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Ev 4c
Occasional drizzle;
showers tonight
Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
EDITOR'SaNOTE: This is the first
of a two-part series dealing with
the pilot project. Tomorrow's ar-
ticle will deal with two special
pilot project seminar courses.
"A student goes to class. Some-
thing that was said in class just
doesn't seem to jive with what his
books say, so he leaves his room
to talk about it to a few of the
fellow students down the hall, who
are also in his class. Pretty soon
a bull session develops, and that
bull session is more important
than the class."
And so, according to Dean Wil-
liam Haber of the literary college,
we have the value of the pilot
project experiment, an experiment
which now seems to be soon due
for large-scale expansion.
The pilot project began in 1960
as an attempt to counteract a
phenomenon that its director,
Prof. Theodore Newcomb of the
social psychology department,
calls "academic anonymity." To
fight this "divorcement between
the student's academic life and his
'real''life," the project has been
structured to bridge the gap be-
tween the classroom and the resi- ferent departments debating about these courses. Of the 480 even the list of second-semester
dence hall: whose academic discipline was the students involved in the project, courses is quite small." He also
0 Students living in Greene and best. however, comment on the program added, "we really don't have many
Hinsdale houses in East Quadran- This year the project is ex- is not unanimously favorable. bull sessions on our course mater-
gle, and Fisher and Little houses panding into the area of the aca- ial."
in Markley share common class demic curriculum itself. As a sub- Courses Exciting
sections. The ideal situation aimed stitute for English 123, a Fresh- One boy comments that "the In-' Like most of the students inter-
for, and one which Mrs. Frank man Seminar is being taught by tensive French is quite exciting, viewed, he felt that the project
Gugano, housemother of Greene Prof. Alan T. Gaylord of the Eng- and we discuss things from the would be far more effective and
house, says is the - most common lish department. The course has course beyond the planned classes meaningful if the men and women
situation in the project, is that a been opened to 10 pilot project and seminars. But the regular students, involved in the program
good percentage of the people on students. Next semester, Prof. Wil- courses are wasted effort, since would be situated in the same res-
each floor of the hall have three bert McKeachie, chairman of the they are taught by teaching fel- idence hall, instead of being hous-
or four class sections in com.i;on. psychology department, will teach lows using the same old methods ed, as they are now, in separate
* Floor counselors in pilot proj- the seminar and it will be ex- they always use. Because most of dorms. "Whenever we have a joint
ect houses are specially trained panded to two sections. my courses just aren't interesting, function," one male student says,
and retain the official status and.' On a larger scale, the project I never talk with anyone about "we have to walk all the way up
salary of teaching fellows. Called is involved in an Intensive French them in the dorm." to Markley and then back. Fur-
"resident.fellows," they are care- course that meets for eight class One cbrly-haired resident of thermore, we miss the opportunity
One urlyhaird reiden ofof talking with the girls involved
fully chosen by project officials hours a week, plus dinner together Greene House is enthusiastic about on ak dy t basis
and function, in addition to the four times a week (all dinner con- the help he has been gettingon a'day-to-day basis."
usual capacities as floor officials, versation must be in French). The from his floor counselor but? is not Many students complain that
as a counselor andstutor in the course offers eight semester cred- so enthusiastic about the rest of there is a lack of effectove plan-
academic life of the student. it-hours instead of the usual four, .the project. "Our floor advisor ning and scope to project pro-
s A series of extra programs s and thus freshmen can take four helps us with our English themes, grams, and that indeed there is
such as faculty-student discus-w semesters of introductory French gives us additional counseling, and often little to make the project
sions, teas with notable person- in two semesters. Most of the pilot organizes seminals for us. This is seem any different from a regular
alities who come to the campus,I project students seem to concur a big help." residence 'hall. One student, who
and field trips are offered the that it is here the project has been has only two project courses, said
students. Paul Goodman recently most successful. As for the project itself, how- iis "ost lik ot be , in
spent an afternoon with pilot proj- Indeed, those students enrolled ever, he says "Most of us don'tprogsam tllk" nothergste
ect students. Another seminar, en- in the Freshman Seminar and the really feel that much of an in- program at all." Another student
titled "Four Professors on a Raft," Intensive French courses seem al- tegral part of the program. There
featured four professors from dif- most unanimously enthusiastic are few sophomores involved, and See PILOT, Page 2
'Daily-Thomas R. Copi
PILOT PROJECT STUDENTS listen to Paul Goodman speak at a recent seminar.
MSU Staff
Schiff Trial
Withheld Records,
" Secret Procedures
Cited in LetterC
A letter from faculty members
to the editor of the State News,
the Michigan State University
newspaper, strongly criticized
Wednesday the actions of an MSU
committee dealing with former
graduate student Paul Schiff's
S plea for readmission..
The letter which was, signed
by 12 MSU faculty members, ac-
cused the Faculty Committee on
Student Affairs of introducing
"the worst kind of incompetent
and irrelevant testimony" into the
hearings preceding the commit-
tee's decision not -to readmit
The strongly-worded letter hint-
emer31 the wrfushi oi i efacl
committee to release copies of the
transcripts of Schiff hearings was
an attempt to conceal unfair pro-
cedures used by the committee.
Theletter concluded by saying,
"It will be a pathetic day, in-
deed, when a university faculty
passes on to the federal courts its{
responsibility for safeguarding the
individual rights of any member
of the academic community, be
he student or teacher."
S hfDispute Claim
The letter also alleged that a
recent article in the Lansing State
Journal claiming that, "MSU fac-
uty backs Schiff Case Action,"
was erroneous. "As far as we are
concernedand many other faculty
members with whom we come in
contact, the evidence presented so
far would hardly lead us to back
this action."
A meeting s of the MSU Faculty
Senate Wednesday at which the
allegations contained in the let-
ter werediscussed, was describe
as "very vitriolic." The faculty was
almost evenly divided over wheth-
er the demand that the Faculty
Committee on Student Affairs re-
lease transcripts of 'its hearings
to the faculty.
Administration spokesmen ex-j
plained that the University's le-
gal counsel in the case had ad-
vised against releasing the tran-
scripts until the district court had
made its decision.
Predict Controversy
A court decision supporting
Schiff is predicted to arouse great;
controversy within the faculty. If
L the district court waives jurisdic-
tion or decides in favor of the
university's decision not to read-
mit Schiff, transcripts of the com-
mittee hearings will become the
property of the university. Sources,
within the faculty assert that they
will again demand that the tran-4
scripts be released.
y ~Associate Prof. Douglas W. Hall1
of MSU's math department, one
of the signers of the letter to the
editor, told the Daily yesterday
that, "there seems to be a need
for the development of more defi-
nite" policy for dealing with such
What's New at 76481 FXOn
Hot Line
James McEvoy, Grad, president of the Graduate Student
Council, announced last night the organization of a state-wide
committee to raise funds for the defense of four University stu-
dents who lost their draft deferments because they participated
in a Selective Service sit-in Oct. 15.
McEvoy said that he, Prof. Eugene Feingold of the political
science department, Prof. Martin Gold of the psychology depart-
ment, Barry Bluestone, former president of the University Stu-
dent Economic Union, Robert Johnston, editor of The Daily, and
others plan to begin raising the money immediately.
The American Civil Liberties Union, which is seeking an
ihjunction in federal court to prevent the change in draft status,
is handling the students case. The money will go toward paying
legal expenses incurred.
McEvoy said that his committee was not concerned with the
wisdom of the protest against the war in Viet Nam. "However
ill-advised the protestors may have been, they still are fully en-
titled to express themselves. They are being punished without
any hearing before the courts."
McEvoy said his committee plans to enlist the aid of "busi-
nessmen and concerned individuals" throughout the state.
McEvoy's announcement followed a statement by University
Vice-Presidents Richard Cutler and Allan Smith issued Wednes-
day that expressed dismay at the draft status review.
Over 150 students attended a meeting yesterday to find out
about the qualificationsneeded and the procedures involved in
getting summer internships in Washington, D.C.
Last year over 100 University students worked in the nation'st
capital in federal executive departments, which require students
to take the federal civil service entiance examination (ESEE),
and for congressmen, senators and political parties and interest
groups, which stress political talent and past- political activity.
"Deadline for application for a special new civil test for stu-
dent office and scientific assistant executive department jobs
is Jan. 3, 1966. Senior and graduate students interested in higher-
level jobs must apply for the FSEE and the management intern
tests by Dec. 15 of this year.
A two day conference on "The Shut-Out in Education" is
scheduled for today and Saturday at the Amphitheatre of
Rackham School of Guidance and Counseling, Psychological
Foundations and Social Foundations, and the School of Educa-
tion, the program centers around the problem of the student
who is alienated from educational opportunities due to social and
cultural deprivations. The inequalities in educational experiences
are to be discussed in terms of students in the Michigan and
Ontario areas.
Eighty students registered yesterday for the third student
flight to Europe, sponsored by the Student Travel Committee of
the University Activities Center. This flight seats 152 people and
it is expected that the plane will be filled by Jan. 30. The first
flight, seating 84. has a waiting list of 21; the second flight, with
a capacity of 141, has 35 students on its waiting list. In the past,
there has been a changeover of approximately 13 per cent, as
prospective travelers switch their plans and are replaced by others.
According to Travel Chairman Fred Smith, '67, the initial
responsethis year was much greater than in the previous years.
If enough interest is shown, he added, the committee will con-
sider running a second three-month flight. Tentative plans are
also underway for chartered buses to New York.
Duncan Sells, director of student organizations in the Officej
of Student Affairs, has been progressing quite well since he was
injured in an automobile accident Nov. 3. Although he is still in
the hospital, he should be able to leave and walk on crutches in
about two weeks; and he is in "very good spirits," according to
his secretary yesterday. There has been no report as to the date
of his return to the office.
The U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare hasj
awarded two grants totalling $58,704 to the University for re-
search in pharmacology and pediatrics.
" rnn' e fnt forA5 12 0will he ieA h thD nepartment of
Se eks
SGC Vote
Adds Draft4
isa proval
Support Resolution
Opposed to Changing
Protestors' Status
Student Government Council last
night endorsed Wednesday's state-
ment by two University vice-presi-
dents condemning arbitrary draft
reclassification and will send
copies of its endorsement to state
and national draft board officials.
The motion was submitted b
Bob Bodkin, '67, and supports in
full the University position affirm-
i1 freedom of speech as having ~'''''"......"
I tper riority tha consensus... . AEC.CCELE:A. TO..
in regad to national policy"
Also, the Credentials and Rule
Committee met briefly during an
adjournment of the council meet-
ing, and reconsidered severaldis-
puted ballots in the recent elec-
tion, with no change in the order
or persons elected.
Several of the candidates' vote _.
totals were affected, but no change -Daily-Ron Berman
in order or personnel resulted.
The newly elected candidates were REPRESENTATIVE JACK FAXON is shown addressing Student Government Council last night
then seated. in the Kalamazoo Room of the League.
Marijuana Symposiumsrse
In other action, the council ac- AEC ACCELERATOR:
cepted a motion by Steve Sch -_yns_ nrhUnesyhgamdnsh_._cranr r
wartz, '68, to sponsor a symposium
on the marijuana question and s m.mid
he unc ..il alsoun apopriated itceeao N il earn' asid h E theH a S tn fr ont B idt taf
allegated $75 to that purpose. 1 ]t e r
"ItTh tcou ghi , as fap tory .t rh sd -rw$ mwhsd$800 to the share the expenses of g
the second annual course evalua-mt.
tion booklet with The Daily andrey ba yRh
other student organizations.rpsGAs
reclassification accepted in full By WALLACE IMMEN in different locales to influence University: "Its proximity to the
,the statement on the subject by ecison.
akessie for Stet Afdfaid Thuen Atic Esngy C strion- the selection committee'scsi University may be considered a
SVicvritmforSndi Afdapi-rstrmhenAtomcEd ergyCommis.ioSeveral states have even offered ' plus factor in the selection be-
Richard C. Cutler and Vice-Presi- has completed investigation of cash bonuses of as much as $10 cause of its intellectual climate,
dent for Academic Affairs Allanpossible sites for a $300 million on. pred andhres x Lon of
Itd {meIlio0bllo eetrnvot(BV n . oersuc cpbepftefrete andesoue. alugtone-f
Smith this week.t "proton accelerator" and labora-
Istates in part, '.. we still tory n iena h nvriy Michigan has made no such bid. the accelerator near here would
believe the policy of student de- ;has a prime chance for selection. However, Gov. George Romney provide great opportunities for
ferment... is a sound one. The accelerator will be con- has assui'ed the AEC the land for th rjcwrhaot$ igradaesf soitudaondtetpofsibifi
"In that light, satisfactory . . . structed in the shape of a dough- thbrjceot but$ i-tejnteap omndftaff
educational progress by the stu- nut about a mile in diameter with lion, will be made available at no ewe h lsro n h
dent is in our judgment the con- the center occupied by labor'atory cs.poet
trolling, if not the sole factor upon buildings. Its purpose will be to Good Location Would Attract Scientists
wvhich it (student deferment); boost protons, the nuclei of hydro- The site is four miles north of "The laboratory would bring
should be based . .. To introduce gen atoms, to almost the speed of. Ann Arbor in Northfield Town- scientists from all over the'world,"
other factors into the decision light in order to study their con- ship, its nearness to Detroit and Norman continued, "who would
makes possible for either individ- stituent parts as they strike in- good transportation is considered certainly visit the University pro-
ual favoritism or individual puni- strumented targets. !a plus factor. Other conditions viding exciting opportunities for
tive action, either of which is! This accelerator will be able to' necessary for the site are suitable :guest lectures and discussions."
clearly unwise and potentially dis- produce subnuclear' particles with geologic structure of the area, a The final selection will be an-
criminatory." more mass than any now possible. good supply of water for cooling nounced within six months, be-
Send Statement Its 200 billion electron volt (BEV) and a power source capable of the fore the next federal budget re-,
The statement will be sen~t to capacity is six times larger than! large amounts of energy the ex- quest is made. Congress is expect-
Sees Board
As Tools of
Says Public Scrutiny
Needed for Business
Operations, Freedom
Rep. Jack Faxon (D-Detroit)
blasted the Regents last night
as "constitutional monarchs" and
"tools of a skillful administra-
tion" and called for the Legi'na-
ture to counterbalance adminis-
tration heavy handedness.
Faxon spoke at last night's Stu-
dent Government Council meet-
ing. He said that administrators
have tended to confuse a "sacred
regard for academic freedom" with
freedom from scrutiny for the
"professional business manage-
ment,"referring to the Universi-
ty administration.
Faxon said administrators could
potentially interfere with academ-
ic freedom by being the decision-
makers of the University. He
pointed out that when an admin-
istrator decides which research
projects are to receive more funds
than others that this is a form
of interference by him in teaching
and learning processes.
Urges Cooperation
Faxon called for increased co-
operation between the Universi-
ty's administration and the state
He justified his recent investi-.
gations of University funds as be-
ing "one of the prerogatives of the
Legislature to see how allocations
are being used" and he repeatedly
assured Council' members that
"this is a financial investigation
and not one of student matters."
Faxon attacked the administra-
tion because of its "lack of co-
operation with the Legislature."
He particularly nioted devience on
the part of administrators in
answering the various inquiries of
the Legislature. He termed this
"inexcusable" because the admin-
istration of the University is a
"bureaucratic organization well
equipped to document any respon-
sible kind of inquiry."
Tells Responsibility
Faxon outlined the responsibili-
ties of the Universtiy and the
Legislature. He said that the Uni-
versity is responsible for reporting
to the public, for working with,
not against, the Legislature and
for working with the Board of