Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS The Greatest Crime'-a Frameup? Where Opinions A Free 420 MAYNARD ST. ANN ABO, MICH Truth Will prevail 2 ANR T. N IHR ia Nrws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, DECEMBER, 2, 1965 NIGHT EDITOR: MARK R. KILL1NGSWORTH The Draft Reclassifications: U' Defends Free Speech HE UNIVERSITY yesterday stepped in- to the controversy of draft board re- classification and through its official statement, reaffirmed the priority of civil liberties. The University statement, by Vice- Presidents Richard Cutler and Allan Smith, said in part that "as educators, we still believe the policy of student de- ferment, as it has been administered in the past, is a sound policy and should be continued. In that light, satisfactory edu- cational progress by the student is in our judgment the controlling, if not the sole factor on which student deferment should be based. This we understand to be the existing national policy. To intro- duce other factors into the decision makes possible either individual favor- itism or individual punitive action, either of which is clearly unwise and potentially discriminatory." The University's statement stemmed from the review and reclassification of four University students because of their participation in a civil disobedience dem- onstration at the Ann Arbor draft board October 15. . Any criticism of the reclassification of the protesting students on the basis of their activities must focus on the Uni- versal Military Training and Selective Service Act of 1952. as amended from 1948, which (Section 12) precludes any person or persons from hindering or in- terrupting the administration of the laws or regulations of selective service. rrHE SELECTIVE SERVICE Act stipu- lates that all men aged 18 are eligible for I-A classification, providing they meet induction requirements, unless they con- vince their local draft board that .it is "in the national interest" to be classified otherwise. Therefore, if the local board believes that it is not in the national interest for a student to hold other than a I-A classification, then-legally and theoret- ically-it has the prerogative of with- drawing his deferment. In essence, the law of the land stipu- lates that selective service classification is on the basis of "national interest." Colonel Arthur Holmes, the state selec- tive service director, said last night that "The entire selective service system is not in any way contrary to peaceful demon- stration, freedom of speech or the right of personal thought." Holmes noted that his function in the review and reclassification of the stu- dents was merely sending the Municipal Court charges against the demonstrators on to local draft boards. However, he did add that the demonstration, as it was conducted was in violation of the selec- tive service act because it "obviously im- peded the operations of the draft board." IF."IMPEDING the workings of the draft board" constitutes a violation of the selective service act, then the natural question concerns whether the demon- strators did indeed impede the workings of the draft board. The fact is that visitors to the draft board could have carried on business, ad- mittedly with some inconvenience, but encountering no effective obstacles, should they have chosen to enlist or carry on other selective service business. In essence, the charge that the dem- onstrators impeded the workings of the draft board is a tedious and technical_ one, which shifts the real force of the charge back to basic questions: Which is more in the national interest, the workings of the government, whether on the subjective or technical level, or the preservation of the freedom of expression on an individual basis? DISREGARDING either the merits or distasteful effects of the draft board demonstration, the national Bill of Rights insures individuals freedom of expres- sion. The Bill of Rights is sacred and is not to be qualified or diluted with either a subjective or arbitrary interpretation of what is in the national interest. Stu- dents are students regardless of their ac- tivities and deserve selective service clas- sification or reclassification on that fac- tor alone. That the University is recognizing this fact will work to remind students and citi- zens at large that the University of Mich- igan, not to be confused with another state institution, gives priority to the right of individual freedom of expression. --DICK WINGFIELD By BRUCE WASSERSTEIN HE "crime of the century" was never committed. That is the claim of Walter and Miriam Schneir in their book on the Rosenberg-Sobell trials, "In- vitation to an Inquest." The ramifications of their charge-that the secret of the atomic bomb was never stolen- are obviously tremendous as they discredit J. Edgar Hoover's FBI and cast a dark shadow on the nation's judicial process in times of crisis. Yet the Schneir's charge is not idle propaganda or the accusation of paranoids. Rather they have substantially documented their case to the point that reviewers from such media as the Washing- ton Evening Star, Newsweek and the Nation agree there is a reason- able doubt about the justice of the Rosenberg-Sobell trial. IN FACT the lawyers for Mor- ton Sobell, who is now serving a thirty-year prison sentence, have announced that they will use the Schneirs book as a main part of their evidence in requesting a hearing for a new trial. The lawyers will point out that Sobell was convicted to' thirty years inwprison because he was charged with being a member of the conspiracy ring headed by Rosenberg to steal atomic secrets, although the government did not prove that Sobell himself sold atomic secrets. The provisions of American law dictate that if a person is a member ofa "conspiracy" he is culpable for the actions of any member of that group in the at- tempt to gain the desired ends. If Sobell's lawyers could prove that there was no conspiracy to steal the secrets of the atomic bomb, then Sobell would presum- ably be a free man, And the nonexistence of the conspiracy is the Schneirs basic contention. FIRST THE SCHNEIRS retell the details of the case in the context of the times. They claim that many nations had the theo- retical knowledge needed to build an atomic bomb in the 1940's. The big issue was whether the theory could be carried into practice, and the answer to the question was not worth the enormous cost to most nations. The reason for this the Schneirs explain, was that there was no guarantee that the atomic bomb was a practical possibility and most nations were overstrained during the war producing conven- tional armaments.. However, the Schneirs say, the United States was able to afford the strain and went full steam 'ahead with the project after Ein- stein convinced President Roose- velt of the desirability of having the bomb before the Nazis. According to the Schneirs our big secret-that the bomb was a practical possibility-was let out in Hiroshima and Nagasaki rather than through any master thief. When the United States learned that the Soviet Union had the bomb the postwar Red scare reached new heights and the witch hunts began. According to the Schneirs, scapecoats were needed, and the Rosenbergs and Sobel! were perfect. ACCORDING to the Schneirs the opportunity to find scapecoats presented itself when British atomic scientist Klaus Fuchs con- fessed to British authorities that he had transmitted some infor- mation on the atomic bomb to Russia through a courier whose name or face he did not recall. Here was the golden opportunity to uncover a "conspiracy" to steal America's nuclear secrets. The first member of the "con- spiracy" uncovered by the FBI was Harry Gold, a Philadelphia chemist, who was supposed to be the unknown courier in the Fuchs case. From that point the alleged links which lead to the conviction of the Rosenbergs and Sobell started to be uncovered, accord- ing to the FBI, or fabricated, ac- cording to the Schneirs. The FBI claimed that after Gold had gotten his information from Fuchs in Sante Fe, he stopped off in Albuquerque, where he con- tacted David Greenglass, an Army technician who worked at Los Alamos and was the brother of Ethel Rosenberg. GREENGLASS, who testified Julius Rosenberg had persuaded him to spy for Russia, transmitted to Gold sketches of the lens mold of the atomic bomb and received an envelope containing $500 ac- cording to the FBI. When Gold returned to New York the FBI said he gave the sketches to his Russian contact who Gold later testified said, ac- cording to Gold's testimony "the information which I had received from Greenglass was very valu- able." To support its story the govern- ment used two prime pieces of evi- dence. One was Gold's Hilton Hotel registration card for the day he was allegedly in Albuquer- que and the other was a bank statement showing that Green- glass opened an account with $400 shortly after Gold supposedly came to town. IN REPLY to the government, the Schneirs first claim that the Hilton Hotel registration card is a forgery. They point to the fact that the card is stamped June 3rd on its face and is time stamped June 4 on the back. Hotel officials all agreed according to the Schneirs that the time stamp is the accurate record. But on June 4 Gold was no longer in town according to his own testimony. Furthermore the Schneirs assert that the desk clerk's initials on the June 4th card seemed to be forged, according to a handwrit- ing expert they consulted. The reason a definitive opinion could not be given by the handwriting expert, the Schneirs claim, was that the registration card pre- sented in court was a photostat rather than t he original. SECONDLY, the Schneirs come to the conclusion that the gov- ernment's chief witness, Harry Gold, was a habitual liar. The Schneirs. discovered that Gold directly conflicted his testi- mony in the Rosenberg-Sobell trial by writing in a statement given to his lawyer months before the trialhthat his Russian con- tact "told me that the informa- tion received (from David Green- glass) was of no value." In addition the authors found that Gold's description of his ren- dezvous with Greenglass was much less precise in a conversation with his lawyer well in advance of the trial than in his court testimony and sometimes conflicted with it. There was also motivation. for Greenglass to frame his sister and .brother-in-law according to the Schneirs. Greenglass had originally been guilty of stealing some uranium from the government for sale on the black market. They noted parenthetically that this sale explains the sudden appear- ance of the $400 in the Greenglass bank account. In an interview, Walter Schneir says Greenglass got himself deeper and deeper in trouble by unkown- ingly confessing to have trans- mitted the lens mold diagrams in order to escape the uranium theft rap. Once having confessed to this capital crime, Schneir says, Greenglass looked fordan out and tried to make a deal to tarn state's evidence. At the worst, Schneir said. Greenglass expected a year or two in jail and at best a suspended sentence. Instead he got fifteen years. THERE ARE several major questions to ask about the gov- ernments and the Schneirs hand- ling of the Rosenberg-Sobell trial. In the first place one would have imagined that if the FBI wished to forge a hotel registration card they could have done a pretty good job of it. Yet the Schneirs say that the card is clearly a forgery. Certainly they could have made sure that the two sides of the card had the same date on it and that the handwriting of the desk clerk on the card resembled that of an authentic card. The fact that it was not well done may indicate that there was no fab- rication. IN AN INTERVIEW Walter Schneir, however, said that one cannot work on the assumption that the FBI is infallible, and it is possible that they could have muffed the forgery. Furthermore, Schneir pointed out that the card need not neces- sarily have been forged by the FBI. For example, he said it might have been forged by a member of the prosecutors in the case. But then again the prosecuting team, which included Roy Cohn, was a pretty sharp crew. Forgery itself is possibly not below: Cohn, who was a McCarthy aid and has been charged and cleared of jer- jury in another case, but one imagines he would have done a good job. ON THE OTHER HAND, the FBI sent to Sobell's lawyers a letter which says in reference to the controversial registration cards that "due to passage of time these cards are no longer avail- able." It would seem inconceivable that the FBI would throw out its prime piece of evidence in the "crime of the century" when its keeps its material on Ma Barker types. Furthermore if Harry Gold was such a liar and his testimony al- ways conflicted why didn't the Rosenberg's lawyer cut him down in court? Schneir admitted in his inter- view that the defense attorney in the case did make a lot of mis- takes which are recognizable in hindsight. However, he said, one should take into account the fact that the defendants could not afford to hire an expensive attorney, and that there were few lawyers who were familiar with federal law who would have been willing to defend the Rosenbergs and Sobell. IN THE INTERVIEW, Schneir related a recent incident which also casts some shadows upon the role of the FBI in the case. According to Schneir he was invited to speak on his book on the local NBC affiliate radio and TV stations in Cleveland, but when he arrived he found his appear- ances cancelled. It turned out that, according to Schneir an ABC Cleveland af- filiate said the FBI had called up the Cleveland stations and had asked them whether they had invited Schneir to be on their shows. Schneir labeled the calls from the FBI as "subtle forms of intimidation" even though no spe- cific threats were conveyed. THE QUESTIONS raised by the Schneirs cannot and should not be lightly dismissed. Doubt as to the validity of the indictments of the Rosenbergs are still held by the American people and the world. If the FBI can categorically deny the allegations of the Schneirs and other critics with documentation well and good. If on thehother hand they cannot and the crime of the century turns out to be the frameup of the century, there should obviously be a drastic overhauling of the FBI. EITHER WAY, the case should be reopened., The retort of one of the assis- tant prosecutors in the trial, James Kilshelner, as quoted by Newsweek, "All I know is that the book takes an antigovernment position," is inadequate. Sobell's attorneys' pleas should be granted. The case should be reopened. 9 or Als'op:Escalation To Be Increased The March on Washington ALL OVER AMERICA thousands of stu- dents, weary from long drives, cramp- ed buses, and little sleep, have returned to their respective campuses after at- tending the March on Washington for Peace in iVet Nam. The many adults who swarmed into the nation's capitol to take part in the protest are now back in their homes and offices. The signs they carried, ranging from "Stop the Bombing!" to "Supervised Cease Fire" have been discarded, and in the place of Saturday morning's anticipation has come Thursday's reflection and eval- uation. The thoughtful citizen who either par- ticipated in or read about the Washington march cannot help but ask himself if such a demonstration accomplished any good at all, particularly when he reads in his newspaper two days later of Sec- retary of Defense Robert S. McNamara's statement that the Vietnamese war will continue for a long time. OBVIOUSLY THE PROTESTS of the 25,- 000 demonstrators have not caused any significant changes in our govern- ment's policy. But contrary to the pro- testations of some critics, the march was a success. First, the great diversity in age, pro- fessions and nationality of those who at- tended the protest eradicated the popu- lar notion that the protest movement is composed solely of unshaven, barefoot beatniks. In fact, according to the New York Times, "There were more babies than beatniks, more family groups than folk song quartets." People from all walks of life participat- ed in the march and proved by their at- tendance that the desire to change U.S. policy is not monopolized by a small per- centage of students but is shared by re- gnrMahlpeitipn fro'm all ovr the c'ounf- policies. Criticism of present U.S. tactics concerned U.S. refusal to recognize and negotiate with the NLF and its bombing raids on North Viet Nam, which some pro- testors termed illegal since Congress has never made a formal declaration of war. THE CITIZEN must admit-regardless of whether he agrees with the protes- tors-that an event like the Washington march stimulates thought and discus- sion, without which a free society cannot operate. The third reason the march was a success concerns President Johnson's fre- quent statement that although he sup- ports the right of the minority to dissent, mass protests of governmental policy like the Washington march can be greatly misinterpreted and distorted by the Com- munists to their own advantage. He has pointed out that Communist news agencies frequently generalize and overestimate the percentage of people ac- tually participating in protests. But by the very fact of its existence, the Washington march exemplified a more important factor to the rest of the world; that America truly believes in and practices the rights set forth in its Con- stitution, that it does not pay lip service to such phrases as "freedom of speech." More than anything else, the Washington march proved that the U.S. government. supports .and puts into effect the rights it advocates for others. For those who still are skeptical about the beneficial effects of last Saturday's march, the release of two captured Amer- ican soldiers by the Viet Cong on behalf of the marchers was in itself enough to make the trip to Washington of some worth. F -' . a - ( . , uc 11 d # . As my stand-in, Bob, in the next scene you get scalped and run over by a stampede! ... What would I do without you?" Schutze 's Corner: New Left By JOSEPH ALSOP WASHINGTON-As usual now- adays, the Johnson adminis- tration will no doubt take its time telling the country what has just been decided in Saigon. But it is already pretty clear that big decisions were taken by Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, and one may guess what they were. The topic of the Saigon discus- sions was not limited, as gener- ally reported, to the increasing NorthrVietnamese invasion of South Viet Nam. In the very front of Secretary McNamara's talks with the front line leaders, beyond any question, was the mas- sive offensive which Gen. West- moreland has long planned for about this time. The kickoff date of end Novem- ber-beginning December was im- posed by Gen. Westmoreland's need to get all his new air units in place and all his ground forces combat-tested before really going to work in deadly earnest. A sin- gle figure conveys the best idea of the intensification of effort that has long been planned. In brief, aerial bombing was and is, scheduled to increase from an average of 10,000 tons of bombs dropped per month to a vertigin- ous average of 40,000 tons. The idea, quite clearly, is to use air bombing to the utmost to make the Viet Cong and North Vietna- mese-fortified jungle and swamp retreats absolutely untenable as places of refuge. GROUND FORCES will, of course, penetrate these places of refuge as well, as they did in the Ia Drang Valley battle. And when the enemy isnot being attacked on the ground he is to be ham- mered every day, and night and day, from the air. The question remains, how far this grim but potentially effec- tive program has had to be modi- fied by the invasion of the South by additional divisions of North Vietnamese regular troops. Three divisions are in now. One more is pretty generally expected. Two or even three more are not impossi- ble. Any program for a general of- fensive must, of course, be based on assumed superiority of force. For instance, Gen. Westmoreland can hardly plan Ito attack the Do on the expected arrival of more North Vietnamese regulars. At that time, besides one South Korean division, Gen. Westmore- land already had under his com- mand, or on the way, the equiv- alent of four American divisions. THE DETAILS of the request President Johnson approved has never been revealed, but t is reasonable to suppose that a fifth American division was then allo- cated to South Viet Nam. In view of what has happened it is now reasonable to suppose that Gen. Westmoreland's future total of Americans has again been raised, to six in all. Six divisions are the force which the armed services are now cap- able of committing to action in Viet Nam, without paring com- mitments elsewhere or reducing the strategic reserve below the danger point. The best measure of Secretary McNamara's really titanic achieve- ment is the fact that the United States can now put into the field a force of this size without call- ing up National Guard or reserve units. If more than six divisions are required in the future, a call up of Guard and reserve units will then become necessary. But this seems unlikely simply because the Communist supply lines, being lim- ited, in turn impose rather se- vere limitations on the number of North Vietnamese troops that can be deployed in the South. THAT SUGGESTS the nature of ,the second decision that one may guess was taken in Saigon. Brief- ly, the Viet Cong and North Viet- namese in the South are certain- ly getting food and perhaps re- ceiving some other supplies across the Cambodian border. But that is the smallest part of the problem. The main supply and infiltra- tion route, the Ho Chi Minh Trail, f,.^m No,-th Viet Nam into Laos, then south inside Laos and finally west into South Viet Nam. It is now a good guess, there- fore, that the Ho Chi Minh Trail will be directly attacked with the tacit consent of the courageous Laotian prime minister, Prince Souvanna Phouma. In flagrant breach of treaty, 0 9 * 'HIS IS the first of three in- credibly definitive articles dealing with the new left. Today's topic is "the unobjectives of new left unpolitics" or "you're only young once."_ The new left realized early in the game that it needed to adopt a platform, a series of goals bravely toward which unswerving- ly it could selflessly strive on- SOME OTHER members of the hierarchy suggested that the new left adopt more modest objectives like "pick up the beer cans in Fred McFutchy's back yard," or "no more writing dirty on the bathroom wall." Most of the mem- bership was vaguely uneasy about adopting these slogans. As one fellow expressed it, the challenging magnitude of the movement's in- some ungoals instead. Something. like 'utopia or bust,' or 'Banish Bad Bigotry,' or 'one pie in the sky is better than two socks in the eye'." THE NEW LEFT went wild. With a platform of unobjectives like that," the new left reasoned chucklingly," we can live it up and go to meetings and never I