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November 14, 1965 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1965-11-14

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This simple raglan sleeved duster is made of soft, cozy,
machine washable cuddle cloth* ... in a lovely
paisley pattern. Lustrous acetate satin binding
outlines the collar and the pocket flaps ...
the sleeves turn back to-make deep cuffs if desired.
9e Vanit ?ren ip

EDITOR'S NOTE: Robert Goyer, enough
Grad; Don Resnick, '67, and Step to adeq
en Daniels, '67, testified Wednesday t dq
before the House Ways and Means dents c(
subcommittee on higher education The sho
on issues related to student eco- lower-c
nomic welfare at the University.
Excerpts from Goyer's and Res-; spectrum.
nick's testimony are printed below; ried gra
excerpts from Daniels' testimony dren. T
will be printed Tuesday. of this
Student Housing tion wi
tu ent ORS~lg of Ann
Testimony by Robert W. find a so
Goyer, chairman of the Grad- Before
uate Student Council housing contribu.
committee. "Student Housing at would 1
the University of Michigan." pects of
If our State universities are to The:
remain accessible to students of To ho
moderate economic means not freshme
just tuition, but all costs of an tion of
education must be kept within iors.o
reasonable bounds. marked
Since about half of a student's a situat
expenses at the University are for relieved
room and board, the availability dence e
of adequate, reasonably-priced constru
housing is essential. For this rea- At an
son, an evaluation of housing ex- dent of
penses is central to any consider- ter year
ation of student economic welfare. most ex
The student housing situation They do
at the University is now well- favorab
documented and broadly recogniz- schools.
ed, so I will confine myself to a As pr
brief description of the problems these d
as I see them. most ec
The heart of the problem seems dents, n
to be essentially this: there aren't desirabl





housing accommodations
uately house all of the stu-
oming to the University.
rtage is most acute at the
ost end of the housing
m, particularly for mar-
aduate students with chil-
he University seems aware
problem, and, in co-opera-
th students and the City
Arbor, is attempting to
e considering factors which
ute to this shortage, I
ike to discuss specific as-
the problem.
esidence Halls:
University residence halls
use virtually all of the
n, and a moderate propor-
the sophomores and jun-
These facilities became
ly over-crowded last year;
ion which will probably be
with the opening of resi-
hall facilities now under
ction on North Campus.
n average cost to the stu-
about $950 per two-semes-
r, these dormitories are the
xpensive of any on state-
ed campuses in Michigan.
o, however, compare more
ly with other "Big Ten"
resently designed, most of
ormitories are neither the
onomical housing for stu-
nor are they found highly

e by students wno


Gilmore's Restaurant

frequent objection to noisy, insti- housing. The University presently
tutionalized living, institutional- feels that the fiscal responsibility
ized food, and present "counsel- of its housing operations can best
ing" policies. It should be empha- be insured by building with a rel-
sized none-the-less,' that the Uni- atively high initial equity and rel-
versity has shown admirable in- atively low bonding, this also
terest in the attempt to provide spreads available funds very thin-
students with a variety of housing ly. Increasing use of Federal
opportunities. funds may help, but the possibil-
Students and the University are 'ity of additional state funds
presently attempting to re-think should also be considered.
the concept of educationally- For the most part, the Univer-
oriented housing. Our interest is sity has been building after the
not simply a cost factor, but also demand is felt-it hasn't been
to see that students are provided able to adequately anticipate de-
with adequate soundproofing, se- mand and build for projected de-
curity, study space and the ad- mand. To do this, they would
vantages of hetrogeneuos group- need plans for expansion five to
ing. ten years in the future and assur-
2) Off-campus Housing: ance of adequate funds to develop
Residence halls presently house the planned housing.
less than a third of the students RECOMMENDATIONS:
on our campus. For most others, A basic policy change seems
housing means private, off-cam- necessary in order that the Uni-
pus housing. If you are a student versity and the people of the State
renting in Ann Arbor you pay, of Michigan recognize the im-
proportionally, one of the highest portance of keeping the student's
rent bills in the country. A new educational expenses as low as
two-bedroom apartment in Ann possible. It should be pointed out
Arbor has a median cost of $240 a that the people of the state are
month. indirectly loosing money because
If the same apartment were lo- such a large portion of scholar-
cated in Los Angeles or Philadel- ship and grant funds are going to
phia, the rent would be between make up profits for realtors.
$120 and $150; in University- Here are some additional ques-
sponsored projects in Cambridge, tions which your committee might
Massachusetts, $165; in the uni- consider investigating:
versity area of Cleveland, Ohio, -How can additional funds be
$180; and even in downtown made available to build student
Manhattan, $200 or less. housing?
The University's office for Off- -Can the self-liquidating re-
campus Housing estimates the striction on U. housing be re-
average cost of such housing to moved?
be between $60 and $65 a month. -What about State land grants
Other comparable universities in-j for student housing? Capital out-
dicate that rents are generally $40 lays for housing?
to $50 per month. -What can be done to attract
These costs are rising rapidly. more construction workers to the
Four years ago it typically cost; area?
$190 for a two-bedroom modern It is the feeling of most stu-
apartment, compared with the dents actively working on the
$240 figure today. These trends housing problem that housing con-
show no tendancy of reversing in trols and rent controls are not the
the immediate future. There are, answer. If there is to be legisla-
near campus still a few old, in- tion, it should be legislation to in-
expensive apartments and room-crease the housing supply rather
ing houses, but this less expensivea than control the market.
housing is being torn down to be The University needs state sup-
Sreplaced by more expensive and is port, not state control. The Uni-
thus becoming increasingly scarce .versity is utlimately responsible
Local real estate investors are for the maintenance of its educa-
receiving unusually high returns, tional objectives. It should use
and such private capital generally any legitimate resource which it
gravitates to that portion of the now has or can obtain to fulfill
market where profits are the these objectives,
greatest. For this reason, private of Michigan are fortunate in hav-
The students at the University
developers will probably not solve ihe anudensatieniversiy
the problem. ing an administration (and in
3)Special problems: Foreign particular a vice president of stu-
students and Graduate Students: dent affairs) who are sympathetic
A special problem exists for for-to the needs of students, are ac-
eign students and first-year grad- cessible to students, and are ac-
uate students who don't arrive in tively involving students in the
Ann Arbor until after most leases panning and decision-making
have been signed and after dormi- process.
tory contracts have been signed. Housing is probably the central
Many local realtors are reluctant problem today so far as the stu-
to rent to foreign students. These dents' economic welfare is con-
fators orintudgventshesen-tcerned. It's a tough problem, but
usfactorfsuin teir them u-s within the city, the faculty, the
to find suitable housing administration, and the student
body we have many skillful and
SOME OF THE CONTRIBUTING dedicated people working on the
FACTORS: problem. We need the confidence,
1) The problem of housing con- the help, the trust, and the sup-
fronts the entire city. All Ann port of the legislature and the
Arbor housing is in insufficient people of Michigan.
supply and highly priced. The,.
median value of owner occupied Student Costs
homes in Ann Arbor was found to
b $5600 + hiia h than th .h bn Exernts from testimonv by

universities. These costs have ness to appropriate more money,
been rising drastically, contrary that the University has not been
to public belief, faster than the able to upgrade its level of educa-
national cost of living. tion or expand its program fast
To find the reason for this, one enough to meet the needs of the
must look at the total costs of vast number of students now de-
education, not only tuition and manding more schooling.
fees. To attend most public uni-
versities, a student must not only THE UNIVERSITY derives its
pay tuition, but also pay for funds from student fees, state ap-
books, housing, board, and a host propriations, federal loans and
of incidentals. For a student at a grants, and from philanthropic
tax-supported residential college, contributions. These funds in
housing is his primary cost, not turn are allocated for specific
tuition or books. purposes within the University,
To expect that the average some only for research, others for
family with an income of say' housing, a segment for classroom
$7000 could send a child to col- buildings and so forth.
lege for 4 years is expecting undue In the past, a policy of alloca-
sacrifices; and to 'expect that tion has been enforced either
same family with two children through lawo r by tradition so as
could send both to college, is ex- to "earmark" funds and prevent
pecting the impossible. certain sums from use in a num-
ber of areas.
THERE ARE WAYS, of course, Therefore, .for example, the
to help finance one's education. State does not allow its alloca-
Many students find summer jobs, tions to be used for student hous-
but unfortunately, many of these ing and the result is that this
do not pay enough to add to a type of expenditure is financed
student's savings for college ex- solely on a self-liquidating basis.
penses once summer bills are paid. The student pays the full cost of
Other students find part-time living in a dormitory. In another
jobs during the school term to case, while there may exist a cry-
help offset the cost of higher edu- ing need for more classroom
cation. But unfortunately, these space, a private donor may ear-
jobs are often low-paying, in mark his contribution for another
jobs aes oten low-payingin: investment such as a golf course
many cases not even approachingi or new theatre.
minimum wage, and sonsequently rThere.
many of these students fall short the institutional level is that a
of paying their own way. 'large number of funds are so ear-
Last year, the U. of M. Student marked as to prevent their shift-
Employees' Union campaigned for ing to where the need is greatest.
over eight months for a minimum The individual institution could
wage of $1.25 for student employ- improve this condition if it were
ees of the University. This was to, stress the real needs of the
finally achieved, but along with it : university to potential donors and
came a raise in dorm rates and if they could convince the State
tuition which effectively succeed- legislature of the need for funds
ed in negating any benefits which for such programs as student
might have been received from housing.
the wage raise.

1201 S. University

Corner of Church





Monday (All Day)
with Meat Sauce and


Tossed Salad.....






Tuesday (All Day)
with French Fries and Cole Slaw ........
Wednesday (All Day)
ROAST TURKEY with Dressing, Giblet Gravy, $ 119
Cranberry Sauce and Choice of Potatoes . .
SMORGASBORD 5 p.m.-8 p.m. $ 149
All you can eat-... .............
FISH FRY 5 p.m.-8 p.m.-Deep Fried Fillets
with French Fries and Creamy Cole Slaw $1 25
.All you can eat!......... . ..... ...

ONE ANSWER might come in
the form of scholarships, but it is'
sometimes difficult to prove need,
and selection of candidates is of-
ten arbitrary. More important is
the fact that scholarships are
more available to studentsalready
in college, and even when they
are made available to high school
graduates, they are often not;
used, for sociologists are finding
that the decision to enter college
(based considerably on financial
grounds) is made well before
Another answer might be loans,
but these, too, have great short-
comings. Regent Eugene PowerI
has said: "Mortgaging his future
is certainly a discouraging pros-
pect to a young man."
If our goal is equal educational
opportunity, scholarships a n d
loans are not the answer. They
will help; but they cannot be the
final solution to the problems of
de facto financial discrimination.
They are merely palliatives.'
As we look at the costs to the
individual student, I think we
must also take a short look at the
costs to the University and to so-
ciety. Over the years, the amount.
of money going into higher educa-
tion has been expanding rapidly.
At the University of Michigan, for
example, the General Fund has
been increasing at a rate nearly
equal to 5% per year.
At the same time, the popula-
tion at the University has increas-
ed tremendously: from 24,000 in
1959 to 30,000 in 1964, an increase
of 25%. It is basically because of
this, and the State's unwilling-

improve the condition involved in
the high cost of college life by op-
erating low price bookstores, tak-
ing advantage of all possible fed-
eral monies for construction pur-
poses, and also use its own endow-
ment funds as working capital
for new projects.
Thus, instead of investing mil-
lions in stocks and bonds across
the nation, the University could
invest some of these funds in stu-
dent services and enterprises. At
present, students at this campus
are concerned over the lack of a
first-rate, University owned, dis-
count bookstore. This, I think,
would make an excellent first step
toward the goal of total Univer-
sity commitment to student wel-
But a University committment
is not all that should be made;
the state level of financing must
be revaluated also. The legislature
will have to realize the increasing
needs of higher education as so-
ciety becomes more complex and
its population grow.
Thus, ever larger state appro-
priations will be necessitated -
appropriations hopefully along a
broader base of University pro-
jectsneeded to meet the needs of
the potential student body at
public institutions of higher
learning. Tax reform within the
State may be necessary to bear
the burden imposed by the needs
of today's youth.
Therefore, I think it is most
important that just as the legis-
lature is looking into University
priorities, it must also look into
its own priorities.
-.1, J



with Mashed Potatoes and Salad .... .



Stockwel I-Llo'yd
South Quad.
Nov. 15,16,4-8 P.M.
Women's League
Kalamazoo Room
Nov. 17-18,
10 A.M.-2 P.M.

:^:v ... ..... ... .... . .
.... .... ..... . .. ....:: i'lr: :.......... ...............,..


1: ..: 4: J:S'J . .:......... .... .................

BAYS Arcad
16 Nicke



le Jewelry Shop
Is Arcade
S .
)LD i

De Zi.O ngner Lnun e ur man
Michigan median. Gross rents per'
person were found to be more
than 50% higher than the Urban
Michigan average. To some ex-,
tent one can explain these fig-

ures by reference to the unusual- report to the Forbes Commission
ly-high number of high-income 1 on the situation at Berkeley,
families in the city, but it is sig- "Higher education should not
nificant to note that the city also simply be a privilege provided by
has a higher percentage of low in- society to those of its children
come individuals t h a n urban who can benefit from it." But
Michigan as a whole, yet it has education at the University of
less housing at the low end of the Michigan has become just that,
cost spectrum. and more than that, a luxury
2) A large percentage of the which many of the children of the
Ann Arbor population are renters. State cannot afford.
The numbers of units occupied by ! In 1963, the Institute for Social
owners and renters in Ann Arbor Research did a survey of the
are almost equal, whereas the di- freshman class to find out what
vision for Urban Michigan is type of person was coming to the
roughly 7:3. This means that an University. The results were quite
unusually high percentage of Ann interesting. They showed that the
Arbor residents are competing median family income of the sam-
with students for the available ple of 1500 students was $13,500,
rental units, and over 21.3% of the students
3) The city's population is high- reported that their family income
ly mobile. Both apartments and was in excess of $20,000.
private homes have an unusually At the same time less than
high turn-over. By virtue of the 1.8% of the students sampled esti-
manerin which real-estate is fi- mated their family incomes to be
nanced, the more rapidly its price less than $4000 a year. Compare
will tend to rise. This has con- this with the near 25% of the
tributed to the generally high cost Uie tts ouainwt n
1ref -4, +1,--;4- United States' population with in-

New Government Funds
To Ease 'U' Indirect Costs

Donald Resnick, president of
the University of Michigan Stu-
dent Employes Union, "The
Costs of Higher Education."
As Jerome Byrne said in his

(Continued from Page 1)
funds which otherwise would be
available for those areas in which
the federal takes no interest, he
The government, on the other
hand, feels that universities de-
rive sufficient benefit from gov-
ernment research that it should
bear some of the financial bur-
den. The government also as-
sumes that faculties would do re-
search even without federal funds.
They feel federal funds allow for
even greater expansion of research
on university campuses. There-

fore, the university should con-
tribute somewhat to the total of
Many members of Congress also
fear the consequences of univer-
sities not having to contribute
some percentage of the costs.
There could be a drastic shift of
emphasis in research away from
the social sciences and humanities
into the more lucrative fields of
engineering and physical sciences
in which the government is con-
cerned and toward which the
greatest amount of money would
be contributed.



will answer questions

of land in the ciy.
4) Lack of practical public
transportation: The lack of ade-
quate parking facilities forstu-
dents and the absence of adequate
public transportation limits the
students' ability to choose housing
away from central campus. This
has contributed to concentric
circles of higher and higher land
ncstcs a c' en l enmr toe pntral

come below this .standard.
dent body with almost

A stu-


fourths of its population coming
from families with income in ex-
cess of $10,000 a year does not

Nov. 15,

7-8 P.M.


StockwelI-Ma in Lounge
Llovd-Main Lounae


uus y sYU gV couse r miuai
campus. Yet lack of inexpensive
transportation means that most
students msut live within about
five blocks of campus.C
5) The labor shortage: a severe
lack of enough construction work-t
ers has limited the rate at which
new building - can proceed and1
slowed University construction
projects. -t

adequately represent any popula- (Continued from Page 2) Applied Mech. MS-Prof.: ChE. BS: E
Physics & Sdi. Engrg. R. & D., Des.
tion anywhere-yet this is the Corr., Girls PE.U.S. Govt., Pacific Missile Range,
population of a tax-supported Southgate (Heintzen . Schs.)-Elem., Naval Missile Center & Naval Ship
educational institution. J.H.: Guid./Counsel., Sec.: Art, Girls Missile Systems Engrg. Station, Point
PE, Ind. Arts. Mugu or Port Hueneme, Calif.-BS-
Warren (Warren Woods P.S.)-Elem. MS: EE. BS: AE & Astro., E Physics,
THE QUESTION then is, who K-6, Ind. Arts, Home Ec., SS/Engl., ME. Missile Test & Eval.
is not going to college, and why? Math/Sci. (also Elem. for 9/66). U.s. Govt., Bureau of Reclamation,
Frank H. Bowles, president of the MON., NOV. 22- Locations throughout 18 Western states
College Entrance Examination Flint (Bendle P.S.)-Elem. including Alaska-BS-MS: CE, EE, ME.
TUES., NOV. 23- R. & D., Des.
Board, has said that one-half of Kingsley-Elem., Guid. (Man), HS. Chicago Rock Island & Pacific Rail-
the nation's most able students or J.H. Math, Girls PE, Lib., H.S. Engl. road (p.m.)-BS: CE, ME. BS-MS: IE.
(the top 25%) do not go on to Mt. Clemens-Elem., Elem./J.H. Boys Clark Controller Co., Cleveland, Ohio,
PE. 'Lancaster, S.C., L.A., Calif.; Toronto,
higher education. Dearborn Heights (Dist. No. 8) - Canada-BS: EE. R. & D., Des., Sales.
Surveys show many reasons why Elem. 4, 5, and 6, Math (Modern/AIg.), Ingalls Shipbuilding Corp., Pascagou-
this situation exists. Closed ad- J.H. Bus. (Typing/Gen. Bus.). la, Miss.-BS: Naval & Marine. Dec.
*"C t : :2 grads. U.S citizens & non-citizens if


14 KT. GC




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