WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1965 THE MICHIGAN DAILY n a A" vii 4w "rvt DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEME PAG*E Fl V~I I PERSONAL LAST WARNING Don't vote for Eduard Mauer. He's noth interested in politics. ONLY IDEALS! Ed Maurer F26 The Theosophical Society presents a talk and discussion on justice, right and wrong? Friday night at 8:00, November 19, Michigan League Conference Room F31 It's'NOT the New Yorker, you idiot! It's the NEW FORKER. there is a difference. F8 THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE Republi- can Club endorses Robert Bodkin, Al Goodwin, Neill Hollenshead, Pat Mc- Carty, Robert. Smith. F ANN Arbor Coin Club meets at Armory, 223 E. Ann St., at 7:30 p.m. on 1st and 3rd Thursday each month. Auc- tion and refreshments. Visitors wel- come. F42 DAVE ANGST is suffering. Do visit him at St. Jo's-Rm. 305. Or call our weak-kneed boy at 665-4145, ext.r3052. He'd appreciate hearing from friends. The PIRATES OF PENZANCE by the Gilbert and Sullivan Society will be here December 1-4 in Lydia Men- delssohn Theater. Tickets go on sale Nov. 17-19 in the S.A.B. from 8-5. F13 SLIGHTLY wanted, one roommate for a four-man at the Forum, for next semester. R.S.V.P. at 668-6749, any- time. F30 Needed--Tickets to Ohio State game. Call Bonnie at 761-0800 only between 5:15 and' 7:00. P13 THE NEW FORKER: a lit'rary magazine of prose, poetry, and other assorted grossosity. On sale all over campus, Wednesday, Nov. 17, for only a quarter. F20 Get your very own NEW FORKER be- fore you go home for Thnksgiving.,.. It's better than a turkey.k g7 PART TIME Multi-Million Dollar Company hiring for part time sales work. Earnings in excess of $3.00 per hr. This is not pots- knives-books or any of that door to door nonsense. This company is ex- panding all across the nation, conse- quently this could be more than just a part time job for the right person. If you're 20, have use of a car, and are bondable write William D. Nichols, 3372 Washtenaw Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich.' F8 WAKE UP SERVICE-Have your phone ring at any designated time-day or night--LOW RATES, DON'T BE LATE FORF CLASS OR WORK - AGAIN. TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE, 665-8871 (24 hours). F PERSONAL WANTED-2 tickets for Friday night Soph Show. Call Jim, 764-4720. F23 This is no joke! Save $75-$500 the day you buy her engagement ring. Aus- tin Diamond, 1209 8. University, 663- 7151. F GOT A MADRAS SHIRT? Don't go to University Laundry. They'll ruin it and give you a runaround. F50 BERKOWITZ GO HOME!!! Whatever rock that's under. P24 Two coeds need ride to Chicago Thanksgiving. Please call 764-0763. P34 SOPH SHOW tickets wanted for Friday night. Call Harry, 668-9059. F28 NEEDED-one engineer to share lux- ury modern apt. Jan.-April. 761- 3207. F38 WATCH FOR Willowpolitan ticket/ sales in the fishbowl. F39 Meet he Right Person The purpose of our organization, using established techniques of personality1 appraisal end- an IBM system, is to introduce unmarried persons to others with' compatible backgrounds, inter- ests and ideals. Interviews by ap- pointment. Phone 662-4867. MICHIGAN SCIENTIFIC INTRODUCTION SERVICE Want to buy Ohio State ticket-call_ Harvey, 8-9059. F18 J.B.'s CORNER This just ain't my week, but then which is. Just to be prosaic, or mosaic, or whatever the hell you call it, let me tile you about some of my es- thetic, or athletic, or monolithic mo- ments. I was just leading you on .. . and off. I wanted to excite you and whatever I say now is anticlimactic- or anti-frozen. F29 No Virginia, it's not a political organ,I it's the NEW FORKERI F6 RENT Your TV from NEJAC GE and Zenith portable for only $10 per month. FREE service and delivery. Phone 662-5671 NOW. F SAVE MONEY-Go by Willowpoliton to Detroit airports. F38 HAVE YOU been watching The Daily for Snip-n-Send 'Ensian coupons? There might even be one on another page of this very issue! But if you can't find one, don't despair. Watch for them - they'll be coming - and1 they're the easiest way to buy your 'Ensian NOW for a mere $5. F27 HELP WANTED FOR SALE TRANSPORTATION BIKES AND SCOOTERS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING STUDENTS with care to deliver Sunday GIBSON C-1 Classic Guitar, plus case, New York Times. Good pay. Call $100. Call 668-9049. B12 Elliot, 663-2895 between 7-10 p.m. H48 LINES 2 3 r4 ONE-DAY .70 .85 1.00 SPECIAL FIVE-DAY RATE 3.00 3.75 4.35 Figure 5 average words to o line Coll Classified between 1:00 and 2:30 Phone 764-0557 Mon. thru Fri. PERSONAL ALFIE We'll make up for last weekend on the 13th and 14th. I can't wait! Tigeress F11 Four tickets to Soph Show wanted for Saturday night. Wil pay $$$ for ad- jacent seats. Call Rick 764-1710. F14 YOU too can have your very own NEW FORKER. On sale today all over cam- pus, for only $25c. F21 MAINTAIN Postive SGC Action Vote GROUP TO JUDY B. Did Cornell give you a ring? If so, congrats! RKB F10 Senior Board will sell December Graduation Announcements Wednesday and Thursday Nov. 17 & 18 in the Fishbowl POETRY WANTED for Anthology. En- close stamped envelope. Idlewild Pub- lishing Co., 333 Frederick, San Fran- cisco, California. F19 DEAR NANCY D: TED is on his wayIt BEWARE!! F25 CHECK THE STARS! Yes! Today is your lucky day (Oh, you fortunate dog you!). Today will be THE day for fantastic happenings. For, you see, the GARGOYLE star is in the house of Robert Moses (having earlier been in the house of Venus) and THAT means that today -yes, TODAY-being that it's your lucky day and all-you can buy a NEW FORKER (Oh, how can one per- son be so lucky!?). F19 WANTED TO RENT TWO-MAN APT. for winter semester. Call Carol, 764-5991 or Barb, 764-5913. L2 4th girl need for 2 bdrm. apt. at 1335 Geddes. Call 662-5398. L49 FOR RENT 4TH GIRL to share large 2 bdrm. apt. with 3 other grads. $52.50/mo. Call 663-3435, 5-7 p.m. C27 FOR SUBLET-Male student-to share 4-man: apt.-New, furn., inc. dish- washer, disposal, air-cond., fireplace, balcony, parking. 663-2218. C28 MODERN furnished studio apartment available Dec. 22. Call 764-7487. C23 FURN. SINGLE for man with kichen and bath, close to campus. Avail. Dec. Call 663-7450. C29 Furnished I bdrm. apt. in Huron Tow- ers. Lease expires Aug. 31, '66. NO 3-0800; 449-5811. L26 EFFICIENCY for rent. $95/mo. 665-0267. C31 Wanted: girl to share 4 room apt. with 3 others for second semester. Newly decorated, air conditioned, only 8 min. to Angell Hall. $55 a month plus electricity. Call 662-5698. 015 2-MAN, FURN., bi-level, mod. apt., air- cond., 3 blks. from campus, for next semester. 662-9153. C32 The new FONTAINEBLEAU APTS. Near Forest & Washtenaw; furn. & ready for occup.. Jan. 1. Four students per 2 bdrn apt. Call NO 3-3795. C21 GRAD. GIRL wants 2nd to share new' luxury apt. on campus. 761-0355 after 5. C33 Need 1 Male Roommate in mod. luxur- ious apt. Starting Dec. Call 761-0173. Furnished 1st flr. apt. for 4. 114 N. Thayer. 761-1165 evenings. C26 SCHOLARS on campus ONE MAN-TWO MAN-COUPLES tastefully furnished new apartments with concrete walls and ceilings to insure quiet and privacy. Phone: 662-7961 afternoons & evenings C3 ARE YOU altruistic? I need a tutor for Span. 103-like quick! Call 764- 0055. H49 Meal job opening at Fraternity. Call 665-3719. H47 PART-TIME or FULL-TIME help want- ed; permanent or temporary for in- ventory, Xmas rush and the January textbook rush. Apply at Follett's. H1 PART TIME We can adjust our stock work to use part time help. Must have transpor* tation. These jobs would be espe- cially interesting to a science major. Phone NO 5-9101 for information. Misco Biological Inc., 6780 Jackson Rd., Ann Arbor. H45 BABYSITTING-Mon. and Wed. or Mon. and Fri. afternoons. Ex. pay for right person. 2 children (31s and 6 mo.). May nede own transpt. 663-6588. H2 Male or female-morning, afternoon, evenings, and all day Sat. Apply to Mr Zureich at Kline's Dept. Store, 306 So. Main. H46 NEEDED IMMEDIATELY We are looking for male and female part-time sales, male part-time stock-i work. Apply in person, personnel of- fice, Montgomery Ward, Arborland Shopping Center. H47 BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED $6 for Rh positive; $7. $10, $12 for Rh negative. Hours: Mon., 9-4; Tues., 9-4; Fri.. 1-7. 18-21 years old need parent's permission. Detroit Blood Service, new location. 404 W. Mich- igan, Ypsilanti, Mich. H Male Subjects needed urgently for psych. research. Must be able to spend 3 hrs. in one weekday eve, sit- ting, and 1 hr. at a later time to be arranged. $5.00 upon completion of 4 hrs. Choice of eve. Sign up sheet in lobby of SW Annex. (Former Cor- ner House) Corner of Washington and Thayer. H44 FULL & PART TIME GOOD, STURDY Columbia bike. Cheap. Call late eve., 761-3424. B13 Sports Car Owners. Removable trunk lid ski rack by Barrecrafter, and lug- gage rack by Amco. Each used 1 sea- son. Call 665-2544. B10 '64 VOLKSWAGEN, sun-roof, radio, low mileage. $1300. Call 761-3519 eve. B8 1964 HONDA 150. $425. 2800 miles. Call 663-4085 after 6 p.m. B27 BRAND NEW ENGLISH bike for sale, with horn, baskets and plastic cover. Call Pidge after 6 p.m., 665-0273. B47 OLD ELM ANTIQUES for the discrimi- nate collector. 723 Packard, near State. B3 Women'sf Clothes-Sizes 10 & 12. Ital- ian knit suits; wool dresses & skirts. Ex. cond. Call 662-3446. B6 Semi-formal and formal gowns for sale. Sizes 7-10. From $9. Call 665-2260 af- ter 5 p.m. B9 For Sale-4 tickets to Ohio State game. 668-6394. B11 MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS A-1 New and Used Instruments BANJOS, GUITARS, AND BONGOS Rental Purchase Plan PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR 119 W. Washington UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE, INC. 518 E. William (Maynard House) GUITARS-$39-$45 Free Guitar strap. Most folk & method books. NO 2- 5579. X LOST AND FOUND FOUND-Girl's artificial black pigskin glove, in front of Angell Hall. Cal 764-7859. A26 Paisley Liberty of London scarf lost Nov. 12 between Elm and Observatory. Reward. Call 764-5882. A25 LOST-Smal black cat. Vic. of Thayer and Kingsley. Call 665-4693. A27 RIDERS WANTED one way to Phila., NICHOLSON M/C SALES Wed., Nov. 24. 764-9070. G31 Authorized dealer for TRIUMPH- YAMAHA - BMW - GILERA. 224 S. Wanted: 2 riders to Cincinnati. Ohio First. Phone 662-7409. Z for Thanksgiving. 668-6394. 030 FANTASTId DEAL for scooter enthus- RIDE WANTED to and from Washing- lasts. We have one new Lambretta ton, D.C., for Thanksgiving vacation. Cento $199.99 full price. NICHOLSON Call 668-9059. .G32 M/C SALES. 224 S. First. Z34 CO-ED NEEDS RIDE to Chicago, leav- ing Tuesday, Nov. 23 after 10 a.m. Will share expenses and driving. Call Merle at 764-5985. If you can't go on Tuesday I'll leave Wednesday any time in the morning. G26 Ride Wanted to and from or just from NYC Thanksgiving. 764-2664. G22 RIDE WANTED to Miami or vicinity leaving around Fri., Nov. 19, Return to Ann Arbor Nov. 28. Call 663-3856. 2 COEDS want ride to Pittsburgh Nov. 24. Return Nov. 28. Call Sue 761-3661. Ride wanted to Chicago Wednesday, November 24th, anytime after 11:00. Will pay cash on delivery. Call' Rick, 764-1710. G21 BUSINESS SERVICES TUTOR OF FRENCH & GERMAN Lessons in conversation and grammar by native speaker. Graduated rates. Mime. Kerr, 701 S. Forest. NO 3-2108. GRAD LANGUAGE EXAMS Special courses for reading and screen- ing exams in French and German by native speaker. Graduated rates. Mme. Kerr, NO 3-2108. J2 HONDA, MONTESA, VELOCETTE all models and colors. Accessories for the nicest people and their bikes, HONDA OF ANN ARBOR 3000 Packard Road, 665-9281 Home of the nicest people since 1963 For Sale: 1965 Honda S-F5. New inl July. Good condition. rhe perfect sized bike for campus Must sell. Call Bryan at 663-9261. Z4 MISCELLANEOUS NOT ONLY for the quality groceries, but for that neat man behind the counter do we patronize Ralph's. RALPH'S MARKET 709 Packard Open every night 'til 12 FRATERNITY & SORORITY BANQUETS For your dinner meetings, dances, or banquets . . excellent food and ac- commodations for up to 140. Reason- ably priced. Call Manager, Huron Motor Inn, HU 3-1771, Ypsilanti M i- _ __ STUDENT BOOK SERVICE 1215 S. University PRINTS STUDY GUIDES FREE BLUEBOOKS A Yellow Rose. F22 TO BE A JEWISH $100 and u per week ost-Diaond ring in Angell-Mason , n up PrWeC Hall. Reward. Please contact Susie. $50.00 PART TIME; 764-1768. A13 $100 FULL TIME GUARANTEE 100FLFound: On October 17 on the Diag, Plus Scholarships a silver ring. Call Judy at 764-9863 International Corp. has opening for and be able to describe it. A24 delivery, display, and public contact work, car needed, training provided. BARGAIN CORNER For interview, 4:00 p.m., Thurs., SAB Rm. 212. H7 USED CARS SAM'S STORE TRIUMPH TR4 1963. Green, overdrive, new tires, ex. cond. Best offer. 663- Has Genuine LEVI's Galore! 0429, N47 '67 VALIANT-Under 40,000 miles. Floor LEVI'S SLIM-FITS-$4.25 shift, 20-plus per gal,, new tires. Call 'Whi" Sov-662-3297. N49 ite, and 5 Colors For "Guys and Gals" 1956 Ford V-8. RH, body excellent. En- gine-good. See at 1000 Packard after 8 p.m. N45 rA CI IAA _-C-re' tCC ')O (II "HOW TO BE A JEWISH BROTHER" A Thanksgiving Day Note by LLOYD GRAF, acting sports editor, Michigan Doily at B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation SABBATH' SERVICE Friday, November 19 at 7:30 P.M. Sharp PARTICIPANTS: Lorry Bobrin Marcia Berlin Joel Klein Jonathan Rosenbaum Lynne Jacobs Sue Ellen-Lorge John Planer, Jeff Rossio, Cantors THE HILLEL CHOIR directed by MIKE ROBBINS Joan Temkin at the organ 1429 Hill Street ..............ALL ARE WELCOME NEWMAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION presents 3rd man wanted for winter term. Mod. apt, on campus. 665-2474. L50 MALE ROOMMATE for 2-man apt. Luxury Tiffany Apts. near Packard and State, to take over 4 month lease (no summer worries). All extras - air-cond., carpeting, elect. heat, man- ager in building, etc. Call 761-3207. Li WANTED: Single Apt. with kitchen and bathroom. For Dec. or next Aug. Call 662-3335. L39 MAN WANTED for winter term. Mod. apt. 800 Fuller. Call Gary, 761-0536. ONE GIRL to share apt. $55/mo. Mod- ern bldg. on campus. 663-6304 after 4. Female wants furn. rm. Dec.-April, Call 665-4675 after 5. L47 For SUMMER '66-3 or 4 bdrm. house in AA or environs. 764-6495 or Box 111, 420 Maynard St. L46 In an advertisement in yesterday's Daily, Joan Irwin, '66, was mistaken- ly named as a member of Reach political party. She is running as an inde- pendent in today's Stu- dent Government Council elections. Jobs in Europe Switzerland - A summer in Europe is now possible at ap- proximately one fifth the usual cost by taking a summer job in Europe. Jobs are available from the easy going French Riviera to the high paying German fac- tories with no supplemental ob- ligations. For a complete listing of job categories, prospectus and application forms write to Dept. Z, International Travel Establishment, 68 Herrengasse, Vaduz, Liechtenstein (Switzer- land) enclosing $1 with your in- quiry to cover the cost of the material, overseas handling and air mail postage. 418 E. WASHINGTON WASHINGTON MANOR ', block from State BRAND NEW- ONE BDRM. APT. Suitable for 3 students, beautifully furnished, air-conditioned, balcony, laundry, storage, Frigidaire appli- ances. $177. Avail Immediately. NO 8-6906 WANTED TO BUY 1960 FIAT 1200 Rdst. New BRG Paint, new top. Good tires. $750. 761-1334. N50 VW '63 White Convert. Radio, ex. cond. $1135. Call from 6-8 p.m. at 668-8785. '62 RENAULT Gordini, 4 speed trans., radio, excel. cond. $475. 665-3469. Ni '61 Falcon Futura. 6 cylinder, stick. Blk. with red vinyl interior. Gd. cond. NO 3-0654. N48 SUNBEAM ALPINE 1961 red, hard and soft tops, good cond. Call 662-6129. N43 t.ord.Z) L IM-I-$ -5.983 LEVI'S STA-PREST PANTS Never Needs Ironing Asst'd. Colors--$6.98 LEVI JACKETS "White" and Colors-$5.98 Blue Denim-$5.49 LEVI'S Superslim's--$4.98 LEVI'S Dungarees-$4.49 S-T-R-E-T-C-H LEVI'S For Gals and Guys "White-$5.98 TURTLENECKS-$1.69 (15 Colors) I URGENT TICKETS needed to Ohio State game. Call 665-9327 after 5 p.m. K38 TWO TO FOUR tickets wanted for Soph Show, Friday or Saturday night. 665- 7121. K39 WANT TO MAKE a profit? I need 2 tickets to Friday performance of Soph Show. NO 8-8612. K36 CAN YOU HELP me out? I need a number of tickets fo rthe Ohio State game. Call Larry, 665-2373. K35 Need ever so much-Two tickets to the Soph Show. Either Fri. or Sat. Call Sue, 761-1087. K37 '59 RAMBLER Six, just rebuilt. $350. 665-7960. N35 1961 VOLKSWAGEN sun roof. $725. Call 663-2733. N18 OLDS 98, 1955, automatic, good c'ond. New tires. $160. Call 668-6007 betw. 6:30-8:30. N49 Buy your '62 Galaxie 500 XL now. Ex. cond, never been in a Mich. winter. Absolutely NO RUST. Must sell for $1275, Av. list $1450. Bob Frates, 662- 4563 before 10 a.m. after 11 p.m. - N NEED A CAR-READ THIS: New cars too much money?-UsedI cars too much trouble? How abouts a new GM car with a used car price tag? We will sell you a shiny brand new GM car with a used car price tag! We will sell you a shiny brand new Opel demonstrator with a full 24,000 mile-2 year General. Motors warranty at a .lower .price than many used cars. Roomy, agile, eco- nomical, fun to drive-it makes a lot more sense than a used car. If you will call Mr. Ehnis at 667-6576 he will give you all the details and prices in a friendly courteous manner. ANN ARBOR BUICK. N22 Open Mon. & Fri. Nights SAM'S STORE 122 E. Washington teaching methods which force free, imaginative young minds into rigid patterns of behavor. Now, working with two basic instincts-sex and fear- Sylvia Ashton-Warner opens the door to a daring new approach to the process of learning. I Speaker: Mrs. Toby Hendon, Director, READ THE DAILY Enquire About Thanksgiving Special3 The Children's Community (a new school in Ann Arbor) I 12:00 Noon-Michigan League, Rm. 2 L. BRENT BOZELL "CHRISTIANITY AND FOREIGN POLICY: THE DEFAULT OF THE CHURCHES" MR. BOZELL, after winning many oratorical competitions, in- cluding the American Legion's national championship, was grad- uated from Yale in 1950 and the Yale Law School in 1953. He was editor of National Review from its inception until 1963. His books include the best-selling McCarthy and His Enemies (written while still a student at Yale) and Dialogues in Americanism. Recently Mr. Bozell has focused his attention on the controversial activities of the Supreme Court and two major works on the sub- ject are scheduled for publication early in 1966. "Brent Bozell is one of the most articulate spokesmen for the conservative position we have in this country, and I would go further to say, in the whole world." (I I I 11 I Auditorium A Friday, Nov. 19, 1965 -(BARRY GOLDWATER) Angell Hall 8:30 P.M. Flying Home Thanksgiving? w t 1 IWUJI IT i% N , ,