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November 13, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-11-13

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Possible snow
in afternoon

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
MSU Board To Hear Activist's lea for Read

is slI

By JAMES SCHUTZE the basis of non-academic factors
has violated his right to due proc-
Next Tuesday will mark the fin- ss of law.
al engagement of Paul Schiff's Schiff took his case to court
1 battle for readmission to Michi- last month, and the dispute be-
gan State University when he ap-' came Paul Schiff vs. President
pears before the Faculty Commit- Hannah, et al, the first civil suit
tee on Student Affairs. of its kind in any American court.
This fall, Michigan State refus- Schiff sought an injunction order-
ed to readmit Schiff, a former ing Michigan State to readmit him
MSU graduate student and an as a regular graduate student.
activist," because of his "defiant The District Court ruled on Oc-
attitude" and "his open attack tober 14 to maintain .iurisdiction
on the enforcement of a reason- over the case for 90 days during
able regulation of the university." which time the proper university
Schiff participated last year in committee was to hear the case.
acts of civil disobedience and dis- The "proper committee" is the
tributed a political periodical, Lo- Faculty Committee on Student
gos, in university dormitories. Affairs, a standing committee of
the university which rules on all
! Schiff feels that Michigan State, matters of student discipline. On
by denying him readmission on November 9, the committee heard

the administration's case against
Schiff in which the administration
alleged that Schiff had never been
a regular graduate student at
Michigan State University, had
clearly violated a university reg-
ulation governing the distribution
of literature on the university
campus, had "at a public meeting
on the campus of the university,
subjected a member of the fac-
ulty to'public ridicule."
They also charged that by his
words and conduct on said occa-
sion, induced students of the uni-
versity to participate in acts of
civil disobedience," and had in
general behaved in such a manner
as to warrent refusing him read-
mission in the interest of main-
taining the aims and purposes of
Michigan State University."'

Schiff requested and was grant-
ed a recess of the committee un-
til November 16 at which time he
will present his rebuttal of uni-
versity charges to the faculty
committee. The committee will
only recommend action to the ad-
ministration, but responsible1
sources in the administration in-
dicate that the decision of a
committee of "this stature" will
probably become the university'sj

dormitories during the night. A
provision of the university's dis-
tribution policy states that "there
shall be no door to door distri-
bution of any nature."
The University further charged
that Schiff had exposed a mem-E
ber of the faculty to public ridi-
cule in an on-campus public meet-
ing. During this meeting, Schifft
angrily accused John M. Patriar-
che of lying. Patriarche, in addi-

Michigan State has also claim-
ed that Schiff was originally ac-
cepted as a provisional graduate
student, and that he failed to
meet the conditions set for be-
coming a regular graduate stu-
dent. Schiff states that, at the
time of his acceptance, he was
led by his advisor to believe that
t these conditions were 1) that he
complete t w o undergraduate
courses -in which his work had
I been deficient with grades of B
or better, and 2) that he success-
fully complete all other courses
required for a graduate degree.
He claims to have met these
conditions by receiving B's in both
of the courses in which his un-
dergraduate work had been defi-
cient, and B's in all but two of
his other courses. He says that

he received C's in those two cours-
Schiff feels that President Han-
nah of Michigan State University
has attempted to stake the uni-
versity's honor on a courtroom
decision denying Schiff readmis-
sion. He points to the university's
claim that his activist actions--
distribution of Logos and acts of
civil disobedience-"are such as to
justify and require in the protec-
tion of the aims and purposes of
Michigan State University, that
he be denied readmission thereto."
This he feels means that MSU
is exercising an unjust power by
denying students readmission on
the basis of their political sympa-
thies and affiliations.
Dr. Eldon Nonnamaker of the
Office of Student Activities de-

nies that this is ever the issue in
cases of student discipline. "These
questions," he states, "are a mat-
ter of behavior and not affilia-
Michigan State claims that
Schiff has failed to properly pur-
sue course work toward a gradu-
ate degree, that he has violated
reasonable regulations of the Uni-
versity, and that he has attempt-
ed to pervert the university's aims
and purposes.
Schiff feels that he is being
used as a whipping boy, a warn-
ing to activists on the MSU cam-
pus. The Faculty Committee on
Student Affairs will reach its deci-
sion soon after next Tuesday's
harings, at which time the court
may waive jurisdiction or may ar-
rive at a decision of its own.

decision. tion to his position on the MSU
The university contends that faculty, is. city manager of East
Schiff's distribution of the poli- Lansing. Schiff bases his accusa-
tical periodical, Logos, last year tion on a private conversation he
violated university policy regard- had with Patriarche during which,
ing on-campus distribution of pub- Schiff claims, Patriarche made
lications. MSU, in a formal state- statements which he later denied
ment to the court, charged that having made in the public on-
Schiff had attempted to distribute campus meeting referred to in
copies of Logos door to door in the university's charges.


Push for 'U'
On Viet Nam
Students Petition forj
Addition of Survey
After SGC Defeat
A group of concerned students
began distributing petitions yes-
terday in an attempt to put a
referendum on the November 17
SGC -election ballot allowing stu-
dents to express their opinion on
the U.S. policy in Viet Nam. One
thousand signatures must be ob-
tained by Monday night in order
to get the opinion survey on the
ballot, according to SGC rules.
Edward Robinson, '67, Con-
temporary Discussion Committee
chairman of UAC, said, "The drive
was initiated by students who
want to find out what the stu-
dent body feels about our policy
in Viet Nam. It is neither a con-
servative or liberal move."
The petition drive wal called
for after a motion to place an
ouinion survey on the ballot was
defeated at Thursday night's SGC
meeting. Although the vote was 9-
6 in favor of the poll, this did not
constitute a two-thirds majority
+ needed to pass the motion.
SGC President Gary Cunning-
ham, '66, wanted the poll on the
ballot. He felt, "if we do not put
it on the ballot, even though we
might conduct another poll in the
future, it would be missing a
great deal of effectiveness." Mick-
ey Eisenberg, '67, also a member
of SGC, sponsor of the opinion
poll motion, addd, "The student
body is demanding SGC action.
We are committed to do some-
thing on this election.
Robert Bodkin, '67, disagreed
*because he felt, "First, this is
not an SGC campaign issue and
it should not affect th election.
Second, there are too many ques-
tiohs that must be asked in order
to obtain a clear, comprehensive
consensus of student opinion; far
too many to put on an election
j ballot."
Richard Hoppe, '66, president of
Interfraternity Council, agreed
with Bodkin and said, "The stu-
dent body should not be drawn to
an SGC election to vote on such
a controversial issue but rather to
vote for candidates." Hoppe felt
that SGC should initiate some type
of Viet Nam survey later and he
moved that. "SGC mandate the
executive committee to conduct a
survey on the Viet Nm issue."
This motion was passed.
Hornberer Referendum
Council blocked another refer-
endum initiated by Lee Hornberg-
er, '66, Interquadrangle Council
president, to put the Viet Nam
issue on the ballot. Hornberer
had brought up the motion at last
Thursday's meeting which stated
that the student body is in basic
agreement with the administra-
tion's policy in Viet Nam. He was
backed by 1000 signatures which
forced Council to adopt the leg-
islation or submit it to the stu-
dent body for their consideration.
At last night's meeting. Council
adonted the motion thus keeping
it off the ballot.
Thus, if the group of students,
who are attempting to collect 1,-
000 signatures endorsing a refer- :
endum on the election ballot, fail.,
there will be no Viet Nam policy
poll on the ballot.
Sneaking from the candidate's

whats New at 764-1817co2meNorth Campus 'Frat Row'

Hot Line
The University Student Economic Union is sponsoring its
second Know Your University Day conference today to establish
a Citizen-Student Committee for Higher Education in the state.'
60-70 civic leaders are expected to come to the conference, which
will be held 12-4 p.m. in 429 Mason Hall.
Richard Austin, a member of the finance committee of the
Michigan Blue Ribbon Committee on Higher Education, will
speak on "Free Public Higher Education." The group will then
break up into seminars to discuss tactics for making communities
aware of the needs of higher,education in Michigan and to plan
a lobby in Lansing for higher education.
** *
A student committee planning the second-and more com-
prehensive-course evaluation booklet is currently revising the
questionnaire used to canvass student opinion about courses,
according to a spokesman for the group. The committee will
review a rough draft of the questionnaire with Prof. Wilburt
McK'eachie chairman of the psychology department next week.
It hopes to distribute the questionnaires when classes reopen
next semester and turn out a booklet evaluating over 150 courses
for preregistration. The first course description booklet, issued
last March, evaluated only 53 courses.
* * * *
The University has been awarded $152 810 by the National
Science' Foundation for support of two summer institutes for
college teachers and for research in mental health and zoology.
Prof. John E. Milholland of the Department of Psychology will
conduct a summer institute for college teachers in his field.
while a similar session for college teachers in physics will be
conducted by Prof. Richard H. Sands.
Jordan and Mosher residence halls have reduced their sit-
down dinner policy from four per month to only one, on the first
Sunday of each month. Sit-down dinners are meals in which all
the girls of the house dress up and eat together, served by student
waitresses rather than getting their food cafeteria style.
According to Mrs. Anne, Coller, Jordon Hall residence director,
the decision to reduce the sit downs was made at a house meet-
ing where conflicts with music students' practice hours and late
breakfasters eating shortly before the dinner were deciding factors.
The first sit-down dinner under the new policy will take
place next month.
Prof; Thomas Francis, chairman of the epidemilogy depart-
ment of the public health school and a well-known trailblazer in
his field, is off exploring'new vistas again.
He will be one of six U.S. scientists going to the Philippine
Republic this month for a meeting to explore the role of science
and applied research in economic and social development. Francis
was a key figure here in the nationwide field trials a decade ago
which proved the efficacy of the Salk polio vaccine.
Lon g Distance
Mike Kindman, former editorial director of the MSU State
News said yesterday that he expects to begin distribution of a new
independent newspaper within the next several weeks.
The new paper, which is to be called "The Paper," will be
a tabloid-sized weekly with magazine style stories in a newspaper
format. It will be published independently, and for the time
being, without official university recognition.
In a statement setting forth the philosophy of The Paper
Kindman said. "It will be a newspaper written expressly by and
for those students and critics of journalism who have become
disenchanted with the existing newspapers-particularly the
State News, and will be a sympathetic sounding board for current
political and social thought."

Students' Relations
With Adiinistration,
Faculty Explored
The Ad Hoc Committee on Stu-
dent Participation in University
Affairs, which was formed last
spring by the Senate Advisory
Committee on University Affairs
(SACUA), was reactivated this
fall, holding several meetings
within the last three weeks.
The three-fold aim of the com-
mittee is 1) to ascertain how to
increase graduate and undergrad-
uate student participation in the
overall structure of the Univer-
sity, 2) to consider the function
of student government and other
student bodies in relation to the
administration and faculty, and 3)
to facilitate the flow of Informa-
tion from the administration and
faculty to the students.
Student Participation
According to Prof. Robert
Knauss, chairman of the, commit-
tee, there are numerous broad
areas in which students could be
involved in University affairs.
Academically, students could pos-
sibly participate in curriculum de-
cisions involving new courses and
the relationsliip between credit
hours and time spent in class.
Also, students could present fac-
ulty evaluations, which could be
used by the administration in con-
sidering professors' advancement
and by the faculty members them-
selves to improve their teaching1
In the non-academic field,
Knauss said students could as-
sume a more active role in es-t
etblishing rules to govern their be- j
havior, counselling, the Office of
Student Affairs, and in economic
questions dealing with such areas
as fees and housing.
The committee has met with
Vice-President Richard Cutler and
Dean William Hayes to deter-
mine present student involvement
and how students can be integrat-
ed into positions of influence. In
the coming weeks, the committee,
plans to confer with additional ad-
ministrators, faculty members, stu-
dent groups, and many others who
have ideas on this area.
'Report Due
The results of this inquiry will
appear in a report that will prob-
ably be filed in February, 1966.'
Knauss explained that one of
the major problems th commit-
tee hopes to remedy is the poor
flow of information within the.
University. With greater stuent
participation, , he said, students
will become more aware of what
is happening at the University.



-,Daily-Thomas R. Copi
KENNEDY MAKING SPEECH upon arrival at airport. At right is Vivian.
Kennedy Lau ds Vivian
Boosts Viet War Goals

Cedar Bend,
Get Priority
Phi Ep Pi Rescinds
Plans To Relocate
In Area Near ZBT
It appears that a proposed
"fraternity row" on North Cam-
pus will not develop, as the Uni-
versity has allocated the land
there for new dorms and Cedar
Bend housing.
As a consequence, Phi Epsilon
Pi fraternity will not be moving
to North Campus, Steve Goldberg,
'67, Phi Ep president, said yester-
day. Their decision to relocate had
hinged upon the development of a
"fraternity row" in the area where
the Zeta Beta Tau house is now
John Feldkamp, assistant to the
vice-president for student affairs,
said that in 1956, when six lots
were available for fraternities,
ZBT was the only one interested.
Now only one plot remains near
the ZBT house.
Change of Plans
fTh decision to change the plans
for the use of the land came last
winter, Charles Judge, assistant
to the director of student organi-
zations and counselor to fraterni-
ties, said. Since fraternities have
now expressed interest in moving
to North Campus, however, the
University is re-investigating oth-
er possible locations.
Both Feldkamp and Judge re-
ferred to a piece of land behind
the ZBT house which the Univer-
sity does not own. If this land
is acquired "it is possible that it
will be available for fraternities.
There is no guarantee of this,
however, Judge added.
Phi Ep Expansion
Phi Ep decided this fall that
they wanted to expand their fa-
cilities, Goldberg explained. Their
present house has a capacity of
31 and large pledge classes taken
last year and this fall meant that
the men now living in the house
would have to move out next year
to make room for the young-
er men. Feeling that living to-
gether helped to keep men in-
volved in the fraternity and that
it is an important part of frater-
nity membership, two alternatives
were open to them: (1) build an
addition, or (2) build a new house.
Many of the membersp referred
the addition because they liked the
location of their present house.
Discussions with the Phi Ep na-
tional led to the conclusion that a
new house on North Campus would
e bettr. It, was felt that North
Campus would be better only if
there was to be a Greek commu-
nity there.
One Lot Available
When the University informed
Phi Ep that the lot they were
looking at was the only one avail-
able then decdd not to move.

Special-To The Daily
DUNDEE - Sen. Edward M.
Kennedy (D-Mass), just returned
from an extensive tour of South-
east Asia, boosted the Administra-
tion's Viet Nam policy and gave a
strong endorsement to Rep. Wes-
ton E. Vivian (D-Ann Arbor) yes-
terday evening.
Over 1000 Democrats. heard
Kennedy and state political lead-
ers praise Vivian at the Second
Congressional District Dinner, a
major fund-raising effort for the
Ann Arbor congressman, here last

worked on most of the nation's
defense system. He now serves on
the House science and astro-
nautics committee.
A telegram from President John-
son to Vivian, read at the dinner,
added, "You richly deserve the
gratitude of your fellow citizens as
well as of your President."
The President specifically men-
tioned Vivian's support of space
and education programs.
"No congressional district dem-
onstrates the tremendously en-
couraging change in the outlook of
this country better than this dis-
trict, and no congressman could

Lack of Space; Causes
Problems in Art School

night. better represent it. He's the kind
The war in Viet Nam is "not a of man who makes us glad to say
problem of war but a problem of we're politicians," Sen. Philip A.
people," the Massachusetts sen- Hart (D-Mich) said in introducingj
ator declared. Vivian.
"What the Vietnamese want to In what was regarded as an un-
do is to be left alone and decide usually frank comment, Hart said,
their own destiny and that is our "But he's only in by the skin of
desire. Our interest in Viet Nam our teeth, and he'll be kept there
is the cause of peace," he said. only by the use of your muscle
Kennedy characterized the Viet and your energy."
Cong campaign as one of "terror- State Democrats, who have fre-
ism, assassination and violence," quently expressed admiration of
and disputed the claim that it Vivian's activities in Congress, are
represents a national war of liber- known to be concerned about his

gressional travelers to the country
has ended, giving him a chance to
get a better look at the situation
and to travel relatively without
Vivian also took a swing at the
Republican c h a r g e that the
recently - completed congressional
session was a "rubber-stamp."
Most Democratic strategists ex-
pect this will be a key Republican
issue in the 1966 campaign, both
in the second district andi nation-
"We don't have to be arm-twist-
ed to work with the President,"
Vivian added. "We're proud to
work with him."
Vivian said among the key is-
sues facing the next session of the
Congress, which opens next Jan-
uary, are
-Home rule for Washington,
D.C., which he termed "essential";
-A re-examination and expan-
sion of the War on Poverty; and
-A chance to vote funds for the
housing rental-supplement plan,
which Vivian termed "perhaps the
first step we've ever taken to
break the stranglehold of the
Kennedy arrived from Lansing
by private plane with Democratic
National Committee members Neil
Staebler and Mildred Jeffrey,
state Democratic vice-chairman
Adelaide Hart, and Senators Hart
and McNamara at Ann Arbor air-
port at 5:00 yesterday.
He was greeted by Vivian and a
crowd' of over 100, more than half

By ALICE KLEINHANS its obligation to the whole cam-
pus. He feels that, in addition to
Most of the present problems of the few drawing, painting and ce-
the School of Architecture and ramics courses now offered to
Design, according to Prof. Robert non-art students, broad courses.
Iglehart, chairman of the Art De- on the "visual environment" ought!
partment, stem from its lack of to be offered.
space. The A and D school now!
. ~~Vkiua Eironment.l1fl'

how it can he enhanced aesthet-
Another program, Prof. Igle-
hart said, that the University
lacks is a general art major for
the student not vocationally in-
Prof. Iglehart would also like,

Noting that many Viet , Cong
guerrillas have been kidnapped in-I
to service, he added many such
"recruits" remain in the Viet Cong,
as a Marine sergeant told him of
the battle of Pleime, because they
are literally chained to their

chances for reelection in his nor-
mally-Republican Second District,
which he carried in 1964 by only
1500 votes over his conservative
Republican o p p o n e n t George
Senators Hart and Patrick Mc-
Namara (D-Mich), who introduced
Kennedy, both won plaudits from
Kanneciv for their activeroles in

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