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November 13, 1965 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-11-13

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In A &"-lot bvp"Vmw












You can bet your draft card
on it.
Fangs will flash and fur will fly
when the Wolverines and Wild-
cats churn the turf at Dyche Sta-
dium this afternoon.
It may not be the game of the
year, but the Blue want some
satisfaction t h i s season and
Northwestern is in the way of an
express that's high-balling it for
the rest of the route.
Steve Smith (230) .......... . L
Charlie Kines (240).........L
Dennis Flanagan. (215) .,....u.
Joe Dayton (215)...........C
Don Bailey (200).........Ri
Tom Mack (240) . . ... R
Jack Clancy (195)..........R
Wally Gabler (195).. . .. Q
Rick Sygar (180)...........L
CarlsWard (180) ...........1F
Dave Fisher. (215).........1

After the Wisconsin roadblock
was wiped off the map three
weeks ago in a 50-14 slaughter,'
head coach Bump Elliott made it
clear that "once a team gets roll-
ing like that it just can't be stop-
ped." Illinois got the message loud
and clear last Saturday when the
Wolverine Special slammed 'em
down and ran them over, 23-3.
Next, Please
The next obstacle on the line is
Northwestern. And as long as

there are no sacred cows, Mich-
igan would rather annihilate them
than hurdle them.
The Wildcats want to salvage
something out of this year of re-
building, and have a running
backfield capable of derailing
even the team which is universal-
ly acknowledged as the NCAA's
best four game loser.
With the graduation of Tommy
Myers, coach Alex Agase had to
do some searching to find his
Myers, who made his entrance
at Northwestern's peak under Ara
Parseghian, ran off with just
about every passing record in the
Wildcat book, leaving even Otto
Graham in the dust. But when he
left the amateurs for greener pro
pastures, he clipped the wings off
of every football in the house.
Junior Casimir Banaszek is

what's left of the passing game. A
tight end, this 228-pound junior
is no ball of fire, but makes up
for it with deceptive moves and
sure hands. Cas' greatest asset is
his ability to catch 'em when they
count-no matter how they come
at him.
Agase found out soon enough
that his top quarterback, senior
Dave Milam (formerly known by
Big Ten fans as "Who's He"), was
going to make his star receiver
look good. When Banaszek went
down field the footballs came at
him in ALL ways.
Scratch one quarterback.
Tommy Myers' understudy's un-
derstudy turned out to be Denny
Boothe, a junior, and he hit the
spotlight against Michigan State
on Oct. 30.
Wildcat publicity releases whis-

per that "as yet, Northwestern's
passing game has not jelled, al-
though the 'Cats have a fine re-
ceiving threat in Cas Banaszek,
who has caught 19 passes for 183
But Agase knew it all along, and
although it must have taken him
quite awhile to teach his offensive
line that it can go forward as well
as back when it blocks, he made
his squad into a running team.
Woody Campbell and Ron Rec-
tor are the Wildcat left and right
halves, while Bob McKelvey leads
the pack from his fullback slot.
McKelvey, a 220-pound junior,
is currently seventh among Con-
ference rushers, with 285 yards,
while Campbell is tenth with 260
yards in 53 carries-a 4.6 average.
In the Drivers Seat.-
But both of them take back
seats to the Blue's Carl Ward and

.E Caz Banaszek
.T ..............Jim Burns
.G . .. ....Jaff Brooke
S....Jim Haugsness
.Bruce Gunstra"
.T ..... . Jerry Oberdorf
.E . ... Dick Smith
B . .......Denny Boothe
.H .. Woody Campbell
Bn . .. . on'Rector
'B.....Bob McKelvey


1215 S. University

Technology Changes Football-

Remember the day when a foot-
ball team was just 11 men and a
coach? Well, neither do most
people. We're in the age of tech-
nology and football has joined the
This is the era of the instant
replay and the isolated camera,
and it's not only being used by the

- i

television networks. College foot-
ball is going Hollywood.
Early additions to college foot-
ball were the scouts which schools
sent out to learn about the op-
ponents of the coming weeks.
Later, head coaches stationed their
assistants in the pressbox to find
the opponents' flaws. They report-
ed their knowledge to the coach by
Movie Stars
Then came the motion picture
camera and Hollywood burst upon
the s c e n e. Coaches stationed
cameramen in the pressbox to
film the action on the field. After
the game, the coaches and players
would analyze the films and de-
cide what went wrong and what
could be done about it. This way,
the school became aware of its
strengths and, more important, its
The biggest boom to electronic
football came with the develop-
ment of the videotape machine.
With this device, a team can in-
stantly replay a segment of the
game in progress.
While Michigan has not yet
chosen to use such a device, other
schools are employing them to
their advantage.
Texas Tech has used videotape
instant replays to spot their weak-
nesses. Movies usually take a day
to develop.
Bad View
A coach, standing at field level,
has perhaps the worst position to
watch the action on the playing
field. Downfield play is almost im-
possible to make out from the
The use of television and video-
tape pictures taken from the press-,
box gives the coach an overall
view of the game, something he
can not obtain from field level.
The coach is able to see the exact
position of the ball, if he's got a
good cameraman who doesn't fall
for a quarterback's fake.

The main problem with these
Tom Swiftian items is their cost.
Now they run about $25,000 but
will soon be down to about half
that amount. Still, this is an ex-
pensive outlay for a college-
enough to buy two and a half
million pieces of bubblegum. And
such machines don't insure suc-
cessful seasons.
State Tries One
There is a cheaper but still ef-
fective way of receiving an al-
most instant view of the action
on the field. This is the Polaroid
Camera. Michigan State used it
against the Wolverines. Quarter-
back Steve Juday studied ten-sec-
ond pictures of Michigan's defen-
sive formations while State's de-
fensive unit was in.
Princeton has added the IBM
machine to football. Each Tiger
player has IBM cards for all his
different plays.
UCLA was accused of sending
messages to their players while on
the field. The accusers contended
that the Uclan players had re-
ceivers in their helmets which
could pick up messages broadcast-
ed from the bench.I
Whether all college coaches will
turn to the electronic marvels is
still to be seen. Certain football
conferences are considering rules
which could limit the use of such

Dave Fisher, fifth and sixth re-
spectively. Ward has piled up 301
yards in 48 carries to lead the Big
Ten with a 6.1 yard average. Fish-
er is ten yards short of his team-
mate's mark, but sports a 4.3 yard
Rector is a former flanker back
who showed Agase that he'd
rather run over people than
around them. At the time, Agase
was taking anyone who ran for-
ward, and didn't care how.
Predictor's Problem,
In the past the two teams have
been mutually upsetting.
Back in 1925 the Wolverines
and Wildcats met to sploosh it out
in a monsoon-swept Soldier's
Field. The Blue entered the fray
unbeaten, unscored upon, and gen-
erally unbelieveable. Back and
forth they slogged for 60 minutes.
Rice paddies were springing up on
When the Wolverines meet
the Wildcats today at 1:30 In
Evanston, r a d i o broadcasters{
will be announcing the_ game
on stations WAAM, WUOM,
WPAG of Ann Arbor, and WWJ
of Detroit at 2:30 local time.
the sidelines, but neither team
would yield. (No drownings were
The game was decided on a
field goal by Northwestern full-
back Tiny Lewis, whose first quar-
ter boot yielded the only score
against Michigan 'that year. Ii
the closing minutes the Wildcats
elected to deliberately eat the ball
in their own end-zone rather than
try to punt into the gale.
-Final score: 3-2.
Even Good Years
But the Wildcats didn't stop
with little things like that. Three
times they've pulled upsets on the
Blue when the Wolverines were
defending Big Ten champions.
The worst of the worst came in
Michigan had copped the Con-
ference title in both 1947 and.
1948, and was destined to take it
again in 1950. But in 1949 one
point in one game kept them from
an unprecedented four titles in a
row. Guess who?
Northwestern 21, Michigan 20.
Last Visit to Dyche
And then there was 1958, the
last time that the Wolverines took
on the 'Cats at Evanston. That
one was no upset. And if the Wis-
consin game this year was a
laugher, they must have gone into

fits of hysteria down in Illinois
that year.
By the half it was 43-0. They
didn't even.have to dress for the
second half, but Michigan came
back to finish anyhow and left
with a humiliating 55-24 loss.
But the Wolverines have a 25 to
10 edge in the series with the
Wildcats, going back to 1892,
which proves that they must have
won sometime. Last year's 35-0
rout would be a good example.
"The Ghurkas," Northwestern's
defensive unit, have never re-
Yet it was probably the game in
Ann Arbor in 1963 that remains
much dearer to Michigan hearts.
The, Wildcats were nationally
ranked and picked to run away
with the Big Ten. They did no
running, but were solid favorites
when they invaded Ann Arbor on
the sixth weekend of the season.
Womp! And with a 27-6 blast-
ing (the 'Cats only scored in the
last few seconds against third
stringers) the upset banners went
up around the country.
It was with this game, soon to
be followed by another upset
against Illinois, that the Blue
started on the comeback road in
yours with

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Straight from the




Some people say they like their beer,-right from the bottle or can.
No glass, please.
Well, that's okay for a fishing trip or something ... when
carrying along a glass is pretty clumsy. But when a glass is con-
venient, we think it's a shame not to use it. Keeping Budweiser@
inside that brown bottle is missing half the fun.
See for yourself. Open a bottle of Bud and let it go tumbling
into a glass. The natural carbonation will kick up a clean, white
head of foam. And notice the lively bubbles as they keep streaming
up to the top. They let that famous King-of-Beers aroma get
through to you.
Now hold your glass up to the light. See how clear and brilliant
i+ ic9 Om. 111cPh'eY fl C mWl A a-iPh lriA Intf+n rxwrith atfl

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