FRIDAY, NOVEMBER'12, 1965 THE MICHIGAN DAILY P'AVIV. TTIDR t FRIAYNOVMBE 12 19~ TE MCHIAN AIi £ (3~AtL! 1 riW..I ; Court Order Reopens Dl R By MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH Michigan's districts were newly apportioned for the 1964 election, The Michigan Supreme Court's a 60 per cent turnover in the Leg- Nov. 2 decision ordering the Leg- islature ensued. islative Apportionment Commis- The Mishida sion to draw up new legislative decision said the state's present districts for the 1966 election has legislative districts are invalid. set off s another round in a long Thirty-three petitioners, most of and confusing political controver- them Republican, had charged the . eJ 1964 districting was only tempor- However, Prof. James Pollock of ary to begin with and was a pro- the political science department Democrat gerrymander as well. feels that the Michigan court's The plan cut across county and ruling makes' for less confusion sometimes township boundaries to and better districting. Pollock, create districts of almost exactly commenting recently on the deci- equal population. The Michigan sion, said he was "pleased that Supreme Court ordered it adopt- the court corrected what was a ed on June 15, 1965. yery hasty original decision." The court had earlier approved The nationwide apportionment- a Republican-drawn plan con- districting controversy, set off by. forming to the 1963 state consti- the U.S. Supreme Court decisions, tution, which provides for Senate has vastly changed the makeup of apportionment based on a 20 per many state legislatures. After cent land factor and an 80 per cent population factor and re-I quires districts to follow local gov- ernment lines. But the court changed its mind after the outcome of Reynolds vs. Sims, a 1964 apportionment case in which the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that apportionment of all, legislative districts must be based solely on substantial equality of population. It then ordered the Democratic Austin - Kliner apportionment plan, on which the state's pres- ent districts are based. The only plan offered to the court which met the strict-population require- ments of the U.S. Supreme Court, the plan was written by com- mission members Richard Austin of Detroit and A. Robert Kleiner of Grand Rapids.I The court's decision last week,) in effect, upheld the claims ofI Republicans who had charged that the plan was a gerrymander, giv- ing unfair political advantage to the Democrats, and that, by cut- ting across county and township boundaries, it had put several in- cumbent legislators into primary fights with each other. The apportionment commission now has 60 days to write a new districting formula, keeping in mind both the U.S. Supreme Court's "one man-one vote" re- quirement and the Michigan con- stitution's stipulation that legisla- tive districts should be compact, convenient, contiguous, as nearly uniform in shape as possible-and that they follow, where practic- able, the existing county and township boundaries. Pollock is concerned .that "with both sides on the commission showing such partisanship, one wonders if they can forget it." ; But he adds, "At least they havej clear instructions and they're not 'under the gun' of time pressure." He added that if the commission1 fails to agree on a plan-whichj most observers think is the likelys outcome-any commission member may file a districting plan beforej the state supreme court, which will then approve a plan from those submitted.c The Austin-Kleiner plan, Pol-] lock maintained, districted "with a sledge hammer." He criticized it$ as a gerrymander and for ignor- ing the 1963 state constitution's1 stipulation on following existing1 local government boundaries. Noting that the state constitu-t tion requires districts be uniform,t compact, contiguous and drawn as much as possible following local! boundaries, he commented, "Dis-1 istrictingIssue tricting is much more than simply In addition to the change in American, which makes a distinc- including people." legislative districting ordered by tion between the apportionment The Michigan court struck down the Michigan court last week, formula used in assigning districts the Austin-Kleiner plan last week there are signs that county boards and the possible forms those elec- because while its apportionment of supervisors and even city coun- tion districts can take under a formula-strict population - was cils may be due for reapportion- certain formula, has suggested acceptable, the allegedly gerry- ment. that "once the general principles mandered districting under this: The Michigan Supreme Court of representation have been agreed formula wasn't. recently heard cases asking fairer on, the legislative districting of a The court had struck down the representation for the city of state can be accomplished in a 1964 Republican plan, offered by Grand Rapids on the Kent County few days at a cost of only a few commission members W i 1 b u r board of supervisors and for Eg- hundred dollars" by using compu- Brucker, Sr., of Detroit, a for- gleston Township on the Muske- ters. mer governor, and William _F. gon board. Hanna of Muskegon, because The city and the township are Pollock, however, is somewhat while its districting may have claiming the "one man, one vote" skeptical of how much contribu- been acceptable - because the decision applies to them, too, be- tion the computers can make. plan's districts were contiguous, cause the county boards are al- compact and did not do violence legedly using powers delegated by "'Garbage' -in, garbage out' is to traditional boundaries -- the the Legislature and hence should the basis of computers," he said, court found that the plan's "80- meet the same apportionment re- adding, "it isn't the computer 20" apportionment formula didn't quirements. that's the problem; the question meet the U.S. Supreme Court's A little-noticed article in the is the impartiality with which the strict population requirements. November issue of Scientific computer is programmed." Byrd Leaves Senate; China Says Russians Tried To Stop War 11 -M Urged RICHMOND, Va. (R) - Sen. Harry Flood Byrd who fought a rear guard action for economy in government for more than 30 years, resigned from the U.S. Sen- ate yesterday. The 78-year-old Byrd, chairman of the powerful Senate Finance Committee and patriarch of the Virginia Democratic organization, gave physical infirmities as the reason for his decision. Hisraction, announced to a news conference by Gov. Albertis S. Harison Jr. caught the state capi- tal by surprise. It immediately touched off a wave of speculation on the appointee Harrison will name shortly to serve, at least until the next general election in November 1966. Senator's Son - The name of the senator's son, State Sen. Harry F. Byrd Jr., topped the speculation list. Usual- ly knowledgeable politicians re- garded Byrd Jr. as the favorite although several other names were mentioned, including Rep. Tight Spending William M. Tuck, a former Vir- ginia governor. Harrison would say only he expected to announce his appoint- ment soon. The retirement announcement, delivered to Harrison at 10 p.m. Wednesday, and accepted by the governor yesterday, marked the end of an era in Virginia politics and plainly shook the state's poli- tical structure. The import of Byrd's retirement -effective immediately-also may be felt in the Congress, notably on' the Finance Committee, a clear- ing house for much of the admin- istration's major legislation. Long is 'Friendlier' Sen. Russell B. Long of Louisi- ana, the ranking Democrat on the committee, will succeed Byrd in the normal order of things and has been more friendly to some of President Johnson's policies than has Byrd. When Byrd crossed the Potomac in 1933 to begin his service as a U.S. senator, he recalled he was, World News Roundup a staunch supporter of Franklin D. Roosevelt. In 1928 he had risk- ed ,his political future by cam- paigning vigorously for Al Smith in hostile Virginia. He had man- aged FDR's campaign in the state. Deficit Spending But when Roosevelt turned to deficit spending, Byrd left him. Since that time he has fought losing budget battles with Harry S. Truman, who said there were "too many Byrds in Congress," with Dwight D. Eisenhower, the late John F. Kennedy, and with his friend, Lyndon B. Johnson. A flood of expressions of regret at the necessity for Byrd's deci- sion came from Washington, Vir- ginia and elsewhere in the nation. Vice-President Hubert H. Hum- phrey said the Senate was losing one of its most distinguished members. "My friend, Harry Byrd, has given a lifetime of service to his state and nation," the vice- president said. "He is a man of sincere convictions, always a gentleman and ever a patriot." Political Foes Byrd had his political foes as well as supporters but the enmity seldom affected personal friend- ships. From both sides in Washington came expressions from Byrd's col- leagues. Sen. George D. Aiken of Ver- mont, the Senate's senior Repub- lican, called Byrd "a Tower of strength in the Senate." Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield of Montana said "while I honor his wishes in this matter, I do so with regret." And Virginia's Gov. Harrison, calling Byrd "one of our great Americans" said he would try to get Byrd to change his mind but knew such a move would be use- less. Byrd sought to bow out in 1958, but in the face of an impending damaging fight between Tuck and John S. Battle, also a former governor, to succeed him, Byrd acquiesced in a legislative resolu- tion asking him to change his mind. He won re-election easily as he did last year for a sixth full Senate term. TOKYO (P)-Red China said1 yesterday the Soviet Union tried to end the Viet Nam war early this year "in tacit agreement and close collaboration" with President Johnson.+ The Chinese, in an 18,000-word article in the party theoretical journal Red Flag, said the Soviet+ peace moves started in January when Soviet leaders transmitted to Communist North Viet Nam a U.S. demand that it stop supporting the Viet Cong, stop supplying it; with guns and stop attacks on the cities of South Viet Nam. The article outlined these other Soviet overtures and the responses: In February, Soviet Premier Alexei N. Kosygin, en route home from North Viet Nam, stressed in talks with Chinese leaders in Pe- king "the need to help the-United States find a way out "of Viet Namy." 'Firmly Rebutted' "This was firmly rebuted," the Chinese said, and "we expressed the hope that the new leaders of the Soviet Communist party would support the struggle of the Vietnamese people and not make a deal with the United States on the question of Viet Nam." Kosygin agreed, but "the new leaders of the Communist party of the Soviet Union soon went back on their promise." On Feb. 15, the day after Kosy- gin 'eturned to Moscow, the Soviet government officially put before North Viet Nam and China a proposal to convene a new inter- national conference on Indochina without prior conditions. Endorsement of Johnson This amounted to an endorse- ment of President Johnson's offer for "unconditional negotiations," Peking claimed. It charged that the Soviet leaders have been try- ing to arrange peace talks without mentioning withdrawal of U.S. forces from Viet Nam. The occount continued: On Feb. 23, without waiting for a reply from China and dis- regarding the stand taken by the North Vietnamese, the Soviet lead- ers discussed a possible conference on Indochina with French Presi- dent Charles de Gaulle through the Soviet ambassador in Moscow. The Soviet Union then began to insinuate negotiations could be held "if only the United States stopped its bombing of North Viet Nam." The Soviets followed this with communications to some unnamed Communist parties, saying "ex- plicitly that they favored nego- tiations with the United States on condition it stopped bombing North Viet Nam." "And sure enough, not long afterwards Johnson camenout with the maneuver of 'the temporary suspension of bombing." After their proposals failed, the article continued, the Soviets be- gan to collaborate with India and Yugoslavia-"both lackeys of U.S. imperialism' -as "brokers" on the Viet Nam question. U-M SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA SERGE FOURNIER Guest Conductor Mozart-Symphony No. 35 (Haffner) Roussel-Bacchus et Arianne Suite No. 2 Tschailowsky-Symphony No. 5 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14 8:30 P.M. By TheAssociated Press UNITED NATIONS, N.Y.-The hostility of some African nations toward Peking gave additional strength yesterday to the efforts of the United States to keep the Chinese Communists out of the United Nations. For the first time, the United States finds itself the only big power opposing Red China's entry into the UN. In the continuing debate in the UN Genegal Assembly, Amadou Hassane of Niger assailed Peking as an outlaw regime seeking to spread subversion and revolution throughout the African continent. Niger, former French territory, and Madagascar, also formerly 'French, spoke out against the Chinese Communists. Both coun- tries maintain close ties with France, but have not gone along with President Charles de Gaulle in supporting the seating of Pe- king in the world organization. They were opposed also to the French contention that a simple majority is sufficient in the as- sembly to admit the Chinese Com- munists and expel the Chinese Nationalists. FT. GORDON, Ga.--Doctors at- tending former President Dwight D. Eisenhower mentioned yester- day the possibility of repeated attacks of chest pains develop- ing into "a full-blown heart at- tack." And they said they are treating their distinguished pa- tient as if he had suffered one. The 75-year-old general had, a second spasm of heart pains Wed- nesday in less than 48 hours. SAIGON, South Viet Nam-U.S. and Vietnamese planes disrupted the Viet Cong ambush of a gov- ernment detachment yesterday 35 miles east of Saigon, and a mili- tary spokesman said 130 of the Red guerrillas were killed. The fight developed five miles west of Baria on the Saigon- Vung Tau highway, the road on which the Viet Cong kidnaped four U.S. Air Force servicemen Oct. 31. Meanwhile the number of U.S. battle deaths in the Viet Nam war reached more than 1000 on Tues- day, Defense Department sources said yesterday. The 1000-plus battle deaths in the Viet Nam war places the toll within range of the 1,733 Ameri- cans who died in the Mexican War of 1846-1848. The Viet Nam combat death roster already has gone wvell be- yond the 385 Americans killed in the brief Spanish-American War of 1898. NEW YORK (JA)-The aluminum industry rolled back prices yester- day, frustrated by a government threat to release stockpiled alum- inum.' In private, businessmen made no bones about their unhappiness over the outcome of the two-week aluminum price struggle with the Johnson administration. It began when a small producer, Olin Mathieson Chemical Corp., raised prices two weeks ago. It ended Wednesday night when Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara announced that the. largest producer, Aluminum Co. of America, had decided to rescind its increases. The rollback is retro- active to Monday, when the in- creases went into effect. HILL AUDITORIUM ADMISSION FREE + Use Daily Classifieds + I Shows at 1 , -and 9 P.M. Bunny Lake is even Scotland ) d.o E A missin jissing-missing -and Yard ca e sure she ever existed! i I and The Concert Dance Organization present I ., t .... :':~' . z. c t . ,.. . .. a EVENING TONIGHT! OF DANCE BARIBOU R