Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS MS U-Painful Political Maturing Where Opinions Are Free. 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEwS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This inust be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1965 NIGHT EDITOR: CLARENCE FANTO SGC Membership Committee Must Pressure Panhel NOVEMBER 30 Panhellenic Association will vote on the issue of a Panhel- lenic membership committee, whose func- tion would be the elimination of racial and religious discrimination in the soror- ity system. The purpose of this commit- tee would be, not to replace, but to sup- plement' the work of the present Mem- bership Committee of Student Govern- ment Council. A Panhellenic committee could con- ceivably produce some significant results in the area of discrimination by succeed- ing in those areas where the SGC com- mittee has failed-communications with sorority actives and nationals and under- standing of the complex national politics behind the scenes of the local Greek system. In addition, the formation of a mem- bership committee would mark a great increase in the importance of Panhellen- ic Association itself. It would be the first time that organi- zation has acted as a true voice of soror- ity opinion, taking a stand on an issue both controversial and immediately rele- vant, and would also be the first time Panhellenic has used its power and in- fluence to achieve a significant goal. SEVERAL PEOPLE outside the Greek system have expressed the opinion that Panhellenic, in taking the responsibility for combating discrimination, would in practice merely be seizing an opportunity to "get around" the University's policy of non-discrimination. It is doubtful that this would happen, however, for most sorority presidents do not seem to want to "get around" the problem. In other words, the formation of a Panhellenic membership committee would provide a framework for the future with- in which the Greek system could, and probably would, take some definite steps toward self-improvement. At present it is not certain that such a committee will be formed. Within the system there is some feeling that it would be "impractical" for a Panhellenic committee to have any real power to judge or impose sanctions on sorority chapters, and suggestions have been made to limit the committee to an ad- visory capacity. This is partly the re- sult of pressure from national organiza- How Abou A Campus A1 EDITOR'S NOTE: Many schools in the country are beset with protests, demonstrations and criticism. Some, however, have a different problem. AT WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY an anti-draft teach-in examined the his- tory and operation of the draft with emphasis on how students could avoid it. At the University of Wisconsin the Stu- dent-Faculty Committee to End the War in Viet Nam has lined up 100 students who will attempt to be arrested for sit- ting-in on the runways of Truax Field (a base for the state Air National Guard). At Redlands-nothing. Last week the L.A. Times had an ar- ticle on student demonstrations. In it Redlands was mentioned as one of Editorial Staff ROBERT JOHNSTON, Editor LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM ROBERT HIPPLER Managing Editor Acting Editorial Director JUDITH FIELDS .. .. .. . Personnel Director LAUREN BAHR ....... Associate Managing Editor JUDITH WARREN ..... Assistant Managing Editor GAIL BLUMBERG ................. ..Magazine Editor PETER SARASOHN ............ Contributing Editor LLOYD GRAFF........... .... Acting Sports Editor SHELDON DAVIS ................Acting Photo Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Robert Carney. Clarence Fandto, Mark R. Killingsworth, John Meredith, Leonard Pratt, Bruce Wasserstein. DAY EDITORS: Merle Jacob, Carole Kaplan, Lynn Metzger, Roger Rapoport, Harvey Wasserman, Dick Wingfield, Charlotte Wolter. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Alice Bloch, Deborah Blum, Babette Cohn, Gail Jorgenson, Robert Kliv- ans, Lawrence Medow, Neil Shister, Joyce Winslow. SPORTS NIGHT EDITORS: Rick Feferman, Jim La- Sovage, Bob McFarland, Gil Samberg, Dale Sielaff5, Rick Stern, Jim Tindall, Chuck vetzner. Phishedra rily Tuesdav through Sunday morning. tions, and partly the result of conserva- tism in Panhellenic itself. To limit the powers of the Panhellenic membership committee would make it ineffectual in practice-it would lose the force of responsibility and judgment. jF AN EFFECTIVE membership commit- tee is not formed by Panhellenic, it will be the result, for the most part, of a deplorable lack of direction, action and organization on the part of the SGC Membership Committee. The SGC committee has done virtually nothing since it received membership recommendation forms from the sorority chapters. Committee Chairman Ron Serlin, '66, has come out several times in favor of the Panhellenic membership committee, but the lack of action on the part of his committee may well be the factor that will prevent it from being formed. Panhellenic's president and vice-presi- dent can talk about the evils of discrim- ination and the benefits of student self- determination as long as they wish, and sorority presidents will nod in agreement. But they will not expose themselves to the disfavor of their national officers, they will not put themselves in the pre- carious position of innovators by form- ing a membership committee, unless there is pressure put on them to do so. This pressure is what the SGC Mem- bership Committee must now bring to bear within the next 10 days. If they have found anything in the membership recommendation forms that warrants investigation, now is the time to let it be known. There is still one soror- ity that has not submitted a recommen- dation form-now is the time to come to grips with this problem and let that sorority know when it must submit a form, and what action will be taken if it refuses. IMMEDIATE ACTION by the SGC Mem- bership Committee could only benefit all involved. It would increase the prob- ability of a Panhel committee that could really do something ,and would put new life into a cause that, after making some great advances in the past six months, seems now to be in danger of fading into oblivion. CAROLE KAPLAN t Formi athy League? the only two schools in Southern Califor- nia which failed to have Viet Nam dem- onstrations in recent weeks. WE HAVEN'T FIGURED out yet if this is supposed to be good or bad. Most of the students at other schools (who constitute the famous committed, activist generation) no doubt regard us as apathetic and unconcerned-reminis- cent of the goldfish swallowing genera- tion of the '50's. A majority of the older generation view us as patriotic Americans. The problem is now that we're not even pro-American. We have relinquished our positions to the Hell's Angels-for they believe that "America should be for Amer- icans and those who don't like it should get the hell out." Because the editorial board is charged with giving dynamic leadership to the student body, we have given some thought to ways in which the UR can prove it is truly committed E HAVE NARROWED the proposals down to two. After rejecting sit-ins, teach-ins, and think-ins, we arrived at an idea we think may work at the UR: a "bitch-in." The -bitch-in originated at Colorado and is patterned after a teach-in. Each student who attends will have the oppor- tunity to speak for five minutes on any- thing that bothers him. Students would speak at the bitch-in according to the Chapel numbers. We feel it would be a good opportunity for stu- dents to get what's bothering them off their chets- By J. RUSSELL GAINES MICHIGAN STATE University's student newspaper, the State News, yesterday suffered the loss of all of its editors except the editor-in-chief, Charles Wells. Four editors walked out in protest against the suppression of news regarding the Paul Schiff case, currently pending in the MSU Faculty Committee on Student Affairs at State. The walk out seems indicative of State's current move toward poli- tical and social maturity. The totalitarianism of its ad- ministration is being challenged. Students are starting to question policies there as they started to question policies here long ago. Michigan State at present has a great deal of power over its students. Its Board of Trustees, which hasthe power to govern and punish its own students, maintains its own police force, the MSU Department of Public Safety, all of whose members are officially Ingham County deputy sheriffs. An example of MSU power was shown last month when five stu- dents were arrested for passing out leaflets on Viet Nam. Charges against them were trespassing in the Student Union and violation of the Fruit Peddlers' Ordinance, Regulation 3002 which prohibits circulating or selling any litera- ture which contains commercial advertising on MSU property. IN ADDITION, the Head Advi- sor of Fee Residence Hall has be- gun proceedings against a student, George Fish, aimed at his dis- missal from the university. The charges against Fish are that he passed out Logos, the official voice of the Committee for Student Rights, in dinner lines there. Logos, however, is free litera- ture without any commercial ad- vertising. There is no ordinance governing this action. In fact, the only charge which could conceivably be trumped up against him would be one of "asocial conduct," a catch all used mainly for ejecting homosexuals, transvestites, and other alleged "social misfits" from the univer- sity. This "asocial conduct" charge serves as another example of the administration's high-handed pol- icy. The State News last year commended MSU detectives for a job well done. They had lain in wait for homosexuals in campus bathrooms. Such tactics seem hardly worthy of an institution which calls itself a university. The injustice of MSU tions includes violation of protec- tion from double jeopardy. Two years ago MSU coeds were arrested at a "grasser." The girls were given late minutes for all the time they spent giving testimony to police. Those found guilty were given additional punishment by the civil authorities. Thus, not only were the in- nocent punished along with the guilty, but the guilty parties in- volved drew punishments both from civil and university authori- ties. And this was not an isolated case. It can happen to any MSU student who violates a city, county, or state law. THE MSU administration's fear of communist infiltration of the campus is as notorious as its in- fringement on students' rights deserves to be. In 1963 Robert Thompson, a communist, wanted to speak on campus to the stu- dents. He was denied this right. In the end, he spoke in the backyard of a fraternity house. This is again not a particular case alone but is representative of the MSU policy toward communist speakers on campus. They are simply not allowed. Allegedly, there has been some revision of this policy. Now com- munist spokesmen are allowed to speak on the conditions that they will not advocate violation of any city, state, or federal law and that the organization which spon- sors them will take full respon- sibility. Although this seems a step in the right direction, this new ruling has not been tested, and thus can- not be considered an established policy. Since the Thompson affair there have been no university- recognized communist speakers on campus. The attitude of MSU President Hannah toward communists among student groups most eloquently exemplifies the fear of "reds" on campus. Last March Hannah charged that there were three "trained communist-oriented agi- tators" on campus. In late spring last year he said that radical student groups were inspired by "Peking-brand" ideologists. His latest pronouncement, which came on the steps of the Union in a message to alumni was that there was a small group of radicals getting their orders from Moscow and Peking via New York. If members of this "small radi- cal group" were getting their orders from both Moscow and Peking there would, no doubt, be sufficient chaos in the organiza- tion itself to annihilate it from within. THE ISSUE which brought about the editor's walkout from the State News-Paul Schiff's re- jection by MSU and accompany- ing censorship-has been the one which has raised the most student complaints. Schiff withdrew from State by not returning in the spring last year. He had completed his re- quired hours for a major in eco- nomics with a B4 average. He applied for readmission to the graduate department in history for the following fall term. His grades in undergraduate history courses had been a 3.5+ average and so he was admitted by the history department. He was denied admission, how- ever, by the administration. Be- I r N f " : - ' '°'' o. ' 1 t ; I; , o r' , I, -- ' { :: t . " , . , . f . .f ------ " - r i % ' r ,r' \ cause of his undergraduate politi- cal activism, he felt that his re- jection from the university was for nonacademic reasons. It was on this ground that he appealed. The case went to the Federal District Court in Grand Rapids. Out of that court came an in- struction to the university to give him a hearing. He received, as per court order, the charges against him in writ- ing. This document was presented to the Faculty Committee on Stu- dent Affairs along with witnesses against Schiff. This week he pre- sented his own document refuting the arguments against him and introduced witnesses in his behalf. The committee is now deliberat- ing the case. There is one very important factor in this case. The hearing given Schiff was a closed one. The public was not allowed. Reporters and involved observers were also kept out of the hearing room. The closed hearing, according to MSU policy, is supposed to be for the student's benefit. Yet Schiff's request to have an open hearing was denied. The reason for this denial could be that the admin- istration wishes for the entire matter to be Herkos Odonton. They are suppressing the facts or, at least, this is the impression. The university's denial of an open hearing to Schiff hints that there is something of questionable valid- ity going on. THE WALK OUT of the editors of the State News was highly justified. Unlike The Daily, the State News is under the thumb of the university administration. Professional men head the news- paper, most of whom depend on their positions for a livelihood. Thus, at the call of the admin- istration-which comes in time of any danger to the MSU image- information which is damaging is not published. This is what hap- pened last night. Letters:.1 Johnson To the Editor:. IN FRIDAY'S DAILY Frederic Korn expressed shock that President Johnson had "lied" to the American people. He did not, however, demonstrate that the President had done so. What did the President say? "I must say that candor compels me to tell you that there has not been the slightest indication that the other side is (present tense!) interested in negotiation or in unconditional discussions, although the United States has made some dozen sep- erate attempts to bring that about." In view of the present tense of the verb, as noted above, previous willingness on the part of Hanoi to unconditional discussions (if such willingness existed) is ir- relevant. The President was clear- ly speaking of willingness at or about the time that he spoke. We are told that Hanoi made a "peace offer" during the mora- torium on air strikes that took place a few weeks before. There is no indication that this "peace offer" was unconditional, i.e. that it put no preconditions either on the United States or on Hanoi. Indeed we have a contrary indi- cation - Dean Rusk said that Hanoi's reaction was "harsh, very harsh." At most, then, Korn fails to belie Johnson's "shocking" statement. Korn also presents the following question: suppose that to win the war it would be necessary to kill two or three civilians for every Viet Cong. "What could serve to justify it?" CONSIDER THE following situ- ation (which, I think, is analo- gous): a frontiersman and his family are attacked by a group of Indians who intend to make slaves of them. These Indians have cap- tured one of the man's children and are trying to use the child as a hostage to obtain the sur- render of family. Who would condemn the man for defending himself and the rest of his family by force even if he knew that, say, in shooting at the Indians he himself might kill their hostage? I do not claim that everyone would do it, but who would condemn the man who does? Who can condemn South Viet Nam and the United States for defending the South Vietnam- ese even though it entails the loss of large numbers of South Viet- namese? "Communism is not so bad as slavery" you may say. My only answer to that is that this is a value judgment-another question to be decided by other arguments. Suffice it to say that a significant number of people with first-hand information (i.e. escapees from East Berlin, Cuba, etc.) believe that it is bad enough to risk their f f + Louis Berman, a member of the MSU faculty, is the final authority on what goes in the News and what stays out. It was he who kept the Schiff story out. If there had been something dubious about the source material for the story or the slant created within it, his veto would have been at least partially justifiable. But the story was to be only the official university charges against Schiff and his written re- buttal, both unedited and left completely untouched. The censorship of this article shows either that the publishing of the Schiff documents could have been damaging to the uni- versity or that the MSU admin- istration's document was insuffi- cient to justify its position. This is not the only instance in which there has been deliberate censorship of articles on Schiff. Although there have been mild editorials and news stories on the Schiff case, no letters to the edi- tor have been published about it. The News has an abundance of material to work with in this area if they are at all interested in presenting the opposing sides of the question. If this is the service which the State News gives the university, there should either be no paper at all or it should be acknowledged as the official sheet of the ad- ministration. THE TOTALITARIAN nature of the Michigan State University ad- ministration is clear. Yet the dis- satisfaction of the students is also mounting. The political ma- turation of the students in such organizations as the Committee on Student Rights, leads one to feel that the MSU administration must respond to the challenge offered by the students there. MSU is coming of age. The tyranny invoked by its administra- tion is being gravely considered by the students. It must, in time, change. Webutting s Critics handling of election procedures. This past campaign was the most exciting and interesting that I have experienced in my stay at the University. I am sure there was much more interest generated tn this election than the 4,268 vote total indicates. The cam- paigning was great, but the hand- ling of the election was poor. SGC can blame "Mother Nature" for part of this, but when polling places go unmanned (to site ;lust two of theinstances: The diag at 12:00, and WQ at 3:00) many students are not able to vote. I have spoken to at least 10 people who did not vote-precisely for this reason. These people were informed, and they wanted to vote. How can SGC expect to keep students interested when they plan things so poorly? I think that in the future polling places should be indoors (e.g., the Fishbowl). If they are well pub- licized, marked and positioned, in- terested people will find them. The essential thing, though, is that they be manned at all times. Charles Cooper of SGC has al- ready promised to do something about the confusing ballots. I suggest that he and the rest of the Council also do something about moving the polls. -John Mulhern, '67 Schutze 's Corner: Coolness HERE'S A simple tale. Stan Lie- baert was walking to class yesterday. Stan noticed some people on the Diag collecting money for CARE. "Nice idea," Stan thought. He walked over to them. Stan read their sign. "Phi Delta Theta and Delta Gamma Bucket Drive," Stan read. "Nice people," Stan thought. Oh, Stan. The CARE collectors noticed a button on Stan's lapel. They read Stan's button. "Viet Nam March," the collectors read. One of the Phil Delta Theta persons stepped in front of Stan. "Hey Commie," the person shouted charmingly, "I'll burn your draft card for you, if you will give to CARE." Well, fella, you gave decency that old college try. You knew that collecting money for CARE was basically a civilized thing to do. UNFORTUNATELY, you played the hero in a greek tragedy. All vour best wisheam e mto naught. t s II z 7r i i: 'wwn Me 1965, The X4,0, MS tDSJiff4£S "SfNfiii, tg6r.-' ant£ Tribune Syndic- "He refuses to come, because, according to protocol, it's God's turn to visit him next . . ." Rhodesia -Time Needed THE CONFLICT in Rhodesia be- tween the native Africans and the European settlers is a perfect example of a problem to which there can be no final solution during the lifetime of the men who are involved. The white prime minister, Ian Douglas Smith, who has been pushed over the brink by the right wing of his own party, can- not guarantee that white suprem- acy will be maintained in Rhode- sia. It is a virtual certainty that in Africa 220,000 whites can do no more than fight a rear guard action for their own supremacy against 4 million blacks. Unless there is a racial holocaust in which the whites or blacks ex- terminate one another, Rhodesia is destined in one way or another to become a multiracial state. The controlling fact is that a multi- racial state cannot be developed in one generation, and the crucial question is, therefore, how such a long, difficult transition can be managed without intolerable dis- order. ITTI CCONCEIVABT bn he Today and Tomorrow By WALTER LIPPMANN While no one can speak con- fidently about how to overcome the absolutes of the white su- premacists and the absolutes of the Africans demanding imme- diate majority rule, we do know what ought to be done. We ought to win time for a peaceable evolu- tion. A way must be found in which whites and blacks accept the fact that it will require at the least a generation of time for the evolu- tion of Rhodesia into a multiracial state. Unless the whites or the blacks are to exterminate one another, they must grant each other time in which the Africans can evolve the essential capacity to govern and the Europeans can devolve from their absolute supremacy. great powers would in one way or another be sucked. It would be a war, moreover, which would cause serious reverberations within the United States. The administration has, I think, done the right thing in adopting a supporting and secondary role, not an initiating and primary one. This has been, challenged by Americans who argue that our position of "world leadership" de- mands that we take the lead in African affairs. IT WOULD BE a mistake to do this. Moreover, once a European power has liquidated its own col- onial empire, as have Britain, France and Belgium, it is left with a pool of technicians and administrators who know the country, who have personal roots in the country, who know the ways of the country which no one can acquire quickly. No one, I think, should ignore or underestimate the need in a new nation for guides, counselors and tutors. Our real quarrel with the white Rhodesians is not that they want