well be forced to 'give up some of its cherished quality to accommodate the students being forced upon it and, ironically, not for lack of pro- fessors, but for lack of a place to put them. Wednesday: Housing t0 * The United Nations: Keeping the Peace A Riva at Michigan State EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second of two articles . on the United Nations. By NEAL BRUSS REGARDLESS of the threat to world peace implied in strife in any location at any time, for the United Nations to dispatch peace-keeping forces is a dan- gerous move. There are subtle conflicts between major nations on the use of multilateral force. and every time patrol forces are dispatched, some members feel the discord caused endangers the United Nations. Edwin Brown Firmage, assistant professor of law at the University of Missouri, discusses the balance of power at the United Nations which imposes such conditions in a recent Wayne Law Review. Firmage says that the official attitude of the United States to- ward the creation of a standing United Nations police force was a consequence of provisions of the Baruch Plan of 1946 for the es- tablishment of the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission. The American attitude was not in agreement with philosophies of other World War II allies and was in direct opposition to the attitude of the Soviet Union. THE MAJOR CONFLICT devel- oped over a proposal to deprive major powers of their veto in the Security Council on motions for dispatching police forces, and the right of the Security Council to use power to punish a great power. The Soviets claimed such policies were opposed to the spirit and language of the United Na- tions Charter. Firmage uses as an example of the American philosophy the three "Uniting for Peace" resolutions brought before the General As- sembly at the time of the Korean War. The resolutions were results of a feeling of the Western powers at the time that United Nations police power should be used on both large and small aggressor nations. The three resolutions would have permitted the General Assembly to petition the Security Council for collective action against its member nations. If police measures were not approved by the Security Council, Wear Diplomacy IF YOU WISH to convey even to a little Power that if it does a certain thing you will go to war with it, you take care not to an- .. __... _ _ 4..- - - ." the General Assembly could per- mit and suggest that its member nations individually take sanctions against the aggressor. Also, any two members of the Security Council or a majority of the Gen- eral Assembly would be empowered to call a UN Emergency Session. As could be expected, the Soviet representative charged that the Uniting for Peace resolutions were a violation of the UN Charter. THE POLICE FORCE contro- versy gained recent immediate meaning as a threat to the UN when several nations refused to pay peace-keeping assessments levied by the General Assembly for UN police operations. Con- tributions from member nations are necessary to back UN military operations, and when nations do not pay their assessments, the UN is threatened with bankrupcy. Ob- servers felt that several member nations would leave the United Nations if forced to pay for police actions. In 1964, international authori- ties realized the threat and sug- gested alternatives. In a major policy address presented at a Princeton University Dag Ham- marskjold Memorial lecture, Adlai Stevenson, the United States rep- resentative to the United Nations, said: "We are exploring possible arrangements whereby the view- points of the major powers and contributors to the cost could be assured of more adequate con- sideration." Later that same year, a Jap- anese newspaper printed a four- point statement made by the Japanese government containing "Certain Measures to Strengthen the Effectiveness of the United Nations in the Maintenance of International Peace and Security." The statement advocated the fol- lowing: -Creation of a military staff command from the five permanent members of the Security Council as described in Article 47 of the United Nations Charter. -Placement of entire control of United Nations forces in the Se- curity Council. -Conscription of troops only from member nations other than the great powers. -Creation of a secondary re- sponsibility category for nations such as the Soviet Union which refuse toassume primary respon- sibility. Since such nations would not be forced to assume full responsibility for police actions, they would not feel forced to boycott in order to show disapproval. FIRMAGE FEELS that the So- viet Union might agree to some such reforms in order to retain influence on some peace-keeping decisions. The Soviets fear both the loss of nower which would re- Also, by cooperating in peace- keeping efforts, Soviets could cause a balance of power that could effectively check Chinese expansion in areas of local strife. Thus, the Soviets might consider their General Assembly vote valu- able through a new appreciation of its practical power. Finally, Firmage points out, the Soviets wish to prevent adoption of a plan suggested by Canadian Prime Minister Lester Pearson creating a six-power force taken from nations of moderate strength under advisement and not control of the UN., The Russians would find this force of moderate nations merely an extension of NATO. The back- ers of the army would probably be western moderate powers, and the Russians would fear their in- fluence on UN operations. THE UNITED STATES, accord- ing to Firmage, is willing to adopt a revised plan. Americans felt a need for a reliable international police force during the Cyprus crisis. ."Frailties of existing ma- chinery" became obvious when the Security Council could not pro- vide forces until war almost broke out between feuding powers. Adiai Stevenson was aware of this weakness and attempted to assess what forces and logistic re- sources could be counted on "at a moment's notice." He said: "Perhaps it is too early to con- template a fixed United Nations international force which would be maintained for use for any and all purposes-for the world's emergencies differ one from an- other and there could hardly be one treatment for all bf them." Firmage, however, develops Stevenson's argument, asserting that the United Nations police force can only be effective in incidents where a direct East- West confrontation is not present. He also believes that Soviet argu- ments against General Assembly police action have been weakened by the "organic" evolution of the United Nations. Examples of this have been the expansion of the General Assembly and the grow- ing power of the Secretary Gen- eral. The developers of the UN Char- ter could not envision the changes in international economics, bal- ancesofhpower, colonial holdings and other developments that have changed the character of the UN. The UN, as originally conceived, has been expanded and its char- acter changed, and as a result elements of its charter may be obsolete. But it appears that the univer- sal nature and general purpose of the UN is weakened when col- lectve security action is proposed to punish a major power. Firmage realizes this when he says, "If the United Nations cannot' effectively maintain collective se- curity action against a major power with out seriously distorting the universal nature of the or- ganization, then the argument against allowing the ' Security Council to control the peace- keeping functions of the UN'loses much of its validity." COMPROMISE appears neces- sary for the creating of such a force, and because of a new trend toward awareness, the United Na- tions may be moving toward de- velopment of such a force. The General Assembly recently founded a 33-member study com- mittee on peace keeping. In a memorandum, Secretary U Thant suggested reform that stated, -If the Security Council is blocked by veto, the General As- sembly could request by a two- thirds vote that the Security Council withdraw its veto. -All peace-keeping missions would be directed by the Security Council. -No major power would, be forced to pay for peace keeping, but would supply funds for other projects. Because conditions have chang- ed since the inception of the United Nations, a re-examination of policy is necessary if great powers are to agree on a practical UN peace-keeping mechanism. Such a development of new atti- tudes on the part of major na- tions would decrease if not elim- inate the threat to the United Nations arising out of dichotomy of thought on its purpose and limitations in peace keeping. 4 EDITOR'S NOTE: Michael Kind- man recently resigned as editorial di- rector of the Michigan State News in protest over censorship and news policies. He has started a rival paper at Michigan State, called "The Pa- per." Here are excerpts from his edi- torial, which appeared in the first issue. 'THE PAPER" is the sum of its parts; it is as good as the people who make it. With as much modesty as the situa- tion allows, we feel we are "better" than our daily rival, and likely to improve steadily as more people' on campus be- come aware of the State News' deficien- cies and inconsistencies. We seek to create an organization of unashamedly confident, critical, sincere talent, and with it to publish a newspaper (a magazine, if you prefer) which will be a credit to the community from which it emanates. We hope to make it possible, even de- sirable and exciting, to express on paper intelligent thoughts about things of con- cern to people at Michigan State Uni- versity. We are interested in politics, in social studies, in the arts, in creative writing, in intelligent commentary, and rn+n+f f all in nesntino all sies of the OUR HIGHER LOYALTY is to the prac- tice of imaginative, creative, thought- ful journalism. We will not run a ma- chine for processing copy which can run without people. Our plans sound ambitious, and that is intentional. We have a loyalty to the idealism on which the best journalism ever practiced has been based. We hope unabashedly to be a forum for ideas, a center for debate, a champion of the com- mon man, a thorn in the side of the pow- erful. We hope to inspire thought, to attract good writing, to train newcomers in the ways of the press. We hope to be all places at once, to be all good things to all good men, to answer before they are asked all the questions a reader might have. We hope never to become so sure of our position and so unaware of our real job that we will concentrate merely on putting out a paper. When we publish "The Paper" each week, we intend to challenge our readers to consider ours a serious publication. AND WE INTEND to do all this in a spir- it of editorial independence for which there is hardly a model on this campus. We may submit organizationally to the in.i,.imant +-c +.' 4-p ni4 ci tr, h n h i i The Shadow of Viet Nam r STARE at my typewriter. It stares back. I think of all the good things that should be writ- ten about: new poetry, new ar- ticles by the Death-of-God theol- ogians, a new folk group at the Canterbury Coffee House. But all of them stay in my mind. What dominates my hands at the keyboard is the knowledge that the war in Viet Nam is to grow larger, that no end appears in sight. I hear the bombs destroy- ing farmland. I see the ugly deaths of Vietnamese, of Americans. I know the cold fear of the peasant in the fields, the high school dropout in his trench, waiting. Beyond all these, deep in my mind, is the certainty that this war, like all wars, has finally acquired a personality and will of its own. Its direction is beyond the critic in the university, the church, the community. Its jus- tification (if any war can be jus- tifir11 hn,.q 1nno sincebn hbnuhried In Parenthesis By GEORGE ABBOTT WHITE steadily undermined by the effect of the senseless brutality on the American public. If the critics feel their minds raped ,the American public must acknowledge that it has finally, horribly, been bludg- eoned into indifference, accept- ance, of this war. How much it hurts seeing the country you love turning into an animal! The churches sit on their, mon- ey-fat haunches and preachers safely make the Gospel "rele- vant' 'to Christmas. Their military counterparts "bless" the planes and crews that carry death. The universities, having "done their part" by allowing teach-ins, go back to the Ivory Tower or the difficult huines of hustling mon- many did feel?" you kill? How did it FOR ONE pure moment, if every American from LBJ to the little old lady next door became in- tensely introspective and asked themselves "How did it feel," ask- ed themselves whether or not the violence of war was "winning" Viet Nam (whatever, in God's name, winning means), I am quite certain the answer would be a solid "No." In spite of all the honeyed words, our security depends naught on Southeast Asia. One has only to remember the missile silos in Nebraska to be clear on that. And our "honor" depends less on our waging an absurd war, than in helping the people of the third world to attain the economic paradise America now enjoys. We will not help those people nor bolster our sagging honor by destroying whole countries in the nm.a, fnpo. anm .nA rnfl n- a