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December 04, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-12-04

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See Editorial Page


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Drizzles continuing;
intermittant winds

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom.




Projec t


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EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sec-
ond of a two-part series dealing
with the pilot. project.
This semester the pilot project
inaugurated two experimental
courses: Freshman Seminar and
Intensive French., Both courses
will be expanded next semester
and will probably be used in the
curriculum of the residential col-
The Freshman; Seminar is be-
ing taught by Prof. Alan T. Gay-
lord of the English department to
10 pilot project students who were
chosen on a "first-come, first-
served" basis from the 200 stu-
dents who requested the course.
The seminar, which serves as a
substitute for English 123, has
concentrated on an interdiscipli-
nary analysis of "the American

University and the American
City." Gaylord characterizes these
topics as "frames for the stu-
dent's introduction to 'college
The course is organized around
two class meetings a week. The
students and Gaylord meet at East
Quadrangle for lunch and then
hold class in Benzinger Library.
A typical class attended by this
Daily reporter was remarkable for
its friendly and informal atmos-
phere. There was little note-tak-
ing: the students were too busy
participating in the discussion of
Plato's "Republic" to write down
every word rAaylord said. Debate
was natural and spontaneous.
Commenting on the freedom of
the seminar, Gaylord says, "Some
cynics would call the course a
bull session, but I am not satis-
fied with that. There has been

some rigor, and the discussions are graded and there are no tests. French into a two-semester course,
are more an interaction than an Each student decides upon his seems to be equally successful.
opinion exchange." grade in a series of conferences Eight sections of 10 students
The "rigor" of the course has with Gaylord. are currently enrolled in the class,
been provided largely by reading The students seem to have which meets for eight hours of
and writing assignments. Gaylord unanimously positive reactions to class a week and has dinner to-
says, "Given a problem, students the seminar. They decided midway gether (in French, of course) four
should be learning to find the is- through the semester that "they times a week. In addition, there is
sues and formulate useful ques- just didn't have enough time to a "Cercle Francais du Project Pil-
tions, find relevant resource ma- enjoy each other" and asked Gay- o. ithat meets after dinner oc-
aterial, be able to evaluate, be able lord to hold a retreat on a Sat- casionally.
to transmit their findings to oth- urday so that they could have The objectives of the course, ac-
ers clearly and interestingly and the whole day to talk together. cording to the official course de-
be able to judge their own per- The retreat was held on November scriptions, are:
formance with some discrimina- 13. 1) To permit the student to
tion." Next semester two sections of concentrat : on the acquisition of
One of the writing assignments the Freshman Seminar, to be the basic skills of the language;
was to visit the Alumni Museum taught by Prof. Wilbert McKeach- 2) To permit him to progress
of Art, write a review for The ie, chairman of the psychology more rapidly;
Daily and then write a "letter to department, will be offered to pilot 3) To increase the student's mo-
the editor" attacking the review. I project students. tivation to learn French by per-,
Another assignment involved :;xer- The second new course, Inten- mitting him to tackle intellectual-
cise in character description. sive French, which concentrates% ly stimulating material, and
None of the written assignments four semesters of elementary 4) To make language learning

an exciting cultural experience by.
putting him systematically in con-
tact with French culture.
Prof. Jean Carduner of the
French department, director of
the program, says that a concen-
trated language course is desirable
because "in language instruction,
2 plus 2 equals 5. Therefore con-
centration makes sense."
The Intensive French course
should be especially beneficial to
two types of students, according
to Carduner:
1) The freshman trying to get
rid of his language requirement.
Such a student will want to get
through his required language
courses as quickly as possible.
2) The student who is truly
interested in French. Having ful-
filled his prerequisites by the end
of his freshman year, he can eas-
ily major in French.

A new kind of language labora-
tory has been installed in East
Quadrangle for experimental use
by the boys who are taking In-
tensive French. Each student can
use the lab by dialing a number
on his room telephone. A taped
lesson comes over the phone and
the student can practice at his
own convenience.
Carduner says, "If the new lan-
guage lab system is successful, it
might eventually be installed in
all the dormitories."

trouble with Intensive French.
Marcia Winik, Grad, one of the
teaching fellows in Intensive
French, says, '"Intensive French
is an exciting way to learn a lan-
guage." And the students appar-
ently agree with her. One of the
students in Miss Winik's class says,
"I love Intensive French and I like
the chance to talk French in the
dorm. Sometimes without think-
ing I even start talking French
with people who don't know any

Ideally, each student should Some students complain about
have his own tape reccrder, Car- the pace of the course. Carduner
duner adds. In one recent case, a is hopeful that this complaint
student who was getting a "D" could be eliminated by having a
in elementary French jumped to programmed learning system, in
an "A" by getting his own tape which each student could go at his
recorder. The pilot project is pro- own pace and then fulfill his
viding tape recorders to a few language requirement by taking
students who are having particular an examination when ready.

Attack US roop Bill1etHater
Bn The Assoiees Official reports said two Ameri- nearby but it was deactivated.
and The New York Times can servicemen were killed and Peace Effort Collapses
SAIGON-As a lengthening lull 67 were wounded. At least 100 Meanwhile, the collapse of an-
in ground fighting raised specula- South Vietnamese civilians were other peace effort signalled the
tion that Communist troops are killed or wounded. likelihood that the Viet Nam war
marking time for a Christmas of- U.S. and South Vietnamese is destined to grow bigger and
fensive, Viet Cong terrorists last sc ne and blocked off a wide area. more dangerous.
night attacked and blew up a U.S. Minutes after the big explosion British Foreign Minister Michael
enlisted men's billet in downtown a mine aimed in the direction of Stewart after an appeal to the
Saigon. the Metropole Hotel was found Soviet Union to join Britain in
__ --_. __ _reopening a conference to settle
the conflict, said yesterday he had
detected no change in the Soviet A

Draf t


)fl Deonstrators

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To Ask Court Ruling
By ROBERT MOORE Federal court without having ex
haust all the "internal remedies'
The American Civil Liberties within the Selective Service sys
Union (ACLU) verified plans yes- tem. Usually, an appeal is allowe
terday to take the reclassification only when the plaintiff has tried
of four student protestors to Fed- all internal remedies before go
eral court. ing to Federal court.
ACLU will probably file papers:
with the Federal Circuit Court stuA t, whicherereclas aldfoua
early next week asking for a Fed-been following the case sinc
eral declaratory judgment to end Holmes' .original statement on
further-.alasstication and to re-Nv.2
store the students' original classi- Nov. 27
fication. Appeals Planned
The details of the suit have not Meanwhile, the individual stu
been worked out. David Klein of dents planned their appeals before
Detroit, ACLU's attorney, said he the draft boards. Eric Chester, '66
would probably prepare the case the first protestor who was re
this weekend. He had not decided classified, said he expected to
what the best trial date would be. make his personal appeal before
"There is a division of counsel his draft board some time nex
whether to do it now or to wait month.
until after the presentations," His local board has told him h
Klein said. (The presentations are could have neither legal counse
the draft board appeals planned nor witnesses at the appeal, Ches-
by the individual students.) ter said.
'Graceful Exit' Chester will argue at his appea
"We don't want to harden that it is not up to Holmes but to
Col. Arthur Holmes' (State Selec- a jury of his peers to decid
tive Service director) position by whether or not he violated federa
getting an injunction against law by obstructing the adminis-
him if he can still make a grace- tration of a Selective Service of-
ful exit. After all, what we want fice.
to do is to find the most respec- The ACLU attorney also said
table way of restoring the stu- yesterday that the state-wid
dents' draft standings. A frontal committee formed Thursday tc
attack may not be the way," Klein raise funds for the defense of the
added, students was not requested or con-
Klein did not say who the tacted by the ACLU.
plaintiffs would be. There was The case, he estimated, would
speculation that it might be a cost at least $100, and could go as
protestor who was arrested but high as several thousand dollars
not reclassified, since then the depending on the number of de-
ACLU could go directly to the positions necessary.

attitude opposing negotiations. All
The United States is expected
to undertake large-scale air strikes'
against the Ho Chi Minh trail in i'via
southern Laos in an effort to
frustrate attempts by North Viet
Nam to reinforce Communist
- troops in South Viet Nam.
" Heavy Buildup
- A further heavy buildup of U.S. Revise
d troops also is regardod as neces-
d gary to the strategy of dealing Regu
- crippling blows to the Viet Cong f
and North Vietnamese forces Effect

A Distribution
ations To Take
Next May

Cutler Says
Courts Must
Judge Acts
National Director
Hershey Supports
Classification Move
General Louis B. Hershey direc-
tor of the National Selective Ser-
vice System said last night that
"the government would be com-
mitting suicide if it deferred stu-
dents who defied the selective
service laws."
In a telephone interview at his
home in Bethesda, Maryland, Her-
shey said he encouraged Michigan
Selective Service Director Col.
Arthur Holmes to initiate a review
of the draft status of 31 students
who participated in the October 15
draft board sit in. To date four


See earlier story, Page 3B
Students currently enrolled inI
fighting in the South. the literary college .will be ableto
Some administration officials take advantage of the liberalized

have warned that if the pattern distribution requirements approved
- of stepped-up warfare continues, two weeks ago by the Regents,
e Red China and the U.S. may be Associate Dean James H Robert-
, headed for a collision that neither son of the literary college an-
- wants. nounced yesterday.
Analysts are warning not only The new requirements become
e of direct intervention by the effective May 1, after the end of
t Chinese but also of possible di- the present academic year. Until
v rc ionary actions in Laos or In- that time, the old requirements
e dia. remain in effect, Robertson said.
l Basic Assumption Prof. Sheridan Baker, chairman
- A basic assumption here for of the literary college curriculum
some time has been that Com- committee, agreed and said that
1 munist China would not wish to it was the intent of his committee
o risk bombardment by the United that continuing students would be
e States by intervening in the war. allowed to use the new require-
1 Intelligence officials, however, ments in the summer trimester.
- recall that their predecessors fail- Confusion on Rules
ed 'to predict the North Korean There has been some confusion
invasion of South Korea and the in the literary college following
d intervention of the Chinese Com- The Daily report concerning the
e munists in 1950 not because they Regents' action on the require-
0 misjudged the enemy's capability ments. The Regents had passed
e but because they misunderstood the new requirements with the
his intentions. written provision that they would
- - ------apply to incoming freshmen in the
d fall of 1966. However, it was
s T T Ois agreed then that they would also
, be applied to continuing students.
Students attempting to modify
'F j* - [Y7_ !course schedules for next semes-

5 j


Whait's New
Hot Line
Nine students have expressed interest in participating in the
exchange program with Tuskegee Institute in Alabama. These
applicants will be interviewed next Wednesday and Thursday
by the counseling office of their individual colleges.
The spring term at Tuskegee begins Feb. 4. Students in the
program will attend classes there on the same basis as they
w ,uld on campus and will receive full credit for their work.
Long Distance
The 56th National Interfraternity Conference, representing
two million fraternity members in this country, unanimously
passed a resolution backing the Johnson administration in Viet
Nam. The 1,110 delegates from 3000 chapters also opposed
Communist aggression in Viet Nam and other areas. The 800
undergraduate delegates heard J. Fred Coldren, 22, executive

Hit peecK
By F axon

ter to fit the new requirements
have been experiencing difficul-
ties. Several freshman-sophomore1
counselors have said that whilel
they feel that the new require-
ments should be applied to con-
tinuing students, they hesitate to
allow students to plan to use the

have been reclassified 1-A.
Hershey said he told Holmes
that the sit in constituted a viola-
tion of the Selective Service act
and that the student's "conduct
ought to be graded." He added
that he was "completely behind"
University President Harlan
Hatcher expressed concern last
night that "the draft not be used
as a punitive measure. That warps
and could even degrade the entire
concept of the draft. It interjects
subjective criteria which should
be left to the courts."
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs Richard Cutler agreed and
added, "Whether or not the local
selective service board was 'know-
ingly obstructed in the perform-
ance of its duty' by this protest,
seems to me to be a question open
to determination by due process,
not by a blanket judgement of a
selective service official."
Hershey disagreed. "I don't
know all the facts in the case,
but if the facts are what I under-
stand they are, I'm a little sur-
prised responsible people would
attack the law." Hatcher contend-
ed that "if the draft is substituted
for a court of law its operation
can become punitive."
Vice-President Cutler said he
believes, "The Selective Service
system is treading on dangerous
ground when it opens itself to the
possible charge of the use of the
Universal Military Training and
Service act as a tool of reprisal for
political activity."
Gen. Hershey said that protests
similar to the Ann Arbor incident
would be encouraged, "if the gov-
ernment deferred people who de-
fied the Selective Service laws."
"I happen to be one of, those
old-fashioned fathers who never
let pity interfere with a spanking,"
said Hershey.
Hershey said that he did not
want to see students who engaged
in peaceful protests lose their
status. "However, breaking the

An administrator and one of new requirements as they are not
the Regents yesterday expressed as yet in effect.
shock and amusement at Rep. Jack Robertson said that the new
Faxon's (D-Detroit) speech Thurs- distribution requirements would
day night before Student Govern- not affect student course elections
ment Council. for the winter term. He com-
At that time, Faxon accused mented that the greatest value of
administrators of a "lack of coop- the new requirements to continu-
eration with the Legislature" and ing students would be evident in
called the -Regents "constitutional cases where they would allow a
monarchs" and "tools of a skillful student to take courses cognate to



-Associated Press

Executive Vice-President Mar-
vin Niehuss said he was "quite
surprised" at Faxon's statements,
since Faxon had previously-at
the hearing on the audit of the
University's books early last month
and in a subsequent letter -
thanked administrators for their
Niehuss said that he had no in-
tention, before Thursday night's
speech, that the Legislature was
displeased. He added that the
University wants to do its best to
cooperate with the Legislature.
All of the Regents contacted de-

his major, and still fulfill distri-
butionr requirements.
Load Relaxed
The new requirements relax
somewhat the necessary course
load of the student, and allow
him more freedom in choosing his
courses, Robertson added: the stu-
dent has more initiative and re-
snonsibility in determining his
Baker commented that extend-
ing the changes is in the spirit
of new requirements, and similar
to past instances when require-
ments have been changed. .
Significant c h a n g e s center

Map shows locations of American, South Korean, Australian and New Zealand troops in South
Viet Nam. Shaded zones locate areas of combat between troops of these countries and the Viet Cong.
ocia Academic Lives Split


s "Divorcement" of student social
life from student intellectual life
leads to a "shutting-out" of col-
lege undergraduates, Prof. Theo-
dore Newcomb of the sociology and
psychology departments said last

portant than classroom discussion, spoke of students who are "shut-,
he said. out," "in-but not of their educa-
Newcomb said that in speaking tional communities." He said the
to undergraduates he found many blame lies with the great growth'
surprised that such discussion of the universities.
could take place, or that anyone He compared universities with I
thought that it should. He said he "dinosaurs that became "extinct
found lack of integrating social because of their own weight." Al-I
and intellectual life most common though noting the situation is not


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