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November 17, 1965 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1965-11-17

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IFC To I sue Study
Of Sigma Chi Bias

Faculty Gol Course

To Open in SpringHatcher Says

(Continued from Page 1)
Isn't very wide open to Negroes.
I'm sure the Negroes know this."
Feldkamp said that, "the local
chapter of Sigma Chi is one of
the finest chapters on our cam-
pus. It is one which has been able
to maintain a strong, healthy re-
lationship with its national, while
disagreeing with them on many.of
their ideas."
March said, however, that the
local chapter is not in disagree-
ment with the national. "I would
like to see them give chapters
local autonomy in membership se-
lection because doing so would put
them in a better light from a pub-
lic relations stand-point but we
are not on the verge of severing

relations w i t h our national,"
March commented.
The IFC membership committee
is compiling a complete summary
of all the facts connected with
the alleged discriminating mem-
bership policies within the Sigma
Chi national fraternity. If the
committee finds anything which
they feel is incompatible with the
IFC by-laws which prohibit dis-
crimination, they will work with
the local Sigma Chi chapter and
attempt to eliminate these dis-
If it is not possible to bring
about the necessary changes, it is
probable that proceedings similar
to those involved in the Trigon
fraternity case last year will

(Continued from Page 1)
in the southern part of the cam-
pus. They said that as the Uni-
versity grows it will be necessary
to provide more convenient and
extensive recreational facilities in
the northern area as well.
Hatcher said that the residen-
tial college will have some recrea-
tional facilities built into its
structural format, but that the
new golf course will serve as a
permanent recreational outlet for
"I have worked with Regent
Matthaei for ten years on the proj-
ect," Hatcher continued. "What
we have tried to establish is a
permanent asset for a growing
University. I know of no opposi-
tion to the plans, and for myself,i
feel only gratitude toward this
generous man for donating such
a valuable piece of property forl
use in such a worthwhile pur-1
The University has already re-
ceived offers of as much as $10,000
per acre for peripheral land to be
used for private housing. No land
has been sold yet, however.
Hatcher said that the golf
course will be self sustaining fi-
nancially. He explained that the
course will be administered on a
membership basis ,for University
professors, teaching fellows and
research workers-about 4300-
and that members will pay dues.
He also noted that there will be

no federal and state taxes on the
course because it is the property
of a state institution.
In answer to the question of
maintenance costs, Crisler said
that maintenance personnel from
the athletics department have oc-
casionally been assigned to do
mowing and cleaning on the pro-
perty. He said he did not know
the exact costs of maintaining the
course because it is not yet ad-
ministered through his depart-
8 a.m.-5:30 p.m.-SGC election
polls will be open.
10 a.m.-2 p.m.-Sorority Regis-
tration for freshmen at the Wom-
en's League, Kalamazoo Room.
12 a.m.-Toby Hendon, director
of The Children's Community Ann
Arbor, will discuss the book
"Teacher" by Sylvia Ashton-
Warner in Rm. 2 Michigan League.
8 p.m.-Department of Speech
University Players Performance of
Shakespeare's "Henry VN Part I"
will be given in Trueblood Aud.
8:30 p.m.-School of Music Fac-
ulty Concert, a String Trio at
Rackham Lecture Hall.

3 s
. .
N i
........ . . . ........__ __ __ __
Shaded areas on map indicate present and planned golf courses.

Have Rights
{Contlinued from Page 1

the President's speech. "The OSA
has made this a policy for years
now; it's nice to see that other
people at this University are learn-
ing of it," he said.
Eric Chester, '66, chairman of
Voice political party, commended
President Hatcher for "an excel-
lent statement" and added that
the University policy on guaran-
teeing free speech has been ex-
cellent so far, with the exception
of the handling of the Fishbowl
signs on war crimes.
Chester said that his only cri-
ticism is that the University does
not supply microphones for ral-
Prof. Richard Mann of the psy-
chology department said President
Hatcher had taken a "commend-
able position" and that he wished
other university presidents could
be as enlightened.
Mann said that the President
has been "very steady" in his
support of free spech for protest-
ors. He cited President Hatcher's
defense of the teach-in movement
last spring before an alumni group
in New York.



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Read and Use Daily Classifieds

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan, for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
tal responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organization notices are not
accepted for publication.
Day Calendar
Center for Programmed Learning for
Business Workshop - "Developing
Teaching Frames and Individual Test-
ing": Michigan Union, 8:30 a.m.
University Management Seminar -
"The Disciplinary Process and Griev-
ance Handling": Michigan Union, 8:30

tral Europe": Aud. B, Angell

Dept. of Speech University Players
Performance-Shakespeare's "Henry VI
Part I": Trueblood Aud., 8 p.m.
School of Music Facuity Concert -
String Trio: Rackham Lecture Hall,
8:30 p.m.
Research Club: There will be a meet-
ing for members of the Research Club
of the Univ. of Mich. Wed., Nov. 17
at 8 p.m. in the Rackham Amphithea-
tre. Prof. James V. Neel will speak on
"The Shavante Indians of the Brazilian
Mato Grosso" and Prof. Frank Copley
will speak on "Translation of Vergil's
Aeneid." Announcement will be made
of the 1966 Henry Russell Lecturer.
The Council will meet at 6:45 p.m.
in the E. Council Room.
Zoology Seminar: Dr. Christian de
Duve, the Rockefeller Inst., will speak
on "Microbodies and Peroxisomes," Nov.
17, 4 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre.
General Notices

Hall, 4

ute film on the analogue computer and later than four and one-quarter years
its application to differential equations after bein goffered a first-year Wood-
will be shown on Thurs., Nov. 18, at row Wilson Fellowship, and who can
4:15 and 5:15 in the Multipurpose Rm. begin full-time dissertation preparation
of the UGLI. The film was made at between May and Dec., 1966, may be
the U. of M. with "stars Prof. Howe nominated for Woodrow Wilson Dis-
of Aeronautical Engineering and Prof. sertation Fellowships. Eligible students
Kaplan of the Math Department. should report to Associate Dean Mil-
ler, Rm. 118 Rackham Bldg. prior to
Doctoral Examination for Rebecca Jan. 1, 1966.
Smith Wild, English L. & L.; thesis: S
'Studies in the Shorter Fiction of Student Gov-rnmert Council Approval
Elizabeth Bowen and Eudora Welty," of the following student-sponsored
Wed., Nov. 17, 2601 Haven Hall, at 4 events becomes effective 24 hours after
p.m. Chairman, J. L. Davis. the publication of this notice. All
publicity for these events must be
withheld until the approval has become
Doctoral Examination for Wallace effective.
Dean La Benne, Education; thesis: "An Approval request forms for student
Analysis of Certain Pupil-Teacher In- sponsored events are available in Room
teraction in a Senior Ungraded School 1011 of the SAB.
for Emotionally Handicapped Boys in Panhellenic, IFC, UAC, Bucket drive,
Detroit, Mich.," Wed., Nov. 17, 3002 Nov. 17, 18, campus, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
UHS, at 2 p.m. Chairman, W. C. Morse.

'Q . . . . .
' 6h \ .Y
. <:: ,..
. : ;

Office of Religious Affairs Luncheon Special Lecture: Prof. Shalom Sarel,
Book Discussion-Toby Hendon, director of Hebrew Univ. and currently the
of the Children's Community, Ann Ar- president of the Israel Chemical So-
bor, "Teacher" by Sylvia Ashton-Warn- ciety, will speak on "New Base-Pro-
er: 2 Michigan League, 12 m. moted Rearrangement of a -Haloa-
mides," on Nov. 18 at 8 p.m. in Rm.
Museum of Anthropology Lecture-J. 1300 of the Chemistry Bldg.
D. G. Clark, Cambridge University,
"Spread of Farming in Prehistoric Cen- Analogue Computer Movie: A 30-min-

Doctoral Examination for George La-
zaros Kaltsounis, Education & Psy-
chology; thesis: "National Aptitude Sur-
vey Test Scores as Predictors of
Achievement in High School Vocational
Education Courses," Wed., Nov. 17, 4018
UHS, at 9 a.m. Chairman, W. C. Trow.
Student Tea at the home of Pr;si-
dent and Mrs. Harlan Hatcher on
Wed., Nov. 17, from 4-6 p.m. All stu-
dents are cordially invited.
Institute of Public Administration
Social Seminar scheduled for Wed., Nov.
17 has been rescheduled for Dec. 1.
University Activities Center and Col-
lege Republicans sponsor the Honor-
able Gerald Ford, House minority lead-
er, in the Michigan League Ballroom
at 8 p.m., Nov. 18.
Former Woodrow Wilson Fellows: In-
cluding Honorary Fellows, in Humani-
ties and Social Sciences, who expect
to complete all PhD requirements no

of Appointments-Seniors & grad stu-
dents, please call 764-7460 for appoint-
ments with the following:
THURS., NOV. 18-
Computer Sciences Corp., El Segundo,
Calif.-Men & women with degrees in
Math. Positions in elec. computing lo-
cated in Calif., N.J., Texas, D.C. &
Scandinavian Seminar, N.Y.C.-Men
& women for unique overseas study
program in Denmark, Finland, Norway
or Sweden. Spend the 1966-67 aca-
demic year living with families, using
language of the chosen country &
studying in residential school of adult
educ. 'Tuition, room & board, lang.
materials & one way transportation
from N.Y. to Scandinavia is $1800. Lim-
ited scholarships available. Language
not required.
FRI., NOV. 19-
Scandinavian Seminar, N.Y.S. - (See


MON., NOV. 22--
Univ. of Chicago, Business School,
Chicago, II1.-Degrees in any field for
grad study leading to MBA. Men &r
TUES., NOV. 23-
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pa-
cific- R.R., Chicago, Il.-Men & women
with degrees in Architect., Gen. Lib.
Arts & Math. Also BA & MA's in Econ.
for positions in elec. computing, mgmt.'
trng., mkt. res., sales (inside), statis-
tics & transport. (p.m. only).
Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md.
-Men & women. BA's in Architect.,
Biochem., Chem., Gen. Lib. Arts, Math,
Physics, etc. for M.A.T. program. Pre-
pares for secondary school teaching
(p.m. only).
212 SAB-
Union Carbide, Oak Ridge, Tenn. -
Students with two yrs. toward degree
or grad students in Biol., Chem., En-
grg. Math or Statistics.
The International Student Informa-
tion Service, Brussels-Mr. Efratas will
be on campus Dec. 9 & 10 to explain
jobs in Europe & how to get one. He
will be in 212 SAB until 3:30 p.m.
and Aud. D, Angell Hall from 4-5 p.m.
each day.
Details and applications available at
Summer Placement, 212 SAB.
The following schools have vacancies
for now and/or next semester:
Belleville, Mich. (Van Buren Schs.)--
H.S. Geog. (no study halls), Elem. Vo-
cal Music.
NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially
recognized and registered student orga-
nizations only. Forms are available in
Room 1011 SAB.
* * *
Cercle Francais, Baratin, Tues., Nov.
18, 3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg.
* * *
Joint Judiciary Council, There will
be a policy meeting of the Council on
Wed. evening, Nov. 17, 7:15 p.m.
* * *
Newman Student Association, Grad-
uate community mass, 5 p.m., supper-
discussion, 6 p.m., Nov. 17, 331 Thomp-
son St.
gold bond


n,. r,, w /'y t7
j , Y:.;
JT ,r y u

to Register
10 A.M.-2 P.M.
Kalamazoo Room


Ecorse, Mich.-H.S. Vocal Music.
Michigan Center, Mich.-Girls PE, 4th
Niagara Falls, N.Y.-lst & 4th Grades,
H.S. Engl., Math, Elem. & J.H. Read-
Ypsilanti, Mich. - Grades 1-6 PE
(Male or Female), Elem. Grade 6.
For additional information contact
the Bureau of Appointments, Educ.
Div., 3200 SAB, 764-7462.
VIEWS-Seniors & grad students, please
sign schedule posted at 128-H West
FRI., NOV. 19-
Defense Research Corp., Santa Bar-
bara, Calif.-PhD: AE & Astro., Com-
munic. Set., EE, Nuclear, Physics. Res.
& Sys. Analysis.
Gibbs & Cox, Inv., N.Y.C.-BS-MS:
ME, Naval & Marine. BS: EE. MS: Nu-
clear. R. & D., Des.
McGill Manufacturing Co., Inv., Val-
paraiso, Ind.-BS: IE & ME, Des., Prod.,
Sales, Mfg.
M.I.T., Lincoln Lab., Lexington, Mass.
-Any Degree: EE. PhD: Info. & Con-
trols. Citizens & non-citizens becom-
ing U.S. citizen. R. & D.
National Cash Register Co., Dayton.
Ohio-Any Degree: EE, ME. BS-MSS:
ChE, IE. MS: EM. MS-PhD: Communic.
Set. R. & D., Des. Mfg. Engrg., Oper.
Texas Instruments, Ihc., Semicon-
ductor-Components Div., Dallas-Any
Degree: ChE, EE, EM. IE, ME, Met,
MS-PhD: Communic. Sc. R. & D,
Des. Prod.
Texas Instruments, Inc., GSI Divi-
sion, Dallas, South & Western U.S.-
MS-PhD: Communic. Sci., EE, Info. &
Controls, Meteor. & Ocean. Citizens &
non-citizens becoming U.S. citizen.
R. & D., Des.
Uarco, Inc., Barrington, Ill.-BS-MS:
ME. R. & D.
United Aircraft Corp., Pratt & Whit-
ney Aircraft, E. Hartford, Conn. & W.
Palm Beach, Fla.-Any Degree: AE &
Astro., ChE, EM, Mat'ls., ME, Met.
Prof.: Applied Mech. MS-PhD: Info. &
Controls. BS-MS: Naval & Marine En-
grg. BS: EE, E Math, E Physics, Set.
E. R. & D., Des., Prod., Sales.
United Aircraft Corp., Sikorsky Air-
craft, Stratford, Conn.-Any Degree: AE
& Astro. Prof.: Applied Mech, BS-MS:
EE, EM, ME. BS: E Math, IE, Mat'ls.,
Met. MS: Mat'ls. R. & D., Des.
Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co., Res.
Center, Youngstown, Ohio-Any De-
gree: ChE, EE, EM, Mat'ls., Met. &
Chem. BS: E Math, E Physics, Set. En-
grg. MS-PhD: Info. & Controls. Citi-
zens & non-citizens becoming U.S.
citizen. R. & D.
Read and Use
Daily Classifieds




Bob Bodkin

Neill Hollenshead

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