SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1965 THE MICHIGAN DATLV FAGESEVEN SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1965 THE MiCHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN GA/ lv . Out To Haze' Woody, OsU in Finale By RICK STERN "Yes if I feel that the team needs it, I'll take of f my coat. If. I felt it would help, I'd strip to the waist."-Tony Mason 11/18/ 65:, Isdon't care if Mason takes off his pants at the game."-Woody Hayes 11/19/65. Michigan plays Ohio State in a football game this afternoon, but as indicated, the side show may turn out to be the main at- traction. On the Air The Weatherman predicts temperatures in the 40's for to- day's game, but tender grid fans can see the action televis- ed on Channel 4, in living col- or no less. Radio stations WUOM, WPAG and WAAM of Ann Arbor and WWJ of De- troit will also furnish a play- by-play description. Game time is scheduled to be 1:30. Up until last week, the Buckeyes carried hopes of a Rose Bowl berth. Hayes, however, does notI feel that a letdown is likely now, that the incentive has been elimi- nated. "We knew four weeks ago that we had virtually no chance to go to the Rose Bowl." Going Strong In the four weeks since thex Michigan State loss, the Buckeyes have defeated Wisconsin, Minne- sota, Indiana, and Iowa, gaining strength each week. Michigan, on the other hand, must bounce back OHIO STATE MICHIGAN Bill Anders (185).......... Mike Current (240) ......... Ted Andrick (210) ......... . Ray Pryor (220) ............. Doug Van Horn (235) ...... . Dick Anderson (240) ........ Greg Lashutka (220) ....... . Don Unverferth (210) ...... . Tom Barrington (205) .... , Bo Rein (180) .............. Will Sander (210) .......... . LE .. ..... Steve Smith (230) LT .......... Charlie Klnes (240) LG .......Dennis Flanagan (215) C . .. . Joe Dayton (220) RG , .......... Don Bailey (200) RT ..... ...... Tom Mack (235) RE ...... , .... Jack Clancy (200) QG .......... Wally Gabler (195) LII ..,.......,..Rick Sygar (180) RH ... Carl Ward (180) FB ...,..,..... Dave Fisher (215) ? -_ - 11 , from their most humiliating de- . the Buck squad, is the leading: feat of the season, 34-22 against Northwestern. And the worst thing about it is that Northwestern's offense, which Michigan was unable to contain, is basically the same as Ohio State's-a strong running game up the middle. Halfback Tom Barrington and fullback Willard Sander carry most of the running load. Bar- rington has picked up 533 yards and Sander 434. Halfback Bo Rein, from Niles McKinley High, and the only Tony Mason product on pass receiver with 271 yards after 24 catches. Bo a Blocker Hayes referred to Rein as a tri- ple threat player-"a good run- ner, a good receiver, and a good blocker." But he did not fail to praise the Wolverines either. "I have great respect for Michigan's ability, the type of ability they showed against' Illinois. I would say that their balance between passing and run- ning is the best in the conference." Hayes referred to Carl Ward as a "fine athlete," and also prais- ed Wally Gabler and Dave Fish- er. "Gabler is an excellent run- ner and there's nothing wrong with Fisher either." Hayes was asked if he thought this year's game could be viewed as a grudge match, since Michi- gan won all the marbles last year. His answer was a candid "I don't know. I'll have to check with the boys." SPORTS NIGHT EDITOR: ChUCK VETZNER In last season's battle, whic decided the Big Ten champio ship, line coach Mason match Hayes down to the shirtsleeve Michigan won the game and trip to Pasadena. This year, no Rose Bowl Bert rides on the outcome of the ga but the rivalry remains intenseE Indicated by the fired-up state Mason and Hayes. Tarzan Training Woody, volatile Buckeye coac never wears a coat at footba Pistons 'Knicked By The Associated Press The Detroit Pistons lost the eighth straight game last nig as the New York Knicks spurt to a 116-109 victory in Detro Dick Barnett led the Knicks wi 29 points. Ray Scott ;scored 23 f the Pistons. Ex-Michigan star B Buntin tallied 12 markers. In other NBA games, Bal ;more out-ran, the Philadelph 76ers, 134-124, and a balanc Boston team toppled Cincinna 129-103. I IIII ____ it Buckeyes' Hayes : "I don't care if he takes off his pants." Wolverines' Mason: "We can do anything OSU can do." as games, preferring the "hairy of chest" school of coaching. Ma- son, who used to coach high school in Niles, Ohio, and sent most of his top players to Michigan, is all more rational about his burlesque acts. "I take off my coat because I feel that Michigan can do any- thing Ohio State can do. Besides, I get warm during the games. eir Freezing relieves perspiration." ht The colorful Hayes was final- ed ly cornered by this reporter in it. the Inn America motel after a th week long chase. Twenty-three for person-to-person phone calls were ill placed to Columbus, Ohio, and 23 times, Woody Hayes was "in a ti- meeting." Even calls to Hayes' Zia home were unsuccessful. "I'm ed lucky if I even get to talk to him," ti, said Mrs. Hayes. Hayes was in the motel's res- taurant yesterday afternoon gorg- ing himself on a huge piece of chocolate cake. Escape was im- possible. Woody, who looks the part of one of the world's fore- most gourmets, chatted amiably until the subject of Mason was brought up, at which point icicles formed in his armpits. "This whole thing is a lot of cheap crud, and you can quote me on that. It's childish. I don't care what Mason' does with his clothes." Nonetheless, Hayes' pride ap- peared a bit touched by Mason's success last year. Pouted Hayes, "He didn't even take off his coat till the fourth quarter." While Mason did not deny feel- ings of personal animosity toward Hayes, he asserted "I think Hayes is a good coach, period." The Old Professor Wally Weber, who knows every- thing about almost anything, of- fered his opinion of the Hayes- Mason dichotomy. "They're both dynamic, hard driving coaches. Hayes, of course, is a veteran of the league who has always been eminently successful. "He expounds the 'slam bang, right up the middle' philosophy of coaching. Mason is like Hayes in that both shout and rant and rage during a game." Weber pointed out that Hayes has been known to throw chairs up and down in Michigan Stadium then summed up his comments saying "There's no doubt. Woody Hayes is the Scarlet Scourge of the Gridiron." Double Feature There is, though it may not be immediately apparent, more to this afternoon's show than "Tony Mason versus the Scarlet Scourge." There's a football game, too, and that's what the 80 odd thou- sand ostensibly expect to see. Bump Elliott's Wolverines will be trying to gain a break-even sea- son in overall play. In confer- ence they are two and four, and a fifth place tie, is the best they can achieve. Ohio State, which has lost only to MSU in six Big Ten games, car- ries a six and two mark overall. ' I ' ' i ,; ^ r E E; I' !4I "THE WINTER SPELL" COLOR SKI MOVIE Filmed in Austria, Switzerland, Italy, France, Spain, Colorado, and Idaho. Rated as the best of Dick Barrymore's six ski adventure films. DICK BARRYMORE will appear to give tile commentary of this superb, spectacular film. !,. '. I f ,. I I I l NHL Standings I, ANN ARBOR HIGH SCHOOL TICKETS $ 1.59 TUESDAY, NOV. 23 ... 8 P.M. Reductions for children Montreal Chicago New York Toronto Detroit Boston W L 6 3 7 2 4 4 4 6 2 5 T Pts. 3 15 1 15 3 11 2 10 3 7 2 6 GF 43 46 37 22 27 17 GA 31 23 33 38 33 34 Available at the door, or from Dave's Ski Shop, Tee & Ski, Moe's Sport Shops, Metzger's,t or from all Ann Arbor Ski Club members TODAY'S GAMES Detroit at Boston New York at Montreal Chicago at Toronto I +2: - _____________ 6 ANN ARBOR'S NEW d ONLY AUTHORIZED / OF an FRIDAY 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. * SATURDAY 9 a..) to 5 p.m. Ho Presid 15 o the ai custo been that an al succe DEALER ward Cooper dent, has a span of years experience in utomotive field. "In mer relations I have firmly convinced public confidence is bsolute requisite for 551. Jim Sanderson Glenn Herriman Service Manager Sales Manager Our building contains more than 15,600 square feet, 11,500 of which is A Inspect our new facilities while enjoying designed to take care of customer service needs, including parts and ac- cessories sales. 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