_ ,._ FREE ISSUE Lt in I4ait FREE ISSUE Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVI, No. 2 FOUR SECTIONS ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, X965 SEVEN CENTS THIRTY PAGES Gemini 5 Spacecraft Cracks Two Soviet Records By The Associated Press Astronauts L. Gordon Cooper, Jr. and Charles Conrad, Jr. yester- day smashed the world space en- durance record held by the Soviet Union. The Soviet record for a single flight-broken by Gemini 5-was 119 hours, 'six minutes, set by 4 cosmonaut Valery Bykovsky in June, 1963. Before the day was out, the United States had still another record. At 1:01 p.m. (EST), tho. U.S. astronaut corps had logged more man hours in space than all the Soviet cosmonauts. Cooper and Conrad had 124 hours in Ge- mini 5 at that point, putting the American total over the Soviet log of 507 hours, 16 minutes. -Earlier, the hurtling capsule, passed the two-million-mile mark, nearly two-thirds of the way home on the eight-day mission, at 3:13 a.m. EST. The flight plan called for the astrojiuats to make pictures of the Arabian Peninsula, try to sight new Apollo landmarks, and make readings of heat radiating from desert areas around the Arabian Peninsula. The night was quiet with Coop- er and Conrad spelling each other for sleep periods. Congratulations Barely minutes after the record was set on the 75th orbit, flight director Christopheri C. Kraft offered congratulations and ask- ed: "How does it feel for the United States to be a record hold- er?" Cooper replied: "At last, huh?" The Gemini 5 smashed two Soviet records yesterday but some photographic experiments had to be curtailed because of fuel prob- lems in the jet thrusters. "There is no danger whatsoever as the result of the thrusters be- ing out," flight controller John Hodge said. Maneuvering Fuel Hodge said 17 pounds of ma- neuvering fuel is. aboard, and only 4.8 pounds are needed to slow the spacecraft down so it can re-enter' the earth's atmosphere. So astronauts Cooper and Con- rad continued to, float toward their goal: an unprecedented 121 orbits and eight days in space. At 2:40 p.m. EST they had com- pleted 79 orbits. Nagging Problems However, several problems are nagging the Gemini 5 spacecraft, but the one that threatens to terminate the flight a day early is, in effect, a matter of plumbing. It centers in the fuel-cell sys- tem, which mixes hydrogen and orygen to produce electricity to power spacecraft systems. A by-product of the hydrogen- oxygen to produce electricity to piped into a spherical tank for storage. Nearing Capacity The problem is that the tank, which can hold 139 pounds of water, is nearing its capacity. If it fills ip, the water will back up into the fuel cell and drown it. If that happens, it would no longer produce power, and astro- nauts Cooper and Conrad would have to switch to their emergency battery supply. The batteries have a lifetime of about 40 hours, but flight director Kraft said only nine hours would be available for orbital flight. The remaining hours, he said, are required as a safety margin after the spacecraft returns to earth. The batteries power radios, flashing beacons and other re- covery aids. Cells If the cells become inoperative during a series of orbits where prime recovery areas are not avail- able, Gemini 5 would have to land in the best available area that can be reached within nine hours. Kraft said he was confident that the cells would not flood be- fore Baturday morning. Therefore, the go-ahead was given for a flight of at least 107 orbits. Kraft said a decision would be made during the 105th orbit, about 6 a.m. EST on Saturday, whether to land in the 107th circuit or to continue for the full eight days. He said he still felt the flight would go all the way. Kraft reported ground control- lers were unable to accurately estimate the amount of water in the tank. This was partly due to a problem with the oxygen pres- sure system which also threatened termination of the flight on its first day. Computer Calculations However, computer calculations indicate the tank was nearing its nrota nar~nit water capacity. To slow down1 of water, Cooper& directed to shut two fuel cells. Operating at they shut down systems. the manufacture and Conrad were off one of their reduced power, all but essential and 4.8 pounds of that will be n'eeded for returning to earth. So the Mission Control 'Center told the pilots not to use any fuel and to merely drift through space. This forced cancellation of photo- graphic, weather observation and other experiments which require aiming the spacecraft. Thus, Cooper and Conrad are doing very little but sleeping, eat- ing and communicating with the ground as they attempt to do everything possible to complete eight days in space. Kraft said this is important be- cause this is the time planned for the first U.S. manned lunar land- ing and will provide medical men with valuable data. Dwindling Supply A problem with a control jet and a fast-dwindling supply of maneuvering fuel further curtail- ed the astronauts' activity. The fuel supply .dropped to 17 pounds, Name VanWylen To Engine School As Newest Dean, By DAVID DUBOFF Prof. Gordon Van Wylen was named dean of the College of En- gineering this week, succeeding the late Stephen S. Atwood, who died June 7, three weeks before he was scheduled to retire. Commenting 'last night on his new position as dean, Van Wylen expressed optimism, pointing out that "We have a very strong de- partment and an excellent fac- ulty. I have a very easy job ahead of me." However, he expressed the need for a fully united faculty, with an effective mechanism for interac- tion. Areas of Potential3 Van Wylen pointed to two areas which offer tremendous potential to engineering education, and which.he will try to implement. The first area is the need for a more effective way of prepar- ing engineers to utilize a strong scientific and technical education required to meet the demands of industry. He also indicated a desire to have the engineering college mov- ed to its now location in North Campus as soon as possible. The new Chrysler Center for Contin- uing Engineering education to be built in North Campus will serve to make the total planning more rapid, Van Wylen said. Appointment Approved Van Wylen's appointment Wed- nesday was approved by the Re- gents in a telephone vote. Known widely for his work in thermodynamics, the science of the effects and relations of heat flow, Van Wylen's textbook, "Thermodynamics," is in use at more than 150 engineering col- leges in the United States and abroad. He has served industry and the federal government in various ca- pacities concerning his specialty. Currently he is a consultant to the Office of Institutionlal Pro- grams of the National Science Foundation. Genuine Leadership In announcing the appointment, Executive Vice-President Marvin L. Niehuss said: "Dr. Van Wylen has demonstrated genuine lead- ership as a department chairman. He is outstanding both as a schol- ar and a teacher, and he has the enthusiastic endorsement of his associates in the College of Engi- neering." Van W ylen is a member of en- gineering societies, as well as being active in University affairs, in- cluding the .Senate Advisory Com- mittee on University . Affairs. He has worked on a number of re- search projects supported by the Michigan Memorial Phoenix Proj- ect, the National Science Founda- tion and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Joining the faculty of the Uni- versity in 1951 as assistant profes- sor of mechanical engineering, Van Wylen quickly rose to profes- sor and in 1958 became chairman of the department of mechanical engineering. Before joining the University faculty, Dr. Van Wylen served as an industrial engineer for the E. I. Du Pont Co., in Wilmington, Del., 1942-42; as an instructor at Pan- sylvania Sta'te College, 1946-48; and as a research assistant at Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology, 1950-51. Bingley Quits1 OSA Position Unexpectedly Cutler Picks Former Deani of Oakland U., ISells, To Replace Him By JOHN MEREDITH Vice-President for Student Af- fairs Richard Cutler yesterday announced the resignation of John Bingley as director of student ac- tivities and organizations. At the same time, Cutler named J. Dun- can Sells director of student or- ganizations, effective immediately. Bingley was associated with the University for 25 years and work- ed in the Office of Student Af- fairs since 1954. According to his letter of resignation, he has taken a position at Farmington State College in Maine, near his home. Many Roles For the past several years, Bing- ley has been involved with stu- dents as counselor - disciplinarian and advisor to student organi- zations. Cutler said that Sells will assume most of Bingley's former duties, but that most counseling work will soon be shifted to a new office of counseling, also under Cutler's auspices. He explained that this will reduce the heavy work load of the director of stu- dent organizations, thus giving him time to spend on long range planning and general policy mat- ters-something which numerous daily tasks have often made im- possible in the past., The counseling office, still with- out a director, was established. last summer when Cutler reorganized his office's administrative struc- ture. Had Bingley remained at the University, Cutler said, he would have been involved primarily in the new counseling division. Well-Respected "Dr. Bingley is well respected by the students and has a special knack for discipline and counsel- ing," Cutler remarked. "He show- ed admirable dedication in exe- cuting a truly backbreaking job" He added that the resignation was unexpected and said "when someone of Dr. Bingley's exper- ience and sensitivity resigns, it is bound to leave a hole in the office." Before being appointed director of student activities and organi- zations, Bingley served as assistant dean of men and, earlier in his career, as a lecturer in the history! department. From Oakland Sells comes to the University from Oakland University in Ro- chester, Mich., where he just re- signed as associate dean of the university. Previously, he had been dean of students at Oakland and director of financial aids at Cornell University. Sells became involved with the University this summer when he did some work as a special assistant to Cutler. What They Want "My first task is to establish communications with the students to find out what they are like and what they want in the way of activities," Sells commented yes- terday. "Then my office can take a really active part in guiding students in their extracurricular activities." Sells said he believed in student independence with responsibility and is disturbed by situations in 'U By Dorms 440E Overcrowded tra Students .2 South Quad Hit, worst by New Influx Converted Rooms To House Students; Haun Sees Relief Ahead By NEAL BRUSS University residence halls are currently overcrowded by 440 stu- dents, Director of Residence Halls Eugene Haun disdosed yesterday. The number is being decreased, Haun added, and there has been no temporary housing for. stu- dents, unlike last year. There are currently 7,620 students in the residence hall system, which is built for 7,180 under normal con- ditions. The number above normal is being handled through con- verted rooms: doubles originally designed as singles, and triples designed as doubles. The highest numbers of over- crowding have occured this year at South Quadrangle, overcrowded by 171 persons, and Stockwell Hall, with an excess of 101 women. However there are current vacan- cies in Oxford Co-Op housing, Haun said. Overcrowding Decreased Overcrowding is being reduced as the residence halls system plans transfers made possible by students breaking contracts or not ariving at the University. Haun said that this occurs fre- quently enough to facilitate a sizeable decrease in overcrowding. Haun also expected a signifi- cant number of vacancies at the start of the winter semester, when students will leave the ,University after one semester. The residence halls 'are cur- rently in a state of "freeze," whereby only the Office of Resi- dence Halls can make changes in placement. After the freeze, around September 4, students will be able to apply for housing changes with the associate kd- visors of their houses. Improved Dorm Situation The dormitory situation this fall shows significant improve- ment over last year, Haun said. When, in January, it appeared that the dormitory system would be overcrowded by about one thousand, the Office of Residence Halls purchased and installed furnishings for several hundred students. "We would not be caught unprepared for an increase in students two years in a row," Haun said. As overcrowding is decreased, extra furniture will be moved out of the converted rooms as they are returned to normal occupancy. . Converted rooms will have the fee value they rate after con- version. Temporary Housing. Last year in September, 460 students were placed in temporary 'U' FuH aDrive Now Near Halfway Mark DOUBLED SINGLES are a way of life in Green House of East Quadrangle and reflects the overcrowded housing conditions at the Uni- versity. About 140 men are currently living there where 100 lived last year in Greene House. There are 440 "extra students" this semes- ter. OFFICIAL WELCOME: Smith Invites Freshmen To Explore U .Urges Students Define Education Values By NEIL SHISTER The University's fund drive is nearing the half way mark, with $23.2 million collected to date and sights still set at $55 million for the 1967 University sesquicen- tennial. To date the largest contribution has been $6 million from the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation of Flint for the construction of a 200-bed children's hospital. The first major corporate gift was $1.3 million from Chrysler for the establishment of the Chrysler Center for Continuing Engineering Education, to be located on North Campus. Contributors The contribution campaign is not restricted solely to alumni, but extends to individuals considered "friends of the university" as well as corporations and foundations. The magnitude of this program is the greatest ever attempted by a tax-assisted university and is comparable to the recent multi- million dollar campaigns under- The University's program is or- ganized on a national level with regional offices, staffed by pro- fessional fund-raisers, in New York, Cleveland, Chicago, Detroit, Ann Arbor, Grand Rapids, Flint, and San Francisco. University Re- gent Paul Goebel is serving as the national chairman with 34 alumni assisting as area chairmen and, hopefully, 5000 participating vol- unteers. The money raised will support educational, research and cultural facilities that are not normally provided by a state government. About 45 per cent of the exist- ing physical plant at the Univer- sity is' the result of private con- tribution. Purpose Campaign funds are to be used for such projects as endowe f pro- fessorships, increased student aid, a new international center, a graduate library, a concert hall, an institute of foreign and com- parative law, and renovation of Hill Auditorium. President Hatcher explained, in By MICHAEL HEFFER Allan F. Smith, who will replace Roger Heyns as Vice-President for Academic Affairs September 1, gave the official welcoming speech to the class of '69 at Hill Audi-' torium last night. Smith's speech was the annual President's address to freshmen. University President Harlan Hatcher is presently touring the Far East. "You are the central focus of the University not as a body, but as individuals," Smith told the class. He urged them to consider the University as "a resource to be sampled and explored as the means to a fruitful reconciliation to your place in society." He reminded the students that they are not at school only to be educated but to live at the Uni- versity, enjoying life in the rich understanding," he added. Wheth- er the student has an open mind or not will be determined by his definition of education, he said. He said that students must seek their own answers, and it is nor- mal when these answers change through the years. Smith urged the class to be aware that "we live in a rapidly changing world." "Your education must not be confined to a mastery of facts but sized. Education must be a means of relating learning to society and intellectual skills must be de- veloped to deal with the changing world., he said. If, when the stu- dent has left the University he cannot adapt himself to change, then either the school or the in- dividual has failed, he added. Smith expressed concern that in the United States, "a magnificent example of production and techni- cal knowledge, we have not kept up pace in handling human re- lations." He said everyday "the newspapers have grim reminders that man is still killing man, ten- sion and fear of 'war still exist, and the instruments of war are still being produced." "There is' an urgent need to im- prove human relations," Smith emphasized. He called on the class of 1969 "not to let this urgent need go unrealized." Book Store Has Busy Opening 9OOeR Snn By JEFFREY GOODMAN Editorial Director Yesterday was the first day of business for the Student Book Service-a new discount book stdre books and came to the store thanI had been expected. "We just weren't prepared for that kind of volume," Prof. Fred Shure, who was instrumental in planning the whole operation. said. this job than at other student jobs - will provide most of the management skills -and effort for the store; --Books sold will be mostly for i I i