FREEDOM SCARCE AT MSU See Editorial Page Y Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom a t SUNNY High-upper 30's Low--25 Slightly warmer, partly cloudy VOL, LXXVI, No. 70 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1965 EIGHT PAGES /The. New Balloting System: Its Effects, Failures By HARRIET DEUTCH election, however, a more person- alized ballot will be presented, Yesterday's election procedure showing the candidate's name be- was the product of 15 open vot-f side respective voting squares. ing boothsand a new IBM ballot- ing system. It required seven minutes and Charles Cooper,;'66, administra- 20 seconds to compute the results tive vice-president of SGC, said of the election and additional time that the cold weather had a more to count the write-ins and re- significant effect on the number jects. of ballots cast than any confusion Cooper said that most of the that may have resulted as a re- balloting errors resulted because sult of the IBM card ballots. Thiss there was no clear marking be- opinion was disputed by many tween the various digit numbers. other people. He said this caused many voters Cooper said that in the next to erroneously ma'k the ballots. A ., ..+U..... .. ...t..t,..,... ____ it_ _ i _._ ___ _ " " w Anotner problem was that some relative success of the parties and to cover the special electographic they did in this election, according jection as to categories - write- voters forgot zeros in two-digit independents in the campaign. pencils. The ballot cards cost $15, to Cooper. He said that "we spent ins, light pencil marks, marking code numbers. About 150 ballots Cooper said that there were rel- about $15 for printing the cards, about $275 for materials to be two ovals in one vertical column. were rejected because of ballot- atively few bent or damaged cards $35 fqr the programming process distributed or posted at the polling ing errors. and that this number did not and $35 for the actual computer stations." He said that this amount However, some problems had The main objective in asking count significantly in rejections. time. did not cover the cost for com- developed late Tuesday night in information as to sex, class, time The ballot was modeled roughly posite pictures and materials such securing workers for some of the of voting and residence was to There were 116 write-in votes from a ballot used at Queens Col- as locks for the ballot boxes, paper quadrangle stations. As a result, determine the relative influence cast: Jack Thrapp reveiced 40EatQ dsaiowsntop- of the rit ity vte, votes; Ho Chi Minh th Brlege inE New York about a year punches, etc. East Quad station was not open- the "quad" vote and the private Goldwater, one; The Lone Ranger, ago. Cooper said that the ballot Steve Brown, assistant elections ' at 3 p.m. - one; University President Harlan at Queens college proved success- -+ housing vote in the election. H one; s resident H n; ueensccollge spokesess-ndirector, has worked since the be- One fear among the directors 1Hatcher, one; Martha Cook, one; fuacrig;osoemn ginning of the semester with the of the election was a possible dam- Cooper conjectured that these and Lee Hornberger, one. The poll captains attending the Data Processing Department to j age of ballot cards by warpage, statistics, when they are computed The IBM operating expenses voting booths have never received complete the proper. program in- should the weather prediction of today, may help to explain the were $140. Approximately $45 went as extensive instruction before as structions as to criteria for re- 2-4 inches of snow have proven accurate. However neither a sig- nificant amount of snow or rain created any problem. Citing another factor in the election, Cooper noted a change in the rule governing the limit on candidates' campaign expenses. Previously, candidates could only spend a maximum of $30. In the recent campaign candidates could spend the basic $30 plus an ad- ditional $10 per recognized stu- dent organization which endorsed the individual candidate. Whit's New Bodkin, Hollenshead, At 764-1817 Good win Offices Lead Hotline According to Lansing sources, an agreement has been reached between Rep. Charles Petitpren (D-Inkster), chairman of the House Committee on Higher Education, and Rep. Jack Faxon (D-Detroit), chairman of the subcommittee on higher education of the House ways and means committee, defining the jurisdiction of each. of the committees. In the future, it appears, Faxon will stick purely to fiscal problems and Petitpren will concentrate mainly on higher education policy. There had been charges made that Faxon's recent University invesigation was a duplication 1 of a similar injuiry held by Petitpren last summer. The University's budget is presently in the process of staff analysis, according to Charles Orlebeke, higher education advisor to the governor. Orlebeke further commented that all appropria- tions requests from state institutions have been submitted to the governor's office and that the state controller will soon beF sending out invitations to state university presidents for formal budget hearings. He indicated that the governor's budget esti- mates would not be prepared before the first week in December. ** * Regent Allan Sorenson will fly back from business engage- ments in Spain to attend Friday afternoon's Regents meeting, according to Eric Walter, University secretary. All of the eight Regents, with the exception of Regent Eugene Power who is in Japan, will be present at the open meeting at 2 p.m. in the Regents Room on the second floor of the Administration Bldg. Walter said that the meeting could have taken place with both Power and Sorenson absent, since five Regents constitutes a quorum. Joint Judiciary Council has extended petitioning for seats on the council and on its Committee on Standards and Conduct until Nov. 21 and 22 at 5 p.m. Interviewing will take place on the same dates in the evening. Seats are open to two girls on council. Petitions can be picked up from and returned to 1011 SAB. Freshmen are ineligible. Robert J. Gelinas, a graduate student in nuclear engineering, was presented the American Nuclear Society's Mark Mills Award of $500 for the best student paper describing research in the field of nuclear energy at the ANS luncheon yesterday. Gelinas' research was entitled "Reactor Noise Analysis by Photons Ob- servation," observing bits of electro-magnetic radiations rather than by other nuclear radiation of particles. He carried out the research as partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Ph.D. degree, which he expects to receive in June. Long Distance The Committee for Student Rights of Michigan State Uni- versity endorsed a local action group called SCUM yesterday. SCUM, the Student Committee to Undermine Machines, plans to boycott laundry machines in the dormitories. Laundry prices there have been raised from 25 cents to 50 cents per load. Attempts by the students to have authorities lower the price have failed. Voting for SGC Commission Airs Views On Housing Funds May Come From Private, Public Or Federal Sources By ROBERT CARNEY Three of the five appointees to the new housing commission aired varying opinions on the purpose of that commission last night in a public meeting at the First Meth- odist Church. Joseph W. Edwards, Lyndon Welch, and Robert Powell re- sponded to six questions by the' Federation for an Ann Arbor Housing Commission and then an- swered additional, more pointed questions from the audience. Hen- ry V. Aquinto and William J. Conlin submitted written state- ments to the federation's six questions, but were not able to appear publicly. MEMBERS-ELECT OF SGC, LAST NIGHT aft While the appointees all agreed:,67, Robert Bo that a need for low income hous __ 'R ing had been clearly established, their views on the aims of the SCHOOL OF EDUCATION: commission in providing housing __ varied significantly. I -Daily-Robert Sheffield er the elections. From left to right, Don Resnick, '67, Al Goodwin, '67, Ed Robinson, dkin, '67, Pat McCarty, '67 and Niell Hollenshead, '67. Aquinto, for example, placed considerable faith in the ability of private sectors of the commu- nity to be able to handle the prob- lem, stating that the commission should apply for federal funds "if the private enterprise can't take care of the problem." Conlin and Edwards implied that the concurrent private and public solutions were possible. They supported the federal survey parallel to initial private action. Welch also felt that "Ann Ar- bor has the resources to handle the problem," but emphasized that he had no qualms about public funding if needed. Council will vote on the ap- pointees Monday night. First-Hand Study of English Institutions Offered in Six-Week Summer Program Bodkin, Only Independent, Has 2,224 Election Results Show Reach Wins 3 Seats, Group Captures 2 By DICK WINGFIELD REACH won a plurality of seats in the SGC election yesterday, placing three of their four can- didates on Council. However, Rob- ert Bodkin, an independent, led the race in votes received and GROUP saw half of its candidates elected. After a day of cold and windy weather for the election, 4,268 stu- dents elected (Independent) Rob- ert Bodkin, '67 (2,224 votes); (REACH) Neill Hollenshead, '67 (1,901 votes); (REACH) Al Good- win, '67 (1,643 votes); (REACH) Pat McCarty, '67 (1,561 votes); (GROUP) Ed Robinson, '67 (1,539 votes); and (GROUP) Don Res- nick, '67 (1,353 votes). SGC President Gary Cunning- ham, '66, said, "I am reasonably pleased with the turnout. There was evidence of a tremendous amount of work done by parties in this election and it seems that parties will play a bigger role in SGC in the future." Cunningham added, however, that the com- plexion of SGC parallels Councils of the past. Small Number Contrasting with Cunningham's view of the turnout, Bodkin and Hollenshead said jointly that "The relatively small number of ballots cast in this election should not reflect a lack of student interest in SGC, but rather as a failure in elections procedure." The two cited two basic prob- lems: the actual operation of the polls themselves and the com- plexity of the ballot. Goodwin, acting as public re- lations director for SGC, observed that "in certain areas such as at the Law Quad and at South Quad there were marked discontinuites in polling procedure resulting in a definite inconvenience to would- be voters." Gratitude All of the candidates expressed gratitude to the voters and ex- pressed their plans for the future of SGC. Bodkin wants "to con- tinue pushing ahead on the prob- lems of housing, academic reform and general student welfare." GROUP member Resnick plans to concentrate on the bookstore issues and "the general area of communications between students and policy makers. Fellow GROUP member Robin- son felt that the, "people on cam- pus were more aware in this election of what SGC has accom- plished and were aware of the work of GROUP SGC members." The REACH candidates were very optimistic. Pat McCarty said "the turnout in this election is an indication that this can be a be- ginning and a sound basis for student support for SGC." Neill Hollenshead commented. By ERICA HOCHBERG A little wary of spending, an entirey earwabroad, far removed from all activities of the Univer- sity? Try a more limited separa- tion on terms suggested in a new European study plan. The Interdisciplinary Program for Study in Great Britain is being planned for Term IIIA of the summer school session by the School of Education in conjunc- tion with the political science and speech departments of the literary college. The six-week program, open to 70 students including both under- graduates and graduates, will com- bine study tours with classroom seminars in order to "enable stu- dents to achieve an understanding of British institutions through a study of government, education and speech communications," as stated in the program's bulletin. The homebase of the Study Program will be located in the Im- perial Hotel on Russell Square, London. Accommodations for all participants will be made at the hotel, and all classroom work will originate from there. Professors Claude Eggersten and Off-campus laundromats their use is inconvenient due still charge 25 cents per load, but to their distance from campus. DEATH OF SEMINARY STUDENT: SNCC Worker Tells of Alabama Rights Killing EDITOR'S NOTE: The following account was told to Dail-, reporter Roger Rapoport by Willie Vaughan, an eyewitness to the slaying of civ- il rights worker Jonathan Daniels in Hlayneville, Ala., this summer. Vaughana Student Nonviolent Co- ordinating Committee field worker, is currently in Ann Arbor speaking on the civil rights organization. By ROGER RAPOPORT For Willie Vaughan the story; began one hot August afternoon on the back of a garbage truck in Ft. Deposit, Ala. Vaughan, a 21- year-old SNCC field worker and 34 others had been arrested for picketing a segregated groceryj store in Ft. Deposit. Because the local jail was too small; officials decided to trans- fer the demonstrators to the Lowndes County jail in Hayne-' "When we decided to sing some to try to get them," said Vaughan, SNCC civil rights workers in freedom songs someone in the } but he didn't catch them in time. bama." sheriff's office below fired his gun A Shot Coleman's Trial into the ceiling," he said. "I saw Jonathan Daniels push On Sept. 28, Vaughan was "The fifth night we were in, a one of the girls aside and then peonaed to testify at the tri mob surrounded the jail. The FBI there was a shot, he grabbed his Thomas Coleman. Coleman was called to the scene in re- stomach, and fell back. charged with manslaughter. sponse to a SNCC appeal and dis- Vaughan says he saw Thomas attorney tried to make' mec persed them." Coleman walk out into the street that I had run and gotten a Demonstrators Released carrying a gun. Morrisroe broke from Daniels after he was On Friday afternoon the dem- into a run. Vaughan saw Coleman They claimed that Jimmie R onstrators were released on bond. fire a shot into Morrisroe's back. had taken a knife from Morr When he was released from jail While a friend of Vaughan's, "I denied it; hell Daniels Vaughan went up town a block Jimmie Rogers, went to the aid of Morrisroe had just gotten of to phone for someone to pick up the seminary students, Vaughan jail, how could they have h the demonstrators. put in a phone call to the SNCC knife or gun," he asked. "On the way back I saw a man office in Selma. "Then they tried to get n sitting outside a grocery store with Daniels Was Dead say that Daniels was kissi: a gun at his side," said Vaughan. According to Vaughan, Rogers Negro girl in front of the jail. The man was a deputy sheriff found Daniels dead. Hearing Mor- 15 Witnesses named Tom Coleman. risroe's appeal for help, Rogers "They called 15 white witn A little further on Vaughan ran ran to him. A crowd of about 30 to substantiate the claim it , .in h.,, r f bte i,,-rP1Pa ,~'ignn,, gn , .ya a .r.,ind a nd iTharnilC, a ulircn er,, Irving Anderson, of the education school; Prof. Lionel Laing, of the political science dept. and Prof. Herbert Hildebrandt, of the speech depart., will simply transport their classrooms to embrace the re- sources available in London. They feel that a new dimension will be added to their courses through the application of classroom theories to- on-the-spot observations. A student may select either one course or any combination of two courses or all three courses from the respective fields. Credits will be assigned to correspond with the number of hours a student would normally receive if he were taking the course at the University. Not a Boondogle "This is not a boondogle by any means, and the students must be willing to work hard," explained Prof. Hildebrandt. "Each course will require 11 hours of participa- tion a week. Much of the time will be spent in visitations to places such as the British Parliament, Oxford, Cam- bridge and British broadcasting stations and theaters. Three even- ings a week guest lecturers will address the students," he con- tinued. This relatively new concept in studying abroad was originally be- gun by the education school last summer. However this program was limited to courses in educa- tion, and only lasted for four weeks. The idea is now being expanded to include students interested in sub- al of was "His claim gun shot. ogers isroe. and ut of ad a ne to rg a nesses that AM_ -