Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED EY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS t Are Free. 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN APBOR, MICH. Prevail NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printedin The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1965 NIGHT EDITOR: MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH A Pitfall for Liberals: The 'Double Standard' Is the MANY STUDENTS tell me they are in school this year, or in school altogether, to avoid going to the rice paddies. They say it angrily, not slyly. Their moral problem is an unusual one. It is not that they are shirking the army for their personal com- fort or their careers-a dodge that occurs at all times and in all countries; rather, they feel they ought to be resisting the present war more honestly, burning draft cards, going to jail, etc. According to the opinion polls, the President has a solid popular majority for his policy, but I doubt that he has anything like a majority in the colleges, especially among the younger instructors and the students. Thus, I expect the teach ins and antiwar demon- strations to be stronger and to involve civil disobedience, if only because of these students' self disgust for their privileged exempt status. On the other hand, for the stu- dents who are not protestors, the draft policy does not have much patriotic significance. I doubt that there are many students who feel enthusiastic that their college training is an indispensible func- tion of the Great Society and its . war effort, so that their student deferment is valued as a positive good, rather than a lucky break. EVEN MORE SERIOUS, how- War Polarizing U. . IT IS ALWAYS STRANGE how parties in the political fray tend to use the same tactics which they often officially, deplore. "Are you now, or have 'you ever been a member of an organization which advo- cates the unlawful overthrow of the Unit-. ed States government? Have you or do you now advocate the unlawful overthrow, of the United States government? Affirm by oath your loyalty to the United States." Such questions and affirmation are an- athema to those of liberal persuasion. They dutifully claim that such are violative of the guarantees of the Fifth Amendment, and loyalty oaths are fas- cist withdrawals from the principle of innocence until the proof of guilt. They suggest that no citizen should have to plead or affirm his loyalty, that such is to -be presumed in the absence of proof to the contrary. Following this quite valid logic, they have continuously pressed to have such questions {and loyalty oaths withdrawn as prerequisites to office in the federal gov- ernment, or the receipt of National De- fense Loans or federal subsidies. HOWEVER, when it comes to the ques- tion of discrimination, especially among Greek organizations at universi- ties, this logic seems to escape many lib- erals. For it is these same parties who wish to' compel all Greek organizations to answer "discriminations" affidavits and loyalty oaths. "Have you ever or do you now discrim- inate in membership on the basis of color, creed, national origin, religion or sex?" arises as the new interrogatory, and "We pledge that we do not now, nor will we in the future discriminate on the basis of color, creed, national origin, religion or sex" becomes the new loyalty oath to in- tegration. THIS WRITER would like to make it plain, at this point, that he, too, de- plores discrimination based on the enum- erated premises. But what continues to irk this writer is the double standards that seem to exist. It just does not seem consistent, regardless of the worth of one's intentions, to vociferously argue and campaign against affidavits and loy- alty oaths when inconsistent with one's interests, and then ;turn around and im- pose one's objectives when it is advan- tageous. I certainly think it is repugnant to re- quire a citizen to plead his innocence of disloyalty. I think it is equally repugnant to require please of innocence regarding discrimination, or for that matter a plea of innocence on any subject. But- fairness and logic are not the char- acteristics of the extremes of either the left or the right. That is why one would witness the mob of left-wing protestors around hearings of the House Un-Ameri- can Activities Committee when they were inquiring into the activities of the Com- munist Party, but notice the striking ab- sence of these same protestors now that the committee is investigating the Ku Klux Klan. And one the other hand, the societies of the extreme right hand who have been used to the role of defending the Un-- American Activities Committee now be- gin to question its usefulness. SO THAT WE MAY NOT be trapped into raising the double standard, it is im- perative when pressing for anti-discrimi- nation in the Greek system, we don't re- sort to methods and tactics that we our- selves would feel reprehensible in a dif- ferent given circumstance. -,ALAN MAY Collegiate Press Service ever, the most intellectually ear- nest students are the strongest dissenters, on civil rights, uni- versity reform, pacifism, opposi- tion to the Viet War. This was evident at Berkeley, where the Free Speech Movement leaders had grades far superior to the average; and the same has just been demonstrated across the country in a report for the Car- negie Corporation: dissent is strongest in schools with the high- est academic standing and, in those schools, among the best students. Think of the unfortunate, and dangerous, polarization among young people that this implies. The armed forces tend to be filled with the poor and unschooled. They are drafted, and they also tend to enlist since they are like- ly to be drafted anyway and they might as well have it over with; besides, in peace-time conditions, the armed services provide edu- cation for the ambitious that is better than most high schools and some colleges. In war-time conditions, the se- lected group at the front under- standably resents the protestors at home who are a different breed. A reporter from Da Nang (Warren Rogers in the NY Journal- American) says, "The 18- and 19- year-olds, fashionably referred to as high school dropouts, have steel in their backbones and maybe too Paul Goodman much of what prize fighters call killer instinct." But the protestors are most of- ten better informed, more reason- able, and even more earnest. Na- turally the men at the front think of them as slackers, careerists,; beatniks, or nuts. ON THE STREETS, the ever louder crowds that curse the young pacifist demonstrators are in fact likely to be cursing the young people of whom they would or- dinarily be most proud and whom they would like their children to emulate. If the American casualty lists mount, we are bound to see a Know Nothing spirit worse than McCarthyism, for the dissent is more widespread, stubborn and intellectually critical than it was in McCarthy's tine. This is cer- tainly a grim relationship between the community of scholars and so- ciety. Consider another bad aspect of this relationship. Precisely to di- minish shirking and to guarantee social utility (according to its lights), as well as to increase re- cruitment, the government will now hold exempt only students who get good grades, carry a full course load, and even are in the sciences rather than the human- ities. But this kind of, extra-mural pressuring is academically out- rageous. The curriculum and level of performance that warrant a student's being in college must be entirely the affair of the student and his professors, otherwise edu- cational process impossible. For a particular student at a particular time, a light load, off-campus work, a moratorium might be just the right thing. A student's mediocre grades might be quite irrelevant to the question of how much he is profit- ing. The right curriculum depends on where and how a student is. I AM UNWILLING in this col- umn to discuss the merits of the Viet Nam war as policy-in my opinion, it is both unjust and Im- politic-but as an academic I must say this: the pressuring and in- terference of the draft policy in academic matters are intolerable and poison the atmosphere of the community of scholars. It is the duty of faculty concertedly to pro- test against them and refuse them, and it is the duty of students to urge the faculty to do so. In abstract logic, the "just outh? policy" on the student deferment is clear: Either the war is just and then nobody should be de- ferred 'except for absolute social or personal necessity ); all must be in it together. Or the war is un- just and we should get the hell out of it. And abstractly I agree with this forthright reasoning, but- Since the President does not seem to be about to give up the war, the logic means abolishing the deferment. The students would of course be wildly against it, for various good and bad rea- sons. Also, university administra- tors would be against it, since it would diminish their population and grandeur, even if many are students only to avoid the draft. But finally, I think the govern- ment itself must shy away from such a step, for it cannot be eager to cope with the unknown, but certainly very large, number of students who oppose war and would strenuously object to being drafted, but who now settle quiet- ly for deferment. At present the government is obviously disposed to get its troops from the National Guard and the Reserves, rather than asking for an emergency and risking debate. Yet this drift toward a big profes- sional army is hazardous to de- mocracy, and we may rue it. Copyright, Paul Goodman,1965 0 At Letters: MSU Students View Their Plight Mrs. Wallace for Governor? EQUALITY IN ALABAMA? Yes, George Wallace is finally beginning to move toward it. They marched for years be- fore they got the vote, he says resignedly, so it's about time they were allowed to take part in the government.. What Is Wallace doing to achieve this equality? Well, he hinted recently that he would like to see a woman in the gov- ernor's chair, his wife Lureen, to be exact. She has been appearing frequently in public with Wallace recently, and was once introduced as "the next governor of Alabama." "His wife got him where he is" is a common cliche-and one which Wallace is probably mulling seriously. Wallace himself is barred from seeking reelection to the governorship; and having his wife in the position is the only way he can keep his hand in the pie and his eye on the 1968 presidential campaign. AND WHAT WOULD really be so unrea- sonable about his wife having the job? After all, it would be a step toward equal The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to the newspaper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters here are also reserved. Subscription rates $4.50 semester ny carrier ($5 by mail); $8 yearly by carrter ($9 by mail). Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich. rights for all, which the nation would applaud. It is the women who iron sheets for the Klan rallies and keep the chil- dren out of integrated schools. Mrs. Wallace is reputed to have none of her husband's arrogance. She says sim- ply, "We who love the South, we who love our families, must stand together." Who can argue with that? Yes, Mrs. Wallace is devoted to her husband and four children in the true Southern belle tradition, but she has no real interest in politics. "George could be working in a bank; it would be about the same," she smiles. She is not entirely wrong. Certainly, in both cases there is something he wants to cash in on. "WHAT IF SHE'S ELECTED?" a friend reportedly teased the governor. "Will you put up his and her desks?" Wallace did not answer. Nevertheless, he #robably tucked the idea away for further consideration. The voters of . Alabama should con- sider embracing this new candidate as their own. She stands for motherhood and flag. And a madam governor certainly couldn't be much worse than a mad one. -GAIL JORGENSEN To the Editor: IT WAS with much pleasure that I read your fine newspaper on Friday, Nov. 19, when some 3000 issues descended on our poor be- leaguered campus. I have read the Daily in the past and the pres- ent reinforces my previous opinion. Your paper represents a quality of university journalism that could well be transplanted; feature ar- ticles of substance and depth ("Unemployment," p. 1; "Reluct- ance To End War," p. 3), editor- ials of the same quality ("Viet Nam Protest") which are sup- ported by a sustained and develop- ed argument over a sophisticated grasp of issues and facts, and re- views of excellent qualitw ("Funny Thing," p. 2). Partly the quality of content reflects Ann Arbor'symore sophis- ticated student body but quite obviously it is also a result of the general freedom that you enjoy under an administration rather more enlightened, it seems, than the one we have been blessed with. It is difficult for a student newspaper to attract significant contributors or staff members censorship of anything smacking of controversy or anything "dis- agreeable", to our administrative personnel is the norm. In fact the entire campus is pervaded by a shacky feeling that "one could get into trouble for that." The ambiguous "that" covers extensive territory. YOU SEEM to wear your free- dom well and are to be congratu- lated for what you have made of it-an excellent newspaper. We wear our constriction and repres- sion with a wan smile. We could always transfer to the University. But somehow we hope that we might, someday, transfer a little of the University to MSU. Meanwhile, please keep up the good work; otherwise. we will lose an important standard to guide us. Maybe you could come around more often? -Lawrence O. Basil Grad Student, MSU To the Editor: AS A GRADUATE student at MSU after spending five years at the, University I can attest to "The Loss of Freedom at Michigan State." However, I would like to point out that it's difficult to call "lost" that which has never been possessed. The State News has long been used by MSU administrators as a propaganda sheet in their, over zealous concern for good PR. In- ternational news is rarely (if ever) covered in depth. News from other campuses is usually not reported. The fight of the collegiate press for freedom of expression has been totally ignored. Editorials are a mockery of the name. They never carry bylines and, except for a few occasions, they merely summarize - stories carried pre- viously in the news section. Controversial issues most rele- vant to the campus are glaringly omitted or skimmed over. Instead, the editorial page is typically fill- ed with short journalistic exercises in feature writing and advertise- ments. Other sections of the paper carry a daily column on Olin Health Service admissions and a weekly tidbit called "Who's Whose,"the local gossip on pin- nings and engagements. Every year a hoopla on the front page tells loyal readers that the State News has again won some sort of prize for journalistic ex- cellence. We'are told that the paper has been the model for many college papers throughout the U.S. L FOR ONE, have not yet fig- ured out where these awards are coming from. Perhaps the MSU administration could tell me. -Carol (Stone) Lipton, '63 To the Editor: YOUR EDITORIAL that appear- ed on Friday, November 19 concerning the resignation of the editorial staff here at Michigan State was well received and ap- preciated by the majority of the student body. There has long been an aura of censorship of the vital news organ of MSU; the admin- istration has played a key role in this suppression of the news media on this campus. It has been quite apparent for some time that President Han- nah's main concern on this cam- pus has been the expansion of MSU's physical plant to such pro- portions that the academic quality of this university has suffered because of it. The student body here is vitally concerned with academic and so- cial freedom, and the interest shown in the past by Michigan students has served as a prime example of the influence that can be exerted by a united student body interested in the improve- ment of the university as an agency for free intellectual pur- suit. WHEN AN INSTITUTION the size of MSU is placed under the heel of President Hannah's sup- preession there are many basic freedoms that are deprived the entire academic community; the censoring of the State News is only one in a series of incidents that have occurred here. We resent the biased and blat- ant control of our paper by the administration of Michigan State University and would like to ex- tend our thanks to the stand taken by the editors of the Michi- gan Daily for their interest in the denial of our rights as students and citizens. -Larry Rudner, '68 Bob Kazanowski, '68 David Mortimer, '68 Don Horwitz, '69 MSU Students To the Editor: THANK YOU for printing the editorial and article about Michigan State. Thank you, too, for distributing Friday, Novem- ber 20's issue on campus here at MSU. It is a shame that the students of Michigan State had to obtain copies of the Michigan Daily in order to read the true news of their school. The State News indeed reports managed and one-sided news items.gAll reports which thead- ministration deems unfit for stu- dent consumption are censored by the administration itself, not by the student editorial board. As a matter of fact, the story concern- ing the resignations of the board was, to my knowledge, not even in the paper today. OTHER STUDENTS and I are tired of reading canaged, one- sided news, reported to the stu- dents in a manneer which makes Michigan State's administration seem pertect. The administration has been rightfully put down by these articles. Distribution of the Daily seems to have caused some favorable response in opposition to the university's policies on news reporting. I hope that the ad- ministration will re-evaluate its stand and decide to allow the State News to report all of the news, good or bad. Let the free- dom of the press return, or, should I say, come to Michigan State Nniversity. -Dave Kikoler MSU Freshman EDITOR'S NOTE: The Daily was purchased in Ann Arbor by the Committee for Student Rights and sold by them at MSU. We did not "distribute" it at East Lansing, though we were delighted to see it done. -R.J. High School Activism To the Editor: THIS LETTER is in regard to the editorial appearing in The Daily Wednesday, November 17, concerning political activity at Ann Arbor High School. We as two of the so-called "leaders of the movement within the high school" would like to take issue with the attitude and the reporting of Mr. Gaines in his Travels in the East: Two Thanksgivings 0' through the school newspaper and classroom discussions. The high school yearly presents a draft assembly for senior boys at which a conscientious objector is invited to speak. There has existed since last year a Social Science Seminar in which various controversial issues are discussed, including civil disobedience and the war in Viet Nam. Mr. Schreiber is correct in stat- ing that there is no movement in the high school. We are attempt- ing to build one, but as of yet our gains are minute. The basis of this effort is not, as the editorial im- plies, centered at the University, nor is it correct to label Mike Locker as sole initiator and leader. THE SOUTH of the Border Mo- tel-just south (naturally) of the North-South Carolina border and on the usual motor route traveled between New York and Miami-is like a polished candle- stick in a garbage dump. But so are many of the modern, guaranteed-sanitary, neon-signed motels along this route, which takes you through some of the most God-forsaken places' on the, East Coast and makes me wonder if the Great Society is exclusively a Northern phenomenon. The motel is a huge place which never gets filled to capacity, and where a visitor finds a variety of. tourist shops specializing in trin- kets, food, traveling necessities, toiletries and (across the street) fireworks. You feel as if it were a self- sustaining island, apart from its environment. It is actually walled- in in some places and fosters Mexican-like atmosphere with "Buy a Pedro Sombrero" signs everywhere. ONCE I STAYED overnight there. The next morning, the first one awake and having had my fill the previous evening of Mexican life a la the motel, I decided to escape from my "island" paradise and see some the the gracious Southland near the motel. After walking about a quarter mile along the highway separated from the fields by a wire fence, I finally found a dirt driveway lead- ing into the field, into which I. immediately turned. The dirt road led across one field and through a thin line of trees that, I suppose, acted as a wind break to protect the crops there during the season. The road then turned diagonally across the next field and led toward an old dilapidated, gray, boarded, seemingly deserted shack. The front yard lacked any sem- blance of grass and was cluttered with a few rusty nail barrels, a plow, some weather-beaten wood planks, the remains of a ,fire- place, a discolored mattress with its stuffings hanging out and a small pile of moldy orange peels. ON THE SIDE of the shack was a 1948 or 1949 Mercury, propped up on cinder blocks with no wheels, the front window smashed, the seats missing, the doors open and the front and trunk hoods held open-mouthed with sticks. They reminded one of the meth- So What? by sarasohis His aid in obtaining speakers for our rally and his cooperation in an advisory capacity is essential. The actual composition of the group, however, is exclusively high school students. AS OUR ACTIONS indicate, we feel that there is a large degree of political apathy within the school and that it is our respon- sibility as students and citizens to' attempt to alter this. We do not feel, however that at this time a free speech issue is as important as the draft, the war in Viet Nam,' and their implications to the high school student. --Amy Schrager Karen Shain 'V off the land. A Negro boy about my age and height appeared and called off the dogs who then quietly returned to their quarters underneath the porch. After he asked who I was and what I wanted, we went into the house and talked a few minutes. He was my age and lived there with his mother, uncle and five brothers and sisters. They all worked in the fields I had crossed after leaving the highway. WE ENTERED a room which seemed to serve as a living and dining area. The wooden planks on the floor had spaces between them through which you probably could see easily with a little light. The furniture consisted of a few stools, a bench, a, faded green velvet chair, a double bed, a table and dresser painted black, a color- ful carnival poster and a family photograph. , He had never bothered going to school because it wasn't worth much, he told me, but he added proudly that his little brothers were now in public school in North Carolina. He didn't say anything about whether his sisters went to school. One of his little brothers en- tered the room from the back complaining that the barking had awakened him. He wore a dirty polo shirt and shorts, home-made from corduroy trousers, and no shoes or socks. He was a little afraid of me and soon ran baci: to where he had just come. One of his little sisters then poked her head around the door and upon my friend's insistence, she came in and crawled onto his lap. She wore a dark colored smock and dirty rubber sandals. She seemed quite self conscious of her presence and finally squirmed off and left us. They got most of their food, my friend said, from the land they worked. This, however, being the off season, none of them were working. I hesitated asking where they got their food when they weren't working. He asked if I might stay until the rest of his family had awaken- er and join them for their morn- i FEIFFER M7 WAKi CARP' GRAT.) T tF6 mY WGH11WG A Q[ ~ Ct ARET FROM PAUL NK)JRE EP. A SLAJlPET2 ' CYfJICI'5N HUPREf' BO'SAPF A GAY COOPE- r SST kJ STUTTER - J U 0 CLARK 6AVLJC* f '.1 MO AA MtR w N BRAzI C)V \) H67 ITS$ gItk IF I COULD ON'L-Y 6WIOATE THAT PART TV M-AKE 00-0h L.IK MAD. I--. I