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December 04, 1965 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1965-12-04

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Jur I
MONTGOMERY, Ala. () --
Three Ku Klux Klansmen were
convicted yesterday by a white
jury of criminal conspiracy and
sentenced by a federal judge to 10
years imprisonment in the slaying
of a civil rights worker.
"In my opinion," Dist. Judge
Frank M. Johnson, Jr. told the
jury, "that was the only verdict
you could reach in this case and
reach a fair and proper verdict."
A short time later, Johnson im-
posed the 10-year sentences-the
maximum prison terms-upon the
three stunned defendants: Collie
Leroy Wilkins, Jr., 22, of Fair-
field, Ala., and Eugene Thomas,
42, and William Orville Eaton, 41,
both of Bessemer.
Wilkins, a stocky and crewcut
former mechanic, had been acquit-
ted earlier by a state court jury
of murder in the March 25 slay-
ing of Viola Gregg Liuzzo of De-



The three Klansmen were con-
victed under an 1877 statute of
conspiring to violate the civil
rights of Mrs. Liuzzo and other
participants in a Selma-to-Mont-
gomery march climaxing a viol-
ence-marked Negro voting rights
When the judge asked the men
if they had anything to say be-
fore sentence was imposed, Wilk-
ins and Eaton each replied, "I'm
innocent of the charge."
Will Appeal
Johnson quickly pronounced the
sentence in his rapid-fire voice.
When he asked Thomas if he had
anything to say, the defendant
said, "No."
Their attorney said the verdicts
will be appealed.
Appeal bonds of $10,000 each
were set by the judge and the
Klansmen were led away by a
federal marshal to beging serving
their sentences. They will be eli-

gible for parole after serving one-
third of the 10 years.
Second Conviction
It was the second guilty verdict
in two days by white juries in
trials growing out of Alabama ra-
cial incidents. A jury at Annis-
ton convicted a white man of mur-
der Thursday in the slaying of a
Negro and set the penalty at 10
years in prison.
In Washington, Atty. Gen. Nich-
olas Katzenbach said the convic-
tions were "a victory for equal
justice in the South." He said,
however, that the Justice Depart-
ment will continue working on
proposed legislation aimed at in-
suring equal justice by Southern
The prosecutor, Asst. Atty. Gen.
John Doar, said of the jury's de-
cision, "The jury did its duty."
Earlier Deadlock'
Defense attorney Arthur J.
Hanes, the former Birmingham


mayor who had successfully de-
fended Wilkins in his second mur-
der trial, obviously was shaken
and surprised at the verdicts.
Hanes said that the judge's re-
marks in refusing to accept a
deadlocked jury about four hours
earlier had "a great influence on
the verdict.''
The jury foreman told Johnson
shortly after 10 a.m. that no ver-
dict had been reached and, "we
are hopelessly deadlocked."
Urges Verdict
Johnson urged the 12 men to
keep trying. "This is an important
case," he told them. "You should
consider that this case at some
time must be decided."
The defense attorney had been
encouraged by the deadlock re-
port and the length of the jury's
deliberations. The jurors spent
about 11 hours debating and dis-
cussing the case after it was
handed to them Thursday -- 28
hours and four minutes before
their decision came.
The jury deliberated exactly two
hours and 38 minutes-including
the final 17 minutes after lunch
-following the judge's admonition
and brought in the verdict at 2:08
Cautions Jurors
After hearing the verdicts read
separately by the court clerk,
Hanes and his three somber cli-
ents walked aimlessly around the
corridor outside the courtroom.
None of them said a word for
about two minutes.
The judge cautioned the jury-
men against talking about their
decision outside the courtroom. He
said he had read of an Anniston
juror disclosing how the balloting
"That is not anybody's busi-
ness," Johnson said.
In the trial which began Mon-
day, the government builts its
cases around the testimony of FBI
witness Gary Thomas Rowe, Jr.,
who testified that he was with
the three Klansmen when they
pursued Mrs. Liuzzo along U.S. 80.

May Seek
Arms Help
Hint at Soviet Aid
If Britain Fails
To Invade Rhodesia
LUSAKA, Zambia (AP)-Zambia's
President Kenneth Kaunda sug-
gested yesterday that he may call
for Soviet troops if Britain re-
fuses to invade neighboring white-
ruled Rhodesia. The British flew
war planes into Zambia during the
day for defense but Kaunda said
that was not enough.
"If the British refused to send
ground troops," he said, "we could
ask the United States."
He contended, however, that the
United States is likely to follow
Britain's lead, and added: "What
is there left for us to do but go
to the Soviet government?" He
said this was "just a line of
Ideological War
If the Soviet Union is drawn in-
to the campaign, he added, "this
would not only be a racial- war,

CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (P) -- The weather outlook, which had
Gemini 7 astronauts Frank Bor- caused concern, brightened.
man and James A. Lovell, Jr. re-
laxed yesterday on the eve of one The forecast was for cloudy but
of man's greatest space adventures satisfactory launching conditions
-a two-week endurance flight at Cape Kennedy.'
during which two manned ve- All systems in the four-ton
hicles may fly within inches while spacecraft and the nine-story tall'
orbiting at 17,500 miles an hour. Titan 2 rocket received thorough
Success of the marathon mission checks and were pronounced in
and the planned rendezvous with excellent shape. Fuel was loaded
Gemii 6 would topple all man- in the power-producing fuel cells.
in-space records and considerably,
enhance America's confidence that Air Force Lt. Col. Borman and
it can land astronauts on the Navy Cmdr. Lovell attended a two-'
moon in this decade. hour mission review and then re-
Most space agency officials feel tired to their "ready room" quar-1
there is slightly better than a 50- ters at the Cape to rest and study
50 chance that the Gemini 7 and the complex flight plan that calls
6 rendezvous can be accomplished for them to circle the globe 206:
in mid-December. times in 329 hours, 30 minutes-
The smoothest prelaunch prep- just 62 hours shy of 14 days.


All Systems 'Go' for Gemini 7



arations in the history of the U.S.
space program coasted without a
hitch toward today's scheduled
2:30 p.m. EST launching of Gem-
ini 7.

*The Gemini 6 astronauts, Navy
Capt. Walter M. Schirra, Jr., and
Air Force Maj. Thomas P. Staf-
ford, practiced rendezvous maneu-

World News Roundup___

Russians Hit U.S. Policy,

but an ideological one." By The Associated Press
Meanwhile, the Council of Min- MOSCOW - The Soviet Union
isters of the Organization of Afri- launched yesterday its fourth at-
can Unity voted last night to tempt this year to land an instru-
break off diplomatic relations with ment package softly on the moon
Britain Dec. 15 unless the Brit- and take a major stride ahead of
ish crush the Rhodesian rebel- the United States in the race to
lion by that date. put a man there.
Economic Blockade If all goes well, the first soft
The conference also decided the lunar landing in history should
36 member states would impose a take place around midnight Mos-
complete economic blockade on cow time-4 p.m. EST-Monday,
Rhodesia and cut off all com- when American astronauts are
munications with that breakaway scheduled to be orbiting the earth
British colony. All planes flying in the Gemini 7 capsule.
to Rhodesia will be refused flying;
rights over the African countries. The unmanned Soviet space sta-
The ministers, after a five-hour tion, Luna No. 8, loaded with sci--
session, announced all Southern entific equipment, weighed slight-
Rhodesian accounts would be ly more than earlier Soviet moon
blocked in the banks. probes this year, 3,421.5 pounds.
All travel documents issued by * * *
the Southern Rhodesian govern- PARIS-President Charles de
ment would be declared void. Gaulle and his five rivals in to-
- - -

morrow's presidential election of-
ficially closed their campaigns last
night with radio-television appeals
for support.
De Gaulle, running for a pop-
ularly elected office for the first
time in his 78 years, unbent
enough to ask for a "demonstra-
tion of confidence."
* * *
LINCOLN, Neb.-A federal court
jury yesterday ordered Duane E.
Pope, a college football star turn-
ed killer, to pay with his life for
a bloody Big Springs, Neb., bank
robbery six months ago.
Judge Robert Van Pelt ordered
Pope executed in the electric chair
on March 3, 1966 at 11:30 a.m.

vers in a spacecraft simulator.
Lovell and Borman were report-
ed anxious to get started.
The flight will be the most ex-
tensive test yet of man's ability
to physically and mentally with-
stand long exposure to the space
environment. Medical experiments
have been given No. 1 priority.
Borman and Lovell will wear
new lightweight space suits which
they plan to remove for several
days during the flight, riding in
their long underwear for comfort.
Schirra and Stafford are to take
off from the same launch pad on
Dec. 13-nine days after Gemini
7 is airborne-to begin the historic
"We've got a good chance of
doing it," said flight director
Christopher C. Kraft, Jr. "There
are three factors involved: How
well the spacecraft 7 operates, how
well we do with the checkout of
Gemini 6 spacecraft and launch
vehicle, and the weather."

draft quota of 38,280 men in Jan-
uary, including 8,980 for the Ma-
rine Corps, in line with the build-
up of U.S. military strength in
Viet Nam.
This compares with a December
quota of 40,200. The December to-
tal initially was 45,224 and includ-
ed a request by the Marines for
5,024 but the Marine Corps re-
quest was withdrawn.
* * *
WASHINGTON-The Army rul-
ed yesterday that draftees will not
be shipped from induction stations
to Army reception centers between
Dec. 22 and Dec. 27.
The Army said the action was
taken to buttress a policy which
will spare young men from induc-
tion in the two days before Christ-

The Soviet Union chilled peace
talk about Viet Nam with a de-
nunciation yesterday of U.S. policy
and an avowal of military and
political support for Communist
North Viet Nam.
In a speech to the General As-
sembly's Main Political Commit-
tee Soviet delegate Nikolai T.
Fedorenko virtually ruled out any
role for his country in setting
up peace negotiations.
He spoke as British Foreign
Secretary Michael Stewart return-
ed to London from an unsuccess-
ful mission to Moscow in search
of a way to resolve the Vietnamese
crisis at the conference table.
Stewart Optimistica.
Stewart told reporters at Lon-
don Airport that he felt no opti-
mism about chances for convening
a Vietnamese peace conference at
this time. He said also he had
collected no evidence that a halt
in U.S. bombings of North Viet
Nam would improve the situation.
Fedorenko's speech made no
reference to U.S. offers to enter
into unconditional negotiations
with North Viet Nam, or British
proposals for convening a new
Geneva conference on Viet Nam.
He said the Soviet Union sup-
ported fully the demands of Ho
Chi Minh, the North Vietnamese
leader, for restoring peace.
"The Soviet Union expresses its
solidarity with the struggle of the
Vietnamese patriots against Amer-
ican aggression," he said. "It has
been rendering and will render
full political support and the. ne-
cessary economic and military as-
sistance to the fraternal Vietna-
mese people."
Blames. U.S. Intervention
North Viet Nam terms include
withdrawal of all U.S. troops, ma-
terial and bases from South Viet
Nam, recognition of the political
independence of Viet Nam, and
a political settlement along the
lines demanded by the Communist
Viet Cong.
"Only the military intervention
of the United States and some of
their allies in military blocs is the
single and main reason for the
tragic events in Viet Nam," Fed-
orenko said.
He spoke in the committee on
behalf of a Soviet resolution de-

manding that armed intervention
in the domestic affairs of one
country by another "should be
halted forwith and should not be
permitted in the future."
The resolution did not single
out any country by name, but
Fedorenko made clear that he
considered it directed at the Unit-
ed States.
Denounces Policies
He accused President Johnson's
administration of daily expanding
the scope of the war, thus follow-
ing "a trend of escalation which
is, no doubt, leading to a greater

tension in the international situa-
tion, and which is pregnant with
exceptionally serious consequences,
and not only for the cause of
peace in Southeast Asia."_
Fedorenko said also that the
United States was using South
Viet Nam for armed attacks
against Cambodia, and was carry-
ing out aggressive military actions
and intervening in the domestic
affairs of Laos.
In the Dominican Republic, he
added, the United States was
guilty of armed intervention in
violation of the UN Charter.

Department yesterday

asked a


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