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December 04, 1965 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-12-04

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Ileers Drop

Cagers Battle Bowling Green's Fast Break'*

W. Lutheran. 9-4


V V - - W - --- '~ -

It turned into a mismatch. We
Just have tfa ce it. Michigan ha
tem abette team"
Sospoke Ted aki, the disil-
Ontario's W a t e r1 aouhera
to the Wolverine ices last night,

"We like to look at the pre-con-
fere nce season as a formative time.
We plan to get a lot of men in there
the match while making 41 saves -iete xeine-fw a.
in te blsterng arrae of50 But sometimes. . . . Well, we
Michigan shots on goal. Mean- wat to wiaso.",
while, Herman was faced with only wBasketbl acoach Dave Strack
17 shots, fending off 13. One has often made clear his belief
might wonder what kind of sugar that these games give the team a
headms headnedhog Harod'th period to experiment, to gain pro-
goal-mouth fore on the frt1 m ficiency and confidence in their
goalmout forthefirs 15 in-own style of ball. It's their chance
utes of th e t hird period when1 to improve ani st a p te n
nary shotcameoff aWateroo I~ ~ ai*~m v~a1tha- a uv

Walt Piatkowski (6'8") and Al This puts the game right at the
Dixon (6'9"), both sophs, combine boards, where Michigan will have
with Junior Sam Mims (6'4") up .that fourth man shooting and re-
front to match Michigan's size. bounding in close.
The numerical advantage for "We feel we've got eight or nine
the Blue will be with Cazzie Rus- real players we can use this year."
sell, the 6'6" guard who is any-:says Strack. "At least we hope so.
thing but a guard. The Bowling "I think we've made some good
Green counterparts of Russell and changes so far. But you always
John Thompson are Rich Hendrix. want to try to refine them. Our
a 6-foot soph, and Nick Aloi. at offense hias been altered, yes, but
6'4", and the lack of a big man not so much as you'd think. We've
in the back court will be the prob- always had this kind of thing in
lem for the Falcons, there . . . it's Just that sometimes

- stick.up for Big Ten competition;.
The Michigan team dominated >'It all started big. With 48 sec- And Strack demands success in
the game by an even greater mai - onds gone in the opening stanza, the rehearsals also.
gin than the lopsided score mndi- MacDonald sneaked in a rebound Bowling Green Today
cates. Led by an "All-America" (by from a Mel Wakabayashi shot and Bowling Green and Ball State
birth) "Kid"' line, the Blue out- the Wolverines got off to a quick are on deck, and Strack is selling
stripped the visiting Canadians in 1-0 lead. Koviak registered his no one short. The Falcons from
all categories that make a hockey .first at 10:13, subsequently follow- Ohio are the better of the two, as
game-they outshot, outran, out- -ed by a Mike Martill-a tally at they proved in their 9 1-74 win
checked, and completely outclass- - 10.against Ball State on Dec. 1
ed teir nexpriened fes.Waterloo smacked in two before Freshman coach Tom Jorgenson
The- "Kid" line, center'ed by .- .,the pciriod ended, one of them an
sophomore Bruce Koviak and ~'unassisted slap off the stick of
manned on the flanks by junior EA CA ANMeWkbyshheedMhiatoa -4 Dny mswietetam asBB n o
Mike Martilla and his soph brother TEMCPANMl-kbysihle Micigno 9-4 sDonny As whil the emwsB If
Lea acoute fo fur f he victory last night over Waterloo with two assists in a non- ashrstegth. Game time for Michigan's
Wolverine goals, two by Koviak conference hockey game. Wakabayashi, shown going in for a Tihe iddtley pyB eriogawasolo clsh ith HBowln Green a
and one each by his current, and score against Michigan State last year, when he led the WCHA Michigantalyo by obkergusodnti Yost Fil ouse today is 13
former, linemates from Detroit. in scoring, twor Watteo o f arersan ah te- T p kms, a 1 hsgm,
All three starred with the now sore wat thecl e vnd f t. T hc Tikes at 1 frtigae
defunct Junior Red Wings, a Jun- the I i in e showed remarkable with Barry "Bear" MacDonald,'n waslo baicllineentful, with as wel Ias M tonday's game
jor B team, while preppers in the finesse. Kovak, a whirling dervish who tallied two counters and, like tertho soldin terd onol against BalSate, are on sale
MtCtthe yone erie de n-at the ticket window of the
or - wth is inpintpasingandassist. Then, in the third, fireworks. Athletic Administration Bldg.
Created in practice last week deadly shots, shared top honors "-couldn't name anyone in Koviak opened the scoring at 1:59, at State and Hoover.
~~~~ aeloparticular as the 'star'," stated and his teammates kept the disc Television s t a t i o n WKBD
Waterloo s W aterlMichigan mentor Al Renfrew fol- within their own blue line for, (channel 50 ilbroadacst
lowing the game. "All the lines over eight minutes, before the both games live.
First Period-Scoring: M--Mac- --Ferguson (high-sticking) 7:12, IV played well, and I am more than younger Martilla plunked a cheat- .__________________
Donald (Wakabayashi, Ferguson) -Amos (illegal check) 11:47. , ht1:6Mco
0:48, M--Koviak (MacDonald) 10:13, Third Period - Scoring:a M--Ko- satisfied." He did express disap- ci' in te corner at 100. Ma~n- was on hand as the young Bowl-
M-Mike Martilla (unassisted) 11:05, viak (Lea Martilla) 1:59, M-Lea pointment in soph goalie Harold ald chalked up his second tally at ing Green squad opened up their
.W--Amos (unassisted) 12:47, W -- Martilla (Koviak, Thompson)'1l0:06- Herman, however, declaring that 12:05, and Tom Schiller followed fast breaking offense for this year.
Allen (O'Flaherty) 17:39. Penalties: M-MacDonald (Hhompson, Fergu- ltemnGgPaewlrtunwith another a minute and a half b
W---Russell (interference) 8:52, W- son) 12:05, M-Schlller (unassisted) ter nGegPgwlletn The Wolverines probably got a
Wood (illegal check) 11:25, M -- 13:51, M-Ullyot (Lucier, Henderson) to the nets tonight in the Wateir- later- look at Warren Scholler's five
Thompson (interference) 13:50, M- 19:57. Penalties: W-Dobie (charg- loo rematch. During all this tine, Waterloo three weeks ago down at Toledo
o Fegson (el ichek) 17:04, M-- in:05, M-Kovak (hookingk) The goal-tending statistics teil could not as much as get a shot The two teams traditionally come
Second Period-Scoring: M--Fer- W--RusselI (tripping) 19:38. the story of the game. Herman's off. Easing off, Michigan coasted together for a joint (not inter-
guson (Henderson, Wakabayashi) MICHIGAN 3 1 5--9 counterpart - the only Waterloo the rest of the way, topping it all squad) scrimmage before they
2:05, W-Mclntosh (Allen, O'Flah- Waterloo Lutheran 2 2 0-4 iceman worthy of note - Larry off with three seconds remaining open, giving the players an in-
Penalties: -Knobbs (Interference) Hermn (M)ods 4 3 6-13 Stone, hopped back and forth in on Ron Ullyot's slap on a Dean formal baptism before a crowd.
6:04, W--Banks (charging). 7:12, M Stone (WV) 9 18 14--41 front of the net for the whole of Lucier pass. Strack xvent over th'e films of the
- ___ -- _- -"Tenessee game with his team
yesterday afternoon before a short
practice session.
Hoot and a Holler
The Falcons' style is a far cry
from that of Ray Mears' Volun-
teers, and Strack terms today's
cs ay"anothwi' kind ofptsst."
WO R S FIIPtheir starting line-up, mking
them a group with speed and size.

they'll show up moi'e. For instance,
this year we feel, we have some
moie team speed, so we try to
use it."
The Blue have converted to
make full-court defenses their
basic ones for the moment. There
are a couple of them, including
the frantic press they opened the
year with, which were planned
with the new personnel alignment
in mind. Basically, this means that
Bill Buntin has gradua toed l
those eight or nine men in the
coming games, Strack points out
that he has always felt that "you
don't need more than five men
going all the way to use the full-
court strategy.
"You have to have quickness,
condition, and discipline to make
it work. But the good thing about
it is that you can get these
through using it.
"Yes, it's a gambling strategy
all right. You gamble with your
fouls . . . but you have to weigh
what you get in return for this."
Same Five
Strack, plans no changles in his
starting line-up- for today's battle.
Joining Thompson and Russell
will be Captain Oliver Darden and
John Clawson playing the corners,
and 6'10" junior Craig Dill at
As usual the guards will be the
floor leaders, the "quarterbacks,"
with Thompson carrying most of
the load while Cazzie is under the
boards more often.
Yesterday's short practice con-
centrated mainly on running. It
was als.o another graphic lesson,
a reminder for anyone who can't
watch the Blue every day.
No Matter What
When a ballplayer is good, he's
good. No mnatter what he does or
how nonchalontly he does It, it's
right. Cazzie Russell shoots rlght.
passes right, and rebounds right
-and all with a style and a drive
and a wide-open spirit all his own
that gets others doing It right and
enjoying it as he does.
When he goes up with a lay-up
he doesn't have to look any more,
because if he hits the rim or
crowds it with the ball going up,
it'll roll in anyhow. If he passes
lon bor short, ifhe passes behind
is blocked ...it gets there just
the same.
oesithe ball rreally have eyes,
No. It's as if he wills it thiere
..to be "right."
And what else could it be? Con-
fidence and skill, along with the
desirethiat' enough to say that
Cazzie comes running up behind
the rest in a sweat-shirt and un-
thte cn' wakis t to get started
to get irunning again. And the
smile and the yelp when he break,
onto the court make it clear.
Drills start out stolidly.. .
Then Cazzie starts moving and
talking-to himself, to the others
-and it's catching. The pace picks
up. The talk picks up.
They're off to the races.*
And who stays behind after-
Iwards to take the extra practice
The team may have changed
some, but the leader Is the same.
Game time is 1:30 today. The class
ies prsented with oe of thos
hard to forget.
T he

endorsed by PanhellenicI


-Daily-Thomas R. Copi
MICHIGAN'S CAZZIE RUSSELL picks up two of his 29 points
against Tennessee with one of the Wolverines' comparatively few
layups, as the Vols effectively plugged up the middle with a
good defense. It is expected that the Blue will be in closer today
against Bowling Green.
.see=mssen aetn=a

Ar State and H lran Streets
Phone NO 2 -4536
Hoover Rupert. Minister
Eugene Rancom. Camous Minister
9:00 and 11:15 a m..-Worship Services, Dr.
10:15 a m-Christian Socia CMoncerns Cass,
Pine Room. Mr. Daniel Kaombira will
speak on Southern Rhodesia.
7:00 p.m.-Wesley Christmas Party, Wesley
Lounge. Tree-trimming.
5:00 p.m.----Church Related Vocations Group,
Green Room with dinner following in Pine
Room. The Rev. Wilbur Williams, execu-
tive secretary of the Ann Arbor-Washtenaw
County Council of Churches, spegker.
8:30 p.m.-Open House, Charles Bearden's
Wesley Foundation apartment.
7:00 o.m.-Holy Communion, Chapel' fo-
lowed by breakfast in Pine Room. Out in
6:0 o.m.-eslev Groa~ Pine Room Supp r
Stable" by Charles W ilam s yte
W. Stadium at Edpewood
Across from Ann Arbor High
Roy V. Palmer, Minister
10:00 a.mn.-Bible School
11:00 o.m.-Regular Worship
6:00 p.m -Evening Worship
7:30pom -ible Studv
Tronspnrtation furnished for all services-Call
NO 2.2756.

306 N. Dis'sion-Phone (65.0606
8:00 a.m.-Holy Commhunion.
9:00 o.m.-Holy Communion and Sermon
(Breakfast following at Canterbury House).-
100 a m-oy Cmmunin and Sermron.
7USA,1:00 .m.-Holy Communion.
IWEDNESDAY, 7:00 a m --Holy Communion.
FRIDAY, 12:10 p.m.-Holy Communion.
DEC. 12-Festival of Lessons and Carols-
9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
Corner State and Huron Sts.--NO 3-0589
Dr Ravmond H. Saxe, Pastor
Wednesday, 7 .30 p.m.--Thanksgiving Service
with fellowship following.
9.4 a m.--Sunday Sc 45d hool.
7:0p m.--Eeig Service.
Wer'nsdav Pr'iver Meeting at 7 :30 p m.
Nursery faciliiies at all services.
If it's Bible you wont, come to Grace Bibe-
Fundamental, Pre-Millenial, Biblical.
(Th Luteron Church-ueMissouri Synod)
Alfred Tr. Scheips. Pastor
Theodore L. Scheidt, Assistant Pastor

as enaw ve

Fur transoortatior' call 662-4018
9 30 c'ear >W nagy School for pupils from 2
I :00 a mi -$ir day morning church service
lnfunt core during service.
11:00 a mn-Snday School for pupils from 2
IA free readmng ooom is maintained at 306 E.
Liberty o.pen .1ailv except Sundays and
holidays from 10:00 am. to 5:00 p m;
Monday even'ngs from 7:00 to 9.00 p m.
33 1 Thompton
NO 3 -0557
Msgr. Bradley, Rev. Litka, Rev. Ennen
Thanksgiving Day Services-7:00, 8:00, 9:00,
10:00, 11:00, 12:00.
SUNDAY-Masses at 7:00, 8:00, 9:15, 10:45,
12:00, 12:30.-
VVEDNESDAY-70 p~m - venn Mas
Confessions following
&ATURDAY-Confessions: 3:30-5:00; 7:30-
9:00 p m
1501 W. Liberty St.
Ralph B. Piper, David Bracklein,
Fred Holtfreter. Pastors
Wednesday Night, 7:30 - Thanksgiving Eve
Worship Servics-8:30 and 11:00 a.
Holy Communion - Second Sunday of each
Church School & Adult Bible Class-9:35 a~m
Holy Baptism-First Sunday of month.
Nursery facil-ties during worship services and
church school
Nat'onal L utheran Counc il
Hill Street at South Forest Ave.
Pastor: Henry 0. Yoder
9:30 and 11:00 a.m.-Worship Services.
7:00 p.m.-Discussion-"The Mission of the
Church as Projected by Mr. William
10:00 p.m.- Vespers.
1917 Wnshtenaw
Erwin A. Goede, Minister
Church School and Services at 9:00 and 11:30
a.m.-Sermnon: '"Another View .of Christ-
m as.
Church School and Adult Discussion at 10:15
a.m.-A political discussion led by Dr.
Warren Miller.

-~ .
- 5 S


Presently meeting at the YM-YWCA
Affiliated with the Baptist General
Rev. Martin Christiansen
9:45 a.m.-Sunday Bible School.
11:00 o.m.-Morning Worship.
7:00 p.m.-Evening Gospel Hour.
An active University group meets each Sunday
for the 9:45 service.
Coffee is served at 9:30 a.m.
1001 E. Huron at Fletcher
Pastors~ Molefvt and Van Hpven
9:15 a.m.-Collegiate Class. Topic: "Second
Peter." Led by Rev. Van Hoven.
10:30 a.m.-Worship Service. Sermon given
by Dr. Arthur Giosser, Director of Overseas
Mission Fellowship.
7:00 p.m.-Christmos Cantata.
8:30 p.m.-Collegiate Club-Open Forum.

9:45 and 11:15 o.m.-Services, Holy Com-
munion at 9:45 service.
11:15 a.m.-Bible Class.
6:00 p.m.-Gammo Delta Supper and Pro-
gram. "The World Into Which Christ
Came," Dr. Erich Kiehl, speaker.
10:00 p.m. Advent Vespers.
Forest at Woshtenaw
The Rev. Donald Postema
Sponsored by the Christian Reformed Churches
of Michiaan.
10:00 a.m.-Morning Worship Service. Ser-
mon Topic: "Christ as Pattern."
4 :30 p.m.-Service of Holy Communion.
5:45 p.m.-Sunday Night Supper.
7:00 p.m.-Evening Worship Service. Sermon:
"All Shook Up" (Monologue).
1131 Church Street Phone 761 -0441
Rev -Jesse Northweather
Sunday School at 9:45 a.
Sunday Morning Service at 11 :00 a m.
Sunday Eveninp Service at 7:30 pm.
I1:00 a.m.-Worship-First Baptist Church.


1432 Washtenaw Ave.
Ministers: Ernest T Campbell, Malclm

Corner Stote.and William

423 5. Fourth Ave.e Bzr

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