FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1965 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE FRIDY, OVEBER19, 965THEMICIGANDAIY PGE HRE State Department Confirms Reluctance To End War By CLARENCE FANTO last May, the U.S. was reluctant strong negotiating position because to enter into serious negotiations. of frequent victories over gov- The State Department has this At' the same time, it appeared ernment forces. Conversely, the week confirmed what many offi- that North Viet Nam was, up to U.S. and South Viet Nam were in cials had known privately for that time, willing to consider some the weakest possible bargaining some time-that the United States form of bilateral discussions. position. has been less than enthusiastic U.S. Rationale -The U.S. was in the midst about the idea of negotiations to The reasons for U.S. opposi- of a bitter election campaign pit- end the war in Viet Nam . tion to negotiations have been ting an ultra-conservative against In fact, the net effect of state- summed 'up by State Department a moderate ideology. Negotiations ments emanating from Washing- officials: prior to the 1964 election might ton contradicts the administra- -The Saigon government was have led to Republican charges tion's contention that the U.S. has in serious danger of collapse. that the U.S. was trying to "sell consistently sought a means to- Moves toward peace negotiations out" its Saigon ally and allow ward the conference table, only might have undermined its au- Communist elements to partici- to be rebuffed again and again by thority and led to a general po- pate in an eventual coalition gov- Hanoi and Peking. litical collapse in South Viet Nam. ernment, administration sources It seems that, at least until --The Viet Cong were in a have reported. The following peace bids from Johnson administration of a move Hanoi have been confirmed during toward compromise just prior to the past week: Several weeks before the No- vember, 1964 election, United Na- tions Secretary-General U Thant informed Washington that North Viet Nam was willing to confer with U.S. representatives at Ran- goon, Burma. The U.S. rejected this offer, a State Department spokesman said, because "all our indications were that there was no serious intent on the other side." The apparent the election. In May 1965, immediately fol- lowing a four-day suspension of U.S. bombings of North Viet Nam, Hanoi made an approach through French officials for talks "with- out preconditions," according to Paris news correspondent David Schoenbrun. The U.S. rejected this proposal, a State Department spokesman said, because North Viet Nam had put forth "unac- ceptable conditions" for negotia- motivation 'for the U.S however, was the possi political ramifications S lent c (Continued from Pa The secrecy surrou US. mission indicates.t of the Viet Nam situat two great powers. The ion fears any attemp an understanding with States might be judged by some other Commun China Critica Red China loudly i the Kiemlin is sellin world revolutionary m concentrate on impro conditions at home. 3. rejection, tions.y ble adverse The State Department refer- for the ence was to Hanoi's "four-point" P~ld and Soviets* )n Viet TalksI age 1) around me, all over the place," he said. "We fought and fought Lnding the for what seemed hours. But it was he delicacy no good. ion for the "I told what was left of my, Soviet Un- men, and there weren't many, to t to reach pull back if they could. the United 54-50 Chance d treachery "I told them they had a 50-50 list nations. chance of getting out. L. "We started crawling away un- nsists that der terribly intense fire. We crawl- g out the ed 250 yards, then started run- ovement to ning. I never ran so fast before. ving living "We had to leave most of the wonerr nennl hhinr thern wa program which called for an end halt the conflict and press for gret that the U.S. had not re- to American attacks on North Viet negotiations until the U.S. reaches sponded to the initiatives from Nam, a return to the principles of a bargaining position of maxi- Hanoi. the 1954 Geneva agreements whichj mum strength. The next day, the State De- barred foreign troops on Vietna- Was Johnson Informed? partment confirmed Sevareid's mese soil, and a political settle-! Another aspect of the diplomat- story but presented its list of ment in the South "in accordance ic maneuvering over Viet Nam reasons why the U.S. felt it with" the program of the Viet, which has been taking place since would have been unwise to re- Cong's political arm, the National late 1964 was the irevelation that spond to North Viet Nam's ten- Liberation Front. Secretary of State Dean Rusk re- tative bids for peace talks. Ambiguous Points jected a North Vietnamese of.fer e ami ig on ontendsto negotiate in August. 1964 with- Three Bids The admiistration contends out informing President Johnson. The Sevareid article, combined that the Hanoi program includes with State Department disclos- a demand for immediate Ameri The administration has vigor- ures during the week confirm that can withdrawal from South Viet ously sought to deny this story, Hanoi had issued at least three Nam and the formation of a coali- which circulated through Wash- separate bids for peace negotia- tion government which would in- ington Wednesday, but the im- tions within nine months-in Au- clude elements of the National pression remains that the Presi- gust and October, 1964, and again Liberation Front. However, there dent was not fully cognizant of in May ,1965. is some ambiguity surrounding the the significance of HandA's 1964 There are fears in Washington four-point program -specifically, proposal. (The August proposal now that the conflict may have whether withdrawal of U.S. forces was not the same one rejected by! passed the point of no return as would constitute a precondition for the administration two months la- far as negotiations are concern- negotiations or would take place ter because of the imminence of ed-at least in the foreseeable fu- after a negotiated settlement of the nation's election. ture. Washington has rejected re- the conflict. 'Sensitive Antenna' cent suggestions that another ces- There have been no reports of A State Department spokesman, sation in the bombing of North any feelers for negotiations from denying that the President had Viet Nam might lead to renewed Hanoi since May of this year. not been informed of the Hanoi interest by Hanoi in the prospects Since then, American forces in proposal, commented that Rusk for a cease-fire and peace talks. South Viet Nam have reached a has "a sensitive diplomatic an- The firce fighting during this current total of 160,000 troops and tenna and would be able to rec- week, indications that regular the Viet Cong have suffered heavy ognize whether or not a peace pro- forces of North Viet Nam are in- losses. posal was sincere in intent." filtrating into the south at an in- At the same time, it is not This week's controversy over creasing rate, and the announce- clear whether Washington would. U.S. diplomatic actions was spark- ment that the U.S. will increase be seriously interested in negotia- ed by the publication Monday of its troop strength in the area to tions at this time, should that an article by CBS national cor- as high as 250,000 men by next possibility arise. Officials have ar- respondent Eric Sevareid in Look spring cast a long shadow over the gued that the U.S. and South Viet magazine. Sevareid reported that immediate prospects for reduced Nam have been making increas- the late UN Ambassador Adlai fighting, an unofficial cease-fire ingly significant military gains Stevenson had told him, several and heightened diplomatic moves and that it would be unwise to days before his death, of his re- toward the conference table. wvuaaucu ycvNta r catittu, uxacic waa 77 _-Q Rtih hnmhnro arm-ltPH m7Pr -Associated Press WOUNDED SURVIVORS of Ia Drang ambush waiting medical aid. U.S. Missile Lead Reduced u.b. B-off oomners woi~e overnothing else for it. But we tried Communist positions in the hills to help some of them by crawl- twice during the day. These were ing with them." the fifth and sixth strikes by the A fleet of 38 U.S. Marine heli- high-flying, eight-engine jets of copters flew a reinforced Vietna- the Strategic Air Command in mese infantry battalion-perhapsj support of the cavalry operation. 600 men-into :ction against Viet: Other secrecy veils figures on Cong units that wiped out a gov- American losses in specific actions. ernment post and overran the dis- Casualties are grouped on a week- trict headquarters of Hiep Duc ly basis, with totals announced!Wednesday. in Saigon on Wednesdays. It re- d Heavy Fire mains to be seen how American Communist fire was heavy in losses this week will compare with that hilly area, 350 miles northeast the record set Nov. 7-13, when 86 of Saigon, and two of the heli- were killed in action and 230 copters were shot down. A dis- wounded. patch from the scene said fight- Strie fom Teesing was hard. Survivors said the North Viet- Another Vietnamese reaction namese, mostly well-armed and in force, seeking the Red raiders who neat khaki uniforms, struck from made a morning attack on the concealment in the trees and on Tan Hiep airstrip, was reported in the ground. Among those who liv- heavy contact with a large Viet ed through it were Staff Sgt.-.Mi Cong detachment in the Mekong guel Seise of Augusta, Ga., and River delta. Pfc. David Weed of Pittston, Me. The troops apparently had "Oh God, it was horrible," caught up with the estimated two Weed said. "Guys were crying. We guerrilla battalions that inflicted had to leave them. Some were heavy casualties on Vietnamese screaming.' defenders of the airstrip and de- Seise said he was at the center stroyed or damaged five U.S. spot- of the battalion when the Com- ter planes and 19 vehicles. munists struck and "suddenly--- everyone around me was getting hit and dying. "I could hear screams all MASS MASS MASS WINTER WEEKEND '66I MEETING MEETING MEETING MASS MASS MASS MEETING MEETING MEETING LONDON {P) - The Institute of Strategic Studies said yester- day the Soviet Union now has strategic nuclear missiles with far greater killing power than any- thing in the United States arsenal. The institute also said, in its annual review of world military power, that the Russians reduced I the American lead in numbers of strategic missiles by 25 per cent during 1965. The institute is a private inter- national center for research on defense, world security and dis- armament. It has an interna- tional council drawn from 13 countries, with research associates in Britain, Canada, West Ger- many, India and the United States. Paying Less than NATO The review, published yesterday, suggested the Warsaw Pact pow- ers are paying a lot less money, for their military power than the Western alliance nations. Meanwhile the United States said yesterday it would withhold a decision on participation in a. world disarmament conference until specific arrangements are worked out, including those of Red China's participation. William C. Foster, the chief U.S. disarmament negotiator, made the statement in the U.N. General Assembly's main Political Com- mittee, where the Soviet Union proposed the convening of a con- ference by mid-1966 with Com- munist China taking part. Constructive Contribution Foster declared the committee ought to find out if Peking was willing to attend and make a con- structive contribution before ex- tending any invitation. He said that until detailed rec- ommendations were drawn up on organization, agenda, finances and who should be invited the United States must continue to reserve its position on participation. The institute said the Russians now have an intercontinental bal- listic missile with an estimated warhead power of more than 30 megatons. A megaton is equal to the explosive force of one million tons of TNT. The main weapons of the U.S. strategic missile arsenal are the Minuteman and the Polaris, both of which have capacities of around one megaton. There are also 54 Titan 2s with estimated warheads of from five to 18 megatons. The U.S. lead over the Soviet Union, 4-1 in early 1965, was re- duced to 3-1, the institute said, by the scrapping of some obsolete missiles, like the Atlas, and by a 40 per cent increase in Soviet op- erational ICBMs. Nov21 - 7:30 - League Ballroom Another UAC Activity i I i a Read and Use Daily Classified Ads LONDON World News Rou By The Associated Press VATICAN CITY - The first steps toward proclaiming saint- hood for Popes John XXIII and Pius XII were taken yesterday by Pope Paul VI in a move that momentarily stunned the hier- archy of the Roman Catholic Church. Paul announced that he had or- dered the start of beatification process for both his immediate predecessors. It was seen as a ges- ture to balance the progressive and conservative currents within the Church .as Catholicism mov- ed through the first prase of its revolutionary aggiornamento-up- dating. * * * LONDON-Prime Minister Har-1 old Wilson said yesterday he re- gards as contemptible the at- tempt by the white regime in Dhodesia to remove Sir Humphrey Gibbs as governor.' Wilson told the House of Com- mons Britain is ready to pay Gibbs' salary if he wants it. Be- fore Prime Minister Ian Smith of Rhodesia stripped Gibbs of his authority, the Rhodesian govern- ment paid his salarybas represen- tative of Queen Elizabeth II. TOKYO-Red China said yes- terday the vote that again ex- cluded the Peking regime from the United Nations was a ."heavy blow" to Washington. The 47-47 tie vote Wednesday in a situationf where a two-thirds majority 'was needed was the most favorable thus far for seating Red China. indup Henry A. Wallace, former vice- president and 1948 presidential. candidate, died yesterday in a Connecticut hospital at the age of President Johnson praised Wal-' lace for originality and sincerity saying that "the death of Henry A. Wallace stills an original Amer- ican voice. He always spoke his, mind-and always from a deep sense of social justice. His views may not always have been pop- ular, but they were always sin-: cere." MICHIGAN-OHIO STATE ALL-CAMPUS MIXER!! Featuring the "Fugitives Sat., Nov. 20-9-1 A.M. Michigan League Ballroom 50c per man WOMEN FREE If I . . . . _f NEWMAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION presents r , r , TONIGHT at 7 and 9 P.M. -, r 1 1 1 I r r 1 1 , r 1 , r , ri I Di rected by David Lean We're both delighted and honored to announce the inter- national affiliation of Marilyn Mark's Hair Stylists with the famous haute coiffure salon of Alexandre Francke of Lon- don. I This internationally-known salon is located at 73 Grosvenor Street, in the fashionable west end of London, near Grosvenor Square, the high-fashion shops of Bond Street, and in the very heart of the major international hotel district. I If you plan to be travelling to London, plan also to stop in at Marilyn Mark's for a personal"referral. Should you be a patron, we will give to you or send ahead your specific styling or tint requirements. If you are not now a patron, we will be pleased to extend to you an inter- national referral card which will assure you finest possible service.and the full courtesies of the Alexandre Francke salon. I With affiliates now in Edinburgh and London, we look forward to announcing soon additional associations, for our patrons' benefit, in other capital cities of the world. L. BRENT BOZELL "CHRISTIANITY AND FOREIGN POLICY: THE DEFAULT OF THE C CHURCHES" MR. BOZELL, after winning many oratorical competitions, in- - .. ...