MICHIGAN STATE: FREEDOM LOST See Editorial Page :Y [ e . .443a11 47Iat41&lr COLDER hligh-40 Law--30 Partly cloudy with light snow Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom Eni.. TmVITmmN7,- light snow I Y , u , JW JNo. 41 ANN ARBORICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1965 SEVEN CENTS TVV P Air SEVN (ENU 'i Gist adaEc b Predict Big 1966 Unemployment Drop By MARSHALL LASSER Prof. Henry C. Wallich discussed "International Monetary Reform," Economic growth will bring the and warned that "not until after United States to full employniet the payments deficit has been in 1966, according to University convincingly ended can we expect Prof. Daniel B. Suits. ocnumt ucsflrfr. Speaking yesterday at the 13th to consummate successful reform.' annual Conference on the Eceo- Prof. Suits, giving the opening nomic Outlook, Suits, director of address, predicted a six per cent the Research Seminar in Quanti- rise in GNP from $671 to $712 bil- tative Economics that prepaied lion, based on current prices the forecast, declared that next (based on 1958 dollars the increase year's rise in Gross National Pro- is four per cent). duct will bring unemployment be- "The expected growth in 1966 low 4 per cent, which the Presi- output will mean over 1% million dent's Council of Economic Ad- more jobs, which in the face of a visers has called full employment projected 1.1 million increase in for the economy. the civilian labor force means a Also speaking at the conference, decline of % million in unemploy- Prof. Melvin Rothbaum of the ment," Suits said. The unemploy- University of Illinois pointed out ment rate would drop by a very that the government's effort to wide margin (compared to the drive the economy to full employ- slow decline of past years) to 38 ment and to stabilize prices will per cent. necessitate a related wage-price Suits said the econometrc mocel policy. used this year has been slightly Following Rothbaum later in altered from last year, mainly due the afternoon, Yale University to the failure to predict 1965's high rate of auto sales. Yet even! including last year's mistake, the forecast has not failed to point the direction of the nation's economy during its 13 year existence. (How- ever, several very sizable errors in the size of the changes have been made.) Major increases in expenditures) next year are expected to comel from services, capital spending, and government (both state and local) purchases of - goods and services, Suits said. In arriving at the 7 per cent increase in gov- ernment spending, no allowance was made for further escalatin in Viet Nam. As a result of these increases in spending, corporate profits before taxes will rise 9 per cent over this year, from an estimated $74.4 bil- lion to $81.3 billion. Evidence shows, Suits said, that the expect- ed drop in unemployment will not squeeze profits. Another important developmentl will be the drop in inventories, And as the labor market should both of durables (autos, furniture, not result in "substantially high- a p p 1 i a n c e s) and nondurables er wage increases" and productiv- (food, clothing, petroleum pro- ity gains from new plants and ducts). modernization should continue, A disappointing expectation, in the pressure of rising labor costs light of the government's efforts should be mild. to cure the balance of payments problem is the small gain, $2 bil- The most important outlook lion, in exports. As imports will, though for the next year and fol- gain by $1 billion at the same lowing years, Rothbaum said, is time, net exports will therefore go for increased government guid- up by only $1 billion. ance of wage-price levels. The Reviewing the predictions for p would aim at "sufficient restraint in private wage-price de- the economy as a whole, the pro- cisions to maintain a stable price jetted increase in GNP of $23.9'csost anai tbepie bicteincrease nin GNP ho $23. level, thus avoiding the need for billion will continue the hot pace restrictive fiscal and monetary of expansion set in recent years. policies before full employment is In the other speeches, Prof. reached." Rothbaum noted that with most major industries now under long- Besides braking the upward term contracts, collective bargain- movement of wages and prices, the ing activity will decrease in 1966, policy "may be a way of channel- and any significant upward move- ing wages and prices into an or- ments in wages will have to arise derly upward .movement" would from general labor market condi- be the way to smooth would also tions. have the effect of smoothing the; changes into orderly patterns. Prof. Wallich, claiming that the United States would not be able to reach reform of the international monetary system until it ended its payments deficit, said that we should not push reform, for "the harder we press, the more strong- ly our creditors will suspect that we are just asking for something to hail us out of our current pay- ments difficulties. That they will not give us." The solution, Wallich said, lies in keeping prices and wages in line, maintaining a level of short- term interest rates commensurate with those abroad, and controlling the foreign activities of American banks and corporations, But, he pointed out, "while the direct for- eign investment of American cor- porations is a heavy balance of payments drain in the short run, in the long run it will make a much larger contribution" to the amount of incoming dollars. -Daily-Ron Berman RESEARCH SEMINAR DIRECTOR Daniel Suits speaking yester- day in Conference on the Economic Outlookk. What's New At 764-1817 Hotline Dr. Peter Ostefan of the Office of Community Relations announced yesterday that the driver regulations board will meet next week for the last time before submitting their final recom- mendations on the motorcycle noise regulations to city council. Jerome Brasch of the school of public health has submitted to the board the last of his memoranda detailing the testing of muffler systems for noise control. The board will formulate a final noise control proposal in their meeting next week, and shortly thereafter submit it to Councilman John Hathaway, who brought the matter before council two months ago. The board will concentrate on the noise aspect of any legislation first, Dr. Ostefan said, formulating safety and education recommendations later. A pleased Panhellenic executive board announced yesterday that 1122 women registered for Spring Rush an increase of 191 over last year's 931. * $ ' * SGC members spoke out yesterday at a Regents banquet against a lack of communications between students and Regents. Council members said that a dialogue should be carried on for the purpose of better expressing to the Regents the particular interests of the student body. Several Regents responded by citing the Office of Student Affairs as the proper channel for communication, but also agreed * that. a more direct dialogue between student representatives and the Regents might be beneficial for a better understanding of student concerns. At a mass meeting last night in the Multipurpose Room of the UGLI, transportation arrangements were announced for a march to Washington on Saturday, Nov. 27, in protest of the war in Viet Namh. Round trip by bus will cost approximately $20. Long Distance Michigan Staste University's Faculty Committee on Student Affairs has not yet reached a decision on former grac student Paul Schiff's plea for readmission. The committee met for five hours Wednesday, and then again yesterday without contracting a final resolution. The Michigan State University News endorsed Senator Barry Goldwater's proposal to bomb industrial areas in Hanoi in an editorial Wednesday. In the editorial headlined "Barry Right On Bombing Hanoi's Industrial Area," the News said, "Washington shouldn't hold off an inevitable military act because of the reasons it has given. Bombing civilians should be avoided at all costs, and those in the area should be notified that bombing will take place." "As long as the U.S. delays bombing North Viet Nam's in- dustrial center, the war will endure and more human lives will be lost," said the editorial. WORK ON IMAGE: Ford Encourages Re To Boost Two-Party IlSUEdito Controversy* Involves Schiff Case i-or Editor Remains, Sides With Faculty Advisor In Holding Stories By JAMES SCHUTZE The entire editorial board of Michigan State University's stu- dent newspaper resigned yesterday in a dispute over news consorship - - invnvnlr in ,fnrm.n, n nnh+ rn n- i * * th * Viet * * * * * Troops Lash rs Resign over Censoring Cavalry for Fifth Day 'FurAttacks Valley Fight invivi inoiiauin o ie con- troversial Paul Schiff case.vs Charles Wells, editor-in-chief of the State News, reported the res- ignations, which make him thel ivpp ED .00 .0 only student editor remaining on the paper's staff. Schiff has charged MSU with illegally refusing him readmission. The editors who left the State News wanted to publish MSU's formal court charges against Schiff and Schiff's reply to those charges. Louis Berman, a member of the MSU faculty, charged with final authority over the content of the State News, has informed Wells that he did not feel that publica- tion of the statements would be appropriate at this time. said last night that he fully intends to publish the statements, but "Not until the Faculty Com- mittee on Student Affairs has delivered its decision. I do not want my paper to influence that decision in any way." News editor James Sterba, one of those who resigned, claimed that he and the other editors had exhausted all available avenues of negotiation. He alleged that the faculty advisor would have refused V.. V U1 X.JF11,1v.. "4 Mendelssohn ACT Performance Cancelled To Allow MUSKET Rehearsal By NEIL SHISTER A conflict in the scheduling of the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater has resulted in the cancellation of the previously announced Feb- ruary 6 performance by the American Conservatory Theater repretory company. On February 6, the last date of the professional company's pro- posed 26 day stay at the Univer- sity, MUSKET had been schedul- ed to occupy the theater in pre- paration for its production of "West Side Story" beginning February 9. Robert Schnitzer, executive di- rector of the University's profes- UNIVERSITY STUDENTS from -Daily-Thomas R. Copi department of architectural landscape have been studying uses of countryside for two weeks. Architecture Students Advocate Better Use of Natural Wondersl permission to publish the state- sional theater program, had sched- ments had Wells given his permis- uled the repertory's stay past the eion. dates for which he had been By ALICE KLEINHANS Human needs in the countryside beauty which nature has carved Schiff's case is presently being granted occupancy of the theater. ThSwere considered from contempla- and endowed with resplendent tried in the U.S. District Court in The potential conflict was re-. Outlining The Great Society tive, physical and cultural stand- qualities.'' Grand Rapids. Schiff claims he solved when Schnitzer cancelled in his comecement adress e points, whether these were pursu- These cameos were mapped with was dismissed from MSU because the Sunday performance by ACT, o years ago, President Johnson ed collectively or individually. The population centers to indicate their of, his political activism on cam- thereby leaving the theater free said "A second place where we space involved was also taken in- distribution throughout the U.S. pus. The court has maintained forMSUKET's occupancy. begin our countryside. We have to consideration. The project and their proximity to human "'jurisdiction, at the same time Scheduling for student produc- ils nrourdcourysie.es haei showed that 'collective needs were beings. A proper utilization of asking the MSU Faculty Commit- tions in Universitystheaters goes always prided ourselves on being in eneral more important than these "geographic cameos" would, tee on Student Affairs to make through the calandering commit- not only America the strong and individual needs, and that spiri- of course, combine their unique an independent judgment. tee of SGC and is supervised by America the free, but America the tual satisfaction were more im- physical features with human - - ------ - ---- - Maurice Rinkel, auditor of stu-pbeahnhyu..d _____batfl"portant than physical., needs. dent organizations. Speeches and press releases such The land was assessed according Project membersstressed that Rinkel said that his office had as these convinced Prof. Walter to land form, climate, land use, this study was not intended to be not been aware that a potential L. Chambers, chairman of the de- and present population. In assess- an empirical study, in depth, of' conflict was present, and had as- I partment of landscape architec- ing the land, project members the problem. They saw it as a sumed that Schnitzer's booking ture, and Prof. Harold Spence- made use of the concept of the sort of introductory overview, a P u b lican s I of the ACT presentations was Sales from McGill University in "geographic cameo." A geograph- framework in which more exten- within the dates when the theater! Montreal, that an investigation of ic cameo "is a gem of natural sive studies should be conducted. was free. the utilization of the countryside - The calandering of Soph Show,'= would be worthwhile. 'Musket, Gilbert and Sullivan, and University Players takes place For the past two weeks, 23 stu- during the spring semester pre- dents, chiefly graduates in thet By DAVE KNOKE ceeding the academic year in landscape architecture depart- which the productions are planned. ment, have been studying the uses H olPt am est Gerald Ford, House of Repre- E Dates are left free for APA pro- of the countryside, assessing both sentatives . Republican minority' human needs and the land, un- leader, spoke to a crowd of 350 in deuscsionas progm, awin te tpu der the direction of Prof. Spence- By ERICA HOCHBERG attendance at the Harvard Grad- the Michigan League Ballroom . Sales te School of Mathematics. last night, and called for advance dent groups are allotted time in Tess Thirty-nine University students Smll awads are g tomin- latngt n aldfravnethe remaining periods. The basic assumption, as stu- Salerawrsregvnti- preparation by Republicans on all MUSKET leaders were not in- dents on the project stated, is are scheduled to participate in dividual members of the winning levels of government to return the the William Lowell Putnamtem two-party g sem to ts the formed by Schnitzer that a sched- that the countryside must be plan- Ihteam. two-party system to its fu.l . mathematical competition Satur- strength. - uling conflict was present but ned. This includes not just thed a icalm. ompetitin Hatur lestroetngth.atl ?'o~ peevainofbauyo sml day in Rm. 2203 of Angell Hall. Prof. Nicholas Kazarinoff, of U.S. Casualties Light; Exhausted Soldiers Withstand Pounding PLEIKU, South Viet Nam (A!-- U.S. air cavalrymen remained in toe-to-toe battle with tough North Vietnamese troops early today in the sixth day of bitter fighting near the Cambodian border. Communist mortar and small arms fire slapped into the three main American positions last night and early this morning. Bright flares lit the Ia Drang Valley throughout the night. Bone- weary U.S. infantrymen, crouched in deep foxholes, fought off four attacks. The North Vietnamese attacked in platoon- to company- size strength. U.S. casualties were described as very light in this latest action. This assessment by a U.S. 1st Cavalry D i v i s i o n, Airmobile, spokesman was in sharp contrast t the moderate heavy casualties reported during the past five days. There was no estimate of enemy dead in this latest action. The battle scene is 210 miles north of Saigon in lightly jungled country six miles west of Cambodia. Ofticial secrecy prevails on American losses in specific a't'ous. Casualties are grouped on a week- ly basis. The Pentagon yesterd~ay reported 108 killed for the creek ended last Monday night, the larg- est U.S. casualty total for any one week in Viet Nam. There were 358 wounded. The period included only part of the Ia Drang Valley fighting. A Washington compilation also showed a total of 3,542 Commun- ist soldiers killed in South Viet Nam fighting. Far from the central highlands battlefield, Vietnamese govern- ment t r o o p s mounted drives against Viet Cong battalions that had staged major raids in two sectors-at Tan Hiep in the south and Hiep Duc in the north. In the Ia Drang fighting, the Communists pounded a command post with mortar fire last night. Mortar fragments damaged a large, troop-carrying Chinook hel-