4r m~idilgan Bally Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD:IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS ere Opinions Ae Free. 420 MAYNARD ST.. ANN A? BOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail. Nvws PioNE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1965 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT CARNEY The Loss of Freedom At Michigan State THE UNIVERSITY of Michigan's Board in Control of Student Publications, which is delegated "authority and con- trol over the Daily by the Regents, has repeatedly affirmed, often under trying circumstances, the almost total freedom and responsibility historically granted The Daily's Senior Editors. Freedom of expression apparently car- ries little meaning at MSU's State News, however, nor does an individual student's freedom of speech seem to mean much to President John Hannah, who Just last week exhorted his national colleagues to "lead the fight for civil rights. What about Paul Schiff's civil rights, President Hannah? And, as the letter on this page asks, what has the national civil rights com- mission, which you have chaired for some years, done for civil rights except what free students working in the North and South have pressured it into doing? BLATANT interference of the MSU administration, particularly President Hannah, in the operations of the State News was brought to a head last night as several of the editors said that they plan to resign today because of a dispute with the editor and faculty advisors over run- ning information on the Schiff case. And several weeks ago the News edi- torial director resigned in disgust at the editor's willingness to let Hannah ap- pointees and "faculty advisors," who act as effective censors, to run the paper. The general manager of the State News, who controls most of what goes on there, is appointed by and is a close personal friend of President Hannah. If Hannah wants to run a newspaper for his own purposes, that's fine, but it should be lab- eled as the propaganda that it is, not as a free student newspaper. President Hannah could learn some lessons from University President Harlan Hatcher. Whatever trials and tribulations The Daily has caused Hatcher this se- mester, and there have been plenty, he cannot be accused of even the slightest imposition on The Daily's editorial free- dom. And whatever trials and tribulations student demonstrators and Viet Nam pro- testors and sit-inners have caused him, and those have also been considerable, complete freedom of student and facul- ty expression on important issues has been upheld. HANNAH OF COURSE claims that vari- ous circumstances other than Schiff's political activities affect his case. That is so much obfuscation. Either there is student freedom of expression or there is control and/or suppression of ideas, some- thing insidious in any university worthy of the name. 0 The students and faculty of Michi- gan State University are entitled to know what is happening at their university, everything happening all of the time. 0 They are entitled to a newspaper which can tell them these things freely and without restraint or indirect control of any kind. * MSU's students and faculty have a right to know that rights of free speech and expression have been blatantly and hypocritically trampled there and that freedom for the principal means of com- munication within the university, the student paper, is nonexistent. The basic ideals of the university are at stake. Are the ideals of unhindered search for truth and understanding, by both groups and individuals, and the free and open and unfearful discussion that must accompany such a search for un- derstanding and comprehension, still ap- plicable to MSU? FREEDOM IS THE FIRST prerequisite to education. Without it education is hollow and meaningless for those under- going it. Education becomes a tool to manipulate others to prescribed social ends, ends which the university itself should be seeking to establish. Apparently these ideals aren't applic- able at MSU. If the faculty and students still believe in them, they should de- mand the full story on Schiff, and they should get it from a free student press, not Hannah's. --ROBERT JOHNSTON Editor iet. EDITOR'S NOTE: The autl is a predoctoral instructor the department of philosop] By FREDERIC KORN TWO DAYS after Thanksg: thousands of Americans march on Washington, D.C. national call for this march, ten some weeks ago, asserted the United States has not dor it can to bring about peace r tiations on Viet Nam. It dec that the purpose of the march be to exhort the Johnson ad: istration to try harder to end war. The drafters of the call knowledged that the United S had strongly professed a d for unconditional discussions But they added that since U.S. had insisted that the tional Liberation Front not b lowed at the conference tab: a separate delegation, ands the U.S. had refused to halt bombing of North Viet Nam meaningful period of time, t] was some reason to doubt th tent and sincerity of the ad: istration's desire for such ta TODAY THE QUESTION o: ministration sincerity hasI answered. The shocking admissions disclosures of the past fewr make it clear beyond a doubt our government's posture has completely iigenuine. The S Department has confirmed i the Johnson administration jected overtures from Hanoi secret negotiations both b and after the 1964 Preside election. Apologists for the adminis tion have said that because a time the Saigon government extremely unstable and was or verge of losing the war, the: would have had to "bargain f weakness." But why weren't A icans told of the refused o: Why were they instead told the other side did not wis] bargain because it was win Most importantly, what a ances do we have that the gox ment was right in supposing Hanoi would impose unfavo conditions? Why wasn't the portunity taken to find out ex what conditions Hanoi wanted What would have been los doing so, since the request for discussions to be conducte secrecy? NO SUGGESTED reason fo U.S. refusal to negotiate does thing to change the fact that President told the American p a deliberate falsehood on a m affecting the lives of coun Americans and Vietnamese quite possibly the survival everyone on this planet. In a press conference on, 13th, the President said, "I n say that candor compels me t you that there has not been slightest indication that the c ride is interested in negotiatic unconditional discussions, alth the United States has made , dozen separate attempts to b. that about." Minds raised in a traditio general respect for and tru the leaders of the countryI difficulty coming to terms witl fact that our President lied. have a strong urge to dismh or simply to deny that it. is w it appears to be. Some are driven to assui that there are unknown fac which, coud the country r them, would alter the meanir what the President has done. if there are such factors, the ministration declines to tell what they are; it strains credt to suppose that the excuse is tional security. Nam Protest: PRESIDENT JOHNSON, JULY 13, 1965-"I must say that candor compels me to tell you that there has not been the slightest indication that the other side is interested in negotiation or in unconditional discussons, although the United States has made some dozen separate attempts to bring that about." mperative Others, while not denying that the President has lied, claim the unknown facts justify his actions. Is it not significant that govern- ment supporters have had to use this excuse so often in defending U.S. policy? And has there ever been any later confirmation for such a claim? In this cast, saying that if we knew all til facts we would find Johnson's he to be justified is in- credible. Can we imagine facts that would justify lying to the American people, leading them to believe that it is necessary to sacrifice the lives of their children because the other side has com- pletely refused to talk peace? ONE CANNOT dismiss this case as a slip from otherwise scrupulous standards of honesty. The New York Times, in a front page story oi± November 14th, 1965, disclosed information gathered by the Sen- ate Foreign Relations Committee from high administration officials in closed session, information which establishes beyond doubt that President Johnson and his administration lied to or misled the American people not once, but repeatedly about the intervention in Santo Domingo. In addition, recently in an As- sociated Press story, David Schoen- brunn disclosed that he was told by a French government official "in the highest authority" that the North Vietnamese also made a peace overture during the five-day suspension of the bombing north. of the 17th parallel. According to him, France forwarded the offer to the U.S., but it was ignored. Indeed, the administration re- sumed the bombing, chastising those, including Sen. William Ful- bright, who had asserted that such a pause in the bombings would en- courage peace talks. Dean Rusk said in July that the U.S. efforts to get a positive reply during the moratorium were met with a reaction that was "harsh, very harsh." President Johnson, speaking be- fore the United Nations late in the summer, testified to "the un- hesitating readiness of the U.S. to find a peaceful solution." HERE THE CASE against the administration is even more clear cut. The moratorium came after Johnson had declared at Johns Hopkins our desire for uncondi- tional discussions. It came after the start of the aerial bombings of North Viet Nam, bombings which would tend to dispell the impression that we would be bar- gaining from a position of weak- ness. Honest minds draw, are forced to draw, inferences from facts. These facts compel a bitter ver- dict. They erode a presupposition. at the foundation of what we have taken the American demo- cratic experience to be. If one can no longer trust the information given by leaders in apparent good faith to the Ameri- can people, then real democracy is impossible, since it presupposes that government decisions are to be subject to periodic review by an electorate which has been properly informed. WHEN THIS presupposition, is not fulfilled, one is left with the trapings of effective democratic institutions, but not democracy itself. The consequences of these facts in the present situation seem to be that President Johnson and a few other high government officials, in their conduct of the war and their ability to silence major opposition in Congress by political pressure, have created what in fact is a completely un- democratic structure with respect to foreign policy, especially on Viet Nam. This kind of structure ertails that those making the decisions govern not on the assumptions of democracy, but on the assumption that "informing" the public is a way of controlling public opinion by saying whatever is required for this end. In this view, public opin- ion is merely one of several im- portant variables that must be controlled and manipulated in the pursuance of policy. GIVEN THIS STRUCTURE, it should thus come as no surprise that the American people have been lied to and misled about foreign policy with unremitting regularity. Other features of the government's conduct become equally clear. The leaders give lip service to national ideals of de- mocracy and freedom, even free- dom of dissent, while completely ignoring in practice what an honest commitment to them would entail. For instance, while publicly af- firming the right to dissent, the leaders attempt to curtail criti- cism, not by responding with jus- tifications for their policies (for this would be to engage in the processes of democracy), but by ignoring the substance of criticism and saying that such remarks encourage the enemy, are held by only a tiny minority, or ought not to be made when American boys are dying for our freedom in Viet Nam. There is of course no difficulty in exposing the nonrational char- acter of these sorts of appeals-if those protesting segregation in a Southern community are a tiny minority, this does nothing to show the views they hold are wrong and segregation right-but such appeals are effective in shap- ing public opinion when uttered by those who lead the country and have vast public relations leverage at their disposal. THUS FAR we have said noth- ing about Viet Nam itself, about the indiscriminate destruction and. contempt for human life present in our policy there. Jack Lang- guth, writing in The New York Times Sunday magazine on Octo- ber 17, drawing on his year's ex- perience reporting the war for the Times, says that the war may be won if the United States is pre- pared to kill two or three civilians for every enemy soldier. The whole strategy of phos- phorous bombing of villages, pois- oning of rice crops and saturation bombing of densely populated areas of the Mekong Delta cannot be discussed adequately in a few sentences. We can, however, ask this ques- tion: suppose that what the John- son administration has told us about the war is true in every de- tail, and suppose further that the war can be fought effectively only along the lines the government is now pursuing; should we con- tinue to fight if this entails the kind of slaughter of the civilian population that Langguth and others say it does? Can we wage such a war and live with our- selves? It is important to remember that Langguth says that two or three civilians must die for every sol- dier, lest one should be tempted to draw comfort the fact that in every war some innocent people are killed no matter how elaborate the precautions. A ratio of two 'or three to one-what could serve to justify it? The assurances from President Johnson that we are fighting for freedom and democ- racy in Viet Nam? GIVEN our present policy in Viet Nam, are American boys in Viet Nam dying even for demo- cracyin the United States? How plausible is it that their death serves South Vietnamese democracy, when under the mili- tary regime of Premier Ky, Viet- namese have been shot before fir- ing squads for even protesting the presence of American troops? Also it must be remembered that we generously undertook, in asking our question, the sweeping assumption that what President Johnson has told us about the war is true in every detail. In view of the last few days, how rational is it to suppose that what President Johnson tells us about the war is true? WHAT CONCLUSIONS are to be drawn from these considera- tions? Although present govern- ment policies are inimical to po- litical democracy in our country, it would be hasty and overly pes- simistic to suppose that they fore- tell its doom. Even McGeorge Bundy does not yet have the 'temerity to claim that Presidential elections every four years are felt desirable by only a tiny minority of professors. Although President Johnson is limited, if he wins the next elec- tion to only four more years, we have no less an authority than President Eisenhower to testify to the dangers present in the power of "the military-industrial complex," something on which the constitution sets no such limita- tions of time. WHAT CAN be done right now to meaningfully and effectively oppose the war? The Johnson ad- ministration seems to have suc- ceeded until now in silencing any meaningful opposition or discus- sion in Congress, which according to the Constitution has a signifi- cant role in foreign policy. Although we ought to work hard to elect Congressmen who cannot be coerced by pressure from the White House, this is a project which cannot yield results until 1966. Though the momentary pros- pects for pressure from within the political system are bleak, the March on Washington will give in- dividuals distressed by the con- duct of the war an opportunity to demonstrated their disapproval in a way that can bring pressure to bear on the administration. Even the present structure of decision-making on foreign policy is not invulnerable to widespread opposition to its policies. THE ORIGINAL CALL for the march was, ironically, all too right in claiming the government had not done all it could to bring peace. The march now can be a means of pressuring the government to- wards negotiations, not by, as we once may have naively thought, reminding our leaders of their sin- cere desire for peace, but by show- ing them that the American peo- ple will not stand for a barbaric war veiled by lies and hypocrisy. * 4 Students Neglected 4 ROBERT SCHNITZER is listed in the Faculty Directory as the executive di- rector of the University of Michigan Pro- fessional Theatre Program. Events sur- rounding the cancellation of the Ameri- can Conservatory Theatre's Feb. 6 per- formance, a cancellation confirmed yes- terday, pose the question of whether Schnitzer is letting this job interfere with another of his responsibilities-that of fairly administering Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Specifically, they raise the question of just how fairly student productions are being treated in their use of Mendels- sohn. About a week ago, MUSKET officials accidentally learned that an ACT per- formance had been scheduled for Feb. 6, the same Sunday on which MUSKET had been promised it could move into the theatre to set up for its first perform- ance the following Wednesday, Schnitzer had already begun ticket sales for the ACT performance. Moving quickly, the officials met with Schnitzer and the University Calendar- ing Committee, the body in charge of allotting space in University buildings to student groups, to clear the matter up. As only a few tickets for the ACT per- formance had been sold, the committee's insistence was enough to force the can- cel ation of the ACT performance so MUSKET could go on as planned. THIS EPISODE was reminiscent of the problems that Soph Show '64 had with Mendelssohn's administration, u n d e r Schnitzer, last year. In that case, the As- sociation of Producing Artists, under Schnitzer's control through his authority over the PTP, was booked into Mendels- nhnithunt ver notifvine the Snnh inconvenient and complicated perform- ,ance arrangement at the Ann Arbor High School auditorium. Schnitzer's handling of both cases at the very least was inconsiderate of stu- dent groups, and could conceivably have hurt them seriously if other administra- tors had not stepped in to help. Of course, one must remember the larger context in which Mendelssohn operates. Especially in Soph Show's case, Schnitzer had little choice but to allow APA to perform in the theatre. Yet even there, in not notifying Soph Show, his administration showed a great lack of concern for the students themselves and the investment in time and money which they represented. Mitigating circumstances were less evi- dent in MUSKET's case. The PTP did not stop ticket sales until it was more than obvious that MUSKET did not in- tend to let the matter die and until it was obvious that the students had the backing of the calendaring committee. If that performance of ACT had sold out before MUSKET had a chance to ne- gotiate with Schnitzer about the choice, of date, MUSKET almost certainly would have been forced to move. Whether this incident was the intent of Mendelssohn's administration or whether it was simple administrative er- ror is open to debate. But in any case, the fact remains that MUSKET almost lost a great deal through that administration's lack of concern for its calendaring in re- lation to the calendaring of professional groups. THIS IS SIMPLY NOT RIGHT. While professional theatre is a great influ- ence at the University, and Schnitzer has played a sizable part in its success, Men- Letters: MSU President Hannah Blasted To the Editor: IS THE QUALITY of a university reflected in the conduct of its president? I think so! As an alumnus of both Michigan State University and the University of Michigan, I would like to com- ment upon the relative degree of democratic leadership apparent at the two schools. Your November 17th issue car- ried two news items concerning President Hatcher and President Hannah. It is edifying to learn that President Hatcher has for- mally announced the University of Michigan's official stand on the matter of protecting the civil rights of students. In his recent speech delivered before business leaders in Chicago, President Hatcher cogently pointed out the difference between "distasteful action" and "illegal action" on the part of students. The V-P for Student Affairs substantiates the fact that this working philosophy has been operating at Michigan "for a long time." BUT WHILE Dr. Hatcher was for Western Michigan where John. Hannah (et al) was sued recently by a student of MSU as the result of an alleged civil rights violation on the part of Hannah? The court did find that violation had oc- curred, and still maintains juris- diction in the case. What kind of sanctimonious hypocrisy leads the president of a university to run around the coun- try talking about civil rights, when his own conduct and his own organization are flagrant examples of institutionalized ignorance on the subject? It seems to me that double talk is incompatible with the education process, and that Michigan State University should therefore be concerned about this tendency in President Hannah. -George N. Vance, Grad An Open Letter To the Editor: An Open Letter to Assembly Association: 1 ART PTCrL vnt nus with- Assembly claims to be a repre- sentative body, serving as a liaison between dormitory women and the administration. It also claims precedence over the individual dormitories, having the authority to approve or reject such intra- dormitory measures as change in dress regulations. In addition, it supplies some funds to dormitory libraries, and gives four $50 scholarships each year (a new program this year). BUT THE QUESTION arises: what does Assembly use its money for? It collects from the houses, 50c for each girl who lives in each house. Except for the schol- arships, why does it need this money? The subsidies given to the libraries could be given by the dorms to their own libraries. An individual dorm is better equipped to judge the needs of its own library than is a body like As- sembly. And Assembly has spon- sored no programs of any rele- vance, except the Assembly-IQC Sing, for which there was an entry fee and an admission charge. So what does Assembly do. sponsor does it not, in effect, derive its authority from those houses? Why, then, must Assembly approve house constitutions and dress reg- ulations? Has it the authority to do this? And what is the usefulness of Assembly to the women's dormi- tories? It has provided no really valuable programs, offers no in- dispensable services. It is, in fact, almost totally removed from direct contact with the individual prob- lems of any given house. Why, then, does it exist? More impor- tant, why does it have the author- ity, even in name, that it claims to have? And why does it need an annual budget amounting to over two thousand dollars?' IT IS TIME some questions were asked about both IQC and Assembly, time both groups realis- tically surveyed their contribution to the campus. -House Council Angell House Alice Lloyd Hal 1.7 A l _ 0 _.. . ditional voters drawn into the election solely because of the bal- lot survey could conceivable alter the outcome of the election. Thus the two main arguments against an opinion survey on the SGC ballot can be simply stated: 1) Taking an insufficient and unrepresentative sampling of the student body on this issue and 2) Risking the election of can- didates on the basis of a non- campus issue. But Student Government Coun- cil owes the student body an opinion survey on Viet Nam. How then can SGC best fulfill its, obligation? Certainly such a sur- vey must be drawn up with pro- fessional consultation. The Survey Research Center could provide the assistance. With the financial help of one of several large national foundations this survey could be incorporated into an academic re- search project. As for collecting the data, with permission from the administra- tion this survey could be taken in January during registration of all students or through a repre- sentative sample selected on a