Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS On Germany's Inferiority Complex e Ae ee 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN A.BOR, MICH. NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1965 NIGHT EDITOR: MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH Hearing on the 'U Audit. The uestions Were Wrong.. . IT WOULD BE surprising indeed if the coming visit of Dr. Lud- wig Erhard resulted in any sub- stantial agreement about relations between Europe and America. It is obvious that the relations are changing, but none of the prin- cipal governments concerned is ready to negotiate about what is to come next. Dr. Erhard's government has just been reorganized after the elections and has hardly had time for a shakedown cruise. President Johnson is still convalescent and, quite rightly, he is avoiding the strain of making difficult deci- sions which can safely be post- poned. No decisions, moreover, are really possible until the French elections show what kind of man- date Gen. Charles de Gaulle re- ceives. ALTHOUGH it is usually dan- gerous to postpone decisions, this may be an occasion when too much zeal may cook up a crisis, though in fact none exists. The prospect of a review and rene- gotiation of the NATO treaty is very important business. It is not a crisis where the stakes are life and death. The NATO negotiations will be carried on with an ally which has affirmed in words and deeds (the Cuban missile crisis) its loyalty to the alliance. There is a great amount of dis- cussion about German security. But the fact is that the Federal Republic is in no serious danger of being attacked. The fact is that it is protected by the paramount deterrent force of the United States. The fact is that nothing can be done by the Federal Republic now or in the years to come-by col- lective agreements or even on its own-which can increase by one scintilla the security of the Fed- eral Republic against all-out nu- clear attack. THE PROBLEM that is en- gendering most of the discussion is not how to make the Federal Republic more secure against So- viet ttack. The real subject of the discussions is, as the Econo- mist of London put it a, few weeks ago, that the Germans "want tb be reassured that the dropping of a joint nuclear force would not condemn them to perpetual sec- ond-class status in Western Eur- ope." Today And Tomorrow By WALTER LIPPMANN This is, indeed, the problem- not how to defend the Federal Republic, but how to make it feel that its status is equal to that of Britain and France. The prob- lem of how to make the Germans feel satisfied about their status is interesting and even important. But the sovereign solution for this problem of status, in a nation as in individuals, is common sense stripped of false envy and pre- occupation with appearances. There has been a shortage of common sense in our dealings with postwar Wyest Germany, and the shortage is due in the last analysis to a profound distrust of the Germans, a deep-seated fear that if they are disappointed they will bring forth another Hitler. This is what has been at the bottom of the whole project to let German officers and men par- ticipate in the operation of nuclear weapons. It has been alleged that by letting some Germans lay their hands on nuclear weapons and by having the Federal Republic own a partial equity in the weapons, the German nation would be im- munized against a feeling of in- feriority to Britain and France. ALTHOUGH this futile and un- healthy attempt to manipulate and manage German feelings has not solved any military problem, it has taught the Germans on the authority of the United States that they probably are inferior if they don't feel inferior. The com- mon-sense approach to the Ger- man feeling of inferior status is to make it quite clear. why neither Britain nor France is or can be a truly independent nuclear power. The reason for that is that the United States owns and operates at least 90 per cent of the nuclear power of the Western Alliance. It is, therefore, quite impossible, whatever the appearances, for any other member of the alliance to be an independent nuclear power. Not because we are any better than anyone else, but because of the fact of our preponderant nu- clear power, none of our Allies dares make alone the ultimate de- cision of whether nuclear power is or is not to be used. Heaven knows, I do not want to see nuclear power used anywhere, for example, in the Far East. But the hard facts are the hard facts. Neither Paris nor London could veto an American decision to use nuclear power. By the same token, neither Paris nor London could compel us to fight a nuclear war if we decided against it. Within the Western Alliance there can be no other truly in- dependent nuclear powers as there are no nuclear powers equal to the United States. THE TRUE and honest reply to the German feeling about nuclear status is to expose to them the unreality of the apparent status of their European neighbors. The Germans should cease to be jeal- ous of the ladies down the street, for their jewels are made of paste. Once the realities of nuclear status are understood, the door is open to very wide and far-reaching ar- rangements in "nuclear sharing, more accurately in nuclear con- sultation. (c) 1965, The Washington Post Co. REP. JACK FAXON (D-Detroit) said last night that he felt his subconmittee's hearings yesterday on the University's use ,obkits tuition and residence hall fee income had "established a rapport with the University's administration." Even if that is true, that's about k all they did. This result was not necessarily sur- prising. The hearings called together three groups-legislators, administrators and students-who historically have had great difficulties in communicating with one another. Discussions between any two of the groups would have tended to provide a great deal of meaningless dis- cussion; discussions between all three in the sane day all but assured it. The' legislators' questions were almost uniformly sporadic and uncoordinated; they evidently never realized that they would get no meaningful answers with a shotgun approach. One hesitates 'to - characterize all the comments of the administrators presept as laving been unhelpful. Some, how- ever, tended to be very meaningless,- or purposefully vague on precisely the issues the hearing should have concerned itself with. Compared with these two, the student speakers were almost a relief. But sev- eral of them appeared not to realize how a problem should be presented most tact- Fully to legislators. " " But Students, Performed Well PROVIDENCE HAS FILED away, for the time being, a question in the heart of Jack Faxon (D-Detroit), who is chairman of the Special Subcommittee of the Wayns and Means Committee on Higher Education.. The question Faxon wanted answered in yesterday's acrobatic hearing was, "Where did the money go which was gen- erated from the_ tuition increase this summer?" The hearing was called to give state representatives an opportunity to ask questions on the University financial statement released Monday, which re- corded University revenue and expenses., University representatives were prepared to answer questions on this subject, but they were not prepared to offer an iso- lated explanation of the tuition increase.' The fault of this answer vacuum does not entirely lie at the feet of Faxon, who assumed that University representatives would think along the lines which he construed most important; nor does the fault lie strictly with the University per- sonnel, who viewed the hearing in a broader, more generalized manner, relat- ing to the cost of University housing maintenance, dormitory food expenses, the cost of attending the University for the average student, et ad infinitum. HE MOST INSPIRING moments of the hearing were provided by students. -Robert W. Goyer, Grad, of the Grad- uate Student Housing Committee, crea- tively and accurately lectured the legis-' lators on high costs of living in Ann Ar- bor, drawing his arguments from facts. and graphs on room and board in resi- dence halls, off-campus housing expens- es, tuition, and incidental educational and living costs. -Gary Cunningham, '66, president of Student Government Council, realistical- ly assessed conflicting goals of the Uni- versity in keeping the academic excel- lence of the school through adequate in- struction and other educational benefits and still allowing expansion to permit enough persons of high intellectual ca- pocity to attend. THE HEARING was rewarding primarily* to the extent that it gave student leaders an excellent opportunity to graph- ically illustrate their sentiments on stu- dent welfare. These presentations actual- ly appeared to strike the legislators as noved, professional and unbecoming of students. The hearing will level, its greatest value PROBABLY THE FIRST barrier to chances of producing anything mean- ingful was the nature of the subcommit- tee itself-it failed to carry out its own purposes. High legislative sources yesterday charged that Faxon's subcommittee "did not have the sanction" of its parent, the House Ways and Means Committee, in its investigations. Faxon was charged with everything from "duplication of ef- fort" to being the tool of "a Democratic form of witch-hunt." Faxon replied that there has been "no duplication at all" and that he has let his accusers "do everything but be chair- man of my subcommittee." The truth of the matter must ultimate- ly lie somewhere in between. But whatever the facts may finally prove to be, it is clear that the questions of Faxon's subcommittee were vague enough to make It impossible for it to carry out its avowed aims. Presumably, a subcommittee of the Ways and Means Committee would have concerned itself with' the mechanics and rationale for University budget requests. Yet Faxon's group covered everything from student grievances to his personal complaints about how children of his con- stituents had been handled by the Uni- versity's admissions office.. WHATEVER the subcommittee did dis- cover about the University's finances must certainly have duplicated the work of hearings held just after the tuition hike this summer by the House Higher Education Committee. Moreover, if it discovered much about the University's finances it must have been by accident. The legislators questions were often uncoordinated and occasionally needless- ly antagonistic. When Rep. George Mont- gomery (D-Detroit) asked Vice-President for Business and Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont an either-or question - which the University put first, the responsibil- ity to pay off its bondholders or its re- sponsibility to lower its dormitory costs to students - it was just like asking whether or not Pierpont had stopped ,eating his wife. YET FOR THEIR PART, the University's 'administrators were not always the models of clarity one would have desired. There was an interesting polarity in their comments. Whenever a member of the subcommittee asked a question about an action which the University had al- ready taken, administrators were able to defend that decision explicitly and com- pletely. Yet when a committee member asked a question about actions which the Uni- versity had not taken, such as construct- ing low-cost housing to force rents down in the central campus area, the best ad- ministrators could do was to offer vague, often evasive, excuses and explanations. The subcommittee was avowedly inter- ested in precisely those problems which had been created by the University's lack of action in several areas. But as a re- sult of its lack of determination to ob- tain answers to questions in those major policy areas and the administration's evidently great desire to avoid such mat- ters, the hearings failed to produce any results at all relating to the problen which led to its creation. STUDENTS AS WELL failed to make their points in several areas. Rep. James Farnsworth caught them napping with an obvious question about how the personal incomes of University students have changed as the costs they are charged have risen. One can guess at the answer, but the students' inability to provide it must have left Farnsworth with doubts as to the validity of their conclu- sions. Moreover, Gary Cunningham, '66, and the other students who echoed his senti- ments, certainly should have realized that a hearing of a House subcommittee was no place to plug for theUniversity's au- tonomy from the Legislature. But in general, the students touched on more points more relevant than did 4 ' , . '"' . , . : - a , " ". "~y' , , . _;: ? ! , ., . -=' 4r. 41; do.4 A41 0i Letters:a New ISA Needed at the 'U' law i ?OF, fo ,: : , ''d , d zi*.. -u*t *"a MiER 1 :- tC: "But isn't this parade in honor of Mayor Lindsay ...?" Schuiz e's Corner: R ed's T ODAY'S CORNER is neither nasty, nor vicious, nor taste- less, nor infuriating. Today's cor- ner, as you will see, is a terse, bouncy, fluffy, giggly, cutey little article about Red's Rite Spot, which they're going to demolish. Red's Rite Spot, as we all know, is a small, laughey, brighty, happy, snappy, warmy, little diner near the corner of Maynard and Wil- liam. For many years, University students have squushed brotherly sisterly into little Red's Rite Spot to engage in chattery bantery, jokery conversation about things and stuff. But soon the great, frightening, powerful, cigar-smoking, industrial magnates are going to crash mer- ciless cement balls, and battering rams, and bulldozers, and sledge- hammers into little Red's Rite Spot; and they're going to smash, and rip, and' splatter, and hack. little Red's Rite Spot into a mis- erable, desolate, little pile of for- lorn rubble. And all of the University stu- dents will rush jabberingly out of Red's and off into the woodland forest where they will live on snake eggs and grasshoppers and toadstool pickings. And Charlie Brown and Red and Sheep and all the people who work in Red's won't have any place to work any- more, and they will have to take jobs as teaching fellows at the University. BUT NEVER FEAR. One bright, gay, shiny, happy day, a new Red's will dramatically rise Phoenix- like from the forlorn rubble of the poor, dead, wrecked, old Red's Rite Spot, and the New Red's will be located on the first floor of the great, soaring, rising mighty building ;which the frightening To the Editor: AM WRITING this letter be- cause I believe the Daily is an effective medium for presenting constructive criticisms and solu- tions to basic student problems. As an international student of this university I am really sur- prised and dissatisfied when I cannot find any International Stu- dent Organization on the campus. There are about 1200 foreign stu- dents and more than twenty na- tionality associations on this cam- pus, yet I cannot find any inter- national student representation on Student Government Council or on Graduate Student Council. The International Student As- sociation, which had been func- tioning very inefficiently and in' ,isolation from the international student body, has been dissolved due to financial problems. While there are many fraternities and sororities on this campus, I have rarely seen foreign students in- corporated in these social organ- izations. IN VIEW of these facts, I sug- gest the following immediate ac- tion and urge all international students and all the American students interested in internation- al affairs, friendship and coopera- tion to support and become active in these areas: 1) To develop a true and uni- versal International Student Or- ganization incorporating all the students from foreign lands and the American students, for the mere purpose of creating an ef- fective medium for international understanding, international friendship and international co- operation in the areas of intellec- tual, cultural and social activities. A representative Executive Com- mittee for this international or- ganization, should be. established through campaigns and general Elections. 2) To create some kind of rep- resentation for the International Student Organization on SGC and GSC. This could be accomplished by establishing an office of the vice-presidency for international affairs or accepting the president of the international student or- ganization as an ex-officio mem- ber of the above-mentioned stu- dent organizatiors. 3) To establish international fraternities and sororities to pro- vide opportunity for foreign stu- dents 'and American students to live together. 4) The International Student Organization should be respon- sible for initiating, developing and implementing the major educa- tional, intellectual and cultural programs as well as social events of international scope. THE UNIVERSITY should en- courage and support the concept of international student coopera- tion through the International Student Organization and help solve the financial problems in- herent in a student organization of international scale. -S. Iman Azar Teaching Fellow Responsible for International Affairs of Iranian Student Association REACH Position To the Editor: MICKEY Eisenberg, a GROUP representative, in his letter of Tuesday, Nov. 9, leveled an attack on REACH that was clearly a distortion of fact. His purported rationality gave way to irration- ality, his objectivity to subjectiv- established between the students and the Regents and Administr.a- tion through the use of the "power tactic." He obviously considers Regents and members of the ad- ministration "monsters and devils" that are to be approached with a negative attitude and this has been the cry of, GROUP. Well, REACH has taken a unique posi- 'tion. REACH wants to open the communication channels also, and therefore, has decided to take a positive approach toward the re- lationship. Thus, REACH is con- tacting such persons with the be- lief that Regents and members of the administration are "human." FURTHERMORE, Eisenberg overlooks the basis on which SGC 'representatives are elected. Stu- dents place them in office to rep- resent the student view on issues directly related to the University. Any SGC representative that feels that he is representing anything more than his own personal view when taking a stand on a national or internationalissue is only kid- ding himself and/or misprepre- senting his constituency. Eisenberg naively wonders how REACH can represent a diversity of interest without taking on poli- tical issues. Well, the only reason that REACH can represent the entire spectrum of political beliefs on a camphs level is because REACH does not involve 'itself with national and international matters. Therefore, if GROUP rants to take credit for the Bookstore Re- port, the attempt to create com- munications between the students and the administration and Re- gents, and "the acceptance of SOC to concern itself with off-campus issues," then it must also accept he blame for the report's de- ficiencies, the inability to form better communications due to a negative approach, and the mis- representation of their constitu- ency's mandate. --Marvin J. Freedman, '67 REACH Campaign/Policy Coordinator GROUP Statement To the Editor: GCROUP HAS STATED in articles in the Daily that one of the four main points of its platform is Outside Political Affairs, and "according to Robinson, GROUP considers SGC as a representative to the student body that presents 'students' views to outside world." GROUP's obviously suffering from 'a temporary lapse of memory or perhaps political expediency, and has failed to mention what the views are that it will represent. Due to particular interest created by the Viet Nam Referendum and GROUP's purported belief that it has a responsibility to take stands on national and international is- sues, it would be in the best in- terests of GROUP and the stu- dents whom it intends to repre- sent if it would declare its posi- tion on the Viet Nam issue. -Judy Goldstein,'67 A rue Accwusafton? BY BOMBING and strafing irri- gation projects in North Viet Nam, the U.S. aggressors want to provoke floods, to destroy crops and to bring about other calami- ties. Such U.S. acts are as cruel 4 * -Daly-Thomas R. Copi ALL THE GANG at Red's Rite Spot The New York Blackout: Miracle on 34th St. By JOYCE WINSLOW AND DARKNESS was over the face of the land; the Mighty Arm of God had struck. Came the thunderous wrath: "Behold you have taken false idols before Me against my command- ment." And the masses caught in sub- way cars huddled in fear. The women, in, trepidation, loosed their holds on Bergdorf-Goodman boxes. The flanneled men raised up their eyes in good-looking surprise and dropped their graven Wall Street tened silently to the rejoicing of the looters; "Behold. I gave the Garden of Eden, and I took it away." And 400,000 men beat upon tele- vision, radioes, and heaters. The women across the curve of the world lifted up their wood- en spoons in wonder. And the children of God stum- bled and fell on the squelched Great White Way. The cliff- dwellers hovered in confusion at, the stacked panes of tall, black